moisturizing hair

Someone nature endowed with thick, shiny, strong hair that looks like advertising on super expensive shampoo. Someone ... but not all. And what do the rest - short hair cut, hair hidden under headscarves, gather them in a bun or sweet hair "ponytail"? That's it ... Something like this - like a pony tail - and look dry, lifeless hair. Can you deal with this problem? Of course. Nature must help. In this case, such assistance will be deep moisturizing hair.

But first you need to understand why this problem occurs. And there are several reasons. One of the most common - is too dry indoor air. It is understandable - modern technology is not standing still. What house that the work - continuous air conditioners and heaters. Of course, in our climate can not do without them. But, already dry hair - it's just the trouble. However, the "pernicious" effects of these instruments in box may be neutralized.

First, you can buy special room humidifiers. The tool effectively. Second, you can become an avid akvariumistkoy and find yourself a fish. Aquarium - especially if it is large - will cope with the problem of dry air and, consequently, dry hair. Do not like fish? Well, at least install a small fountain - the good, now you can choose for every taste. Or start to breed houseplants. In general, the output is always there - it would wish.

Review your diet. Yes, again about it ... And what if in our body all interconnected? What you eat reflects on your condition. It is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in vitamin A - it moisturizes and nourishes the hair from root to tip. These products include cream, carrots, egg yolks, butter, sea buckthorn, etc. Be sure to eat meals prepared with gelatin - jelly, jelly, mousse, jelly. For dry hair is also very useful cabbage, soy products, cereals and vegetable oils.

Your hair requires careful handling and care. Do not deny them that. For example, you can not wash your hair with hot water - is very harmful as much dry out the skin. Be sure to purchase a special fluid ends. It is based on silicone. This tool smoothes the hair structure, and "holds" moisture inside. Try not to use the ironing, thermo-curlers and curling.

If you absolutely can not do without the hair dryer can - get yourself a model with the effect of ionization. Perm, frequent coloring, elaborate hairstyles that need fixing - all this is very harmful for dry hair. Going on vacation, be sure to take a few hats and a special moisturizing spray that protects hair from UV rays. And, of course, do not go without a hat in freezing temperatures - from cold and dehydrated hair.

 moisturizing hair

Eliminating the consequences

Well, almost all the factors that cause dryness of the hair, we understand. It remains to eliminate the consequences. The most simple, but at the same time and the most expensive, way - to turn to professionals. Today on sale there are special preparations, and even developed treatment programs have the same goal - deep moisturizing hair. You easily will pick up all the necessary care and arrange treatment.

But if, for any reason, you are unable to attend the salon, it's not a reason "to give up on her hand." To cope with the problem is quite capable on their own. There are many simple and effective recipes for masks, moisturizing hair to the tips. Some of them are still used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Why should not we take them on board?

How to make homemade mask? It's very simple. By following a few simple rules, you can always keep your hair in good condition. Moreover, practically without any additional costs. Moisturizing mask for dry hair should be applied before the usual washing the head. For the preparation it is recommended to use a glass, wooden or china. Metal will not do. This is due to the fact that it can have adverse effects on some of the components of masks.

Prepare a mask for dry hair immediately before application. Never make a mask "in reserve" - ​​they are not to be good, and some may even be harmful. Combine all ingredients in accordance with the selected recipe. Lean over a sink or bathtub and put a mask on the hair roots neat massage movements. Then spread the remains along the entire length - to the tips. If the recipe specified otherwise, it is necessary to keep a moisturizing mask for 15-25 minutes. Then wash off - depending on the ingredients - shampoo or plain water.

Avocado Mask

Since then, as the fruit first appeared on our market, it did not take much time. But in the West, avocados have long been successfully used in cosmetology. For example, it is considered one of the most effective products to moisturize dry hair. Make a mask from an avocado is very simple. Peel the fruit - it has to be mellow. And mash the pulp with a fork. Put the resulting mash to damp hair. Keep this mask should be about 40 minutes.

Mask "mayonnaise"

This mask is recommended even professional hairdressers and stylists. Especially it "saves" in cold weather. It is elementary - most importantly, choose the right mayonnaise. It should be natural and preservative free. Identify simple enough - the shelf life for such a product should not exceed two months. Mayonnaise simply nanosti hair. Make a mask can be no more than once a week.

Mask "Sea"

For its preparation you will need:

  • mineral water
  • sea ​​salt
  • Almond oil

Take one teaspoon of sea salt and thoroughly dissolve it in a glass of mineral water. Pour a large spoonful of almond oil and stir. Rub the liquid into the scalp, and then apply on the hair, spreading it to the tips. Cover your head with a plastic bag and tie up a warm scarf.

Mask "Castor"

For her, you will need:

  • glycerol
  • Castor oil
  • vinegar
  • egg

Take two large spoons of castor oil and add one small spoonful of vinegar and glycerin. Stir. Beat in the egg. Apply on hair and wrap head. Keep this mask is recommended for about an hour. Rinse - warm water. If the water is too hot, the egg can "boil" straight hair and to remove these flakes will not be easy.

As you can see, deep moisturizing hair is quite possible and at home. Nothing complicated here. Quite a bit of effort and your hair will be silky, shiny and manageable. These - about what you have always dreamed. You just have to really want - then all must come out.

 Moisturizing hair - because without water ...

We recommend that read: Moisturizing Hair Serum

 Hair Serum

Which means for hair care and hair styling we are used the most? Shampoo, conditioner, rinse, conditioner, mousse, hairspray, Burdock series of care products. It seems to have forgotten nothing? This is quite a standard set, available in almost every woman. It will provide a comfortable washing, proper care and competent styling. But tell me, serum for hair you have? Not a fact, it's fairly new and unusual for us means. What kind of whey, from which it is made and why - let's try to understand.

