Every modern woman who wants to look fashionable and stylish, but not yet decided to radically change hair color, can try to make the weave hair. This procedure will maintain the same color, but make new shades, give your hair extra volume visible, and the individual strands will sparkle beautifully in the rays of sunlight.
There are three major factors that need to be taken into consideration before the dyeing of hair:
- The original hair color.
- Color strands future.
- Technology coloring strands.
Ways of hair dyeing there is quite a lot, but the most popular were and remain: highlights with foils and highlighting hair through the cap.
Highlighting through cap
In carrying out this method of dyeing hair on the head to wear a cap with holes, through which the hook pulled out individual strands. The best way to extract the strands in a checkerboard pattern. The width of the individual strands should be equal to 3-5 mm, and the distance between them is about 1 centimeter. If you plan Streaked wider strands, respectively, and the distance between them should be increased: with a width of 6-8 mm, a distance of 1, 5 cm.
After all locks are removed, you can proceed to their discoloration. To lighten the tone of the strands 1, apply the paint for 15 minutes. For maximum tint, dye is left for 40 minutes. After staining, the strands should be carefully washed, without removing the cap.
Then carefully remove the cap and have washed all the hair with shampoo.
Highlights foil
Another classic, but no less important, is the way to weave hair using foil. First you need to prepare the foil, cutting it into equal squares of about 10x15 mm and brightens paint. Then, starting with the parting, separated strand of the width of 5 mm, and it is applied to the paint. The distance between strands should be about 1 cm. After applying the brightener over the entire length strands, it is wrapped in foil. When all the locks along the parting will be wrapped in foil, it is possible to fall below and is doing the same action with the remaining hair. After the required time, the foil is removed carefully and thoroughly washed with a shampoo paint.
After dyeing the hair is usually followed by toning procedure. It is held to the hair look more natural, and colored strands is not too contrasting with the color of the hair. Mainly used for toning dull pastel colors, they can vary in color, but similar colors.
Types of dyeing
Such a hair weave is used for short haircuts. Brightening only the tips of the individual strands with foil. This highlighting allows to focus on the structure of the haircut.
With this weave hair used usually from 2 to 4 tints, but possibly a larger number of tones. When choosing colors, do not forget about their compatibility with each other. This weave gives hair a healthy and natural appearance. To do so highlights on dark brown hair are ideal shades: caramel, beige, coffee and chocolate.
This is the perfect highlights on brown hair. Reverse highlighting will move from bright colors to a more profound and intense. Selected strands with such weave hair painted in darker tones. Also on blond hair look great honey, wheat, gold.
In this kind of dyeing hair using a special ink containing ingredients that do not damage the hair, lightening them at once by 3-4 tones. Use such highlights on brown hair to achieve a good effect of glare. In the dark hair highlights the French will be almost negligible.
This is an interesting highlights on brown hair, in which the individual is not selected strands are wrapped in foil and they are in free contact with the rest of the hair. As a result, highlights strands look natural, and transitions between shades imperceptible.
Normally highlights on brown hair do with gentle colors, so as not to hurt the hair.
Such hair weave there for fans of daring experiments. It is used to advance promelirovannye hair. Clarified strands dyed in any most unimaginable color using the gel, as part of which are sparing components. Such gels are washed off after 4-8 times washing hair.
Using bright colors will make the image of extravagance, and give a unique style, especially if the color of the strands will be combined with the article of clothing, nail polish or color of the car.
The first time the procedure highlighting the bright hair colors better to confine 2-3 strands to not look vulgar and ridiculous.
Hair meliruyutsya only person occipital part remains unchanged. Staining exposed only the upper strand. This allows you to refresh the main highlighting color, without resorting to the drastic change of image.
For this hair weave 2-3 selected shade of paint, combined with each other. Strands with such coloring of selected different widths. This type of dyeing is more suitable to brunettes or brown-haired. On the bright contrasting strands of hair will look rough and messy.
This hair weave, in which only the tips are exposed to staining, and the upper part of the hairstyle remains unchanged.
Do not use highlighting in the following cases:
- If you just dye your hair or do perm;
- If your hair is in poor condition - dry and brittle.
As you can see, quite a few kinds of dyeing. You just choose the method and choose the colors that you find most suitable. Be of good cheer!