Rusty braid to her waist, dropped his hair! Well, if not from the waist up, and even if you do not spit, you still want the hair does not fall out, not flogged, they were brilliant and obedient: Health, in a word. And what we have in reality? Scorching sun and salt (or chlorinated) water, not the benign shampoos, hair dyes, varnishes and tonics ... All this is not the best way affects the condition of our hair. They become dull, brittle and lifeless. How to help your hair to go through a difficult period of time for them? How to return your curls beauty and health?
But nothing extraordinary for this is not necessary, neither conspiracy nor exclusive doroguschy hair cosmetics, or even treatments in the beauty salon. You just need a little bit closer to your hair to be periodically (not incidentally!) For them to do a hydrating mask. The help nourishing hair mask? They return the hair vitality, restore the structure, strengthen, promote growth. And even after the hair nourishing masks cease to be brittle and start to shine. In general, if you choose to help your hair, then use the appropriate (depending on the problem) recipes.
Nutritious mask for all hair types
Components in such universal masks have, above all, strengthening and regenerating effect. They nourish hair, but at the same time not affect the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which is important in the care of a certain type (or fat dry) hair.
Honey mask to restore the structure
Mix in ceramic ware 1 teaspoon of castor oil and aloe juice, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply the mask for 40 minutes is recommended. Then, wash your hair and rinse blond hair infusion of chamomile, nettle and dark.
Mask with fish oil to restore power
Mask based on fish oil returns hair vitality. Mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil. After heating in a water bath, rub the oil into the scalp mask. After 10 minutes, apply the mixture for 5 minutes from the whipped egg yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon of shampoo. Then rinse.
Vitamin mask for hair growth and hair density
For this mask, all components are taken in equal proportions, for example, two teaspoons. And it includes the following ingredients: castor oil, fresh lemon juice, dimexide, oil solution of vitamin A and vitamin E oil solution to mix all ingredients and apply the mixture on the scalp, shook his head with polyethylene and keep the mask for two hours. This mask is considered to be an effective tool in the home of cosmetology. However, keep in mind that dimexide - medication. Its use has a number of contraindications. Therefore, carefully read the instructions, and even better - to consult a doctor or a beautician.
Nutritious mask for oily hair
Nutrients masks are considered the most effective way to care for oily hair. What do they give? Home-cooked, such masks are able to normalize the sebaceous glands in the scalp and thereby remove excess fat, make hair shiny (not from fat!), And to strengthen them. In addition, it masks at home, you can change the proportions of their constituent components and empirically pick up, it is most appropriate to your hair.
Mask beet
This mask is simply irreplaceable for oily hair. Gruel of grated on a fine grater one large beets with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of oat flour is applied to the entire length of the hair. After 30 minutes, the mask should be removed using boiled water shampoo. This mask will help oily hair for a few days stay clean.
Herbal Mask
Nettles and oak bark possess astringent and contain optimal for oily hair set of trace elements. A calendula addition to it also acts as a preservative. Two tablespoons of chopped nettle leaves, the same number of calendula flowers and a tablespoon of oak bark pour two liters of boiling water. Herbal blend infused for half an hour, then strain off and the infusion is poured into a separate bowl. This infusion of clean hair is rinsed several times without washing, dried. Incidentally, the mask can be used and dried, and fresh grass.
Yeast mask
Yeasts have long been considered almost a panacea for oily skin and greasy hair. The masks are used as beer and bread yeast. It is desirable, of course, take a fresh (live) yeast, but if this is not possible, it is not forbidden to use their dry concentrate. Such yeast need to pre-soak and grind to a paste. So, 1 tablespoon yeast (soft) pour 1 teaspoon of warm boiled water and leave for twenty minutes. Then yeast is added to the raw egg yolk, rub or apply the mixture on the hair. When the mask is completely dry, it is washed off with warm water and shampoo.
Nourishing mask for dry hair
Dry hair suffer from a lack of sebum and moisture. It is for this reason, they become brittle and weak, lose their luster and easily whipped and tangled. On his head there is a dry dandruff and a feeling of tightness of the skin. By the way, can be dry and greasy hair! Nourishing mask for dry hair is just hair, help to cope with dehydration, and strengthen hair by members of the components of trace elements and vitamins.
