- Causes of ingrown hairs
- Ways to get rid of ingrown hairs
- Preventive measures
At the fair sex in the reserve are many tricks, tricks and techniques through which you can make any man lose his head. Smooth Satin Skin - virtually trouble-free means to become a goddess for her lover. With this purpose, various methods girls use hair removal in those areas where they are not desired: it razor, and wax, and various depilatory. Unpleasant side effects to achieve such perfection can become unsightly ingrown hairs on the body, causing quite a tangible physical pain, which is aggravated by the mental torments.
Causes of ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs are able to deliver a lot of trouble and cause many complexes. Not being able to grow through the upper layer of the skin, such hairs begin to grow beneath it, like a foreign body, forming around him some red nodules or small seals. The duration of the inflammatory process can lead to swelling, itching and even festering hair shaft. The presence of ingrown hair requires to abandon treatments hair removal or waxing for the duration of the treatment.
Basically, the problem of ingrown hair occurs when skin injury caused by improper waxing or epilation. Depilation - the removal of the visible part of the hair with a razor or a special cream. Hair Removal - hair removal with the hair bulb, that is the root, using different technologies. As a result of such damage regular, follicle epidermis with recovering unevenly, resulting mikroutolscheniyu skin at these locations. This, in turn, prevents the normal output of hairs on the surface.
Ways to get rid of ingrown hairs
Treatment of ingrown hair is possible only by its removal, preferably in specialized institutions. It is not necessary to self-medicate, because the wrong approach could lead to even more serious consequences.
The most expensive with a long-term effect - electrolysis method. The hair follicle is punctured with a needle with an electric voltage, so that the root of the hair dies. The disadvantage can be considered that the result of a series of sustainable procedures must be continuous and on-site intervention may cause burns or age spots.
Thermolysis - quite a painful procedure similar to electrolysis, only with the use of high frequency currents. During unprofessional approach, this procedure can also cause burns and scars on the body. So you should only go to salons tested. Plus method is quite substantial. Chief among them - this is the minimum time-consuming procedure. In a hair need work no more than two seconds.
Laser method
This method involves damage to the hair follicle and stop its growth momentum with cold. It provides the absence of hair in this place for a long period of time;
Using the method of hair removal (phototherapy) in addition to the removal of ingrown hairs can be achieved and eliminate the negative effects and complications caused by increased sensitivity of the skin or hair removal session failed. Effect on melanin leads to a complete disappearance of age spots and evening out skin color in general.
Preventive measures
In this case, the situation is better to prevent than to cure. To the problem of ingrown hair does not become your problem, aiming to comply with the following precautions: during the waxing well moisturizes and softens the skin, carries shaving or hair removal only in the direction of hair growth, do not use dull blades.
During shaving, do not apply too much effort to come into contact with the skin of the machine, be the most delicate and slowly. There are special cosmetic products in the form of lotions, sprays to be rubbed immediately after data hygiene procedures, they cool the skin, eliminate irritation and redness.
Local application of different peelings, scrubs and other exfoliants as prophylactic possible only if the signs on the body have ingrowth. In inflammatory changes in the structure of the skin the use of this type of techniques is absolutely contraindicated.
If it so happened that ingrown hairs could not be avoided, do not self-medicate, hurry to take measures preventing the inflammation of hair follicles and infection of the affected areas.