Parents expect to see pink angel might be shocked views newborn baby. Nine months in the amniotic fluid and the compression dozens of hours in the cutting uterus and birth canal in close should influence the appearance of the child. In another look, children born by Caesarean section.
Fortunately, the kids are growing and changing rapidly, and a month later you will see in the bed of the angels.
The baby's head
Fetal head relative to the rest of the body is the largest part, at the corresponding circumscription circumscription thorax. Later, as the child grows, the rest of the body is growing faster and proportions vary. During passage through the canal basin head shrinks and changes shape, takes the form of a pointed cone. Pressure is partially open cervix is even incremental change in shape - there is swelling in the cerebellum, called generic tumor. This swelling disappeared within one or two days, the conical shape will disappear in two weeks.
The hair covering the head of the newborn are a likeness of hair that grow later. Some babies just bald, while others have an impressive mane. Most, however, has a delicate scalp. Hair newborn period will gradually fall out and be replaced by new hair.
Generic Grease
It is believed that the layer of gray matter that covers the skin of the fetus, is designed to protect against long-acting amniotic fluid. Infants who were born prematurely, have a thick layer of ointment, post-term children almost do not have it, except skin folds and places under the nails.
Appearance of the genitals
Newborn perform both male and female sex organs, particularly expressive genitals of boys who were born by Caesarean section. Puffiness of the nipples may be infants of both sexes. Sometimes even released a pink substance called "witch's milk," as a result of the sex hormones of the mother. These hormones can also cause a milky-white or even krovjanisto stained vaginal discharge in girls. These phenomena - normal and disappear within a week or 10 days.
Fine, downy hair called lanungo can cover the shoulders, back, forehead, temples full-term infants. They typically fall in the first week of life. In premature infants, these hairs are generally more abundant and are held longer.
Swelling around the eyes
Swelling around the eyes is often caused by the use of the newborn immediately after the birth of eye drops to protect against infection. Usually within a few days it disappears. The eyes of children are almost always blue, regardless of the color later.
Stigma of the skin and skin damage
Very often after childbirth appear red spots at the base of the skull, on the eyelids, forehead, called "fatal" spots. These stigma usually disappear in the age of four. Vascular tumors (angioma) - stigma strawberry color rendered above the skin may be of different sizes - from small dots to large, even very large. Sometimes they pale before the pearl-gray tint or disappear altogether. Stigma color of coffee with milk can appear on the skin in each period of life and do not fade. You can also watch small redness of acne and other skin changes over time disappear.
Emotional connection mother with a newborn
There is a theory that the emotional bond a mother with a newborn is set in the postpartum period due to the existence of some of the functions of the brain. Based on this theory, the researchers concluded that the separation of the newborn from the mother immediately after birth makes it difficult to establish psychic connections between them in the first period. Today, many hospitals allow mothers after childbirth to keep the children with them, care for them from 10 minutes to an hour or even more, instead of complete isolation, practiced earlier. But, as is often the case with the promotion of good ideas, the idea of creating and maintaining emotional ties caused different interpretations and even some abuse, distort the very idea.
Mothers whose deliveries were made surgically and who could not see their child after birth, nervous, thinking that then their relationship through the parents - the child will not be restored
. Some very excitable parents whose children for a few days or weeks were in intensive care, tried to use every opportunity to establish contact with children
. Some of these nerve parents tried all possible and impossible ways to get in touch with children and insisted on these contacts, even in cases where it was associated with an increased risk for a child
. Of course, establishing an emotional connection between mother and child in a postnatal ward is desirable
. This is the first meeting between the mother and her offspring give them both a chance to establish direct contact - skin to skin, eye to eye
. This is the first step in the development of resistant parental feelings
. But only the first! And it does not mean that this should be done at the time of birth
. This may occur later in a hospital bed or through a hole in the window of the incubator, or even after a week, at home
Mothers who are able to establish a direct contact with the first child and did not have such a possibility with a second, do not usually notice the difference in the mutual relations with the two children. Parents of adopted children, who often did not see the children until such time as they take the baby from the hospital (and sometimes later), it is quite cope with the establishment of close emotional ties with such children. Some experts firmly believe that in fact the second half of the first year of a child's life physical contact does not yet play a significant role.
Of course, this process is complicated and emotional contact is not established within a few minutes. But never too late to begin to establish contacts, bringing together people with each other.
