Kalanchoe Calandiva


  • Botanical portrait
  • Conditions of detention and care
  • Flowering
  • Summary

If you want to supplement their collection of indoor plants beautiful but unpretentious instance, you should pay attention to the flowering Kalanchoe varieties. Not many people know that this is a medicinal plant presented and very ornamental varieties - such posies in the pot. Among them are very popular Kalanchoe Calandiva, which was derived from a variety of Kalanchoe Blosfelda. In many ways, these grades are similar, but have some differences. Calandiva is different from its progenitor, especially miniature size. However, the peculiarities of the class is to learn more in detail.

Botanical portrait

Calandiva belongs to the family Crassulaceae from the group of succulents. It largely determines the conditions of detention and kalanchoe in the home, and maintenance requirements. In the wild, this variety does not grow as a result of selection. But his relatives live in almost all continents - in Africa, Australia, Southeast Asia and America.

Sort Calandiva remarkable ruggedness and features arts. Unlike the variety Blosfelda kalanchoe blooms longer and more abundant. It looks compact bush plant with thick fleshy stems and trim leaves, which can be both smooth and velvety. The size of the bush does not exceed a height of thirty centimeters. Flower stalks are short, small flowers, terry, lush blossoms collected. The color of flowers presented to the warm palette: all shades of red, pink, yellow and salmon color. Particularly impressive looks Kalanchoe Calandiva mix - a mix of plants with flowers of different colors.

Flowering kalanchoe are short-day plants bloom, and only under strict light regimen. But they really bloom profusely for a long time - up to six months. Flowering generally begins in January and lasts until the summer. After flowering, a period of rest, which these plants are obscured. Therefore, special care during this period the plant is not required.

 Kalanchoe mix

Conditions of detention and care

Kalanchoe is considered to be low-maintenance plants, ideal for growing indoors. Almost any trouble to their owners Kalanchoe does not deliver. The only problem - the observance of the light regime to lay the buds. This sort of Kalanchoe prefers well-lit areas, but easily tolerates partial shade. Do not place pots of kalanchoe in shaded areas as well as in bright windowsills. In any case, you must plant pritenyat from direct sunlight, which can cause burns the leaves.

Calandiva perfectly transports the dry air and does not require additional spraying. Room temperature in the range of 15 to 30 degrees are also quite comfortable for this plant. The only thing that is afraid of the flower - cold drafts, which can cause the appearance of gray mold on the leaves. Unfavorable for the plant and is considered to be a combination of high humidity and high temperature. In such circumstances, kalanchoe is affected with powdery mildew.

Therefore, the primary care of plants is reduced to the timely, but not very frequent watering and fertilizing the flower. Watering Kalanchoe soft (separated or filtered) water as the drying of groundnut coma. Keep in mind that the lack of moisture all succulents carry lighter than its surplus. Therefore, after watering is necessary to wipe dry the bottom of the pot and pan.

Fertilize Kalanchoe summer and autumn - in the period of flower buds favorites. To feed use complex fertilizers or mixtures intended for succulents. Fertilizer plant in accordance with the instructions and added to water for irrigation. Feed plant about once or twice a month. During the period of flowering plants do not require special care. However, for the extension of this period experienced growers recommend to remove all withered flowers. And it is very important to make sure that while spraying water falling on the flowers of Kalanchoe.

To grow Calandiva fit small flower pots and pochvosmes designed for succulents. Frequent replanting is required, since it does not grow large. Therefore, you need to replant the flower only after the purchase, changing temporary to permanent pot. It is also recommended to carry out a transplant in the case of the decay of the roots of infected plants and pests.

Propagation of Kalanchoe method of propagation, rooting individual leaves or cut shoots. Leaf cuttings propagated Calandiva at any time. But stem cuttings is convenient to take during pruning, which is carried out after the flowering period. Cut flower only for decorative purposes, to remove all the stalks and give bush a more compact form. Sometimes pruning is carried out "on the stump." This procedure allows to rejuvenate the plant and allow it to gain strength for the flowering of the new season.


Often the newly minted owners Calandiva can not wait to re-flowering plants, so just throw lost decorative bush. And it happens only because of lack of information. After acquiring the plant as an unpretentious, full of confidence that the Calandiva not require special care. All this is true, but only partly.

For flowering Kalanchoe needs short daylight hours, the same as at home. And indoors plant is often kept at the bottom of a long light - because the lamp burning we have until nightfall. To re-flowered plant, it must be illuminated for no longer than ten hours per day. How to care for Calandiva in this period?

After nine o'clock in the evening you need to close the window, where there is a flower, black-out curtains. If the window is shining bright lights in a room or a long time the lights go down, the flower pot can be removed in the closet until the morning. And, you can cover the plant with plastic bucket, the benefit of compact dimensions allow Bush to do it without difficulty. Such measures are needed only before the first spike. Thereafter, the plant can comprise an ordinary light mode.

It is clear that all of these efforts significantly complicate the care of the flower. But if you want your Calandiva bloomed long and continuously, it is possible and to strive. After all, no other features of care for this succulent is not complicated. By the way, another reason for the lack of flowering in due time may be an excess of fertilizer. So do not get carried away dressings.

