anesthesia during childbirth

Childbirth. All pregnant women are looking forward to them to meet their long-awaited baby. But at the same time with the expectation of almost all women feel fear - who is not shy to talk about it, but someone is holding their own confidence. However, the fact remains - the fear of childbirth is an integral part of the life of the pregnant woman. A pain relief during labor is very different reviews. In particular, many say that anesthesia is not valid. And expectant mothers start worrying again.

This is quite natural - after all people without exception are afraid of feeling pain. A pain in childbirth is simply impossible to avoid. And expectant mothers are well aware of this. And, besides, this panic is very "heated" from the outside - pregnant women almost every day have to listen to a variety of horror stories about the inhuman agony in childbirth.

Frankly, these stories greatly exaggerated and frightening picture of the actual delivery. As a result, the expectant mother is adjusted to the pain, mentally pinched, does not hear advice and guidance of doctors - gynecologists and midwives. As a result, not only intensified the pain, but also the process of normal vaginal delivery at risk.

How to be in this situation? First of all you need to calm down and remember that modern medicine provides pain relief during labor. You also need to understand what is generic pain and what caused it - it will help to some extent, remove the psychological tension expectant mother, which is very, very important.

The causes of labor pain

So, generic pain - what are its causes? The most important prerequisite for the emergence of severe pain during labor becomes a contraction of the muscles of the uterus necessary to the cervix dilates. In addition, the pain caused by tension ligaments that support the uterus. These pains are strong enough and deliver many unpleasant minutes and hours laboring woman.

In the same period, bearing-down, when the cervix is ​​already an open and the child begins to move through the birth canal, acute pain caused by strong pressure head on the soft tissues of the pelvis, bones, and his crotch. By the way, in the event that the nervous system is sufficient to train women, the pain of vain attempts not there - there is only a strong sense of pressure. However, across-the most unlikely of women giving birth in the past engaged in such exotic training the nervous system, as walking barefoot on coals or glasses - so the pain in bearing-down period is almost inevitable.

Types of pain

Medical workers are three kinds of pain, based on the nature of its occurrence and intensity:

  • False pain.

Strong psychological stress, fear of labor pain and anxiety for the child and birth outcomes leads to pain. In addition, if a woman is not able to control the reactions of the body, relax, listen and hear the doctor's instructions, the intensity of pain can be increased many times over.

  • True pain.

True pain occur as a result of the already described natural events that accompany any process of natural childbirth - labor and bearing-down period. This type of pain is a physiological and merely shows that the process of labor proceeds normally. The fact how hard these are expressed pain depends on many factors, first of all, from the individual characteristics of each particular mothers.

  • Pathological pain.

This kind of pain occurs, if for some reason disturbed the natural physiological process of delivery. Pathological pain is a symptom of a formidable and require immediate assistance, in order to avoid problems, such as a mother and a child.

Physiological types of anesthesia

In that case, if the pain becomes too strong and prevents women to think sensibly and control their behavior, doctors decide to resort to pain relief in labor process. All types of anesthesia are divided into two groups - non-pharmacological and pharmacological labor pain relief. As a rule, if there are - or normal course of childbirth complications and the severity of the pain is not too severe, doctors recommend a natural labor pain relief.

 anesthesia during childbirth reviews

Psychological relaxation

Strange as it may seem, but the psychological stress and tightness during childbirth can lead to very real strong pain. To avoid this, a pregnant woman must apply all the knowledge and skills she gained in the course of preparation for childbirth. Think about the correct breathing, relaxation techniques.

Do not forget about your mood - from mothers mental attitude depends very much. You must be sure that deliveries run smoothly. And they will not last forever - take quite some time and you finally see your crumbs that you waited nine long months. Do not get hung up on his painful sensations - better think about what your child is now, what a great job he has to do now is to see the light.

