herbs in the country


  • Define goals
  • Determine where
  • Nursing

Sometimes it seems that the flavors and culinary soon supplant from our lives all the natural flavors and aromas. But there is in this world, the real gourmets, who appreciate and recognize only fresh herbs and natural products. A bunch of parsley or cilantro can, of course, buy the market, and a set of dry spices - in a supermarket. But it is the arrival of spring stock seeds or seedlings of herbs and plant them at his dacha. So it will be useful, and tasty, and economical. And even nicer if this make at least a minimum of effort and to plant herbs in the country, creating have a bed or mixborders.

This would be easy. First, choose a comfortable, well-lit by the sun and sheltered from the wind section, clear it of weeds. Even better do it in advance - in the fall. Then you should consider the shape of spicy kitchen garden, its content and the main idea. Picking up the variegated varieties of thyme, sage, tagetesa, silver wormwood and Monarda blooming, you can make it a decoration of landscape design. A collection of members of the family gathered yasnotkovyh, umbrella or Mediterranean herbs, turn your garden herbs in a storehouse of improvised seasonings for the kitchen. If we talk about herbs in the country for beginners, it's mint, oregano, lofant, marjoram, catnip, fennel, anise, etc.

Define goals

Before you split a spicy garden, consider, what is it you need: Whether you are creating it, in order to grow environmentally friendly aromatic herbs and ornamental species and medicinal plants, or you simply want to scare away pests and attract bees to your site. Depending on what task you have set ourselves, such plants, and you will choose to.

For example, if you need the herbs, the focus will have to be paid to the conditions of their cultivation and harvesting, rather than decorative. If you need to get rid of bad and attract beneficial insects, respectively, then have to choose and place - they are best planted around the perimeter of or between the beds with vegetables. Kitchen will be natural to arrange a bed close to the house or kitchen. Yes, and an assortment of herbs it is necessary to select the appropriate: dill, parsley, basil, onions of different grades, horseradish, coriander, lovage, mint, oregano, and so on.

Classic kitchen herbs in the country and most of the garden planted in a round or square the beds, broken into segments or squares. Today it is not only a tribute to tradition, as ease of deployment and maintenance of the plants are grown. But without a doubt, it can be any shape - rectangular, square, triangular, arbitrary.

The main condition is that the grass enough heat and light, because many of the herbs that we use today, such as basil, thyme, marjoram, hyssop, tarragon, sage and so on. E., Came to us from the Mediterranean. Other herbs - such as parsley, lemon balm, all kinds of mint, lovage, catnip, sorrel, lofant, Monarda, great feeling on a lightly shaded moist sites.

 herbs in the country for beginners

Determine where

The basis of this kitchen garden make perennial grasses. But as long as they are not grown in the first few years in the collection of herbs will occupy an important place annuals. In principle, they can not do without the kitchen. It dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, chervil. And they are used in the kitchen most active. Therefore, arranging a decorative garden, not just the beds with herbs, consider replacing the scheme of the other plants, as they all have their own terms for the growth and harvesting. Logical be grown in the kitchen garden is not only spicy greens, and green cultures. For example, sorrel, rhubarb, all kinds of salad, and so on. As well as medicinal plants - calendula, nasturtium etc. For decoration here you can even grow vegetables such as small-fruited tomatoes and hot peppers. Their bright fruit beautifully decorate decorative flower bed of herbs. However, the last is better to plant in a container.

You should know that the only thing that can not tolerate spicy, almost all plants - is the excessive soil moisture. So be sure to do a good drainage. On heavy clay soil and in lowlands place under the herbs to do upbeat, mound ridge of land with the addition of sand in them.

In the autumn of land free of weeds and dig. Then you should consider filling the garden and its shape. And in March, it's time to deal with seedlings. However, close to May ready to buy planting materials. In the spring the soil when it is sufficiently warmed up, once loose and choose the weeds. Then, according to the plan mark a track and spread the curb. For this:

  • using string and pegs mark the plan and shape the future of the crop;
  • Markings on the boards of the frame assemble raised beds;
  • Pour the resulting bed of fertile soil, and the aisles Zamulchiruyte decorative material;
  • in order to be able to mix and match plant seedlings in the garden set up the first pot. If the result meets your expectations, transplant the seedlings into the ground, taking into account that many of spice plants grow very quickly. To avoid this oregano, mint, sage can be planted directly into the container by limiting the sprawl of this.

In the middle zone most species of lavender and rosemary do not hibernate, so they must either grow as annuals, or with the onset of winter to carry it in a cool room.

 herbs and vegetable garden at the cottage


Usually, herbs and unpretentious bar, so do not need special care. They are resistant to diseases and pests. They can grow on poorer soils, and excess nitrogen is harmful to them. On such soils are strongly expand and weaken, losing its flavor. Watering is necessary to them only after landing, or during periods of drought. However, until they will grow, have regularly weeding and loosening the soil, but this work can relieve yourself, zamulchirovat planting.

The only problem that may arise in the host spicy garden associated with excessive growth of crops. The life force of many of these plants is so high that they turn into weeds. So do not, for example, in the kitchen garden planted hell because of it then it will be difficult to get rid of. We'll have to take care of oregano, mint, lemon balm, Monarda and sage. Because if you do not, then after a while you'll weed them in the most unexpected corners of your site.

Growing herbs in the country can become a real hobby. And the results of the fruits of their labors will not only happily enjoy. After all, it's nice to enjoy a variety of dishes flavored with plants grown with their own hands.

