Subcutaneous talc (lipoma, fatty tumors) - benign subcutaneous nodules derived from the fat tissues in the human body.
These tumors are painless, and not associated with the surrounding tissues. Man lipomas do not cause disturbances to the point until they reach a diameter of 1 cm. Talc grow slowly, over time, reaching impressive dimensions. That's when they start to deliver its bearer both physical and aesthetic inconvenience, because lipoma can occur even in the face. Sometimes it happens that talc formed out of the reach of feeling the ground (in the retroperitoneal fat, lungs, breast, etc.) Sometimes patients concerned multiple education.
Most often, there are talc diameter from 1 to 5 cm. But sometimes there are quite large - more than 10 cm. In these patients, lipoma and droop form at the bottom of the foot from the skin, which leads to blood stagnation, immobilization and covering his sores. Wen body size may also depend on the patient's weight. For example, if a patient's weight is increased, the size of tumors also increases. Still, most growth occurs Wen uncontrollably.
The emergence and development of lipomas occur without symptoms, but it also happens that they cause patients pain, cause discomfort, compress the surrounding organs. Although most complaints are a cosmetic defect. Get rid of Wen can be surgically, but the operation is necessary to ensure benign biopsy method.
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Diagnosis of subcutaneous wen
Lipoma most often diagnosed in the body in women aged 30 to 50 years. Usually lipomas formed under the skin in places where adipose tissue is present. Favourite places wen - back, arms, legs, head, as the hairy part and face.
Lipomas are classified depending on the cellular composition of the following types:
lipofibroma - soft wen, consisting mainly of fatty tissue;
fibrolipoma - dense lipoma consisting primarily of connective fibrous tissue;
angiolipoma - lipoma, containing a large amount of blood vessels;
miolipoma - neoplasms, of which consists of smooth muscle fibers;
mielolipoma - the rarest kind of Wen consisting of fat and hematopoietic tissue.
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The causes lipomas
Today, the causes of Wen finally clarified. But scientists have some suggestions. It is believed that the appearance of Wen is due to systematic violation of the metabolic processes in adipose tissue. One should not exclude the probability of occurrence of lipomas due to hormonal disruptions in the body. These include menopause in women, during which a restructuring fertility and damage to part of the brain responsible for the metabolic processes in the body.
Development Wen can trigger liver and pancreas problems in the functioning of thyroid and pituitary. Frequently talc develop because of diabetes, malignant tumors of the respiratory tract, as well as against the background of alcoholism.
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Surveys at lipomas
In order to get rid of lipomas on the body, it is first necessary to make a diagnosis. Diagnosis Wen, on the surface of the body, is not difficult. At the same time take into account the following factors:
location lipomas;
communication with the surrounding tissues;
painless at palpation;
Education retraction when pulling the skin over wen.
If you want to remove wen, located in inaccessible feelings and inspection areas, then appointed by the X-ray and ultrasound. X-ray study of soft tissue lipomas based on the use of long-wavelength X-ray radiation, which allows to evaluate the structure of the fabric of education.
The most reliable way to diagnose deep-lipomas - computed tomography, with which you can differentiate fatty tissue from the more dense. If there is any doubt in the examination of benign tumors, then resorted to the methods of biopsy and cytology.
Before surgery to remove the lipoma conduct laboratory research, which includes:
general blood analysis;
general urine analysis;
blood chemistry;
blood glucose;
research on HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.
In some cases, before Wen rid of, it is necessary to rule out other diseases. To do this, carry out cytology.
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Treatment of subcutaneous wen
Get rid of Wen can only surgically. For this there are the following indications:
the rapid increase in the size of the oil lamp;
large tumor size;
pain due to compression of the surrounding tissue lipoma;
aesthetic defect.
If the subcutaneous fatty tumor is small and located in an accessible place, it can be removed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. If a lipoma large or is located on the body in complex anatomical areas (neck, axilla), the patient is hospitalized and treatment is carried out in a hospital.
There are 3 ways of surgery to remove the Wen:
Remove together with the capsule - the most radical method of treatment. Under local anesthesia, make a skin incision, extirpate lipoma and remove it together with the capsule. After that, the skin and subcutaneous fat are closed with stitches. This method is most effective, eliminates the relapse manifestations but aesthetically unsatisfactory.
mini-invasive removal Wen - a method by which the skin incision of less than 1 cm. Lipoma destroyed and removed within the capsule. The advantage of this method - a good cosmetic effect, but the method is not radical.
lipoma liposuction - a method in which the skin incision no longer than 5 mm. Lipoma removed inside the capsule using lipoaspiratora. With this method of surgery achieved good cosmetic effect, but there is a probability of recurrence.
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Complications lipomas
Complications Wen rarely observed. Here are the main ones:
inflammation - wen blushes increases and starts to hurt. When the pressure-sensitive tumor felt presence of liquid;
liposarcoma - malignant lipoma, which in rare cases can regenerate normal wen;
the displacement of surrounding tissues around lipomas.
Get rid of lipomas - is only half the battle, in the postoperative period is necessary to conduct a thorough monitoring of the area of the body where the surgery was performed to rule out complications.
Lipoma - a benign tumor, which is a very long period of time can not disturb his support remained unchanged in size or grow very slowly. Of course, appearance is no different attraction Wen, so every ill dreams as soon as possible to get rid of the tumor. Moreover, injury or damage lipomas can cause its changes up to the degeneration into a malignant tumor.
Usually, treatment Wen forecasts on the body are favorable, and get rid of them very difficult, especially for experienced and qualified physician.