Softwood mask
Owners of dry hair will help infusion of pine needles. Boil needles flooded with boiling water and let stand for 20 minutes. Drain and strain the infusion, add a premix of one beaten egg yolk mixed with 1 tablespoon of sour cream (can substitute cream) and 1 tablespoon of brandy. The mask is ready. Apply it on the scalp and on all length of hair. Wrap head with a towel and soak 40 minutes. After this time, just wash your hair with shampoo.
Yolk and honey mask
This mask has nourishing and regenerating effect. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil (any other vegetable oil hair dry!) With one egg yolk and mash. Then add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of brandy. The resulting mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair and cover the head with cling film or plastic Covenant (not tight!). Leave the mask-compress for 2 hours. Then wash your hair with shampoo and rinse the herbal extract (chamomile, calendula).
Glycerin mask
1 fresh egg mixed with a teaspoon of glycerin (available at pharmacies), a teaspoon three percent vinegar (better to take a natural apple or wine) and two tablespoons of castor oil. This mixture was rubbed into the scalp and applied to the hair over the entire length thereof. Then the head with a towel and keep the harbor mask for about forty minutes. Important! The towel is always false to be warm, so I cooled down a towel on warmed. The mask is washed with a mixture of shampoo with egg yolk.
Other hydrating mask
Nutritious masks not only make up for a deficit of trace elements in the hair, but also prevents hair loss, stimulate their growth, color refresh, enhance shine and eliminate dandruff. Here are some, so to speak, targeted mask.
Against hair loss
To solve this problem will help mask with herbal rinse. Mix one tablespoon of aloe juice and liquid (or melted) of honey, add 1 teaspoon of garlic juice. This mixture can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Rub the mixture into the scalp and rinse hair after washing decoction of herbs: chamomile, horsetail and nettles, taken in equal proportions.
To improve hair growth
Mask of horseradish promotes hair growth. Fresh horseradish root grate on fine grater, add half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, honey and liquid vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Stir and add 1 tablespoon of pulp of oatmeal. The mask is recommended for a month every week before washing the head.
To supply the hair follicles
Mask of figs well strengthens hair. 4 Chop the fruit (can be dry) figs, pour a glass of milk and put on a slow fire. Stir, bring the mixture until smooth and cool. Warm mask to rub the scalp and apply along the entire length of hair. An hour later, rinse and wash your hair with shampoo. Making such masks is recommended every week for three months.
To get rid of dandruff will sauerkraut juice mixed with honey. Prepare a mask of two tablespoons of brine and a teaspoon of honey. After 15 minutes, the mixture infusions, rub it into the hair roots and wrap head with a towel. Half an hour later wash your hair with shampoo.
For silky
Universal mask from raw oats give your hair silky and soft. One hundred grams of washed oat pour two cups of boiling water and cook until tender. Let sit for 20 minutes and strain the broth. Beforehand, beat yolks with three teaspoons of yogurt and a teaspoon of honey and mix with the broth. Apply the mask on your hair and leave for half an hour. Rinse with warm water and a mild shampoo.
For brightness light hair
Blonde hair "strengthen" the color will help colorless henna. Mix one tablespoon of colorless henna and hot water, one teaspoon of cocoa powder, yogurt and honey and add the pulp of the two cloves of garlic and one beaten egg. Apply the mask on the whole length of the hair and leave for forty minutes. Then wash your hair.
For dark hair
The mask of ordinary Henna set off the dark hair and makes it shiny and bright. For this mask you need to mix a tablespoon of henna and a half cups of strong brewed tea, add the beaten egg yolk and one teaspoon of cocoa powder, sea buckthorn oil, yogurt and oil extract of vitamin A. The mask is applied to the entire length of hair and leave for two hours.
Remember that nourishing hair mask is desirable to do before dinner (in the morning). The fact that at this time the follicles are active and able to assimilate large amounts of nutrients. Yes, and the process of power is undergoing active. And another important point. If you have decided to do her hair, the procedure for their supply (treatment) should be systematic. Only then the hair will recover and find the beauty and power. Stay beautiful and always in spite of everything. Good luck!
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