The birth of a child - is a real feast for the family. But for the newly founded mummy new life can turn into a nightmare, which is often referred to as postpartum depression. Try to understand what is there business. First we need to find out the causes of postpartum depression.
During pregnancy, most women experience a real attack of hormones. The body is changing, and that the woman was easier to go through it, secretes hormones that on the one hand give her joy and help easier to look at the world, and on the other hand, makes a woman more emotional. It is therefore sometimes difficult to understand the behavior and desires of expectant mothers. They then cry, then immediately laugh, sadness, and even unreasonably happy. But this behavior of pregnant women has long been no surprises - all used to, and are sensitive to them.
Why is this happening? Some neuropsychologists argue that depression after the appearance of the crumbs are most associated with hormonal disorders in women. Female sex hormones during pregnancy dressed in huge quantities, and after birth the body tries to come to the biological norm. Thus, the inability to quickly readjust psychologically in the new life of a woman lead to the emergence of postpartum depression.
Most doctors tend to believe that postpartum depression is associated exclusively with the psychological attitude of a woman who is dependent on her nature and innate temperament. In support of this, they cite as an example of women who, after the birth of a child is not prone to ailments, but on the contrary, full of happiness and joy, despite the new responsibilities and difficulties in caring for the crumbs. Let's understand in more detail in this issue.
The causes of postpartum depression
Let's talk about what happens to a woman after childbirth. New mother experiencing a real stress. You will not believe, but sometimes even the most difficult work can not be put on the same level with the life of a young mother. After all the work you can always take a break to relax, chat with friends or enjoy a coffee. In the end, take sick leave or vacation. Mothers with young children about this can only dream of.
They work around the clock, seven days a week. Sometimes even the toilet they have to go with the child in her arms. And the authorities will not go, do not ask a day off ... imagine the work in such a regime? That's the same ... And here add certain physical ailment and a huge sense of responsibility for the most expensive - for the baby. Most often, this is what is the main cause of postpartum depression in women.
Non-compliance situations expectations
Of course, the woman is very awaited the birth of their remains. However, as a rule, if a woman waits for the first child, she can not even imagine what it will load. No, of course, in theory it is well understood that it would be oh how difficult. But the theory - it is one thing and practice - is quite another. And as awareness of the young mother begins to experience a real panic and stress.
Incidentally, psychologists say that for this reason, the emergence of postpartum depression is most often observed in women who became mothers for the first time. As a rule, the more experienced mother already knows and what they can expect any load, and how you can make your life easier in some situations. By the way - if your environment there are women who not so long ago became mothers, talk with them. I'm sure they will tell you some of the nuances and secrets.
Household duties and child care
The state of stress in the lives of mothers is limited to a brief period of a few days to a couple of weeks. This point is characterized by the fact that a woman is faced with new responsibilities and a new order of the day. A small child demands the full attention almost 24 hours a day. Just think - feeding, care, health care and timely dream again feeding, daily walks in the fresh air, bathing, preparing for the night's sleep, and in the intervals also impose domestic duties: dinner, laundry, ironing, cleaning the apartment ...
Not enough sleep
Some mothers if possible try to adjust to the baby's biological clock so little to prolong his sleep and gain strength. But this is sometimes difficult in the first half - the kids wake up several times during the night, do not always want to eat at the usual time and can often be quite capricious, without any reason.
The feeling of his own powerlessness and helplessness
Moreover, if women had their first child, almost every mother is afraid to do something wrong, harm both children and themselves due to ignorance of some things.
The visits of friends and relatives
You agree that the process of birth and takes a lot of my mother, and often after a large number of relatives and friends who wish to congratulate the newborn baby and his mom, not just scare a woman, and just psychologically exhausting. And openly declare: "I now have postpartum depression. Do not touch me or help me! "Can not every woman. Perhaps this is why so hard for young mothers. That's it - favorable conditions for the occurrence of postpartum depression created
Feeling guilty
Another interesting point. There are times when a woman can not just accept the child (no joy in communicating with him, no sense of custody of a child, etc.). This is due to the fact that many expectant mothers otherwise represented not only their long-awaited child, but also the life that begins at birth. Feelings of guilt, haunting a woman can also be a decisive factor in the occurrence of postpartum depression.