Whey - the long-term benefits

Usually when the word "whey" the people there are two associations. The first - is a dairy product that is obtained in the preparation of cheese. The second - the mysterious "truth serum", well-known to us by sci-fi thriller. We will not torment you: the heroic guy with a syringe in the hands of the serum of speech does not go. But on that clear liquid that is obtained after the coagulation of milk, tell more.

Serum - is not just troubled waters, which is useful to drink on an empty stomach. This product lies a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins B, C, E and A. Did you know that shampooing whey will make you forget about the problem of thin hair with split ends? Whey can not just rinse the hair, it can completely replace the shampoo! Mix equal proportions of serum with a decoction of burdock root and wash the resulting mixture of hair a couple of times a week. All those useful minerals that are contained in dairy products and plant roots podlechat bulbs and restore the structure of hair.

You can use the serum and as a medical mask - the hair roots grow stronger, and metabolic processes are accelerated. Yes, and it is easy to prepare: Dissolve a little oatmeal in heated serum, apply on hair. Then nestle polyethylene cap, and then - with a towel. Rinse off the mask can be half an hour. The hair will be strong and silky; Moreover, such a nourishing mask is an excellent remedy for greasy hair.

That's just not all girls like to tinker with homemade recipes, preferring to buy ready-made cosmetics in stores. Although it is the product - not the most frequent item on the shopping list of our compatriots. In a completely unknown reasons, our ladies around this wonderful party means. However, the point here is not in the quality and effectiveness of the product - just most of us are used to seeing at the shelves in the bathroom for hair serum.

Driving hair care has long worked: washing the head of the famous advertising shampoo, after - use of the balsam, preferably of the same brand. That's all, "the beauty and luster of your hair" - more than enough! But whey - something totally unknown, until it fits into the concept of hair care products. That is why, and in no hurry to acquire its ordinary women customers.

 Serum for hair growth

Porridge oil will not spoil, and hair serum - especially

The same can be useful serum for hair sold in stores? First of all, we note that this is an excellent tool for rapid hair care. It can be applied on wet or dry hair, the result will be impressed in both cases. Hair Serum combines three important components of hair care products: conditioner, mask and mousse; perfect for a healthy and split ends. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that after the use of hair looks healthy and well-groomed, and hairstyle - a stylish and volume.

With a composition of such active substances, such as oils, pro-vitamins, proteins, elastin, etc., reduced serum flakes hair, scalp feed oxygen and accelerate hair growth. But do not forget about the need for wetting the scalp, neutralizing the alkaline components of shampoo, antistatic effect on hair - all this will give you the usual balms and conditioners. Owners weakened and split ends should approach the problem comprehensively.

Using serum for hair, you add luster to your hair. In the end, it will help them to grow just - for this purpose there is a special Burdock Serum for hair growth. Moreover, it means copes with the problem of dry split ends, hair loss and dandruff. And that produced this beauty in a small convenient flakonchike - a real gift: it can be easily put into a small bag and use when you want! What else are so good serum for hair?

  • Hair Serum does not require rinsing. Having put it on your hair, you can easily get out "on people." All this time, the hair cells will be filled with active ingredients and vitamins that are part of the whey.
  • The serum can be applied to wet or dry hair, the result will be equally positive. Although it is worth notice that the shampoo - an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the serum for hair: so much, you make it easier to comb, and that, in addition to convenience, avoids brittle and split ends.
  • Besides the usual restore and protect the hair structure, serum protects the hair when blow-dry. She seemed to be enveloping the hair with a protective film, protecting the hair scales from the jet of hot air. This is especially useful for owners of dry and split ends - they are in hot laying "get" the most.
  • Helps simulate hair - hair does not stick together, and the hair becomes heavier and durable. For owners of rare, dry hair is a great reason to replace foam and Musa on a bottle of serum for hair.

 for dry hair tips Serum

Sera were any need, any important serum

On sale there are many different types of hair serums. You can buy the overall impact of the serum, it is perfect for the split, and for healthy, strong hair. Any serum - nourishing and hydrating, its application will benefit any hair. But much more convenient to buy the one that will solve your problem specifically. The list of the most popular serums include:

  • Serum for hair growth (burdock). Long hair is always in fashion. For most women, hair extensions is irrelevant: they want to have natural hair. And then he comes to the aid of his great burdock serum. The active substances contained in it, helping to feed the cells of the hair and scalp, stimulate the follicle. As a result, at times Burdock Serum speeds up the growth of your hair. And unlike oil, after the application you will not need to shampoo - hair will stay clean.
  • Serum ends. Due to the fact that the hair whipped - weight. This poor quality shampoo and washing, combing and improper, and lack of proper care. The main advantage of whey for the tips that she does not weigh down the hair and gives a greasy luster, as if you did not wash his head a couple of weeks. A fine flakes on the hair stick together, which allows the hair does not split or break.
  • Serum for straightening curly hair. How many women dream of beautiful curls, the same, and those who want to get rid of them. Sera for straightening curly hair will help facilitate the work of ironing, making hair soft and manageable. Simply apply a means to clean hair, dry the hair dryer carefully - and straighten your health!
  • Healing Moisturizing Serum. Such an escape - a treasure trove for dry and split ends. To give shine and healthy appearance of the hair, use the serum regularly, because such care did not take long: sprinkled from the vial, brushed her hair - and you're done!

To hairs were the subject of your pride, do not be lazy to care for them. Believe me: hair washing whey is not so embarrassing procedure. And if you prefer to cook cosmetics, then do not pass by the remarkable sera in stores. Burdock mask, balsam conditioner, mousse and foam - Hair Serum taken the best of these tools to give your hair shine and strength as much as they can bear!

 Hair Serum: beauty effortlessly

We recommend that read: Moisturizing Hair
