how to fight postpartum depression


  • Postpartum Depression: the problem
  • Postpartum depression eyed baby
  • Motherhood - a gift of nature
  • Exhaustion and depression
  • Postpartum psychosis

The first weeks after birth is never easy. The entire burden of responsibility for the baby rests primarily on the mother. And this in turn can cause a woman's anxiety, unexplained irritability, tearfulness and even aggression. Emotional ups and downs are caused by changes in hormone levels, fatigue, lack of experience or understanding with the child, lack of support for families.

For some pregnant women, these fluctuations are negligible or disappear within a few weeks after the birth of the baby. In other cases, perhaps a feeling of inability to overcome the difficulties and the constant feeling of concern. Female catches postpartum depression. Many people underestimate this disease and its consequences. And for good reason. Emotional condition of man is sometimes more important than the physical. Moreover, if the family is growing toddler, absorbent mood mother, like a sponge.

Symptoms of postpartum depression may be different. Here are the most serious:

  • "Baby blues" - usually seen in the first weeks after birth. Most often short-lived. This type of postpartum depression is associated with a feeling of complete change in the world around them
  • Excessive talkativeness, anxiety and tearfulness
  • Drastic changes in appetite. A common symptom of postpartum depression is loss of appetite
  • Insomnia

Even if a sufficient rest (as it is for a young mother - a huge rarity) you have any sense of the above, you need to seek the support of a psychologist for postpartum emotions. Many women are ashamed of their inexplicable emotions, hide them. Still would! After all, before we have not been taught to protect the nerves. Our country was not accepted depressed and go to psychotherapists. In Soviet times, all the women were happy. Polls. Because it was so ordered. And tears, nervous breakdowns, and postpartum depression - it's a whim. That new mothers suffer in silence. Daughters and grow in the dark, crying that something turns out to be possible. And suffer from depression. And most importantly - to be treated for it.

 Postpartum depression is how to deal with it

Postpartum Depression: the problem

Meanwhile, the emergence of postpartum depression is scientifically proven and it is quite understandable. With the birth of the baby during the day in a woman's body is a sharp hormonal changes. Protesterona estrogen levels and falls to a normal pre-pregnancy. The adrenal glands and the thyroid gland produce less adrenaline and noradrenaline. Sensitivity to external and internal stimuli is growing, there is fear, depression, apathy and inertia. To depression is not too long, close mothers have to help her cope with the wanton (seemingly) mood changes.

Postpartum depression is not always evident to others, it can be seen as indifferent or inexperienced mother's whims. At this point, particularly valuable support to the child's father, his willingness to share the care and concern for the child's desire to fight for the happiness of the family, women's ability to understand the uncertainty and anxiety. In many ways, this is a test of strength of family relationships: they can become more intimate, or, conversely, formal and distant. Often a young mother is enough of words that it is still love.

As for the others, they should be remembered that this mood does not make fun of the woman. She suffers a lot more others, as psychosis is added and guilt. All compounded by the fact that the young mother is not able to deal with the problem on their own. Therefore, it is not necessary to appeal to her intelligence and strength of will, but rather to try to understand a loved one and share his anxiety.

But back to the new mothers. Further aggravate their nervous state can lack of sleep, the constant care of the child and the bulk fatigue. Therefore, the greater will be helping a young mother, the better. This is particularly important if the woman's first child was born. During this period, she is full of doubts and not quite sure of herself. Most susceptible to emotional complications postpartum women who previously suffered from depression.

Postpartum depression eyed baby

One of the causes of the crisis may be a sense of loss, separation, because at birth destroyed the symbiotic unity of mother and child, why they both suffer. For the birth of a child - is the first stress, he feels the horror of bright light, loud voices, sharp sounds, abdominal pain because of hunger and overcrowded intestine. The stronger the attachment mother to the baby, the more she feels their needs and empathize with his condition. In addition, after the birth a woman does not always have the opportunity of constant communication with your child. It has been observed that women who are separated from their children in the first days after birth, are more prone to postpartum depression.

And if you're in the number of women giving birth, do not rush to beg you to give nurses the baby. For you, it is now important to find the beauty in a new, separate existence with his child. That is, to learn to love the baby, but do not belong to him completely. Take care of it, but not to their own. You still have to fight for his happiness for the rest of life. So now just sit back and relax.

Motherhood - a gift of nature

With the birth of the child, especially the first one, you will be able to fully realize that ended the carefree period of your life with its habits, personal freedom, some professional plans. You may think that now all your time belongs only to the child, and you have no rights to their own lives, and that it now will never end. There irritability, depression, dissatisfaction with himself.

