mastino Neapolitana

Serious thoughtful look, elegant shimmering coat, gait with "lazy" - agree, a very aristocratic appearance. However, in case of danger it reveals the real essence of mastino Neapolitana - dog fighter, dog-gladiators. If mastino, his home or his family in danger, he becomes gathered, tense and ready to irresistible attack. That's when you realize how strong and brave the dog and really can appreciate the power of it.

Perhaps not so much for the attractive appearance, as for the gladiatorial qualities of character, combined with the serenity and equanimity so fond mastino worldwide. Whence came this extraordinary dog ​​with a tread of a lion and the eyes of the philosopher? What is its history, what character is hidden behind the apparent phlegm? What makes it attractive and what "exploits" is capable of?

The origin of dogs Gladiator

Neapolitan Mastiff (like everyone else) evolved from the Tibetan mastiff, the descendants of which appeared in Europe in 300 BC. According to other sources, these dogs were brought to Britain by the Phoenicians in 500 BC. e. But be that as it may, the Neapolitan Mastiff is its history since the Roman Empire, where he appeared in gladiatorial combat with bears and lions. It is not known for what reasons these extraordinary dogs for a long time disappeared from Europe, but remained in the Naples area. And for this reason they are called Neapolitan mastiff.

As for the official recognition of the breed, it happened only in 1946. Although the breed Neapolitan Mastiff was described in 1897 by Professor Tezze lord of Naples. Preservation of the breed Mastiff Neapolitana (unrecognized for a long time) we owe the Italian Piero Skantsiani dog breeder, which is rightly called the "father" of this breed of dogs. Skantsiani managed to acquire a couple of dogs for breeding, and that it is not enough that saved the breed from extinction, but also has made its official recognition by the international community Kennel.

 all about mastino Neapolitana

Outside dogs Gladiator

It is very beautiful, harmonious and powerful dog. Hard or even gross addition. Height of adult male reaches seventy-five centimeters at the shoulder and weigh - eighty-kg. The ladies, of course, are somewhat smaller, but still surprising power (up to 70 cm at the withers and 65 kg).

In mastino very massive head (three tenths of the height at the withers), broad and deep muzzle, powerful jaws and fleshy lips. A distinctive feature of the exterior mastino - pronounced dewlap - a hearty "extra" skin wrinkles, which folds down from the outer corners of the eyes and falls on his neck. The coat is short with a glossy sheen. The most common color of lead, but also have a dog tiger, black, red, gray and fawn. Nose must be the same color hair. By the standards of the breed these dogs have short cropped ears and tail are cut by a third.

Legs mastino too strong and proportional growth, with long legs (metatarsal). Due to structural features of the clutches of gait mastino too special. These dogs are distinguished by a kind of lion pace with slow movements, gait resembling a bear.

The character of the dog-gladiator

From the nature of the Mastiff has a solid, if not a "hard" character. At first glance, it seems too phlegmatic and calm. Mastino never become violently express joy will not be to show their loyalty and even embittered state of this dog remained outwardly calm and silent. However, not to be confused with indifference mastino equanimity, and the innate pride - with stubbornness. Despite the delicacy and ostentatious arrogance mastino very respectful to his master and genuinely suffering from even a brief separation from him.

Tell all about mastino Neapolitana impossible - so amazing that dog. Nevertheless it is worth noting its extremely high intelligence and boundless devotion. Mastino never leave his family in trouble and will not give in to the danger - fearless gladiator in his blood. The owners of these dogs say that communication with them a real pleasure. If they devote sufficient attention and be treated with respect (yes, it is with respect), the Mastiff become a part owner, correctly guessing and adjusting to his mood.