Instead of screaming in pain and fear, talk to your baby, tell him how much you love him and wait. Think about what you cry very much afraid of the baby - he very clearly captures all changes to your emotional state. Do not be afraid of him even more, because he is so frightened by what is happening. Talk with your baby will help to calm down not only you but also your child.

  • Body position.

In that case, if your pregnancy was normal, without any complications, to relieve their pain, you can try to change the position of your body, taking the most comfortable position. Most women notice a very high efficiency of the following item:

  1. Sit on his heels and knees spread wide. Be careful not to lose your balance - or sit near the wall, or ask your partner to support you, if you give birth is not one.
  2. Sit on your knees, previously widely as possible spreading them apart. This pose very effectively relieves pain in the coccyx.
  3. Get on all fours, lifting the hips as high as possible. Such a position should be taken only on a hard surface - do not do it on a soft bed. And watch out for your well-being - at the first appearance of dizziness, change posture, not to lose consciousness.
  4. Hang on anything - either: the headboard, on the neck of her husband, on the doorjamb. Such a provision greatly reduced pressure, respectively. The intensity of the pain is significantly reduced.

Once again it is necessary to recall the increased caution - avoid falling.

  • Massage

Also, do not forget about this method of pain relief, massage. Properly done massage can relieve pain during childbirth is much better than many drugs. We offer several massage techniques that will alleviate the condition of women during childbirth.

Lie on your back, relax as much as possible and put both hands on the lower abdomen, in the pubic area. Your fingertips should be touching. During each bout very carefully with your fingertips in a circular motion massage the side surface of the abdomen, about 10 - 15 movements per fight.

If you uncomfortable or painful to lie on his back, as is the case in many pregnant women, try the following method. Lie on your right or left side, with his free hand with a slight effort stroking sacro-lumbar region, increasing the pressure at the peak of contractions. Usually, a lot of pregnant women helps to hold such a measure without taking pain medication for almost all births.

At that time, when the intensity of labor is particularly strong and regular massage loses its effectiveness, you can try the following method. Feel for the most sensitive to the touch points on the pubic hair. And every fight, especially when the pain becomes severe, press them with maximum effort. This will reduce the intensity of pain by about 40%.

  • Acupuncture.

Acupuncture is called acupuncture. Points of pain relief during labor using the same, and are involved with a massage. However, acupuncture is achieved deeper stimulation, which gives a more pronounced and prolonged effect. In recent years, an increasing number of maternity begins to use this method of pain relief.

But despite its effectiveness, acupuncture has some pretty annoying drawbacks. In the first place, not in any maternity hospital, especially in small towns, there are specialists in acupuncture. In addition, not every woman will feel comfortable enough, being studded with spines like a hedgehog. And while attempts acupuncture is not particularly effective.

  • Percutaneous electroneurostimulation.

This type of anesthesia - abbreviated TENS doctors described as a highly effective and completely safe for both mother and child. Its essence lies in the following - a pair of electrodes attached on both sides of the spine, and another - in the area of ​​the sacrum. The doctor, on the basis of the patient's feelings, picks up the frequency and intensity of the electron charge. After that, the woman herself may include the device when it is needed - at the peak of the fights, especially when the pain becomes unbearable.

However, unfortunately, this method has two major drawbacks. Firstly, the woman is forced to spend the entire period of the fights in the supine position, which is very difficult for some. And electromagnetic radiation from the device makes it difficult to elektromonitoringa fetal heart rate. This happens because of the apparatus CTG prevent electromagnetic fields.

Eternal glory to the water!

Water can greatly ease labor pains. For example, ordinary warm bath can completely replace medicinal drug for pain relief during labor and delivery process. Before each battle crouch on his heels so that his stomach was completely covered with water. In no case does not lie on your back - it's much more difficult dilatation of the cervix. However, the woman must take a bath only under the constant supervision of medical staff as there is a risk of having a child in the water.

