For centuries, the beauty and youth were virtually synonymous. During this time, it was invented many ways to cheat nature and slow the aging process, "preserve" himself at a young age. Of course, the main problem for women has always been a wrinkle fighting them took up a lot of time and effort. In the course of this struggle were invented moisturizing facial masks.
You can buy a ready-made means of skin care, but as practice shows, home-made masks and scrubs are just as good. And many believe that the best cosmetics - it is cosmetics, prepared with their own hands. In addition, you can check the composition, deletion of the allergens known to you, and to deliver him from synthetic fragrances and flavors. In addition to this, for the manufacture of masks at home will take a little time and almost any recipe can be adjusted by itself. And at their regular application can be prepared simply super-effect.
It is important to remember that before you do any of the procedures below, you need to check yourself for allergies to the components. To do this you need to take quite a bit to raise questions of substance and put it in the crook of the elbow. If irritation or redness will have to turn to the recipes that do not contain this substance. Do not forget to check out all the controversial components!
For example, oat flakes for external use is unlikely to happen allergic reaction, but the honey is sometimes satisfied with unpleasant surprises. The problem is that if you are not allergic to white honey, honey, another species may still cause you discomfort. Therefore, before using home masks of this stuff, check all the options. Do not risk your health!
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Recipes masks for dry skin
Of course, this is the type of skin, which is very important at least once a week, home-moisturizing facial mask. Here are the best recipes:
Cucumber and sour cream
Ingredients: not too large cucumber, a large spoonful of fat sour cream. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, mix with sour cream. Apply to the skin, to hold twenty minutes. Remove with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. This is the best nourishing mask for dry skin, besides having a slight bleaching effect.
Ingredients: boiled jacket potatoes, egg yolk, two large spoons of milk. Peel the potatoes, mash, add the milk and egg yolk, warmed on a steam bath to thirty-five degrees, fifteen minutes to impose on the skin. This super-recipe helps retain moisture, besides it is very easy.
Honey and egg yolk
Composition: two large tablespoons of any vegetable oil and liquid honey, egg yolk. Mix all ingredients, warmed slightly on a steam bath. Overlay layers on the face, causing a new five-seven minutes. On the skin clean using a cotton pad soaked in herbal infusion or just green tea. This nourishing mask particularly suitable for those whose skin is very flaky.
From cheese and honey
Composition: large spoon cottage cheese, half a large spoon of liquid, warmed honey. Mix the ingredients, if the mixture is too thick, add a small amount of milk. Spread a thick layer of the skin. This recipe with regular use gives a super-results are also very simple to manufacture at home.
From flax seed
Composition: large spoon flax seeds, a glass of filtered water. Pour the seeds with water and boil until the state of porridge. A little cool to an acceptable temperature and applied to the skin. This is the best anti-peeling mask for allergy sufferers, who may be a reaction to honey.
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Moisturizing mask for oily skin
There is a widespread view that the owners of oily skin is not necessary to use a hydrating mask for the face, but it is not nothing but a misconception. Of course, the best treatment for oily skin - wipe face soaked in fermented milk products with a cotton pad. But sometimes it is necessary to diversify this care.
Cranberry or lemon
Ingredients: half a teaspoon of cranberry or lemon juice, one egg yolk. Mix the ingredients, put on the face. This recipe is very good relieves inflammation and irritation, but do not leave the mask for more than fifteen minutes, lemon and cranberry juice - enough active substances.
Composition: large spoon dry yeast, a teaspoon of lemon juice. Dissolve the yeast juice, apply on face. It is very nourishing mask, which, moreover, softens and cleanses the skin. With regular use, it provides a super result for oily skin.
Lemon and honey
Ingredients: filtered juice of one lemon, four large spoons of honey. Mix the ingredients. Ready composition can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. In the morning, you need to put it on the face and neck. This nourishing treatment helps maintain youthful skin.
Owners of oily skin is recommended for morning and evening wash infusion of burdock, dandelion, birch leaf, or St. John's wort. It helps to cleanse the skin.
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Caring for normal skin
Despite the fact that normal skin requires no excessive care, good nourishing mask and needed her.