 Kalanchoe Calandiva mix


Let us summarize all of the above. Do not be put off by these features plants and the possible complications of care. In fact Calandiva very undemanding plant. Pest infestation is very rare, and if you take care of him properly, then nothing is ill. It is only necessary to keep the plant in a well-lit room, and not fill it in time to feed. This will be enough to flower felt quite comfortable.

If you want to see it flowering every new season, and that was abundant flowering and prolonged, then:

  • in cloudy weather provide additional lighting plant - then it will be flowers large;
  • remove with a flower pot in a dark place after the light it will stay nine o'clock;
  • Spend pruning after flowering Calandiva and let rest, reduce watering and feeding completely stopping;
  • with the onset of autumn begin to feed Kalanchoe fertilizer for cacti and succulents, and before flowering - fertilizer for flowering plants.

By following these simple rules, you will get a healthy, green and compact bush, which in due course turn into a bunch of flowers on the windowsill. Remember - what goes around, comes around. So do not skimp on the care of your Kalanchoe Calandiva! Potted flowers responsive and grateful. Good luck!

 Kalanchoe Calandiva - floral bouquet on a window sill

 how to care for bamboo in the home


  • Bamboo in water
  • Bamboo in the ground
  • Why the plant turn yellow and fade?

Sander - a flower that only looks like the real wood and bamboo. In fact, this plant belongs to the family dratsenovyh. "Dragon tree" - so translates the name of the home of bamboo. A postscript "Sander" appeared thanks to the well-known English collector Frederick Sander, who revealed to the world the decorative flower.

In people, this plant has another name - Bamboo happiness. According to the philosophy of Feng Shui Dracaena braunii is capable to bring to the house of good luck and happiness. People believe in the virtue of a talisman, so the indoor bamboo are increasingly found in urban apartments. By purchasing a plant, naturally, we do not know all the details of its cultivation. But without proper care, even the most unpretentious room flower may die. Today we'll talk about how to care for bamboo and what content you need him at home.

Bamboo in water

It is said that this plant does not have any serious preferences. Bamboo does not require greater attention, the only condition for the successful cultivation is timely watering. And when properly selected lighting plant grows up to 2 meters in height and becomes the original indoor decoration.

Experts advise home grown bamboo in water, without soil mix. This moist environment has all the necessary qualities for the successful growth and development of plants. If the roots of Dracaena will always be in the water, it will never feel the lack of moisture, which can be fatal for her.

Capacity for decorative bamboo should choose wide and not very deep. Beautifully dracaena looks in transparent flowerpot. For stability and beauty can impose dratsenu stones or other decorative elements, pre-rinsing them with boiled water. It should be borne in mind that the water from the tap used to grow bamboo is impossible. It contains harmful substances that are not the best way affects the health of the plant.

If you are unable to plant bamboo in purified water, the right to use rainwater. Or just freeze a bottle of water and let it thaw in the wild. As a result of all these manipulations will acquire the desired softness of the water, and all the contaminants evaporate. Remember once a week to change the water in a flowerpot. And for more active growth of plants use special liquid fertilizer, spreading them strictly according to instructions.

If you notice that the water has got an unpleasant smell, an urgent need to replace it. Or dilute it a bit of charcoal, which has antibacterial properties and does not develop a fungal infection.

 both in the home to care for bamboo

Bamboo in the ground

At home you can grow decorative bamboo and soil mix. And he does not need any particular soil, is enough to get one that is suitable for any house plant - universal. I do not think that in the land of dracaena will grow worse - the main thing here is not to miscalculate with irrigation.

Pot plants must have drainage holes. Otherwise, the roots begin to grow moldy, the leaves turn yellow and the plant will die. At the bottom of the pot must be placed a layer of expanded clay, which does not give the water to stagnate. Transplanted flower abundantly pour and put it in the selected location.

Water for irrigation is necessary to defend or use filtered rainwater or melted. The water temperature should be room temperature. In the hot season dracaena needs a plentiful "drinking" (2-3 times a week). With the onset of cold weather watering is reduced and carried out only as a complete drying of the soil.

Remember, direct sunlight harmful to the dracaena. If you can not put it away from them, at midday necessarily cover the leaves and stem, in order to avoid burns. Caring for bamboo becomes even easier if you put it in partial shade. Bamboo is not picky about the temperature. It will feel equally well at 15 degrees heat and 35.

Why the plant turn yellow and fade?

Indoor bamboo, care which is not particularly difficult, can still bring their owners a problem - yellowing of leaves and stems. With this nuisance experienced by many growers. The reason can be different: it is a fungal infection, and heavy fertilizer (or, conversely, failure), and poor-quality water for irrigation. In any case it is necessary to revise the methods of caring for plants and identify when and what you did wrong. Be sure to change the water in a flowerpot or transplant the plant in fresh soil.

Yellow and dry leaves to remove. If spots appear on the stem of a plant, do the following: a sharp knife carefully cut the damaged area, give the cut to dry for 2-3 hours, and sprinkle it with crushed charcoal. Then remove the remains of powder and seal the portion of molten wax.

That's all. Now that you know how to care for bamboo. Feel free to purchase a happy plant, and put on the most prominent place in your home. It does not matter whether you believe in its power or not. In any case, the indoor bamboo will be a great decoration of the room in which he lives!

 How to care for bamboo in the home? Comprehend the wisdom
