beautiful bow made of hair


  • Is it worth doing hair bow itself?
  • The easiest and fastest way to make bow

If you are a happy owner of a beautiful long hair, but do not know what hairstyle to come up to please yourself, impress your friends and attract the attention of others, then the best option for you would be a stylish bow hairstyle.

That bow out of hair will give your image a novelty, lightness, childish, combined with feminine elegance.

Bow of hair - a godsend for those who value their time and originality in everything! This hairstyle is perfect for a walk in the park, the meeting in a cafe with friends, any festive event. Even an ordinary bow out of hair will undoubtedly attract attention and do not leave you unnoticed. Well-groomed hair - a sign of good taste, a beautiful hairstyle on such hair - a sign of good taste. If you want to look fashionable, stylish and unusual, please feel free to bow out of the hair. Many stars have already tested the bow as the storage element of his image. Lady Gaga, Kelly Clarkson and Paris Hilton bow appreciated highly. Now I turn to you!

 self bow made of hair

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Is it worth doing hair bow itself?

Most women refuse to bow to the idea, because they believe the process of creating a time-consuming and almost impossible at home. And for good reason. Of course, if you call for help girlfriend, mother or sister, and use an arsenal of various tools for hair straightening, fixing and giving them a special shine, it will bow in top form. But do not give up attempts to try to create something special on his head with his hands. Let simple at first glance.

After all, in addition to a clear, smooth lines flawlessly perfect hairstyle, nobody canceled options with a slight view of the negligence, give your appearance a kind of elegance and youthfulness . You can start to train with a simple bow, moving on to more complex and sophisticated options. It is also a good way to decorate the drab everyday rainbow colors mood.

You're bored and you're tired of her flowing hair, braids, tails? You want a new and at the same time forgotten old? Contemporary, but with a touch of childhood remembers? I want to be flirtatious Minnie Mouse, Malvina clever or elegant heroine Audrey Hepburn in the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's"? Arrange a week bows! A new day - a new hairstyle with a bow! Variants of the sea! Surprise, shocking, admire!

 bow out of hair with her hair
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The easiest and fastest way to make bow

  1. Well comb her beautiful hair.
  2. With gum Gather hair into a high ponytail.
  3. The tip of the tail does not remove the gum from, and leave it as is. Size bow determine at will and leave the appropriate length tail.
  4. Divide the beam at the center into two equal parts.
  5. The tip of the tail move forward through the middle of the beam and fix it by using invisible rubber band or clip. Bow of the hair is ready!

Variations on a theme, you can always come up with a bow itself. For example, a piece of hair left loose, from the other side to make a bow at the back or on top, you can braid braids and out to make a bow, securing it with the help of pins, you can Make us just three or four bow, using the method described above.

Everything is simple and fast. Time and cost savings (no need to run to the salon and pay money). In just a few minutes every girl can be transformed into a princess, ready to accept compliments. Experiment, try new, include fantasy and be the most beautiful!

 Original hairstyle for every day of the bow hair is back in fashion

 soft dark hair coloring


  • Emphasizes individuality using staining
  • Techniques that the most advantageous
  • Where to begin?
  • Mandatory rule - good care

Women are arranged so that, with the nature of the ideal appearance, they are always busy looking for improvement of its image. Today, they are an endless number of possible procedures which can be taken in the beauty salon or do it yourself. Especially a lot of time ladies used to be given to hair.

This season is very important coloring of dark hair. Due to the special method of staining strands in different colors creates a smooth transition from one color to another. In this hairstyle gets the additional volume and clear lines. And the fact that the coloring is absolutely suitable for women of any age, can not but rejoice.

 fashionable coloring of dark hair
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Emphasizes individuality using staining

Procedure for hair dyeing were executed at least 300 years. Even in the time of Peter, our great-great-grandmother used decoctions and infusions of plants to give your hair the desired shade. For dark hair into such potions were bumps and alder bark, leaves and fruit peel walnuts. Already since the 20th century, hair coloring has become quite common technique underscores female identity. And the stronger sex have resorted to coloring.

Of course, the weak half of particularly successful in finding the most impressive presentation of the variants of the image. It is believed that the fair-haired femmes have a greater range of possible shades of his curls. All for some reason it seems that the dark-haired ladies are much more difficult to find the winning combination of colors. However, a professional stylist hairdresser refute this opinion.

For coloring hair dark shades - is just one technique that is able to miraculously change the image of women of all ages.

Owners natural shades of dark hair, brunette, highlight some peculiar and exotic facial features. Due to this solid color hair is capable of simplifying an interesting look. But such persons are different expressive eyes, a mouth pattern. Just wanted colors swept strands, an exclusive selection of colors to reveal a bright personality of the fair sex. In such cases, coloring of dark hair - exactly what will serve as a bright ornament of extraordinary appearance.

 soft hair coloring
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Techniques that the most advantageous

Today, the multi-tone mode. This means that there are several approaches to the introduction of color in the hair strokes. Some women who have not previously used the advantages of coloring behave cautiously at first. Their wish - otkolorirovat only a few strands, often it bangs and adjacent to the face hair. But even in this version it does not look particularly interesting contrast monochrome tint, and a combination of at least two constituent colors. This method is applicable in the case of a successful haircut modern forms and is able to create a complete image.

But those who intend to radically transform themselves seem to others from an unexpected quarter, go further. Kolorirovanie on dark hair over their entire length - from the roots to the tips - are harmoniously combined with the use of colors can dramatically change the appearance. For demonstrations used 20 color combinations. However, for everyday image of rational use of not more than 5 tinting mixing. Spectacular use of coloring may be only the tip of the hair.

Cardinal change of colors in the dark tonality may require a preliminary clarification of hair or individual sections, and strands. This method allows you to more fully achieve polychrome and successful selection of colors will promote the birth of a completely new perceptual image.

Recent innovations in the field of coloring - holding at its longitudinally and transversely embodiment. This approach - a tribute not only to the youth style, which focuses on the unpredictability and the avant-garde. This is achieved by practical and long-term maintenance hairstyle that after the regrowth will change slowly. With regard to the desire of young people to use bright, not too familiar in applying to the hair dye, in conjunction with the organic style of dress this way will not look extreme, and naturally the appropriate style.
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Where to begin?

Post should not be required to search the paint colors and a reflection of what you yourself want to see. Watch the passers-by, take note of the techniques of coloring that you like. But it is necessarily correlate features of its shape and style of the planned changes. If it is difficult to make a final decision, resort to the advice of a professional hairdresser.   His trained eye immediately bring out your features and proposals will most probably be the best. So choose an experienced master, and success will be assured!

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Mandatory rule - good care

It is no secret that dyed hair requires extra care. This applies gentle shampoo and mandatory use balm with natural botanicals. If the coloring of good quality and interesting figure you go to the salon, it houses a full set of one of the series of hair care products will help you to always have exclusive fashionable hairstyle.

 Trends dyeing dark hair