Unfortunately, in today's world it is sometimes a problem of mutual relations of mother with a baby, especially in very young mothers. This sense of alienation, the stronger the heavier the birth took place. The young mother will spend a lot of time and patience to overcome internal conflict.
Love at first sight erupts only in novels, as in life, everything is a little different. To make any sense of this kind, stay for life, you need to spend a lot of time, effort and patience. And speaking of the mutual feelings between the newborn and his parents, here, the same rules apply as in the emergence of feelings between man and woman.
Physical intimacy of mother and child in the first hours after birth does not guarantee the instantaneous appearance of emotional intimacy. The emergence of feelings are not so fast and obvious as postnatal changes in the body of the mother. And we should not think that in the first seconds after birth flash boundless maternal love. In fact, the first feeling of women after childbirth are more a sense of relief, rather than love, especially if the birth was difficult. It is a sense of relief, due to the fact that labor is finally behind us. And there is nothing abnormal in that weeping and on what does not react newborn baby mother is perceived as something completely alien, and, in any case, not a pleasant phenomenon perceived.
Studies show that you need an average of about two weeks (sometimes, this process is extended to ten months) to the mother were first tender feelings for the child.
The reaction of women to their child in the first minute of proximity depends on many factors: the duration and severity of birth on as to whether a woman in labor during childbirth influence of narcotic drugs, from previous experience (if any). It depends on the attitude and the question of having a child in your life, the relationship with her husband and a number of other factors that could upset young mother, as well as the state of health and can be very, very much on your character. Some of the most delicate feelings develops very slowly. Allow your child and herself to understand their feelings, let your mutual love to develop naturally and unhurried manner.
If after 2-3 weeks you can not establish close emotional contact with the child, but on the contrary, anger and aversion increase, necessary to consult with your pediatrician and psychologist.
We recommend that read: when to start walking with a newborn
Every individual and childbirth are unique: short and even rapid, long drawn-out and painful, requiring surgery or special tools for obstetrics. To predict accurately during childbirth is not possible, but to be in some degree prepared for possible options needed.
Themselves delivery options do not pose any particular risk for the mother and baby, but create additional problems. Sometimes complications arise when you can not solve the problems that arise efforts of mothers, in other cases, complications arise suddenly and require immediate medical attention.
Most complications can be detected by monitoring the state of the mother and child. Continuous monitoring (tracking) of the state of the mother and the fetus allows the doctor to make the right decision.
If there are any complications (rare, but it happens), you must, first of all, do not panic, to rely on the expertise of physicians and try to exactly follow the instructions of your doctor.
By deviation from the norm include:
weakness of labor activity - prolonged labor;
problems with the presentation of the fetus;
prolapsed cord.
Let us consider these problems.
Prolonged labor
The weakness of labor during childbirth may slow to a day or more, are considered protracted labor. There are primary and secondary uterine inertia forces.
In primary weakness and lingering bout of short duration from the onset of labor, secondary - may develop when a woman in labor gets tired. Normal contractions weaken, the duration between them increases. The weakness of the tribal forces can occur for many reasons: hormonal disorders, central nervous system, the effects of the previously transferred inflammatory diseases, the large size of the fetus, and others. In this case shows the induction of labor.
You can help yourself, trying to keep calm and not to fall into despair. Think of the slow progress of labor temporary, distracted, relax, perform tricks to stimulate your own. If labor is developing slowly in the beginning, it does not mean that all generations will be protracted. In the active phase (after the disclosure of the cervix), the birth process in most cases is normal.
Do not rush to the hospital, consult your doctor and try to use this time to rest: eat and have a drink, take a massage, soak in the bath. A warm bath relieve tension, slow down unproductive fights. If your contractions become tedious or lasts longer than a day, despite your efforts, you can resort to medical intervention. In this case, there are two possibilities: to try to stop the bout and give you a break from using drugs (tranquilizers, relaxing the uterus, or sedatives) or stimulate more efficient fight by using procedures such as separation of fetal membranes, opening membranes, injections of oxytocin, etc. .
During deceleration of labor after the start of active labor may be problems associated with the ineffectiveness of uterine contractions, adverse previa or location of the fetus, a narrow pelvis. Immobility, bed rest, a full bladder, drugs slow or stop contractions, fear, anxiety and stress can also cause a slowing of labor. In this case, every hour voiding the bladder, since it may slow sensation fetus; stop taking medications that slow the generic activities, to try to bring them out of the body with plenty drink; change your position - like, sit down, get on all fours.
