A very well-known aphorism says that beauty - a terrible force. Almost all women are well aware of it and did enjoy this very force. However, not all of the beauties of nature have perfect skin. One of the most common problems - oily skin of the face, the treatment of which is very challenging. Oily skin is indeed a spectacle rather unaesthetic.
This skin is almost always shines, and in the hot season often appear on it are the real drops of sebum. The appearance of this skin is also very specific - due to the fact that the enlarged pores, it's very much reminiscent of orange peel. The pores of the skin almost always clogged, forming black dots. But that's not all - very often oily skin develop various inflammatory processes.
All this is a direct consequence of too intensive production by the sebaceous glands secretions, which, together with the dust particles and the horny box form jams that clog the channels and most of the sebaceous glands. First, there are black dots, then, as the accumulation of fat in the ducts, these points are transformed into very real grease tube, under which a high probability inflammatory processes begin.
The unpleasant prospect, is not it? But do not worry - another no less famous aphorism says that this is the beauty demands victims. And we, women, are ready to bring her to sacrifice time, money, effort. Although, strictly speaking, for the treatment of oily skin can do without major financial expenditure. After all, almost all of the procedures that offer beauty salons, it is possible to do at home. The main thing - to know how. This is what we will now tell you.
Care oily skin
To start the fight with all these troubles must be with the simplest, but most important - with the proper care of oily skin. Remember that in order to achieve the desired result is very important systematic care. From periodic "raids" on occasion, would not be any good. What's more - you can only worsen the condition of their skin.
Skin cleansing
Clean - the guarantee of health. And this also holds true with respect to the skin. Therefore, proper cleansing is very important. The skin should be thoroughly cleaned every night. For this purpose the ideal cleansing milk, which contains bactericides. Milk, apply a thin layer on the face, face massage for a couple of minutes. Then carefully rinse with cool water. This should be done with a cotton swab - they are more thoroughly clean the pores of the skin of accumulated fat.
In that case, if the skin is very oily, you can use for cleaning liquid soap or cleansing gel - foam. Moisten the skin, apply a small amount of cleanser and massage thoroughly until until a dense foam. Then carefully rinse the skin with cool water and blot with a towel.
Toning of the skin
Thus, the skin cleaned. Getting to the next step - toning. To do this, you must use special lotions specifically designed for oily skin. These lotions are great normalize the pH of the skin, optimizes the sebaceous glands. Furthermore, the use of these lotions stimulate constriction of pores and cropped inflammation.
It is important to choose the right lotion. When buying pay attention to the means. It is desirable to give preference to those lotions that contain extracts of mother and stepmother, chamomile, calendula and plantain. In addition, a very favorable effect on oily skin essential oils such as eucalyptus and tea tree. Equally useful as menthol and camphor.
Power Skin
The next stage - applying the cream. Please note - the cream should be applied to the skin is slightly important. It is important to choose the right face cream. It is in any case should not be bold, otherwise the skin several times worse. Therefore, carefully read the cream before purchasing it. In any case not allowed substances such as petrolatum, stearic acid, mineral oil. It is best to give preference to emulsion cream designed specifically for oily skin. Such cream is quickly absorbed, and normalize the sebaceous glands, supply nutrients to the skin.
Deep cleansing and mask
About two - three times a week is necessary to conduct additional purification procedure. It is best to use for this scrubs - preparations with solids. Note, however - they can be used only if it currently has no skin inflammation. If the skin has inflamed pimples, skin must be cleaned with the help of exfoliation - soft cream peeling. In the same case, if the pores are clogged very much, the best option will be the film mask, which is very good clean pores.
Traditional methods of treating oily skin
In the event that for any reason, use ready-made cosmetics, you do not want to pay their attention to the natural resources. Often the recipes of traditional medicine are far more effective than the most expensive scrubs, peels, lotions and creams. It is about them, and we will tell you.