In addition to natural fearlessness these dogs also have an innate ability to protect (this, too, it is not necessary to specially train). But interestingly, guard mastino only his home and those who dwell in it. It is useless to try to make this dog's bodyguard - it will still protect only the one she sees fit. But the house ... The "aliens" have no chance to enter the house, guarded mastino - scout is found and eliminated, and without much hustle and bustle.

 mastino Neapolitana about breed

Raising dogs Gladiator

When training mastino do not need to strive to "break" his character. You still will not get the full submission, and the dog will not tolerate such an attitude and grudge and become reclusive. Foster out of her bodyguard - also a thankless task. Mastino dedication to protected areas and without hesitation would give their lives for loved ones, but only when it deems it necessary.

The main thing in a relationship with these dogs - confidence. They themselves infinitely trusted hosts, but are waiting for the response of trust. Mastino can respect the host, but blindly obey - never! Nor can we cultivate this dog gentleness or ferocity - she by nature rigid. Relationship "on equal terms" - the only way, only a partnership, friendship and respect. Here are the basics of proper education Neapolitan mastiff.

Amazing dog mastino Neapolitana: about the breed can talk endlessly. But the best way to meet her in person. This is a faithful friend, a great guard, a reliable defender and intellectual, requiring respect. Mastino feels great in a country house, but if the owner is able to at least twice a day to do with this dog for long walks, the apartment it will be quite comfortable. Calm, balanced dog gladiator two thousand years of living next to a man, protecting him and his house from enemies. Such is her mission ..

 Mastino Neapolitana. Dog - Gladiator

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 Yorkie dogs and glamorous clothes

The fashion for small dogs goes back several thousand years. Even Cleopatra held at the court of the Maltese lapdogs, which are also of a kind Glamour dog. In ancient Rome, great ladies wound up currently Melita. In XVIII-XIX centuries socialites appear at events, holding under his arm miniature companions. Our century is no exception. Dogs accompany their owners at social events and fashion hangouts, restaurants, nightclubs and long trips. Fortunately, they are well placed in the small handbags.

Rocks, enjoying the love of modern secular lady, quite a lot. Happy owner of "living jewels" as they can spoil them. Shih Tzu, Chinese Crested, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, Yorkies, glamorous clothes for dogs and are selected according to the latest fashion trends. Almost all the houses of haute couture created a special collection for the four-legged pets. Kids buy jewelry, manicures, hairstyles, and, if necessary, lead to a special "dog" psychologists.

Glamorous dog, which is filled with pictures of glossy magazines and the internet to attract attention to their owner of no less chic dresses and glittering jewelry. They - a symbol of success, prosperity and accessories for "high society." This baby ceases to be perceived as an animal. And so, according to many of the other and pet gradually turns into a luxury item.

 Glamour dogs

"Minion of fortune" or "fashion victim"?

In fashion at the glamorous dogs have a lot of enemies. Many animal rights advocates believe that such treatment of a living being is absolutely unacceptable. For example, in England, the RSPCA plans to introduce a penalty for the home side, "dress up" their pets. It is believed that the hats, shoes and overalls can harm small animals. But "unhealthy lifestyle" undermines their nervous system.

On the other hand, it is no secret that almost all dogs - no matter small or big - has its own "destiny." There are hunting, patrol and special fighting breeds. Dogs "are" in the police and customs, "work" border guards and lifeguards. Work glamorous dogs - the owners to accompany their social events. It seems that this is not the sad fate.

However, there is another problem. Fashion - a capricious thing. Today one breed is at the peak of popularity, tomorrow - another. And if Glamorous dog - just an accessory, it is how to be with "out of fashion" exists?

This issue seriously attended to in the UK. There appeared firm providing "for hire" educated and well-groomed dogs most fashionable rock. So ladies who want to stand out at a reception or a party with a "living toy", delivered virtually from all worries. The service is popular and may soon appear in Russia.

 glamorous dog pictures

A little happiness

However, it seems that for most people addicted to glamorous dog - not just a fad. Loyal, trustworthy, affectionate and surprisingly lovely creatures can not but cause a response of love. These kids are perfectly relieve stress. They are able to cheer and improve your mood even in the most difficult moment. And because of their tiny size happy housewife can not part with their little miracle for a minute.

 Glamorous dog - eternal love and craze