Lemon and protein
Ingredients: a few drops of lemon juice, egg white. Beat the protein to a state of stable foam, add the juice, mix well. Apply to face and wait until the mask does not dry up, then apply another layer. Wait until the drying and rinse with warm water. This recipe allows you to not only moisturize the skin, but with regular use and even whiten it.
From vegetables
Ingredients: Two popular with you any vegetable (it could be eggplant, cabbage, carrots, zucchini), a few drops of lemon juice. Rub on a small grater vegetables, apply to the face. Rinse with water and a little lemon juice. This recipe gives you a super result was in the care of dry skin.
Yolk and butter
Ingredients: a tablespoon of any vegetable oil, egg yolk. Grind components applied to the skin, covered in green tea soaked cloth or towel. Leave it for ten to twenty minutes. This is the best mask for winter use: on the one hand, it moisturizes the skin, on the other - creates a protective film.
From milk and oatmeal
Composition: three large spoons of milk on a large spoon of any vegetable oil and liquid honey, two tablespoons of milled Herculean flakes. How should I mix the ingredients, apply on face and neck. Leave on for some time and gently wash. This is a very effective nourishing mask, but it should be used no more than once a week.
As you can see, moisturizing facial masks easy to prepare at home. They do not require complex components, waste of time and money. By and large, only need their regular use and your love for yourself. Generally, self-love - the best and the main component of eternal youth. Less frown, smile more often. And then the result is what is called a "super"!
Folk remedies against corns
Features of treatment of dry corns
And a few more tips from our grandmothers
Calluses - a painful compression of the feet, which are formed for various reasons, chief among them - uncomfortable, neraznoshennaya shoes. How to ensure the proper treatment of corns on the feet, if the problem is already available, and it can not be prevented?
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Folk remedies against corns
There are plenty of inexpensive folk remedies that are very effective in the fight against calluses. It celandine, lard, pine tree, aloe, and more. It is not necessary to buy expensive drugs to deal with this annoying problem. This is what we now talk in more detail.
Potatoes for the treatment of corns
It is known that a simple potato, which certainly exists in every kitchen, great cures corns. It is necessary to prepare a slurry, rubbed on a grater potatoes with onions. Put the resulting mixture into a cheesecloth and apply to the inflamed areas on the foot. This will allow the corn to steam quickly, and eventually disappear.
In the same way you can use the leaves of aloe, which you just need to cut and attach to the inside of the corn. Aloe better top and cover with polyethylene using the bandage to fix it. It is recommended to make a compress before bedtime. By the morning of inflammation significantly reduced.
The second stage - steamed remove the skin and lubricate the damaged area with camphor oil or cream high fat content. Instead camphor oil can also use any other oils, such as olive oil or wheat. Such procedures should be repeated as long as the corn is completely gone.
Benefits Indian mushroom
For the treatment of corns is good Indian milk mushroom from which to make a starter. The resulting yeast soak the bandage and apply it to the corn. On top lay bandage polyethylene. Now, tightly wrap tie. In this way, recommended to treat the old corn.
Softwood oleoresins against corns
It is known that the needles are effective in curing many diseases. Calluses are no exception. In this case, use small coniferous sap. It needs to be warm and roll in the form of a plate. Apply it to the sore spot, pre-steam and dried corn. On top of the plate stick a patch or bandage foot bandage. Zhivitsa to keep the damaged area within three days. Then you need to replace compress. After some time, from corn and not a trace remains.
Ointment with fish oil and aloe against corns
Ointment, a part that contains fish oil and aloe juice, not only effectively treats corns of any complexity, but also to cope with cracks that appear frequently in the summer because of the foot rubs shoes. For the preparation of ointments take cod liver oil and aloe from which to squeeze out the juice.
All the ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. The resulting composition of the dip cloth and dab it on the corn or corns. It is recommended to make a compress before bed to the morning of corn has decreased. After sleeping a foot wash broth-based chamomile. Making such packs should be exactly as long as the corn does not come down completely.
Garlic for the treatment of corns
Garlic and onion peel very well with corn, as the dry and fresh. You will need to take the onion peel and fill it with vinegar. The mixture should be insisted for two weeks in a tightly sealed jar. Once you open the jar, you need to take the husks and wait for it to completely drain the vinegar and it dries.