This state of the mother is not the best way affects the child. When a child touches an unhappy mother with anxious look on his face and tears in his voice, the child also becomes nervous. Depression interferes with understanding mother and baby. Just be patient. A few weeks after the birth of your baby will smile and get to know you, and you will forget all his ambitious plans for life and with a head dive into the joy of motherhood.

In addition, the adoption of motherhood does not necessarily occur at the time of birth. This feeling develops gradually throughout life, discreetly attending and flashing in special moments. It takes time to realize that you now - mother.

Motherhood - a turning point in the life of a woman. It is as natural as the crisis of adolescence. Destroyed the old ideas about themselves and build new. The transition period begins with the mother's desire of women to have a child during pregnancy lasts and lasts for the first year of a child's life. At this time the mothers formed responsibility for themselves and the baby, changing notions of femininity and sexuality, there is a deeper assessment of itself. However, experiencing times of crisis, women become more vulnerable and fragile and therefore requires more careful treatment from others.

Often, in the manifestation of a woman's maternal instinct she helps her baby. It makes a woman the child's mother. They are developed to meet each other. The baby adapts to the embarrassing mom to the peculiarities of her voice, movement, and the woman learns to do things right, to understand the needs of the child. That between mother and child came true love is not enough breast milk or games. The unique relationship starts with the realization that the woman that it has something of the child, and in it there is something from her. Relying on each other, mother and baby will be happy: it will grow, feeling loved and protected, and it will develop his love.

The syndrome of the "baby blues" for a woman it is enough any harsh word to cause tears. But tears - this is not the only reaction that case. Some women in moments of weakness begin to behave aggressively. And if you - one of those women in childbirth, then understand that it is necessary not to fight with others, and with postpartum depression.

While in the hospital, you can discuss your concerns with your midwife. It's even better choice than an appeal to relatives as your loved ones sometimes are themselves the source of problems, and midwives are familiar with the typical concerns of mothers in the postpartum period. Do not hesitate to consult a psychologist and, you will not deem abnormal. If you do not get a handle on what worries you, now, then it will be much harder to do.

 postpartum depression

Exhaustion and depression

We have already mentioned that the recovery period after delivery lasts an average of 6-8 weeks. But this is not enough time to fully recover your fitness performance. On the contrary, such a setup can lead to completely opposite effect and permanently put you down, it hurt not only you but also your child.

You have to remember that your main task - to bring up a child. After birth, in the period from 4th to 6th week, inclusive child's appetite increases. Accordingly, the mother's milk production increases. All this leads to a tense night without sleep, chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue. In addition, some babies cry continually - day and night, and it can bring the mother to a nervous breakdown. Often, finding the causes of such crying, the mother begins to blame himself.

Another problem that you may encounter after the birth of a child - you cooling your friends and girlfriends, unless any of them, he has not got a child. The reverse situation - too obsessive attention to relatives. At first, it may be necessary to limit the range of visitors, so they once again not to bore you. After all communication will require a lot of your energy and take a lot of time.

If after a while after the baby is born you will feel headaches, any gastrointestinal disorders, you will constantly feel cold, it is evidence of postnatal exhaustion. Most often it occurs in the second or third month after birth. If you add to all this and more emotional distress, lack of confidence in the fact that you are a good mother, it can be easy to fall into a state of post-natal depression.

Causes of depression are rooted mostly in the strain, that all the cares of the home and the child falls on the shoulders of women. Therefore, in any case, do not neglect the help of her husband, grandparents, friends. Your family, and especially child needs is not the heroine, and a healthy mother. And adequate sleep - the main factor ensuring the normal breast-feeding. Try to set certain hours for rest, for example in the afternoon. Even if you do not want to sleep, just relax, close your eyes and did not communicate at this time. This will allow your body to recuperate.

Postpartum psychosis

This is the most severe form of postpartum depression. With postpartum psychosis women lose touch with reality, lose the ability to spatial orientation. They hear inner voices, experiencing a craving for combat environment. That begins postpartum psychosis, evidenced by the appearance of insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, hallucinations, delusions of persecution, alcohol or drug addiction. There may be a desire to do something with them or with the child.

The causes of psychosis: the intense hormonal changes after childbirth, spiritual experiences, family history of mental disorders, problems in family relationships. Postpartum psychosis - a consequence of physical, hormonal and mental overload. Suffering from such a depression is required psychiatric help. Most postpartum psychoses arise from the 7th to the 21th day after birth. And do not forget, the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances for a speedy recovery.

Finally I want to wish all women to be attentive not only to his family, but also their health. Believe me, your children need you healthy and fun. Therefore, if you feel that postpartum depression has covered you with a head, do not delay treatment.

 Postpartum depression: how to deal with this phenomenon

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