pink acne treatment


  • The causes of rosacea
  • Treatment of rosacea
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of rosacea

There are quite a number of problems with the skin condition. And among all these problems - acne pink, the treatment of which is a certain complexity, even for doctors - cosmetologists, let alone the treatment of folk remedies. However, though it is difficult, but possible. But let's understand in the whole order.

Rosacea - a popular name of the disease, medicine name rosacea. Rosacea are localized mainly in the chin, cheeks, forehead and nose. In the beginning, there is redness of the skin, and then - a few days - begin to appear eels themselves with the color pink.

Apart from the acne can often be observed expansion vessels - the so-called spider veins. In severe cases, these eels are located not only on the face and neck, but also on the shoulders and back. The most common rosacea affect women over 25 years.

The causes of rosacea

Doctors have long proved that almost without exception, skin diseases are a direct result of various disorders in humans. Let's look at the major ones:

  • The weakening of the immune system

Immunity - is the body's natural protection from negative influences. And the immune system is broken, as the beginning all sorts of problems, including skin rashes.

  • Violation of hormonal background of the organism

Skin rashes are often the direct result of hormonal changes the body. Typically, this occurs in adolescents, pregnant women and women who are in menopause. In addition, all diseases of the endocrine system also inevitably lead to a violation of hormonal background.

  • Kidney and liver

Often, acne rosacea appear in people who suffer from diseases of the liver and kidneys. After all, these bodies are a kind of filter of the body, leading out all toxic substances. And if their work is broken, the consequences may be present, and in the literal sense of the word.

  • Disorders of the central nervous system

Neuroses, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders also greatly increase the risk of acne and other skin rashes. Therefore, carefully follow the work of the central nervous system.

  • Genetic predisposition

We can not lose sight of the genetic predisposition. In the case of acne rosacea are your parents, and you should not be surprised appearance of these uninvited guests. Therefore, it is wise to take preventive measures in place to last a long time to heal the rash has appeared.

 rosacea treatment

Treatment of rosacea

The first thing to do - to ask for help to the dermatologist. The doctor will examine the sick person, order tests, and then, if necessary, will choose the best course of treatment. Also very much depends on the patient rights - for successful treatment, he must observe a number of rules:

  • The diet of the sick person

The first thing to do - is to pay close attention to the menu. For the period of treatment is necessary to completely abandon the use of sharp, spicy, smoked and salted foods, fatty and fried foods. In addition, it is not recommended to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks as well as coffee and cocoa. And do not forget that the best friends of rosacea are cocoa and chocolate.

  • Bad habits

Drinking alcohol and smoking also have a devastating effect not only on the skin, but also on the overall condition of the body. So try to completely abandon their use. Or, at least, reduce their consumption to a minimum.

  • Sun rays

A person suffering from rosacea should be avoided if possible stay in direct sunlight. In an extreme case, if you can not avoid this, you must use special protective creams. And, of course, a solarium, a man with pink acne visit is not recommended.

  • Saunas

All this is true of saunas and baths. Exposure to high temperatures is highly undesirable, since it can occur a significant deterioration.

  • The work of the intestine

The way the intestines work, depends on the condition of many organs and body systems. And first of all it concerns the skin. Plagued by diarrhea or constipation? Or, even worse, goiter? Do not be surprised one day find yourself acne.

 treatment of rosacea

Folk remedies for the treatment of rosacea

There are some very effective prescription treatment of folk remedies to help get rid of rosacea. Of course, it is not necessary to hope that the problem will go away within a few days. However, at a certain persistence and systematic treatment can be achieved very good results. The only thing to note - this on the components of a recipe. Generally, they include various herbs, which may be an allergic reaction.

  • Compress with infusion of raspberry

If you have dried raspberries, you can try the following means. Three tablespoons of berries put in an enamel container and fill it with one cup of hot water. Close the thermos lid and leave to infuse for two hours. After that, with the help of gauze fabric press berries.

In the resulting infusion moisten gauze and apply it to problem areas on the face for 30 minutes. Napkins should be changed as they are drying. The first two weeks, such procedures should be performed every day, twice a day. Then - once every other day. The duration of treatment - 60 days. If necessary, the treatment may be extended to three months.

  • Rowan berries

In addition, the highly effective treatment of rosacea using fresh berries of mountain ash. Treatment should be comprehensive - wrap and mask. You will need three tablespoons of fresh berries of mountain ash. The berries are placed in a glass or plastic container, mash with a fork and using gauze cloth squeeze the juice.

In the morning, after washing, soak in Rowan juice gauze, apply it to the affected places. Remaining after squeezing juice weight put in the refrigerator. In the evening, before bedtime, add half a teaspoon of rowan any honey. Clean your face and apply the mask. After 20 minutes, rinse with running water. The duration of treatment - 30 days. Then make a ten-day break and then repeat the treatment.

  • White cabbage

Cabbage at first glance seems a modest vegetable. However, in reality this is not so - cabbage used to treat many diseases. Including rosacea. Press a few tablespoons of juice, soak it in gauze and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin for 15 minutes. The same procedure should be carried out twice a day, for a month.

  • Aloe

Talking about the treatment of acne and acne folk remedies, not to mention about the aloe. There are two main prescription treatment of rosacea:

  • Alcohol packs

Press two tablespoons of juice and mix them with the fourth of a teaspoon of vodka. In the resulting solution soak a gauze and apply it to the affected area of ​​the skin for 15 minutes. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed. The duration of treatment - 50 days.

  • A mixture of aloe and honey

With preparation of the tool is necessary to tinker, but the result is worth it. You will need 100 grams of aloe leaves, the tree is not under the age of five. Place the leaves of aloe in the freezer and leave them there for 10 days. Then you can start making the most money. Aloe leaves mince, and five tablespoons of any of honey melt in a water bath. Thoroughly mix the ingredients - you should get a homogeneous mass. Put it in a glass container with a lid - it must only be stored in a refrigerator, the mixture does not lose its medicinal properties.

An ointment should be applied to thoroughly cleansed face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with plenty of cool water. This procedure must be done before going to bed. The duration of treatment - 30 days. If necessary, after a week's break, the treatment can be repeated.

  • Alcohol tincture of calendula

For the treatment of all acne, including pink, successfully used alcoholate calendula. But do not rush to the pharmacy - best to prepare this infusion yourself. The more that do it quite easily. Place in a glass bowl 5 tablespoons of dry inflorescences calendula, pour 100 grams of vodka and infuse in the refrigerator for three days.

Wipe the resulting infusion of affected areas as often as possible. The duration of treatment - 20 days. If you notice that the skin began to peel off, dilute tincture with water at a ratio of 1 to 1. And do not forget to lubricate any moisturizer. After all, even the most oily skin needs moisture.

  • Bananas

Talking about how to get rid of rosacea folk remedies, not to mention the bananas. Yes, yes, do not rush to be surprised! The most common Banana cope with acne much better than a lot of expensive cosmetics. And the recipe is very simple - you need a little time.

Mash one ripe banana medium size. Apply it on your face and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse the skin with plenty of cool water. This mask should be done twice a day - morning and evening. The duration of treatment - 40 days. This treatment kills several birds with one stone - acne disappear, improves the complexion, improves skin elasticity.

In that case, if the treatment of rosacea is delayed and you can not handle them alone for six months, be sure to consult a doctor. Most likely, people's means you do not succeed.

 Pink Acne: Treatment

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