Jewelry requires careful care

Almost every woman loves to wear jewelry. However, not every one of them knows that they need a careful treatment and careful maintenance.

The most popular today are the jewels of gold. One of the most accessible and popular methods of cleaning are ordinary dishwashing detergent diluted with water in a small container, which is placed rings, earrings and chains about a day. Then, using a soft toothbrush to clean the product thoroughly. After the end of the procedure, a good rinse with gold ornaments in boiled water and wipe dry with a towel. To decorate acquired luster and shone need to rub them with a piece of suede fabric.

Silver jewelry require no less care than the product of gold. For their cleaning can recommend the easiest way: a small container to fill with warm water and ordinary soap and put back all the silver jewelry for 12-24 hours. Then rinse them with boiled water and wipe with a cloth chamois. To return to the darkened silver products attractive appearance, it is enough to clean their normal baking soda, using a toothbrush.

We would like to remind you that any jewelry store or desirable in boxes, or in special cases, and in any case do not leave them in a room with high humidity. Diamond jewelry is recommended to remove before washing your hands or taking a bath.

 Jewelry requires careful care

We recommend to check out how to clean gold with diamonds

 Useful than green tea


  • What makes green tea so special?
  • Useful than green tea?
  • Other advantages
  • Is harm from exposure to tea?
  • How to prepare green tea

Tell me, how about any other product you have heard so often that it is good for health as it is to hear about green tea? The Chinese have known about the medicinal properties of green tea since ancient times, and used it to treat any disease, ranging from headaches and depression ending. Historians believe that green tea has been used as a medicine in China for at least four thousand years. And the Chinese themselves say that "it is better to be deprived of food for three days, than to stay one day without tea" (an ancient Chinese proverb).

Useful than green tea? At present, both in Asia and in the West there are numerous scientific studies, and their results provide compelling evidence for the health benefits of tea. For example, in 1994 in the scientific journal the National Cancer Institute published the results of epidemiological studies that have indicated that drinking green tea reduces the risk of esophageal cancer among Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. But researchers at a university came to the firm conclusion that the substances contained in the green tea inhibit the growth of cancer cells. There were also studies that have shown that drinking green tea lowers cholesterol in the body.

Here are some diseases in which is believed to be very useful to drink green tea:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • High cholesterol;
  • Cardiovascular disease;
  • Various infections;
  • Immunocompromised.

What makes green tea so special?

Secret green tea is that it is rich in substances which are potent antioxidants; they not only inhibit the growth of cancer cells, but also kill them without harming healthy tissue. Tea is also (as we have already mentioned), lowers cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots. The latter is even more important when you consider that thrombosis is a major cause of serious heart attacks and strokes.

A useful than green tea for us women? The most unexpected response we get, if we remember about the "French paradox" that is so puzzled scientists for many years. They could not understand why the French, despite the consumption of food rich in fat, have a much lower incidence of heart disease than other nationalities. The answer was found in red wine, which is so like to drink French. It contains polyphenols, which limit the negative effects of smoking and a fatty diet.

In 1997, scientists at the University of Kansas found that similar substances found in green tea. Therefore, it is the habit of drinking the best quality green tea may explain why the rate of heart disease among Japanese men is quite low, even though approximately seventy-five percent of them are smokers. And thanks to the valuable quality of green tea - the ability to neutralize the effects of consumption is not very healthy diet - interesting green tea and all women. But this - a little later!
I wonder is this: why do not other Chinese teas have similar healing properties? After all, green tea and oolong tea and black tea - they are all made from the leaves of the same plant! The only thing that distinguishes the green tea from all the others - is a special way to handle it. Therefore, both in dry and brewed green tea has a special color, taste and smell. This pleasant, tonic, came from the East, has become very popular among modern people leading a healthy lifestyle.

 properties of green tea

Useful than green tea?

We've listed some of the properties of this wonderful drink. But let's take a closer look, what benefits we can bring to your body, if you will regularly drink the most wonderful tea?

  1. For green tea is characterized by a high content of vitamin A. It is necessary for the health of the lung and urinary tract, mucous membranes, throat, nose, for good skin and hair.
  2. The thyroid gland, nervous system, and many other organs are supported thanks to vitamins Groups B, contained in green tea. Riboflavin protects against diabetes and hepatitis, positive effect on the skin. Pantothenic acid is useful for the digestive tract.
  3. Vitamin P prevents bleeding and helps maintain normal blood vessels.
  4. Green tea promotes decomposition of cholesterol in the blood.
  5.   Polyphenols have a strong antioxidant effect and protect against the effects of free radicals, slowing down aging and prevent cancer. Catechins reduce pressure and reduce the likelihood of blood clots.
  6. For pregnant tea is useful due to high content of zinc.

Also, the drink is also used in cosmetic purposes. This tradition has come from ancient Japan, where local beauties made from green tea, special cleaning and whitening mask to preserve fresh complexion. Useful properties of green tea are successfully used for healing and rejuvenation. Besides preventing aging of the skin, it has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. Tannins narrow pores. In the midst of brewing green tea contains a lot of fluoride - it is possible to brush your teeth, which is what many Japanese.

Other advantages

And you know what green tea is still useful? It may even help to lose weight! This is scientifically proven. In November 1999, the American magazine "Clinical Nutrition" published the results of research at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. The researchers found that the men who participated in the experiment, which is offered to use a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those who ate or only caffeine or a placebo. So today often use green tea for weight loss. It accelerates the removal of fat from the body, improves metabolism, tones and energizes.

Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay. Just as its ability to destroy bacteria helps prevent food poisoning, this tea can also kill the bacteria that cause dental plaque. Here is such a wonderful tea-doctor!

 Green Tea Properties

Is harm from exposure to tea?

So, useful whether green tea, have no doubt. But whether this drink any negative properties? To date, identified only negative side effect, which is caused by the presence of caffeine in tea - the ability to cause insomnia. However, green tea contains less caffeine than coffee. And yet, it is better to refrain from unlimited use of green tea?

  • People with cardiovascular disease need to limit the consumption of green tea because of the caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, they excite;
  • A large number of purines provokes the formation of urea in the body - for gout, rheumatism, arthritis can not drink green tea;
  • In the end, a simple overdose of green tea provides people with a weak nervous system irritability, insomnia and fatigue.

How to prepare green tea

To properly prepare green tea, especially the need to try. It is easy to destroy the properties of green tea, brewed with boiling water if it is. It will ruin the taste and vitamins will kill.

The optimum temperature - 82-88 ° C, for white and yellow teas - 60-66 ° C. For welding a couple of minutes is sufficient for the highest quality varieties - about 30 seconds. It will take more time and a higher temperature of the water, if the tea is of lower quality and inexpensive. However, if you press the green tea too long, it will taste bitter and astringent.

Undoubtedly, green tea obvious advantage is that it is possible to make 2-3, and some resistant varieties and 7-10 times. But do not mix different tea leaves, so as not to spoil the unusual shades of tea bouquet.

Use this wonderful gift of nature eastern and be healthy and beautiful!

 Useful than green tea: natural secret health

We recommend that read: useful and harmful properties of green tea
