As you know, pain in the abdomen is often a sign of a very serious illness. And pain can be localized at different locations - a pain in his right side rear, left, in the umbilicus. It all depends on the reasons causing the most pain. But today we will talk specifically about pain that a person feels sick in the right part of the abdomen. After all the pain in his right side are much more common all the others.
However, be sure to remember that all of the following information is given only in order for you to have a basic understanding of the reasons which can lead to pain. In no case is inadmissible to use the information for self-diagnosis of the disease, and even more so for its treatment. Such actions can jeopardize not only the health of the sick person, but also his life.
Diagnosis of abdominal pain - the process is rather complicated even for experienced doctors, not to mention about people who have no medical training. Abdominal pain - an insidious thing, which may be masked under several serious diseases, which without special methods of investigation is practically impossible to diagnose. Especially if the pain in his right side.
Pain in the upper abdomen on the right side
And we begin to understand the problem with pain, which are located on the right side of the abdomen. So, the pain in his right side:
No matter, which leads to an increase of the liver, it is in these cases starts strongly enough match. Doctors call this phenomenon hepatitis, regardless of what led to this - inflammation or infection. B of pain in his right side is very typical of this condition.
Most people faced with hepatitis A, which is caused by food or drinking water of poor quality. Much less, but there are also lo cases of hepatitis C - as a rule, most of it occurs in the so-called "risk groups" - drug addicts, homosexuals. Also, sometimes there is a hepatitis C, which is most often infected through contaminated medical instruments and blood, he often provokes pain in his right side.
In addition, damage to the liver can cause the impact of various chemicals, including drugs. However, one of the most dangerous to the liver was and remains the alcohol. He caused the death of a huge number of people who abuse alcohol.
The pain caused by diseases of the liver, as a rule, is a dull aching in nature, and the sick person feels it constantly, rather than cramps. The patient feels the pain deep inside the abdomen, rather than on its surface. As mentioned above, the pain in his right side.
- It hurts the gallbladder?
Painful episodes associated with gallbladder disease, very peculiar. They usually grow slowly. The first symptoms - the severity of abdominal pain, the appearance of gas - you can experience an hour after eaten anything fried or spicy. But severe pain you may feel in just a few hours.
The intensity of the pain is increasing rapidly, the pain itself is extremely sharp. At its peak, the person performs a cold sweat, nausea, and even that does not reduce vomiting. Body temperature under such attacks usually not increased. Exceptions are cases of inflammation of the gallbladder - in such cases, the body temperature rises to 40 degrees, a person will experience intense chills. Sami pain localized in the right upper abdomen, but in some cases may give under the right scapula.
As a rule, the majority of such cases in the gall bladder during the examination the doctor finds the stone. In that case stones are small, they may slip into the ducts. And the sick person begins intestinal colic. In some cases, these stones pass on their own, and in some cases - the doctors have to resort to surgery.
In some cases, abdominal pain on the right side may be caused by an attack of acute pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, speaking easier. The pain of such an attack is extremely severe, as in the pathology of the gallbladder and bile ducts. However, it is still different - firstly sends a spine, and secondly - in the supine position, it largely increases. A facilitated condition of the sick person in a sitting position, leaning forward slightly. When walking pain in the right side also have greatly increased.
In addition, during an episode of acute pancreatitis is usually a sick person begins to sweat profusely, it starts to feel sick, there is vomiting, he complains of severe chills, even though the body temperature does not rise. In order to confirm the diagnosis, the doctor is required to appoint certain laboratory tests, the purpose of which is to identify enzymes that are typical for the affected pancreas.
It is widely believed that the kidney patient man must experience pain in the lumbar region. But in fact this is not true. In some cases, kidney stones may cause pain in the right abdomen. So pain in the right side can be associated with the kidneys.
In the case of abdominal pain caused by kidney stones indeed, they have a very specific character - undulated, reaching its maximum at the peak wavelength. And the pain is rarely limits its localization only the right part of the abdomen - is also possible to back pain and even groin.
- Pain on the right - is the appendix?
The main rule, which must be very well understood by all people without exception - from child to old man - is that any abdominal pain, and not necessarily right, can be nothing other than acute appendicitis. Even doctors initially almost all cases require that the sick person appendicitis until proven otherwise significantly. The exception, of course, are only those people who have already removed the appendix.
Despite the fact that the pain of appendicitis can be located anywhere, most often it is felt either in the navel or in the lower right abdomen. And, as a rule, appendicitis sick person can accurately show where exactly was wrong with him. Doctors generally prefer not to risk it, and remove the appendix in the case, even if not exactly sure of the diagnosis. This is no accident - in fact trifling operation saves the life to the sick person in every hundred percent. So if you feel pain in his right side under the ribs or in the navel - immediately consult a surgeon.
Of course, the pain in his right side, and can be caused by many other factors, so be sure to seek medical help. Sit at home and wait until everything goes their own - is not only foolish, but dangerous for life.