He lives in our homes an amazing guest from South Africa, and his name - Kalanchoe. There are about 200 species of this amazing plant. Among them are viviparous, and decorative hardwoods. Some species very successfully used in folk and traditional medicine (particularly in cosmetology and for the treatment of colds) And all thanks to the bactericidal properties of the flower.
Today we will talk about one of the most common types of plants - about bryophyllum daigremontianum. It is often confused with a very close relative - Kalanchoe pinnate, although under the terms of the content of this confusion has practically no effect.
Outward appearance
Kalanchoe won its popularity not only because of the rough conditions of detention, but also because of his amazing way of reproduction. This flower grows up to two feet in height. Its leaves are oblong and fleshy, with serrated edges. In the recesses between the teeth have a brood buds from which are formed babies. They grow directly on the mother plant and have their own roots. If this baby hits the ground, it instantly takes root and begins to develop a young flower.
This species of Kalanchoe a single stem, which does not allow branches. Depending on the conditions of Degremon leaves can reach 24 centimeters in length. They are shiny, rich green color with a light blue. In a perfectly healthy plant leaves grow straight up, and a little jagged edges are wrapped inside. Its trunk Kalanchoe rather fragile and in need of support, over time, lower leaves tend to fall off, resulting in the trunk laid bare.
Features care and cultivation
Overall, this undemanding plant does not need special care. Given that the birthplace of Kalanchoe are still the tropics, he loves well-lighted and ventilated areas. But it is desirable to avoid contact with direct sunlight. This kind of approach is much more diffused light, otherwise the leaves acquire a dark color with a reddish tinge, and the plant itself will start to shrink.
Optimal daytime temperatures - 20-23 degrees drop in temperature at night is allowed within reasonable limits. In winter, the ambient temperature should not fall below 15 degrees. Kalanchoe likes airing, but does not tolerate cold drafts, so it is necessary to keep it in appropriate conditions. During the summer pot plant can be safely put in the garden or on the open veranda - there just like him. However, in the rain or mist flower better put them in the house.
Watering and fertilizing
In the period of active growth, which accounts for the warmer months, watering should be moderate. It is not necessary to prevent excessive drying of the soil in the pot, but hard water it is also not necessary. Keep before watering the earth was quite half wet. Feed the plant can be spring and summer. A single feeding per month by any universal fertilizer for succulents. In the cold season bryophyllum daigremontianum it does not require additional feeding.
Young plants are transplanted each year. Pot is selected in accordance with the size of the plant, usually 1-2 centimeters more than the previous. As a primer, you can either buy the usual mix of succulents, either on their own to make the right mix. You will need:
1 part sod land;
1 of the sheet;
1 part peat;
1 part sand and crumbs of expanded clay.
Also in the ground, you can add a little brick crumbs and birch coals. Subsequently the plants are transplanted when it reaches a height of 40-50 centimeters. At this time, it loses its appeal, the tip is usually cut off and take root in the new pot.
Almost all the work on breeding flower perform on their own. Young shoots are on the mother plant for several weeks, and then they fall to the ground where their own roots. At this time, it is desirable to collect them, but it is possible to leave. Then a few growing Kalanchoe will look more picturesque. It is not necessary to get rid of all the young shoots. Older plants as they grow very quickly lose their appeal, they still have to be updated periodically.
Blossoms whether bryophyllum daigremontianum?
The fact that this type of Kalanchoe blooms still know very few. And, nevertheless, adult plants flowers can please their owners at the beginning of the autumn or winter. Inflorescence tubular flowers are orange or pink color, which rise above the leaves in the form of a crown.
Sometimes the flower stalks can grow to 30 centimeters in height. During flowering sure to take care of the backup. For flowering plants should be a long night and a short day. If you create such conditions, the plant will bloom again, just remember that with a lack of light is used Kalanchoe much stretch.
Possible problems
The appearance on the leaves dry brown spots talk about the content in the cool and humid environment, and the emergence of gray mold - about excess moisture and heat. Kalanchoe often affected by aphids, which can remove by a variety of drugs that are sold in stores.
You can resort to national methods, for example, treat the plant with soapy water. One day you must wash solution, necessarily covering the soil with polyethylene. If you have just noticed the appearance of aphids, enough to wipe the leaves of plants with a damp sponge.
Benefits of Plants
In terms of urban life we are constantly pursuing beriberi. Fight them offer via multiple vitamin and mineral complexes. But if your house living bryophyllum daigremontianum, beriberi problem is solved automatically. Leaves of plants are real storehouse of nutrients. Here and contain flavonoids and polysaccharides, and a lot of minerals and organic acids.
