Postpartum replacement gymnastics

Exercising in the early postpartum period is really good at helping the recovery process. It is important to only comply with the rate of increase of load and a variety of exercises. The same exercise and tedious, monotonous training, on the other hand, can cause a reaction opposite to the expected. We advise you before and after childbirth fitesom engaged, then your figure will always be in perfect condition. Visiting fitness club in Kiev, you will be able to choose for themselves the kind of training that is right for you, for example, dancing and weight training, and the doctor - dietician will tell you how to eat without compromising their health.

If you do not have time to visit the fitness room, as you can not leave until the newly born baby with a nanny, grandmother or dad, you can perform some of the exercises on their own at home. The following are 4 small set of exercises restorative exercises. Select the complex that you can do safely and without overtaxing.

Some additional tips:

  • All these exercises are still valid for the entire postpartum period, not only in its early phase. They can be desirable to do and for 10-12 weeks.
  • It is best to begin to engage in the first day after birth.
  • The exercises to be performed on a regular basis, several times a day, lying on a flat surface (take a small pillow for convenience).
  • Movement to perform slowly, concentrating smoothly. In no case did not dramatically.
  • The room where you do must be well ventilated. The optimum temperature of 18-20 ° C.
  • Engage necessary in comfortable clothing does not restrict movement.
  • Do not forget to visit the toilet before training.
  • Work better after feeding.
  • Get up from the "lying" is always turning over the side.
  • Lie down most of the time better on the stomach, thereby maintaining the involution of the uterus and reducing postnatal discharge.
  • Early ambulation after birth and walking support recovery processes. Pay attention to a good stop staging, and especially on the "rolling" with the heels on the sock.

Restorative exercises

 Postpartum replacement gymnastics

  • 1st set of exercises

Exercises for the prevention of thrombosis. You can start the course on the first day after

Starting position: lying on his back, both legs bent at the knees. Straighten legs so that your knees never left the side portions from each other. 10 times slowly and tightly with fingers ("draw claws") and the lower back. Straighten one leg. 10 times slowly and strongly pull the sock on, and then back. Change the pace. Make the previous exercises with both feet, not raising them, but simply stretched out on his back.

Update: if you during pregnancy had varicose veins or leg pain, use special elastic socks or stockings.

  • 2nd set of exercises

When performing these exercises, you need to breathe underbelly. To begin the exercises can be the first day after birth.

Starting position: lying on his back, both legs bent at the knees. Put your hands on the lower abdomen.
Slowly breathe in the nose and then exhale slowly and mouth "Haaa". Abdomen during inspiration rises, then while exhaling gently help his hands, leading in the direction of the palm from the pubic bone to the navel. Do not push, just pull the hands of the lower abdomen.

Then turn to the side. The head, thorax and pelvis lie on the same line (you can use a small pillow or roll under the neck), knees slightly bent. The upper hand on the lower abdomen. Again, repeat the breathing exercises stomach, holding his hand while exhaling from the pubic bone to the navel (in fact, making a motion pelvis forward, without bending your torso).
For greater increase in tension during expiration pronounces "pfff" or "puuuh", while imagining that your stomach is compressed like a sponge.

Then turn on your stomach. Put under the lower abdomen a little thick pad. It is important that the pressure on the chest was minimal or absent. Breathe underbelly. And again, when you exhale (to "haa", "pff" or "fluff") again follow the movement of the pelvis forward.

  • 3rd set of exercises

The main burden of these exercises aimed at the muscles of the perineum and pelvic floor, so if you exercise caution, or go to a more complex light.

One function of the pelvic floor muscles is to support the internal organs: the uterus, bladder, intestines. During childbirth greatly stretched "holding" the muscle of the urethra, the vagina and rectum. Sphincter weakens, and the problems begin with control over urination and defecation. If during childbirth was carried episiotomy (incision of the perineum), it is desirable not to perform a set of exercises to heal the joint, because the load can be very strong. In this case, it is desirable to perform a set of "soft" exercises, lying on my stomach.

Lying in bed or sitting in a chair, try to turn to stretch the muscles of the vagina and anus. As much as "blinking." At first it may give the impression that alternate muscle contraction is impossible, but it is not. Soon will share the muscle tension. Once you get to share the "blink", try to keep muscles "wave" from the anus to the pubic bone. This exercise is also an assistant in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids. During exercise it is necessary to follow the muscles of the mouth: tongue, palate and lips should be relaxed. This will help you to relax in response to the perineum and do a soft breath.