Skin cleansing
Any skin care begins with cleansing, remember? For the preparation of the national means of cleansing oily skin, you will need five tablespoons of oatmeal, one tablespoon of soap chips and five tablespoons of water. Grate any baby soap, mix it with oatmeal, put in a glass container with a lid. Pour warm water and mix thoroughly. Store similar means for cleansing in a refrigerator, no more than five days.
It is applied as follows: moisten skin with warm water, apply a uniform layer of cleanser. Massage for one minute, then rinse thoroughly with water. Finishing washing, I rinse the skin with ice water - it tones the great vessels and pores. The tool is absolutely safe, so you can use it for daily evening washing.
Toning Lotion
Thus, the skin cleaned. Now you need to tone it. Too many women in one voice say that the most optimal for this are as follows cleansing lotions: chamomile and cucumber.
And we start with chamomile. To make it, you will need one tablespoon of salicylic alcohol, one teaspoon of dry inflorescences pharmacy chamomile and a half cups of water. Place a daisy in a thermos and fill with boiling water. Insist daisy for three hours, then carefully strain using gauze cloth. Pour the resulting camomile tea in a glass bowl and mix with salicylic alcohol. The lotion is ready!
Wipe it with lotion face at least twice a day. Salicylic alcohol perfectly disinfects the skin and reduces sebum. A pharmacy chamomile relieves inflammation and soothes the skin. After the first application of the lotion carefully trace the reaction of the skin. If you feel a strong burning sensation, prepare a new lotion, using half the dose of salicylic alcohol.
Face Cream
Independently cook cream for oily skin is not so simple. But it is still possible, if you really try. For this you need three-leaf aloe, two tablespoons of any child cream without any additives. Aloe leaves previously put in the freezer for three days. After that, clean the leaves are peeled, chop to puree the state. Mix baby cream and get a lot, place in a tightly sealable container. Store cream must be exclusively in the refrigerator.
This cream can be used every day, after the evening cleanse the skin. Apply the cream on the skin with a thin layer. This impromptu cream is absorbed very quickly. Children cream moisturizes the skin - because the need for moisture to oily skin, no less than in the dry. But aloe as easy to guess, eliminates inflammation.
Masks for oily skin
In order to successfully treat oily skin, without special revitalizing masks do not succeed. There are some very, very effective masks that are able to quickly put in order the most problematic oily skin:
Mask with honey and aloe
Your skin is inflamed? You will be just the mask. For its preparation you will need one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of aloe juice and half an apple. Apple peel and grate on a fine grater. Using a gauze cloth press one teaspoon of aloe juice. In an enamel or glass container, combine all ingredients until smooth. The mask should be applied to the skin after cleansing, a thick layer. After 15 minutes, rinse and rinse the skin with ice water. Make a mask can be three times a week.
Cucumber weight
Cucumbers have excellent cleansing, moisturizing and softening properties. Therefore, cucumber mask is also very useful for problem skin. But remember that the cucumber is also perfectly whiten skin - so in any case, do not use this recipe if you visit a solarium. Sunburn is to go smoothly and face covered with pigment spots.
All the other women will love this mask. For its preparation you will need one medium-sized cucumber and half a teaspoon of alcohol tinctures of calendula. Cucumber peel, grate on a fine grater, and in addition how to mash with a fork. Push the Power mashed cucumber and calendula tincture, mix thoroughly and apply a pre-steamed and cleansed face. After about 30 minutes, rinse and rinse your face with cool water. Do not make more than two masks per week.
Egg Mask
Another excellent remedy - this egg mask. Preparing it is very, very simple - you need a hen's egg protein. Thoroughly whisk it with a fork, a blender or mixer. You should get a thick white foam. This foam, apply a thick layer on the face and leave on for ten minutes. You will feel a sense of tightening skin - it will start to shrink pores. That is why it is so important to do this mask only after a thorough cleansing.
As you can see, there are many ways to deal with the problems of oily skin. But do not forget that it is very important to know exactly what kind of reasons led to this problem. As a rule, only a doctor is able to establish the cause and prescribe treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor - a dermatologist!
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