Everybody knows where babies come from, for that sperm to meet the egg. But this meeting took place, the most active sperm need to "come" to the finish line first, the egg must mature and to get out of the follicle.
The word "ovulation" comes from the Latin «ovum», which means "egg". Ovulation - the output is a mature egg that is capable of fertilization of the ovarian follicle. The most important condition for pregnancy - is having a good ovum, so doctors are interested in this issue, to assess the overall condition of the reproductive system. Pretty common causes of infertility in women is the lack of ovulation and various hormonal disruptions.
Tests for the assessment of ovulation
Ovulation is characterized by individual signs when a woman experiences discomfort in the lower abdomen around the middle of the menstrual cycle - this is the period of ovulation. In these days can be seen bleeding from the genital tract and increase sexual desire. However, to obtain more accurate results please use one of the following methods.
Measurement of rectal (basal) temperature
This is one of the easiest methods that do not require any financial investments, other than buying a thermometer. True, he is not perfectly accurate, as there need to strictly adhere to a variety of conditions: normal and long sleep in the morning, the temperature is measured at the same time without getting up from bed. Measuring the temperature is in the rectum. Temperature information is plotted, where the horizontal axis is the days of the menstrual cycle, and the vertical - temperature. The menstrual cycle can be considered ovulatory, if the temperature difference in the first and second phases, it is not less than 0 and 3 ° C. The first phase is the period before ovulation, when "classic" regular cycle of 28 days, the duration is 14 days. The second phase of the cycle - the remaining two weeks.
Test strips for ovulation
This is a more accurate method of determining the level of LH (luteinizing hormone), which is one of gonadotropins responsible for the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. Before ovulation, the level of this hormone is greatly increased, thereby causing it. Ovulatory LH peak point can podgadat on certain days of the menstrual cycle urine used for this special test strip.
At constant cycle tests need to start doing in about 17 days before the next menstrual period, as the corpus luteum phase lasts about 12-16 days. In the standard cycle of 28 days, the test should be the beginning of the 11th day, and at a cycle of 35 days - 18 days. Positive test results indicate that approximately 28-42 hours of ovulation begin.
Dynamic ultrasound and determination of the level of progesterone
Ultrasound allows you to see the formation of a mature dominant follicle in the ovary. After the egg comes out at this point is formed corpus luteum to produce progesterone, which promotes the development of normal pregnancy. In terms of the content of this hormone can obtain information about the efficient ovulation.
Age and ovulation
If a young woman is of childbearing age, almost everyone will ovulatory menstrual cycle. And the norm is the lack of ovulation in 10-15% of cycles during the year. The general trend can be characterized as follows: the older a woman gets, the less will be ovulating. At the age of 40 years, ovulation occurs no more than six times a year. However, it is not only the absence of ovulation. Women in 40 probability of pregnancy is reduced not only because of the decrease in ovulatory cycles but also because of lower quality eggs. This, in turn, affects the probability of pregnancy, its normal development and the quality of embryos.
If you are unable to get pregnant
1-1, 5 years of regular sexual life is normal period. If it expires in young women of childbearing age pregnancy does not occur, the doctor makes a diagnosis "infertility in the couple." After that both spouses surveyed recommend to clarify the possible reasons for the lack of pregnancy. Women over 35 years should start much earlier survey if pregnancy has not occurred within six months of regular sexual life. Such recommendations provide in order not to lose time because of ovarian function with age and deteriorate the quality of eggs.
Factors which influence ovulation
It can be any reasons: the environment, various diets, medication. All this can cause hormonal disruption and, consequently, the absence of ovulation. Permanent jet lag, long flights, the usual climate change - these factors are also a source of stress for the body, which can disrupt the rhythm of the functioning of the reproductive system. However, as a rule, these disturbances are transient.
Thoughtless use of drugs for weight loss, fasting often lead to persistent anovulation. A striking example - is anorexic patients, who voluntarily refuse food and bring themselves into a state of sudden exhaustion. If the weight falls below 45 kg, the body responds well to it and begins to oppress the processes of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Such women stop menstruation and ovulation.
Hormonal disorders can also cause disorders of ovulation, most of them due to genetic causes. Various conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, thyroid disorders, syndromes, which are accompanied by increased levels of male hormones, disorders of sexual differentiation can cause a lack of normal ovulation. Some of these states are promising in terms of the restoration of ovulation and pregnancy, while others exclude ovulation altogether. Therefore, the question of the treatment of hormonal disruption and the choice of drugs should be decided by the doctor.
Ovulation can be achieved by correcting hormonal disturbances and prescription drugs to stimulate ovulation. For this purpose, a variety of means intended, starting and ending with pills injectables. In the past few years, new tools to stimulate ovulation. They contain gonadotropins are obtained by genetic engineering methods, it is guaranteed to exclude the presence of impurities. With the advent of these drugs dramatically increased the efficiency of the treatment of women with endocrine disorders, how to restore ovulation cycle, and in terms of pregnancy.
As ovulation affects the sex of the child
Almost half a century spent US researchers from Harvard University and David Rorvik Lendran Shettlz to develop a method based on the planning of sexual activity with respect to a certain period of ovulation
. The method consists in the following: empirically, it was found that the sperm with a Y-chromosome men are more mobile than those who carry the X chromosome, so they can be the first to reach the egg
. When injected into the acidic environment of the vagina reduces the activity of Y-sperm, because they quickly die there and thus open the way for a slow but more viable X-spermatozoa
. Scientists believe that X-sperm can survive in the uterine environment for several days in anticipation of ovulation, in contrast to the sperm with Y-chromosome, which are not capable of
. With the approach of the day of ovulation vaginal discharge becomes more alkaline, it increases the probability of survival of sperm with a Y-chromosome
. If you know the exact day of ovulation, you can try to increase the chances of one or the other sperm to participate in the process of fertilization, and, consequently, to plan the sex of baby
To increase the probability of the birth of a girl, you need to have sex no later than 2-3 days prior to ovulation. If you want a boy, for a week before ovulation you need to abstain from sex until the day of ovulation.
The interesting point is that there is a certain seasonality, which is proved by many observations. Girls often are born in the early winter, spring, early summer, the beginning and the end of autumn. Boys also often born in the first two months of winter, the beginning and the end of the spring, late summer and mid autumn. If you rely on these observations, we can plan the time of conception and increase the chance of a child of a particular sex.