Indications and contraindications of ozone therapy
The use of ozone therapy in cosmetology
Ozone in Medicine
Despite the fact that ozone - quite "young" procedure, it wins every year more and more supporters, both among patients and among doctors. Solving the problems of a medical nature, ozone therapy has a positive effect on the external indicators of patients, indicating that the benefits of cosmetic procedures with the use of gas. In addition, along with a physiological effect on the body, there is a concomitant treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
The mechanism of action of these chemical substances is that the ozone does not simply mask cosmetic and dermatological disorders, and treats the disease inside, thereby stimulating the natural processes in the body. After all, what lies the main problem of aging skin? The lack of oxygen, food and protection. It copes with the task of ozone. Providing in the body, it stimulates circulation, ozone, oxygen supplies blood cells and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Furthermore, it removes toxic substances from the body and restores the immune system.
Types of ozone therapy in cosmetology
In cosmetology ozone therapy can be used both locally and on a general level. In the case of the overall impact of the ozone is injected in solution intravenously through a drip. This method is effective in reducing the immunity to severe acne. Another view - autohaemotherapy when taken from the patient's blood from a vein is saturated with nitrogen and then injected into the buttock. It is widely used for inflammatory conditions and disorders of the central nervous system.
Local treatment comprises:
Subcutaneous injection in the problem areas. A very effective way of preventing aging of the skin and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin.
Application of ozone-depleting oils on the skin. Typically, oil is applied to the massage, which contributes to the favorable penetration of ozone into the dermis. Massage with ozonized oil cleans, moisturizes and softens the skin.
The use of enemas with ozonated solutions. This procedure restores the balance of microflora in the intestine and is indicated for skin diseases associated with dysbiosis.
Indications and contraindications of ozone therapy
What are the indications for use of ozone therapy in cosmetology? We will list the main ones:
Signs of aging skin on the face (withering, dryness, wrinkles);
Circulatory system diseases (abrasions, psoriasis, eczema, lichen, etc.);
Acne, acne;
The presence of scars and stretch marks on the body;
The appearance of spider veins;
The first symptoms of varicose veins;
To reduce the fat in problem areas (thighs, stomach, chin, etc.).
Most cosmetic procedures have limitations, including the procedure of ozone therapy. Contraindications may be both general, and especially individual. Therefore each person, it shall be appointed after consultation with a specialist. Individual approach involves analysis of all possible contraindications, presence of complications and characteristics of the patient. It is worth to mention the following diseases, which can become an obstacle to the process of ozone therapy:
Individual intolerance or allergy to ozone;
Severe cardiovascular disease (heart attacks and strokes);
Epilepsy, seizures;
Thyroid disease;
Bleeding various kinds;
Low blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis;
Alcohol intoxication.
The use of ozone therapy in cosmetology
Treatment of problem skin
For the treatment of skin diseases as acne, acne and herpes administered subcutaneous injections of ozone-oxygen in the affected areas. As a result, the procedure improves blood circulation and destroyed and disinfected foci formation of inflammation. And to enhance the effectiveness of the procedure as a person is treated with ozonated water. In case of prolonged and persistent skin disease is assigned a complex ozone therapy of the whole body. Introduction of ozone intravenously helps cleanse the blood of disease-causing elements.
Wrinkle Treatment
For the treatment of wrinkles is local ozonation as injecting places of skin aging: nasolabial folds, the area around the eyes, etc. Ozone, getting into the skin and restores the natural circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage and stimulates the growth of new cells. Wrinkles are smoothed, and the person becomes healthy.
Adjust the shape of the face, tighten aging skin, get rid of the "double" chin, as well as to reduce the volume of the body - all this is also possible with the help of ozone therapy.
Cellulite treatment and skin stretch
Unfortunately, cellulite is one of the most common problems among women. And just diet and exercise to cope with him. Cellulite is the uneven deposition of adipose tissue, mainly in the thighs and buttocks. It characterized unaesthetic in appearance and look like orange peel surface. Treat cellulite is necessary not only for reasons of appeal, but also because the process is hampered by the blood circulation and lymph drainage in problem areas, resulting in an accumulation of toxins.
Is used to treat cellulite ozone therapy is a very effective tool in the fight against this disease. Ozonated local injections provide more operational results. Getting into the skin cells, oxygen immediately begins to oxidize fat cells and destroy the cellulite lumps and leveled so that the surface of the skin. In addition, ozone therapy has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.
In severe cases, it is recommended to combine the application of injections in the problem areas of the body ozonated cosmetic products (gels, oils, creams) and holding sessions of anti-cellulite massage.
Treatment of striae (stretch marks skin) similar to the anti-cellulite method. Thanks to an ozone-oxygen supply resumed processes in the connective tissues, stretch marks become less visible, getting the normal color of healthy skin.
Ozone therapy is used in healing scars, treatment of alopecia, telangiectasia (spider veins, spider veins), with a total weight loss.
Ozone in Medicine
In addition to these dermatological and cosmetic problems, ozone therapy is widely used in surgery, gynecology, immunology, endocrinology, in the treatment of various kinds of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Ozone - a natural antiseptic, it is able to deal with many kinds of bacteria, viruses, fungi.
In the treatment of many diseases is assigned to the intravenous administration of ozonated solution which is beneficial and therapeutic effect on the patient as a whole. Once in the bloodstream intravenously, ozone, dilates blood vessels, restoring the natural circulation, which in turn stimulates metabolism. This procedure also allows you to cope with the effects of intoxication and strengthens the immune system.
Introduction of intravenous saline solution must be made directly to the clinic. Because the solution is saturated with ozone in a special device - the ozonator and its beneficial properties ready mix keeps no more than twenty minutes.
Ozone easily competes with other types of non-drug treatment, because it almost always gives effective results. An important factor in the treatment is its simplicity and the absence of side effects. Ozone in cosmetology is characterized by aesthetics, after the procedure there is no bruising, swelling, and the treatment itself does not require a change habitual way of life. The first result you can see and feel after three to four treatments. A repeating courses of ozone therapy every four or five months, you will extend the beauty and youth of your body for many years.