But usually everything falls into place after only a couple of days. Many couples in such cases turn to the physician or psychologist to help find peace of mind, take a look at everything that happens in a new way, and to find the optimal solution. Do not be afraid or ashamed, because doctors do not know firsthand what postpartum depression in women. Do not forget that the role of the Pope, many detract in this case.
Who else but a loved one, can help out around the house, help with child and give moral support. Together worry this time is much easier, and the experience gained is no doubt invaluable. Because sometimes worth indulging the whims of a small young mother - perhaps some minor detail will help it survive another difficult day and not think about postpartum depression.
Often such melancholy takes some time (from a couple of days to a couple of weeks), depending on the temperament and character of my mother from the mental attitude and external circumstances. But if no improvement is observed, it may indicate the presence of such a serious problem as the protracted post-natal depression.
Sometimes it can be caused by disease of the baby, lack of support from her husband, family and friends. It is necessary to find out and that there are other catalysts stress - work, money problems, and more. It is especially important to remember that if a woman has previously been exposed to depression, it is very likely that postnatal depression is inevitable in her side. And predict depression lasts in each case, he could not even experienced psychologist.
How to recognize the problem in time?
The worst part of postpartum depression - is that it can last a long time and, of course, difficult to handle without the help of a specialist. There are a number of signs of postpartum depression, which will help to recognize the existence of such a serious problem. And this is very important - because the sooner treatment is started, the easier and faster will come relief. And advanced forms of postpartum depression are extremely serious threat to the psychological - and physical - health of the young mother.
And it is very important to know the signs - even if you are completely balanced person and is 100% sure that you are depressed after childbirth will never touch. Depression, like chronic fatigue syndrome, and so insidious that can affect anyone. And most unexpectedly, not only to others but also to himself.
Therefore, it is better to carefully read the symptoms. As they say, forewarned is forearmed. And do not pull the time - if you notice these symptoms, immediately take appropriate measures. Do not wait until things get worse and there will be symptoms of neurosis or, worse, a nervous breakdown. With these complications will be much more difficult to handle.
And keep in mind that the symptoms - a figure quite subjective. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of each woman. One young mom can be pronounced all of the following symptoms of postpartum depression. And the other woman - just a few of them.
In more rare cases, the symptoms are generally very difficult to see with the naked eye. As a rule, this applies to women who can very well hold their emotions. People around them just do not notice the symptoms because the woman did not allow himself to give vent to feelings. By the way, these women have a harder time of all - no symptoms of depression, they do not complain. And close people remain in ignorance, that the young mother desperately needs their help, despite the fact that she even imagine this is not recognized.
But let us also know what are the symptoms of postpartum depression:
Moral depression
The woman experiences a constant feeling of sadness, ennui and anxiety. Daily housework and child care have become unbearable drudgery. Good news and minor knacks no longer bring joy to a woman, but only depress the already troubled state and frustration throughout.
Increased emotionality
Very often young pope sincerely wonder why their better half continues to behave as though still pregnant. A woman may, for no reason at all to inflict a scandal, "explodes" and loses his temper over nothing could weep bitterly because of the absolute detail, for example, a broken cup.
Sometimes such a state of a young mother is charged with hormonal background that has not yet had time to recover from childbirth. This is partly true - but only partly. In most cases, such emotional stability is due to nothing but all the same notorious postpartum depression.
It's great if the household understand what is happening with the woman and her perechat. But in the event that such behavior it seems commonplace vagaries, the young mother will not be easy. After all, in addition to the psychological stress that she is already experiencing, it will have even personal relationships to find out. And there, staring, and close to a nervous breakdown ...
Changes in appetite
It should also alert the lack of appetite or, on the contrary, its strengthening. During heavy psychological condition, namely, postpartum depression or women tend to "jam" the problem, or, conversely, to abandon the normal food, eating on the go. And she and the other situations are highly undesirable.
