The daily bustle exhausting. Coming home and fell from exhaustion, so I want to once again feel the lightness and vigor in all the body, so I want to relax. To achieve this effect, the bath will help. Even in ancient times, our wise ancestors used herbs for bath treatments. Mother Nature, like no one else to take care of our health and beauty, and herbal baths to prolong our youth and improve their health, we need only know a few secrets.
How to take ordinary bath
To taking baths benefited enough to know a few simple rules.
- Daily hot tubs are fraught for the violation of natural skin metabolism to - play it safe. This does not apply to sanitary procedures.
- Not very useful to take a hot bath 1-2 times a week.
- The cool water has a refreshing and invigorating effect, and warm - soothing. Recommended time respectively for 3-5 minutes and 10-15 minutes. Exceeds its not worth it.
- The Council shall adopt procedures Bathrooms 2 hours after a meal.
- For the regulation of blood pressure and hardening of the skin, after a hot bath take a cold shower (1-2 minutes).
- If your skin is oily type - sitting in the bath, rub her mitten made of cotton fabric. If you are the owner of the skin dry - do not forget, after all procedures lubricate it with cream that does not dry further. Get rid of the "goose bumps" can be using a regular brush massage.
Baths with herbs have on the human body is not only a health but also a cosmetic effect. They relieve fatigue and pain in muscles, improve sleep and soothe the nervous system, cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. Take medicinal baths to be a course of 10-15 procedures a minimum.
How to prepare a bath with herbs
In order to make the best choice of herbal baths will enamelled bath. Prepare aqueous thermometer and any clock to control the duration of the reception and the water temperature. One procedure lasts 5 to 20 minutes, and the water temperature - 36-38 ° C.
Simple bath with herbs is easy to prepare:
The drug infusion. The usual recipe requires an average of 2 liters of water 100 g of dry grass. If you take a fresh grass, make an infusion rate of 600 g per 2 liters. Plants put in cold water, after which will bring to a boil. The roots, stems and large branches enough to boil for 15 minutes, and should insist broth for an hour. Strain and pour the broth into the bath. We bring the water to the required volume.
Restorative bath
To our body it was strong and healthy, and the body - beautiful, it is necessary to apply the restorative bath. It should do so only after 2-3 hours after dinner, right before bedtime. The initial water temperature of 36 ° C. Slowly submerge, relax and soak for 3 minutes. Open hot tap water and raise the temperature to 39 ° C. Lying in such conditions neobhodimo40-45 minutes. When the time expires, obleytes water at 26-27 ° C, and rub with a towel. After receiving baths immediately go to bed
Aromatic additives for baths
Just as herbal baths, charitable to the skin and render the procedure with addition of aromatic oils, mineral salts, preparations from brown algae and sea minerals.
Light the candles, make a nourishing mask for the face, turn on soft music and relax for 10 minutes.
To achieve the effect of glossy skin, use of the procedure body oil. After a - wipe the skin with a soft towel, removing dead skin.
Soothing herbal baths
Soothing herbs for the bath will have a charitable impact on the nervous system, help relieve fatigue, relax, forget about the stress and normalize sleep.
For these purposes fit:
- Valerian root (remove the jitters and insomnia)
- Hops, Cudweed, hawthorn (the neuroses of the heart)
- Conifer cones and twigs (spleen removed)
- Horsetail and celandine (soothe and relax, restore power)
- Green sweet flag (helps in the treatment of neurosis)
- Linden blossom, mint and tarragon (soothe the nervous system), etc.
To regain balance, use a soothing herb bath of the following detailed recipes.
- 50 g of hop, 50 g Cudweed, 200 g pine needles, leaves of hawthorn st.lozhek 5, 7 liters of water
The mixed herbs pour boiling water (7 liters), giving boil for 10 minutes. Insist half an hour. Strained broth pour into the tub with water temperature 38-39 degrees, no higher.
These herbal baths are necessary for autonomic dysfunction, high blood pressure and heart neurosis.
- 5 handfuls valerian root, 1 liter of water
Pour grass liter of water and boil. Boil on low heat in the course of 15 minutes. Strain and apply for the procedure.
The broth will have a calming effect for insomnia and nervous agitation. Duration 15 minutes, the temperature is -37 degrees.
- 3 tablespoons lime flowers, 2 tablespoons mint, 2 tablespoons Artemisia, 400 g of boiling water
Brew grass two cups of boiling water (400 g), and insist 15 minutes. We filter and pour in water collection.
These herbs for soothing baths will act on the nervous system. In addition, since some components have diaphoretic effect, the effect is also provided and overweight.