Before going to bed, put on the corn husk. The layer should be two to three centimeters. It is better to lubricate the skin of the corn jelly - it will soften inflammation. Then bandage the foot wrap and leave overnight. Then the leg to wash and remove the corn. Repeat this procedure until the corn will not pass.
Treatment of corns camphor alcohol
Getting rid of corns is possible to effectively carry out simple camphor spirit. First of all you handy Epsom salt, which must be emptied into a bowl and cover with water - leg should go to the ankles. Perform this procedure every day for fifteen minutes. After it is completed, remove the top layer of corn, using a pumice stone. Now place the corn grease camphor spirit.
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Features of treatment of dry corns
Corn, as is known, are fresh and dry. Dry corn old, get rid of them a little more difficult than from fresh. There are many ways to get rid of calluses dry, the first of which - the usual streptocid drug in combination with onion and vinegar. Boil water, adding a portion of the bulb. Let the onion is boiled in water for three minutes, and then remove and let cool down time.
Rasparte feet in warm water, then remove the top part of corn. Now place the patient in the center of drip a little vinegar, and put on top of the onion, the inner side of the skin. In the morning, clean the corn, sprinkled it on top streptotsidom - he cleans the injury. Bandage.
Raw meat - another option for the treatment of corns. Suitable for both pork and beef. Meat necessarily be thawed, preferably fresh. Slice meat attach to the sore spot, fix. Compress hold two hours. If one treatment is not enough, repeat.
Not bad fit propolis. It must be warm to the soft state. Adding to propolis lard, make the cake. Now attach it to the affected area and bandage. Pre rasparte corn, and wrap itself do at night to the morning, she softened, and it can be removed.
Take note that in order to combat the dry calluses excellent broth kidneys conifers - pine or fir fit. They will help to completely remove the long-standing corn. However, the most gentle way - it's a poultice on the basis of marigold flowers from which to prepare a slurry. A mixture of corn and attach to bandage the leg. It is advisable to warm compress woolen cloth. It will take ten of these procedures.
How to cure the wet corn
Wet, fresh corn usually appear after once you have purchased new shoes and put on her the first time. It is recommended to fix the problem immediately to the corn does not become more and more painful. Attach the inner film from eggshell to the damaged areas. First, you will feel a strong burning sensation, but after an hour it stops. After a while the film is glued to the corn. Corn on the treatment of such disappearing for two days.
Fresh corn can also be treated gruel of podded peas, ivy, plantain and milk. Not less effective in dealing with such corn and potatoes, which was spoken in the beginning. Another way - bread crumb soaked in vinegar. It must be mounted on a night bandage and plaster. And periodically make trays of oats, allowing steam stops.
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And a few more tips from our grandmothers
Soap-soda baths for feet - a very simple but quite effective method of getting rid of calluses. Fill a bowl with warm water (1 liter), add soda and soap here. This solution is necessary to hold the legs for twenty minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, rub a pumice stone corn and rinse legs with water, then soften moisturizer. To enhance the effect of the bath, it is possible to add a decoction of chamomile, which is well nourishes and softens the skin and gently cares for her.
Treatment of calluses on his feet, both fresh and old, good conduct, using vinegar and garlic tincture (ratio 1: 1). This mixture should insist for two weeks, and then every day apply compresses at night. It is also useful to apply to corn propolis. Just Prilep piece of propolis and secure it with a Band-Aid. A few of applying corn will disappear.
Tomatoes or tomato paste - effective way to quickly healing blisters, because we know that tomatoes are well disinfected and effectively fight bacteria. Simply cut a slice of tomato and apply for some time to the inflamed site. You can attach it with an adhesive plaster and leave on all night. Likewise, you can use lemon, which will save you from corn for three days.
The above methods is sufficient to treat even the most complex and the old corn. Please note that the site of the former inflammation need more care, using soothing creams and lotions - they help to cope with the rough skin on the foot that most often occurs in the summer.
As you can see, the way quickly and effectively cure corns, pretty much. It is not necessary to go to the pharmacy for special ointments or corn plasters, once you got a problem. Using products that are always in your refrigerator, you can prepare wonderful beauty and medical facilities without significant costs.