The next exercise is best done sitting or half-sitting. Try to slow muscle tension perineum and pelvis, skip wave from the bottom up through the pubic bone to the navel, making a slow movement the pelvis forward. Slowly upward and then back freely. Thus it is necessary to breathe without delaying breaths. But please do not try to give your muscles a larger load. Exercises must be carried out easily, as if playfully.

  • 4th set of exercises

It breath control and the load on the bottom of the pelvis are complemented by training of the abdominal muscles.
Please note - all of the exercises are done on the exhale and soft pelvic muscle tension.

Starting position: lying on his side, head, chest and pelvis lie on one line. Knees bent. One arm bent at the elbow, and is under the head. Second hand uprites to bed at the navel. Palm is best to squeeze into a fist. On the exhale slightly lift the pelvis, resting on his fist. Repeat several times, then do this exercise lying on the other side.

Starting position: lying on his back, legs bent at the knees. Socks pulled up. During exhalation begins to pull the socks to her, raising both hands to turn right or left side. Lift the chest or take your heels off the plane is not necessary.

Starting position: standing on all fours (exercise can also be performed in the bed). The head, upper torso and pelvis are aligned. Knees placed a short distance. During exhalation, draw the belly and increases the tension that slightly raise the left knee and right hand. Then change the "diagonal" (already lift your right knee and left hand).

Next, one of the most "boring" exercise complex: on all fours, feet flat lie, as you exhale, try as much as possible to straighten the knees without bending his back, trying to keep it straight possible. The bulk of the body during this exercise will put pressure on the palm and the back side of the foot.

Starting position: lying on his side, knees bent. "Upper" hand rests peacefully along the body,
"Lower" - it creates stress on the plane. During exhalation, tighten the abdomen and lift the torso. Then repeat the exercise on the other side. Please note - on the one hand the stomach will bulge larger than the other - it is a normal situation (depending on the prenatal development of the child). On the other side, where "overhang" more - exercise is performed more frequently.

Now exercise is to stabilize the muscles of the abdomen and back. Starting position: to face the back, legs apart and knees slightly bent. Hands rest on the wall full of palms, elbows and pressed against the wall. During exhalation, mentally move both elbows to the navel. Then change the exercise: once mentally move right elbow and left knee together. Then the left elbow and right knee. No actual movement is not necessary.

Returning home with the baby, you may decide that you have no time for exercise. But quite simple exercises you can do when you are changing diapers, before feeding a child or a combination of exercise with a game with your child.

First, check if there are any differences of the abdominal muscles (diastasis) of muscles that run from the top down from the chest to the pubic bone. The connective tissue between the muscles can respond to stress during pregnancy without pain and bleeding like a zipper that opens under pressure. This discrepancy prevents the muscles from excessive voltage. This is normal, but requires special attention and action in order to close this discrepancy.

In order to determine whether or not the difference muscles, lie on your back, knees bent. Push the fingers of one hand in the abdomen, just above the navel (fingers should be joined together and are arranged horizontally). Start slowly lift your head and shoulders off the bed or on the floor.

Rectus will strain, allowing to detect any discrepancy. A small divergence (width of one or two fingers joined together) indicates that you need to carry out some preliminary work before you start to do intensive exercises for the abdominal muscles. Vigorous exercise if there is a wide divergence will only increase the discrepancy and make them meaningless.

To close the divergence of the abdominal muscles, start with the next exercise. When the difference narrowed to a width of one or two fingers, start to slip feet and a central diagonal or up-down from a supine position.

Simple exercises at home

 Postpartum replacement gymnastics

  • Exercises to lift the head

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, arms across his stomach grasp, placing his hands on her waist. Breathe. After exhalation begins to raise his head from the bed or the floor. At the same time, try to pull his arms straight to the middle of the muscle belly. Slowly count to five. Slowly lower your head. Repeat the exercise 5 times 3-4 times a day.