- 100 g of celandine, horsetail 500 g (calculated on a full bath)
Boil grass on low heat for 20 minutes. For sit-down bathtub used 0, 5 broth. Strain and use.
The procedure will have a relaxing and calming effect.
- Pine / coniferous bears and twigs.
Fill all with cold water, boil 30 minutes, give it brew for 12 hours. The extract of brown indicates an excellent broth. At full bath 1 used 5 liters.
Herbal bath has soothing properties, strengthens the heart and nerves.
- 200 g of chopped greens and sweet flag root, 2 tablespoons of celandine
Brew for 30 minutes over low heat. Water temperature where volem broth, not greater than 37 degrees. Takes 20-30 minutes, 1 time per week.
The procedure is effective in the treatment of neuroses.
Herbal foot bath
Herbs for bathing, helps relieve fatigue and swelling of legs, a lot. These include horsetail, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort. You can use the peel of fruits, such as pomegranate. Take a few recipes below.
- 2 tablespoons of horsetail, 200 g of water
Pour boiling water the grass and leave for 30 minutes. The duration of the procedure to 20 minutes at room temperature water.
Tincture produces a calming effect.
- 1 handful of marigold flowers, 1 liter of water
Pour in boiling water the flowers, remove from heat and close the pot. Insisting 30-45 minutes. Pour into a foot bath and relax and do.
This herbal foot bath has medicinal properties, used them as scratches, scuffs, tired legs and abrasions.
- The crushed leaves of nettle (1 handful) 1l. Water
Nettle infusion is prepared as well as of calendula. The only difference - the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.
- Herbal baths of nettle and St. John's wort, 1 liter of water
2 handfuls pour boiling water, close and leave for 1 hour. The procedure was carried out lasting 20 minutes
- 2 tablespoons pomegranate peel, 200 g of water
Chop rind, cover with water and boil (15 minutes) on low heat, let it brew time. Take a bath for 15 minutes. When do dousing with cold water, wipe with a towel and moisten the skin nourishing cream.
This will help relax the legs.
Herbal foot bath will help remove the swelling and fatigue, relax your leg muscles after a busy day. They are especially useful for those who like high heels. Do not neglect the herbal baths - this is a very effective procedure.
Herbal bath for weight loss
For people suffering from obesity, or aspiring to throw a few extra kilos of herbal bath for weight loss will be, as it is impossible, by the way, since the herb improve circulation
Herbs for slimming baths can be bought in pharmacies or on the market. The only thing in the pharmacy if you do not know how the grass looks really, you have a guarantee that you will get the right plant, as they are packed and signed.
You can pick up a herbal bath that will have complex effects on the body, and weight loss in particular.
Among the herbs for slimming baths are: rose, St. John's wort, peppermint, marjoram, marigold, sage, nettle, chamomile, lavender, thistle, yarrow, rosemary, lime, thorns, celandine, etc..
Baths with herbs for weight loss will have a great curative effect on the skin and which can lose its firmness and elasticity and as a result of rapid weight loss after application of different diets.
Herbal baths are great anti-aging effect, no wonder the queen of ancient Egypt kept their compositions in the strictest confidence. Our great-grandmother also had its mysteries, which not only come down to us, but also confirmed its effectiveness in modern conditions.
- Sage, peppermint (leaves), calendula flowers and oregano, 1 liter of boiling water
Mix all the ingredients in dry form and in equal quantities. 200 g (1 cup) collection pour 1 liter of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain. The infusion is ready for use.
Sage as biostimulator, helps to eliminate toxins from the body, affects the recovery of skin elasticity. The rest of the grass also affect positively on the breakdown of fats.
- Nettle, peppermint, St. John's wort and wild rose flowers, 2 liters of water
All herbs are taken in equal amounts and pour boiling water. Time -20 min infusion.
St. John's wort and peppermint will act as a diaphoretic, hips enrich, nettle strengthens the skin.
- 150 grams of thyme, 1st. spoon celandine
Fill with boiling water the grass and leave for 30 minutes. Filter.
This herbal bath for weight loss helps to normalize metabolic processes in the skin, which will allow you to look more attractive and fresh.
And finally, the recipe baths with herbs for weight loss, which is also called the "bath of beauty."
- 300 g of each of the herbs - chamomile, lavender, sage, linden blossom, yarrow, arnica, mint, flowers, thorns. Fee is calculated on a full bath.
Mix the herbs and pour boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. under the hood. The water temperature in the bath does not exceed 35 degrees.
The pleasant smell of the body, peace, normalization of metabolic processes - is a small part of the impact of herbs on the human body.
All baths can be taken at home to supplement their relaxation music or lighting candles to completely relax. Allow your body to become more attractive!