kalanchoe blossfeldiana


  • Biological description
  • Plant Care
  • Reproduction
  • Diseases and pests

Many inexperienced people in floriculture is associated with a home Kalanchoe flower have medicinal properties and are not very decorative. Meanwhile, this houseplant presented is not the only kind that we used to see on the window sills in the homes of our grandmothers. There are among Kalanchoe and beautiful flowering specimens, which today have become very, very popular. And among them Blossfeldiana kalanchoe, which can be bought in almost any flower shop.

However, by purchasing from a store or received a gift this flower, not everyone can keep it for a long time and wait for the re-flowering. And the thing that grown in greenhouses potted plants, which then go on sale, are subject to special treatment. First, the plants provide a special light regime that promotes lush blooms, and secondly, it is treated with growth stimulants. In the home environment to create a flower similar conditions is very difficult. That is why soon after flowering kalanchoe is killed, and a pot with a plant goes into the trash.

And this despite the fact that Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana considered to undemanding plant that does not require special care and any special conditions of detention. Not many people know that the transplant and proper care it is possible to save the flower and even multiply it by getting new ones, adapted to the room conditions instances. How to do it and that this is a houseplant, and we'll try to find out.

Biological description

Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana native to Madagascar. This is a perennial plant belonging to the succulents and represented more than two hundred species. Flower growing small compact bush height of not more than thirty centimeters. His fleshy dark green leaves with a smooth shiny surface, crenate margins and reddish border. Leaflets are small, egg-shaped, reaching a length of seven centimeters, collected in a rosette.

Above the rosette of leaves rises sufficiently long flower stalks, topped with a lush bouquet of small tubular flowers, which can inflorescence consists of more than sixty. The flowers of different species of Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana are white, orange, red, yellow, purple or pink. There are varieties with simple and double flowers.

Flowering succulent this room continuously: from spring until autumn. On the duration and frequency of flowering, as well as on the development of plants and buds tab affects the duration of daylight. It provides short daylight hours and regular luxuriant blossoms of this plant. And it is perhaps the only feature of the flower room. In all other respects, he is unpretentious: it does not need special care and specially created conditions. Note that in addition to the decorative succulent has also medicinal properties, as well as other species of Kalanchoe.

 kalanchoe blossfeldiana care

Plant Care

Becoming the owner of this beautiful flower room, you must first find a suitable location. It is best Kalanchoe will feel on the windowsills of the southern, eastern and western windows. And on the south window plant to be moved in the winter. In spring and summer the flower room feels great and outdoors, so you can safely make it to the balcony, patio or garden. Just do not forget it pritenyat from direct sun as succulents do not tolerate bright sunlight. If in this period the plant remains in the room, the room must be periodically ventilated.

For planting and transplanting Kalanchoe Pick up a small flower pot. Ideally, it should even be a little cramped plant. The soil should be well drained and take necessarily with sand. Water the plants in the spring and autumn abundant, waiting for the drying of the soil and reduce watering in winter. Kalanchoe does not require spraying and moistening the air near the flower, as the fleshy leaves of this plant are well retain moisture.

At the beginning of the active period of Kalanchoe is necessary to feed the complex mineral fertilizers. Fertilizing is carried out about twice a month and stop when the first flowers. In the summer, be sure to loosen the soil in the pot with a flower and do it at least twice a week.

After the flowering period the plant goes into dormancy stage, and requires little maintenance other than the active period. At this time you need to remove all the stalks, move the pot in a shady flower (but not dark!) Place and watered very sparingly. And in the first month after the end of flowering kalanchoe watered quite rare. In the second month, a period of rest the pot is moved to a bright windowsill and watered moderately but regularly. It is important to remember that at any time of the year Kalanchoe not tolerate stagnant water in the soil. Therefore, after watering is necessary to wipe dry the bottom of a pot and pan.

Proper care for these plants include annual transplant. With the beginning of spring flowers with a clod of earth is necessary to cross a new flower pot diameter of a couple of centimeters more than the first. If, however, before reloading you notice red or yellow leaves, signs of root rot or destruction plant parasites, it must be transplanted in a new pochvosmes. This completely removed the earth from the roots, cut off the dried roots or rotten areas and replace drainage. You can begin to feed the plant after three to four weeks after transplantation.


All species of Kalanchoe is easy to reproduce at home. Reproduction spend leaf cuttings, new processes and the method of stem. The easiest way to get new copies of the plant with the help of stem cuttings. Reproduction by this method is as follows.

The adult plants are cut a few young shoots in length from ten to fifteen centimeters. It is necessary to take a portion of the stems with an even number of internodes - two or four. Cuttings are cut with a sharp knife, the blade pre-disinfected. On the lower part of the stalk cut carefully remove the leaves and dried the cut, leaving the stalks in the air for about two hours.

After that, put in pochvosmes cutting peat and wet sand, seedling buried five centimeters. Earth is compacted around the cutting and seedling not harbor - in miniparnichkah Kalanchoe do not need. However, we must ensure that young plants constant temperature (about 25 degrees) and regular, but moderate watering. It is also necessary to protect the newly planted cuttings from cold and drafts. To end up with a compact and lush bush, you can put several cuttings in a permanent pot.

Propagation of Kalanchoe carried out in spring or summer. It is also possible the multiplication of the plant leaf cuttings and seeds. During the multiplication of leaf cuttings are a plant leaf is placed on moist soil and lightly pressed. After a while a piece of root around the perimeter, and then the edges appear kids. Care leaf cuttings planted the standard - maintaining a constant temperature and a cautious moderate watering. Kalanchoe seeds sprout at temperature 20-25 ° C.

 kalanchoe blossfeldiana medicinal properties

Diseases and pests

In fact, all kinds of Kalanchoe considered not only the unpretentious, but also resistant to possible diseases. However, improper care can trigger the occurrence of diseases and even lead to death of the plant. For example, excessive watering causes pulling plants degeneration and loss of color of leaves and stem and root rot. If you noticed that the stems of Kalanchoe began to be drawn, and the leaves fade, it is necessary to reduce watering and cut the tip of the plant. By the way, the cut stalks can be root.

With a lack of moisture on the leaves appear dry brown spots, and later the leaves fall. Therefore, you must monitor the timely watering the plants and prevent drying earthen coma. If the leaves of Kalanchoe moist brown spots appeared, it may indicate a viral or bacterial diseases. In this case, with all plants removed the affected leaves was treated with fugintsidami.

Pests flowering plants rarely attack Kalanchoe. However, it is possible defeat of the bottom of the leaves of the plant by aphids. With her struggling in the traditional way, using insecticides or processing plant with soapy water.

In general, with proper care your kalanchoe blossfeldiana will have a healthy and youthful appearance. You agree that this is a beautiful flowering houseplants can not be called demanding or too capricious. But your concern and attention will pay off long and lush flowering so unpretentious and responsive to the care of green pet.

 Kalanchoe blossfeldiana - cultivation and care at home

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