Of course, the warm bath is ideal labor analgesia. Unfortunately, not all maternity hospitals have special pools or tubs. However, do not despair - for pain relief can also be used an ordinary warm shower.

Always ensure that the water temperature - it should not be higher than your body temperature. You can just be a shower and direct the stream of water on her stomach, and you can get on all fours and direct the flow of water on the sacrum. Experiment - you are sure to find the position in which will feel as comfortable as possible.

Please note, it is very important: if you already moved the water, the only possible method for you Water anesthesia - shower !!! In no case do not bath.

 anesthesia during childbirth

Pharmacological agents for pain relief during labor

In that case, if the doctor decides that you are overly tired, your nerves are on edge, and endure the pain becomes impossible for you, and all of the above methods did not help you, he can assign you one of those drugs that are used in obstetric practice.

In modern medicine used for this purpose several groups of drugs that depending on what kind of anesthesia for childbirth apply:

  • Tranquilizers.

The main objective of tranquilizers is a calming effect on the nervous system of a woman giving birth. They eliminate panic, anxiety, heightened perception of dull pain. A woman can even sleep in between contractions, which will allow it to gain strength before the most responsible and energy-intensive stage of childbirth - before pushing. This is the so-called maternity sleep.

  • Relaxants.

Relaxants have somewhat different effects on the laboring woman. They evoke strong and lasting relaxation of muscles, which allows the cervix dilates more effectively and quickly.

  • Means for anesthesia.

These pharmacological drugs have on the body of a woman deeply complex effects: muscle relaxation, inhibition of the sensitivity of pain receptors, depression of consciousness. They use these drugs for administration of anesthesia to a woman if during the descent of something going wrong.

  • Narcotic analgesics.

Used as a last resort, as have a strong impact not only on the mother but also the fetus.

Methods of anesthesia during childbirth

Obstetricians - gynecologists use several types of anesthesia:

  • Local anesthesia

When the local anesthetic anesthetic agent is injected into the soft tissue at the entrance to the vagina. Typically, it is used before the incision of the perineum or pain relief after childbirth - in the subsequent stitching. The main contraindication is the idiosyncrasy of the drug - an analgesic.

  • Spinal anesthesia.

Spinal or, as it is called, epidural anesthesia has recently become increasingly popular, both among pregnant women and the doctors themselves - gynecologists. With this type of anesthesia specific drugs block the pudendal nerve. As a result, there is complete loss of sensation in the vagina, except for the external genitalia.

In addition, anesthesia is divided into several subtypes, depending on the site of administration:

  • Transmezhpromezhnostnaya anesthesia - medication administered through the perineum.
  • Transvlagalischnaya anesthesia - medication administered through the perineum. Typically, it is used in the second period uncomplicated delivery. And sometimes when forceps. This type of anesthesia may cause complications such as infection entering or toxic shock if the medicine gets into the blood vessel.

Regional spinal anesthesia - is a complete pain relief throughout the lower part of the body. Generally, it applies that if a protracted labor during, or as a good alternative to an ordinary general anesthesia.

There are a number of direct indications for such anesthesia:

  • Preeclampsia - toxicosis second half of pregnancy, accompanied by high blood pressure and edema.
  • Nephropathy - severe renal failure.
  • Heart defects - both congenital and acquired.
  • Myopia and other damage to the retina.
  • Malpresentation.
  • Premature birth.

General anesthesia during childbirth

General anesthesia is necessary in order to lull the woman in childbirth, her mind completely disabled. It is used only to carry out a surgical delivery, and if the epidural is impossible.

In any event, most importantly, what the doctors are guided in choosing the type of anesthesia - a maximum security, as a child, and most mothers. After all, drugs are introduced into the body mothers, no matter what methods of pain relief in labor is not used immediately fall into the baby's blood.

But in any case, the most important precondition for successful delivery - your positive attitude and a strong belief in the successful outcome of labor. It remains quite a bit of time - and you can press yourself to your crumbs!

 Pain during childbirth

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