The doctor will assess the progress in the reduction of labor and well-being of the child. Ask for help to medical staff: more frequent vaginal examinations, checking cervical dilatation, omission or reversal of the child must be under better control. They often have to listen to the pulse of the child, possibly using electronic fetal monitoring. Drip to prevent dehydration, pain relievers and medications to relax more appropriate if your labors excessively delayed. The doctor or midwife may artificially open the bag of waters to speed up labor or introduce oxytocin to increase the intensity and frequency of contractions.
If the child is under stress, as indicated by the change in his heart rate during labor or childbirth continue to evolve slowly, despite the measures taken, may have to resort to cesarean section.
Exterior (posterior-occipital) presentation
One of the most common causes of prolonged labor is posterior-occipital previa, when the child's neck is directed towards the back. In this case, the child should first turn to perednezatylochnoe presentation, disclosure and omission may be delayed.
Most kids perednezatylochnoe presentation takes place in the time of full disclosure of the uterus, but some babies will be born in this position with the face turned to the mother's abdomen.
When zadnezatylochnom previa can be significant pain during labor and even between them as a solid round of the baby's head (neck) presses on the pelvis, stretching the sacroiliac joints and causing pain in the entire lumbar region.
Help your child to turn around and you can ease the pain by following these tips:
Change your position every 20-30 minutes to take advantage of gravity and motion.
Do not lie on your back. This will only increase the pain, because in this position the child is still more pressing head on your spine. In addition, your tailbone, which is to unbend, will be fixed.
Most of the time during labor spend on all fours or in a knee-elbow position. This will help not only to remove the pressure from the back, but also help the child to roll over, using the force of gravity, as the heaviest part of the child's body (back of the head and torso) will be attracted to the floor.
Do rotational movements of pelvis. Standing on all fours, or in the knee-elbow position, rotate the pelvis to get the child to roll over.
Keep moving! When walking, the pelvis will move freely. This will help your child to spin and turn in search of the most easy way through the pelvis. Think twice before you do ask for an epidural. If you lie horizontally, the child can not tip over, which could lead to forceps delivery or caesarean section.
Apply a cold compress or hot during labor or between them on the abdomen, lower back, or perineum. Compression to help relieve muscle tension. Most women prefer hot packs, but some great benefit to bring cold, it can be a towel soaked in ice-cold water or hot water bottle with ice.
Stand or sit in the shower and direct the stream of water on the painful area.
Ask your partner or a nurse squeeze your hips during contractions. To do this you need to put your hands on the buttocks and thighs to squeeze the two sides. You can show the exact place and say, how and how much to push.
If there is a hot tub, take it, the bay with water above the level of the abdomen. The deeper you dive into the water, the easier it will be able to turn your child.
Perhaps the use of electrical stimulation. In the method of pain relief on the back of four superimposed stimulating pads, which are fed by hand the generator pulses, creating a tingling or tingling in the lower back. The woman herself can adjust the level of electrical stimulation at will. Experts believe that as acupressure, electrostimulation interfere with the passage of pain signals to the brain and contributes to the local release of endorphins, so you can lower the threshold of sensitivity to pain.
Use breathing techniques and relaxation.
One of the reasons for the delay in labor after the disclosure of the cervix can be short umbilical cord, which limits the child and slows down his heart rate during labor. Very rarely delay the appearance of the shoulders of the child after the birth of the head. This serious complication occurs when the shoulders are so broad or so turned that do not pass through the pelvis. Perform cesarean section after the appearance of the head is not possible. In this case, may use forceps or vacuum extractor for receiving allows you to rotate and release the child's shoulders. It is important to do it quickly, because the supply of oxygen through the umbilical cord of the child may be reduced.
Prolapse of the umbilical cord
Prolapse of the umbilical cord - a rare, but very serious complication. If the umbilical cord slips through the cervix into the vagina before the baby is born, it can be squeezed between the baby and the wall partially reveal the cervix or the maternal pelvis bones.
During labor it is squeezing the umbilical cord can drastically reduce the oxygen supply of the fetus that poses a threat to a child's life.
Umbilical cord prolapse is most likely (although still rare) the sudden opening of the membranes, and breech or transverse position of the fetus or when the fetal head "wanders" and fell into the basin. In the case of dangerous presentation of the fetus, if the flow of water broke, before the arrival of the doctor should be down on your knees and chest on the floor; in this position, gravity will move the child and possibly precipitated cervical cord. It is desirable and on the way to the hospital in a car to stay in the position described, where the new mother will have quality medical care.