Therefore know people use the leaves of a flower to eat. It is enough to thoroughly wash the leaves and chop it into small pieces - a great supplement to any salad is ready. Especially recommended to use this plant to those who suffer from periodontitis and gingivitis. The substances contained in it, reduce bleeding gums, inflammation of the mucous membrane is removed and have a beneficial effect on the state of the oral cavity as a whole.
As a prevention of gum disease can be carried out spraying the oral Kalanchoe juice. To do this, break the lower leaves of the plant, carefully washed and cut into small pieces. Juice squeezed through several layers of cheesecloth or just through the dense tissue. Irrigation make morning and evening - after brushing. Ideally before each procedure is necessary to prepare fresh juice.
But that's not all the useful properties of Kalanchoe. On top of it is an excellent "biostimulant". Just a few drops of juice, and possibly the next flu season will take place without you. To prepare a prophylactic agent, it is necessary to cut the leaves of Kalanchoe and stand in the refrigerator for two weeks. Under such conditions, the plant produces unique substances which are able to activate many vital processes in the body. Now you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves, as described above, and use it as needed.
Now that you know how to grow bryophyllum daigremontianum. Subject to the simple guidelines described in this article in your house settled healthy and beautiful plant, which not only decorate the room, but will also become the home physician in many situations.
Caring for orchids without express standstill
Caring for orchids with softly pronounced period of rest
Caring for orchids with a pronounced period of rest
General recommendations for winter maintenance
Orchids - a wonderful creation of nature. And this statement is hard to argue. Species of plants quite a lot - they are all different and unique in its own way. There are varieties that require special and careful attention, but there are those who do not bring their owners much hassle. Therefore, any grower can choose the flower that will suit him and growing conditions, and the complexity of care.
Today we talk about what kind of care needed orchids winter. This time of year many of them are expressed in resting and do not require too much attention. Some are capable of year-round to delight us with fragrant buds, but in the winter and they need care that is different from the spring and summer.
As one article can not cover all aspects of this flower, we chose those that are most common among amateur gardeners. And their example will tell you how to care for orchids, as well as focus on the peculiarities of their cultivation.
It should be noted that all the plants are divided into three categories:
Orchid without express standstill
Caring for orchids so evenly: watering, lighting and temperature is the same all year round. However, it is worth considering that care for them in the winter is a little different. These plants include the famous phalaenopsis Milton pafiopedilyumy (shoes);
Orchid needs a change of content
Do not go into full hibernation, but the care of these orchids vary dramatically: watering and fertilizing winter reduced several times. Examples of such plants are some types Dendrobiums, cattleya, lelii, Oncidium.
Orchid with a pronounced period of rest
It requires special care: the complete drying of the soil. That is, the watering ceases altogether. At this time the plants are completely deprived of leaves, new shoots appear in the spring. These orchids are: Dendrobium (several kinds), tunii, Pleione, Kalanta.
In order to know exactly how to care for an orchid, acquiring the plant, be sure to ask the seller of its features.
Caring for orchids without express standstill
Properly care for this flower, then give her a bright light. In winter, need lighting with fluorescent lamps. The desired temperature - not less than 12 degrees. Watering during the cold season is temperate, the need for it arises only when the soil is completely dry.
Water treatments is best carried out by immersing the pot in a bowl of water. In this state, leave a flower 20-30 minutes, then remove and allow to drain. Orchid needs a spray, but in winter it is better not to carry out this procedure. In autumn and winter it is only necessary to spray the air around the flower. Care in a given period does not imply feeding.
Need a moderate watering the same all year. This orchid flower stalks throws it in the winter, so at this time of year you need additional coverage. He likes bright light and scattered. The air temperature in the room where the orchid should be at least 10 but not more than 18 degrees. Watering plants, make sure that no water enters the base of the flower, or may start rotting of the stem.
Thermophilic orchid. Needs temperature not lower than 18 degrees. The substrate to be constantly moist, watering is done by lowering the plant in a container with water up to the level of the lower leaves. It should be spraying and aerial roots. Mandatory lighting.
As Wanda thermophilic, but prefers shaded places. Therefore, light in winter is not required. The air temperature in the afternoon - 20-25 degrees. Night - not lower than 15 degrees. Orchid sensitive to drafts and temperature variations. He loves abundant watering during flowering (spring-summer). But winter water treatment mild - before the next watering the soil should be completely dry. Fertilizing completely overturned.