The most important thing - not to delay treatment and as quickly as possible to pass inspection, the doctor was able to choose the most appropriate method of disposal.
The medical classification of papillomas
Front papilloma: the origin and species
How to get rid of skin growths on the face
Folk remedies to combat papillomas
Papilloma - a type of benign tumor, which is a build-up papilliform protruding above the surface of the skin. Peculiar skin defect - a fairly common phenomenon. Luminary Medicine stating a fact that almost 90% of all people throughout the world are carriers of any type of warts. I must say that there are a great number of them, because the detailed science of more than 100 types.
And papillomavirus can occur on any part of the body and not just on the visible surface, as papillomas on the face and hands.
Experienced doctors easily diagnose species papillomas by location, color, shape, size and symptoms. However, some of them may be of a very hidden and for the time being not to submit any evidence of its existence.
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The medical classification of papillomas
For convenience, the classification of certain human papillomavirus (HPV) is assigned a serial number. But we should not think that the higher the number, the higher oncogenic risk. Understand this can only specialists, not versed in medicine man enough to know that when starting to self-healing and the removal of the hated growths in the home, has yet to consult with the doctor who tells the best option of disposal depending on the variety of the defect.
Especially when it comes to such an important area as a papilloma on his face.
For some species, "are responsible" for the appearance of warts, while others are growths on the soles, which unknowingly can be easily confused with conventional corn, and some can attack organs such as the vagina, penis, cervix, or even inhaled. Regardless of whether a papilloma appear inside or on the surface, the danger are the only ones that are caused by high risk HPV.
You should not be alarmed at the appearance of skin growths, because of all the known species of the virus types 7-10 only deemed dangerous or conditionally dangerous in terms of rebirth in the malignancy. But to cope with these kinds of treatment in a timely manner in the form of preventive decontamination procedures.
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Front papilloma: the origin and species
One must admit that the build-up hanging on his face - a rather unpleasant phenomenon, but allows time to pay attention to it and treat. But asymptomatic domestic species can be more unpredictable. Therefore, when the first signs of the appearance of papillomas on the front part should go to a specialist to determine the origin of tumors and begin to treat it properly.
The cosmetic treatment of the apartments will take up papilloma with no viral origin, which is what fibropapilloma, seborrheic acanthoma verrucosum and basal cell variety. Last - is not nothing but a characteristic manifestation in the elderly. They are usually kept on the leg and slightly different from the ground color.
Acanthoma verrucosum are based mainly on the delicate skin of the eyelids and not noticeable at first, but only felt in contact fingers. Sizes can range from minuscule grain of sand to a grain of rice, to keep on slender rod that that and look broken. Fibropapilloma may be innate. Of all the types of papilloma this is most evident, and its removal may be complicated by the fact that it is penetrated by blood vessels. If it is not touched fibropapilloma causes pain.
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How to get rid of skin growths on the face
As mentioned above, it will only be able to remove papillomas specialist. In no case do not need to take on the tug legs papilloma thread wanting to get rid of it. The best effect in the home pharmacy gives a means of "Superchistotelo," but they need to be able to take advantage of, so to get just a dot on the surface of papillomavirus. Otherwise, you can damage the skin.
Papilloma on the front part of the body is not accompanied by any trouble, pain symptoms, but, of course, brings troubles that surround her notice. The more often they do not just notice, but also begin to give advice on getting rid of early education. It is not necessary to endure the all the surrounding recommend as the treatment that came to one person, may not give a positive result to another. And if a papilloma virus origin, by getting rid of one, you can get a whole scattering like her.
To date, developed a number of medical treatments for warts, but not to say that some of them universal. Each type requires its own approach, and it will determine only the dermatologist. Additionally, each method has its shortcomings and, depending on the type of papilloma specialist will tell which way to go.
For simple papillomas there is no better means than a surgical scalpel and, of course, experienced surgeon. Moxibustion high frequency current (diathermocoagulation) effective for filamentous growths, or plantar pointed varieties. Liquid nitrogen is also suitable for many varieties. A special radionozh will not only safely destroy education, but also to the treatment, so that will be able to avoid the recurrence of papillomas.
Laser removal of warts is very common today, because it does not leave scars, which is very important during the procedure on his face. But healing takes about a month, and, having decided on this method, you need to have leeway for further restoration of the skin surface. It is better to plan treatment and provide for this holiday period. Otherwise, violations of the recommendations of the doctors in the recovery of the skin can leave consequences in the form of pits and irregularities.
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Folk remedies to combat papillomas
Of course, not everyone is ready at the first sign of a papilloma growths on the face run to the doctor. I must say that Russian citizens are mostly rely on "maybe will resolve itself." To resort to aggressive removal yourself, you should not. Another thing, if you want to try the treatment of folk harmless agents such as potato juice or celandine. Potatoes should be used only red grapes and squeezed the juice to rub or apply to education, but simply to drink half a cup every day.
You can try to rub a mixture of conventional face cream with the addition of garlic pulp. It happens that has the effect of frozen infusion of fungus, and a succession of celandine, which should be applied to the papilloma shaped ice cube is not more than 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Recommended rub castor oil in place of the build-up two times per day.
Experts say that most HPV affects people with lowered immunity. So, before you start treatment, acting locally in the build-up should be given to improve the immune system. Here, too, you can use as a vitamin and herbal teas. It is generally recommended to drink at least a week to collect grass plantain, horsetail, nettle, dandelion root and lemon balm in equal proportions. All components are infused using a water bath and used for 30-40 minutes before a meal before meals.