 Mediterranean flavors: herbs in the country

We strongly recommend to read: How to grow mint

 How to grow geraniums at home


  • How to grow geraniums
  • Care geraniums
  • Diseases of Geranium
  • Possible problems with the cultivation of geranium

With the advent of new garden centers fashion house plants is changing faster than on clothing. On the shelves of stores each year there are more and more exotic plants, that and wants to decorate your home. But there are house plants, the popularity of which has no effect fashion. These indoor plants include geraniums, which has grown on the windowsill of our grandmothers. However, lately there are many species of plants belonging to the family of geranium. And pelargonium - one of them. It is a plant today raises the popularity of geranium to a great height.

The most popular geranium Pelargonium garden, or so-called "blooming geraniums." They feel great, not only in the garden, but on a sunny windowsill. Among these species, there are those who delight their flowering, and those that are bred for the beauty of their leaves. If you live to see this plant, you will certainly be interested in how to grow geraniums at home.

Thanks to the healing qualities and unpretentiousness of care, geranium has long been one of the most popular houseplants. In folk medicine, it is used to treat gastro-intestinal tract, the treatment of nervous disorders, kidney stones. Half a century ago, this plant has gained popularity, and it began to grow in gardens and greenhouses. Then, a lot of new varieties and geraniums, and began to grow at home. Who bedroom geraniums growing in almost every home. It pleases the hosts abundant flowering during almost all year and popular belief protects the family from evil forces.

How to grow geraniums

If you decide to grow your own home geraniums, then, unfortunately, the options are scarce. You can either buy a ready-flowering plant and learn how to take care of him or geraniums grow independently. You can grow it from seed or cuttings. You can try to find the seeds of Pelargonium and Geranium grow its future ones. But keep in mind that after planting the seed to flowering takes about five to six months. In addition, Pelargonium seeds slowly enough and bad fruit. Well, the last - to find the seeds of Pelargonium in the store is not always possible.

Cuttings for cultivation of geranium in the home is preferred. To do this, cut from the apical shoots of adult plants are 7-8 cm tall with four to five leaves. Then, remove the two lower leaves and put the cuttings in water. You can simply dip the cuttings in a means of stimulating the formation of roots and plant them in the ground, which in equal amounts mixed garden soil, peat and sand. In good light and room temperature should quickly take root cuttings. With a mature plant in a way you can get from five to fifteen new. This crop, by the way, is an adult bush benefit.

All kinds of geraniums throughout the year are easily propagated by cuttings, but the most favorable to the propagation time is early spring - February and March - and the end of summer - July and August. Cut stem cuttings slightly when podvyalivayut and then landed in a substrate, contained in a dry state, that is not sprayed and watered infrequently. After rooting shoot pinch.

Care geraniums

Care home geraniums is very simple. It does not require a lot of attention, but it will delight you with its beauty bloom almost all year.

  • Lighting

Geranium - a very photophilous plant and, unlike its counterparts, is not afraid of direct sunlight. If the illumination is insufficient, the geranium loses brightness and color of leaves and flowers.

  • Temperature range

To grow geraniums require moderate temperature to 18-20 ° C. In winter, it is desirable to provide a lower temperature, but not below 8-10 ° C.

  • Watering

In the summer geraniums need abundant watering in the winter - a moderate. Excess water is desirable to take, because stagnant water leads to root rot. Geranium accumulate moisture in their leaves, so waterlogging for it is more dangerous than lack of moisture. Spraying Geranium is required.

  • Fertilizing

Feed the plant once or twice a month universal fertilizer. There are special fertilizer for geraniums, it would be preferable to buy them.

  • Substrate

Geranium suitable for universal earth mixture, but the plants need good drainage, because stagnant water is very dangerous for him.

  • Transplant

If pot becomes too small plants, it must be transplanted in the spring. Otherwise, sufficient to consider the replacement of topsoil. To do this, remove about two centimeters of earth and pour fresh soil mix.

Diseases of Geranium

With proper care geranium rarely sick. But even if that happens, the plant is easy to save, in time to give him the necessary help. Diseases home geraniums are the result of poor or improper care - poor lighting, high humidity and roots. But there are viruses that can infect your geraniums through the soil. Therefore the soil when transplanting should be sterilized.

The most dangerous disease of geranium are nematodes, since the defeat of this scourge of the plant dies. A characteristic feature of the disease is the formation of large knots on the roots. This soil is generally unsuitable for the cultivation of any plant.

They represent a danger for the geraniums and fungal diseases such as gray and root rot, rust and so on. They are most often the result of poor drainage and waterlogging. Have geranium and pests - it is aphids, mites and whiteflies. To deal with them need to conventional methods. From aphids suitable wash the plant with a solution of soap. From mite crown geranium washed thoroughly with running water.

Whitefly - a serious pest close to the aphids, which deal not so simple. The development of this pest contributes to dry hot air, and the most substantial harm to bring larvae. They, being located on the lower surface of the leaves, pull all the juices from plants. However, they pollute the leaves sugary excretions, which develops because of the sooty fungus.

This interferes with the normal development of plants. The leaves turn yellow, wither and then disappear. Whitefly when handling poisons very quickly adapt to them, so to get rid of it is necessary to alternate the different drugs. For example, Fufanon, aktellik, konfidor and Bison. Carefully read the instructions on the package. Whitefly fight is very difficult, therefore, simply to prevent its occurrence.

 disease geranium home

Possible problems with the cultivation of geranium

  • Yellow and then fall off the lower leaves of the plant. Possible reasons may be a lack of light, inadequate or excessive watering. With a lack of light leaves a pale, and their shape and appearance are not changed. In this case, simply provide supplementary lighting plants. With insufficient watering dry tips of the leaves, and in excess - the leaves wither, and then rot.
  • Blush edges of the leaves. This means that the plant is cold, and it must move in a warm place.
  • Geranium does not bloom. This occurs either by a lack of light or at too low a temperature.

Knowing all the secrets, you can easily grow very beautiful geraniums.

 Warding off evil forces: how to grow geraniums at home

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