Caring for orchids with softly pronounced period of rest
Orchid has a lot of this type of hybrid. They can be divided into two main types: flowering in spring and autumn flowering. However, it should be noted that this division is only conditionally, since favorable conditions may give rise to bloom at any time of the year. Autumn varieties of plants have virtually no dormancy. Immediately after flowering, this orchid can release the next spike.
However, in the winter she needs rest: reduce watering, fertilizer is not applicable. Spring flowers hibernate as to release the flower stalk and after. At such times, they also want to reduce watering to a minimum. But the lighting should remain the same - a bright and diffuse. Temperature conditions in the autumn and winter should be moderate - 12-18 degrees.
Almost all kinds of dendrobium bloom in late winter or early spring. Therefore, at this time, care must be appropriate: abundant watering, good lighting, dressing. After flowering, a period of rest. At this time, do not apply fertilizer, watering is carried out as a complete drying of the soil. In winter orchid requires high humidity, otherwise it can affect spider mite.
Caring for orchids with a pronounced period of rest
With the onset of autumn, when the leaves of the plant start to turn yellow and fall off, gradually reduce watering. Once the orchid is left bare completely stop watering completely. To stem plants do not break off, their tie recommended. Temperature range - 8-10 degrees. Lighting - bright and diffused. Light and cool wintering will ensure abundant spring bloom.
This type does not require high temperatures or summer or winter. Therefore, take care of him is a pleasure. In cold weather, the plant is completely shed their leaves. Once this happens, it is necessary to transplant it into fresh soil. Watering in winter is almost not necessary - only after the transplant. If possible, bring to flower glazed balcony or veranda, as the air temperature should not exceed 7-10 degrees. The backlight is needed at any time of the year.
The same applies to the deciduous orchids. The rest period begins immediately after flowering, usually at the end of winter. While the plant is in bloom, it needs abundant watering, fertilizing and high humidity. Once the flower fold leaves completely stop watering and place the pot in a cool, well-ventilated area. "Sleeps" plant 1.5-2 months. After the first young shoots and leaves is necessary to gradually increase watering and fertilize start.
General recommendations for winter maintenance
At any time of the year orchids necessary ventilation. However, do not allow drafts, otherwise the plant is sick and die. Ventilate the room, where they live orchids, better in the daytime. As a general rule, plants are placed on a window sill. Orchids are not the exception. In order to avoid overcooling the roots, it is advisable to put under pots with flowers pieces of foam.
Do not forget the additional lighting. In winter, it is necessary for all orchids, without exception. Illumination should be carried out within 12 hours from 8 am to 8 pm. It may be used for this special lamp, sold by florists. In the absence of such equipment use ordinary fluorescent lights.
If it's too frosty, flowers that are on the windowsill, it is better to remove to another place. If this is not possible, divide the window and flower pot with a sheet of foam. If you are only cold-loving plants grow, and bring them to the balcony or patio there is no way, cut off from their room film. This cooling method will help you take care of the flower - significantly increase the humidity.
In winter, it is not recommended to spray the plants, even those that do not have a pronounced period of rest. If you can not do without spraying (for example, you need to remove pests), carry out the procedure only in the morning and hot water use. Sprayer must be set to the most petty spray, so the water will not stagnate in the leaf axils and at the point of growth.
Those kinds of orchids that do not hibernate, it is possible to bathe in the shower occasionally. After the procedure, leave the plants in the bathroom for a couple of hours, then, store room, but the window is not immediately put - let spend the night. In the morning, you can return them to their original location.
Due to the inclusion of heating room air humidity drops, as almost all kinds of orchids do not like. Be sure to moisten the air in the room! This can be used not only by the spray, but the following method:
Buy transparent trays (up to half of the pot);
The bottom of the pallet lay pebble, and on the sides (just below the pebbles), drill a few holes;
Pour water on top of pebbles place the plastic grid and put pots of flowers;
Periodically add water in the trays.
This method not only increases the humidity, but also saves time for watering. However, it is suitable only for "not sleeping" orchids.
In the cold season the orchids are threatened various pests. Treatment chemicals should be carried out in a separate room, which is bound to be aired after the procedure.
That's all tricks. Now you know exactly what is the care of orchids in the winter. Beginner gardeners would like to advise: at first purchase is not too fussy plants, so it will be easier to grasp all the subtleties and nuances associated with the cultivation of these tropical beauties.