In the event that a young mother refuses to eat, it endangers their health. During pregnancy, the body's reserves are almost depleted. And if nutrition is not likely to develop iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency is high. And what this means - it is not difficult to guess. You do not want to spend a month in a hospital bed?
And this is the case if you, for whatever reasons, do not reproach baby feeding. And if your mom's a pipsqueak it eats milk, you put in jeopardy and even his health. After all, to adapt and grow it needs a huge number of different substances that it can receive only breast milk.
And since we have already found that its own reserves of the mother's body by the time the baby into the world is simply no choice but to take their milk is simply nowhere. Also, of course, of food. And if the mother does not eat anything? That's right, anemia, vitamin deficiency, delayed growth and development of the baby. What kind of mother would want that?
But overeating is no less dangerous. First and foremost, for the most mothers. You do not want to type for a couple of months, a dozen or two extra kilos? Get rid of them, then it will be oh how difficult. And to be beautiful, believe me, you will want to again very, very soon. Will then to reproach myself for gluttony, but too late to be.
But note - refusal of food is not always evidence of the doldrums. Sometimes it can be, and due to the fact that the "newly-made" Mom just do not have neither the strength nor the time on cooking, and on its use. In this situation, the young mother should ask for help. Remember, what is fraught with malnutrition?
Sleep disorders - drowsiness or insomnia
There should be careful - Insomnia is a very alarming symptom. It is headed by the symptoms of insomnia, the most common psychological disorders. However, make sure that we are talking about insomnia and not to situations in which a woman is forced to give up the dream, to have time to cope with all the chores.
Again, the entire schedule is changing and often difficult to calculate the time of a woman all its obligations and affairs. Anxiety is to beat if a woman really faced with insomnia. Time to sleep there, but my head is full of thoughts and feelings, so that a woman becomes difficult to fall asleep.
Excessive sleepiness is also not as good not to say. As a rule, drowsiness appears in those cases when a person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Of course, in cases where the exclusion of any other physical factors, for example, a particular disease. Thus, the body tries to protect. But in this case, not to be confused pathological sleepiness and chronic lack of sleep, which for a young mother is habitual state.
Of course, independently determine the type of sleepiness is very difficult. Therefore, it is best to seek help from a doctor who actually and objectively assess the condition of a young mother and, if necessary, will make recommendations and prescribe the necessary treatment.
The lack of ability to concentrate
New worries become so much a force to cope with everything - less and less. Because of this, sometimes even simple things can cause not just frustration, but hysteria. For example, a request to prepare dinner while Mom was ironing, putting the life of a young father in jeopardy - and she can throw iron. Of course, we're exaggerating. But as you know, in every joke there is some joke.
Treating Depression
It is often possible to hear the issue of POI, such as lasting depression. Definitely can not say - it depends on several factors. The individual characteristics of the psyche of women, from the general state of health, from helping loved ones. And especially on how quickly the problem was discovered.
For the diagnosis of postpartum depression is best to consult a doctor. He will have a medical examination of women and will ask questions to find out what ideas excite a woman and anxiety, feelings and emotions she feels. Subsequently, the doctor is watching the patient for a certain period and diagnoses.
If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a woman psychotherapy, physiotherapy, measures aimed at the general strengthening of the body. In severe cases, your doctor may decide on the need for medical treatment. By the way, it can only be carried out under the strict supervision of medical personnel.
Very often young mothers make the mistake, which allow in any case impossible - they start to make their own those or other sedatives. In fairness it should be noted that the majority of mothers still understand the danger to the child. And why prefer vegetable drugs.
However, many herbs are far from safe, what may seem at first glance. And many of them get into breast milk and can harm the baby. You do not want this? And, moreover, it is necessary to know exactly which drugs are needed at this time a woman. Often sedatives only worsen the situation, adding to apathy, depression and indifference. In some cases, required quite different drugs, stimulating the nervous system. Therefore, all the same, leave the right to appoint a doctor pharmacological agents.