  • Exercises to reduce pelvic floor muscles

This exercise can be started immediately after giving birth. Gently tighten and then relax the muscles of the perineum. This exercise can be done when you are lying down, sitting or standing. You can not feel the contraction of the muscles, but if you do this exercise before delivery, then you know how to implement it is now. Begin by performing two to three contractions every hour during the first few hours, then increase the load up to five cuts several times a day. Initially, you can only keep the reduction for 2-3 seconds. After a few days - 3-5 seconds. Gradually muscle endurance increases to 10, then to 20 seconds.

In order to check whether there is progress in these workouts, somehow try to do this exercise while urinating - when the bladder is released half, try to stop the flow. Do not be discouraged if at first it would not have obtained. Continue to exercise. Check the strength and endurance of the pelvic floor muscles, as described above, - interrupting the stream of urine in the middle of urination.

  • Subsidence of the pelvis

This exercise will improve the tone and strength of the abdominal muscles, relieve pain, maintain good posture. Shortly after birth, start to do the following exercise. Lie on your back on the bed or on the floor, bend your legs at the knees. Tighten your abdominal muscles and arch your pelvis, then take the starting position. Do the exercise two or three times. Gradually increase the number of exercises to five. After a few days, start to make turns in the pelvis when standing, sitting.

This exercise allows you to strengthen the muscles of the lower abdomen. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor position. The legs will slide better, if you do the exercise in socks or stockings. Place one or both hands under the small of the back. Slowly begin to stretch his legs, feet gliding across the floor until you feel that the waist comes off the hands or the floor. At this point stop the slide and pull the legs, returning to the starting position. Repeat this exercise five times a day. Remember that the exercise should be only as long as there is no separation of the waist from the floor. When the muscles get stronger, you will be able to fully straighten your legs, keeping the waist from the floor.

  • Leaning back from a seated position

A week or two after birth, start the exercise, which will help strengthen the abdominal muscles. This exercise, as well as central and diagonal upgrades (described below) are safer and effective than sit-ups, which require rapid movement and lead to a misallocation overvoltage waist and abdominal muscles. Exercise "Leaning back from a seated position" is smoother and safer, since the voltage is distributed mainly in the pelvic part and you do not have to overcome the force of gravity at the beginning of the exercise.

Sit with your knees bent, feet pressed to the floor, his hands pull ahead. Slowly lean back, but until then, until you feel weak or begin to lose control of posture. In other words, when you begin to feel the imbalance or weakness - you have reached your limit. Sit down and straighten up. Gradually, as the build up strength and endurance, increase otkponenie. Soon you will be able to straighten your back and touch the floor without lifting feet from the floor. Complicate the exercise. Follow the slopes with his arms folded. Later, try to do this exercise, keeping your hands clasped behind your head.

  • Central and diagonal lifts

This exercise also helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Central climbs. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet put on the floor. Inhale, bend the back, lower back pressed
to the floor. During exhalation, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, knees touching the tips of his fingers. Movement should be smooth, with the small of the back should be pressed to the floor. When the shoulders rise above the floor 20 cm above the floor, stay in this position and slowly count to five. Relax and gently lay down on the floor. Do not make any sudden movements. First, repeat the exercise five times a day.

Diagonal ups. Rotate your upper body while lifting the head and shoulders, can enhance a variety of abdominal muscles (obliques). Just as in the central uphill from the start do not forget about the breath and straightening his back. As you exhale, lift your upper body rotation to the left and tap the outside of the left knee. Hold and slowly count to five. Repeat the exercise with the rotation of the torso to the right. Perform each exercise five times a day in each direction. Movement in the central and diagonal gradients should be smooth, not jerky.

With the strengthening of the abdominal muscles and exercises the central diagonal lifts can be complicated, performing them with his arms folded and his hands behind his head. Gradually increase the number of repetitions of five to ten a day.

  • Wide circles of hands

This exercise allows you to enhance the blood circulation in the breasts and prevent or reduce the blockage of milk ducts. From a standing position, kneeling or sitting, pull the hands forward or sideways. Rotate both hands wide range, first in one direction and then - else. Try this exercise by holding his breath. Take five to ten exercises on each side, one or several times a day, or before each meal.

  • Relaxation and slow breathing

Since the post-partum period is a strong stress for the body, it is advisable to use the same technique of relaxation that you used during pregnancy and childbirth. In the difficult days, try for 5 minutes to breathe slowly and passively sit back and observe, as you encourage and refreshing.
