how to get pregnant after a miscarriage

What is the purpose of every woman - the birth of a child, due to the nature. But, unfortunately, sometimes life makes its own adjustments, which resulted in the woman faces a variety of issues relating to both the conception and successful pregnancy. Often a woman is unable on their own without medical intervention and help of doctors, not only pregnant, but also to bear and give birth to their child.

Doctors - gynecologists, no matter how it was sad, are often faced with the phenomenon of abortions. Miscarriage is a great tragedy for the woman and all of her family, especially if the pregnancy was highly anticipated. Frustrated parents often fall into despair, mistakenly believing that remain childless - that is their cross. For them, the most pressing issue - how to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

However, such a view on the issue of abortion is fundamentally wrong. Miscarriage, of course, it is a great misfortune, but do not assume that having a baby is impossible for you, as one - two times you had a spontaneous abortion. Although, of course, miscarriage is an extremely disturbing signal that the body of parents - mostly mothers - there are any - any problems. Miscarriage is cause for immediate treatment for medical assistance.

In order to avoid a repetition of the tragedy in the future, it is important to set the factor that provoked spontaneous abortion. To do this, consult a gynecologist often enough - in the search for the causes of miscarriage may need to consult specialists such as endocrinologist, geneticist, and others.

This article briefly discussed the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage. In order to understand the causes of miscarriage, and prevent women from becoming pregnant again in the future, we must understand what it represents spontaneous abortion.

What is a miscarriage?

The word "miscarriage" is often heard at all women, especially pregnant women. After all, any woman awaiting the birth of the child, it is very sensitive and susceptible to any negative information. The reason is very simple - very pregnant woman worried about her future baby. And, in addition, a similar state of anxiety contributes greatly altered hormonal pregnant woman.

Abortion is called a spontaneous abortion in certain of its terms - up to 28 weeks. Miscarriage is fairly widespread - according to statistics, out of 10 women at least three at least once in their lifetime experienced a miscarriage. And I must mention another fact - such statistics is valid only for those cases of spontaneous abortion have been documented in medical institutions.

In fact, cases of spontaneous abortion is much more than this becomes known to health professionals. Moreover - even women themselves do not always realize that they were pregnant and that the pregnancy for some - any reason spontaneously interrupted.

In fact, provided that the woman has a regular sex life, without taking any measures for protection from pregnancy, about 80% of fertilization is still coming. However, the fertilized egg reaches the uterine cavity is not more than 30% of cases. And to be implanted in the lining of the uterus fails even fewer fetal eggs. And only a few of them manage to continue its further development, not dying in the first few days after implantation in the uterus.

It was only after a week - half a woman begin to show the first signs of pregnancy. But in this case, unfortunately, pregnancy is threatened spontaneous abortion. Gynecologists say that about 25% of cases diagnosed pregnancies are interrupted for a variety of reasons. After about the eighth week of pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous an interruption is reduced by 50%. Further, this probability decreases in direct proportion to how to increase the duration of pregnancy.

All abortions are divided into two main groups:

  • Early miscarriages.

The early miscarriages are those cases of spontaneous abortion that occur in early pregnancy - up to about 16 weeks. As a rule, the cause of these miscarriages set can be extremely rare - most often the cause is not fully clarified or obscure at all.

  • Late abortions.

Late abortions are those cases of spontaneous abortion that occurs after 16 weeks of pregnancy. The reason for such an abortion is much easier to install than an abortion in the early stages. More often late miscarriages occur in the event that the injury occurred in a pregnant woman or the fetus have existed - or genetic disorders.

In medicine, there is such a thing as habitual miscarriages. On this definition, at least once I heard any woman, but few know exactly what it means. Many people mistakenly believe that is any habitual miscarriage, which occurred more than once. However, this is not quite true - in fact habitual miscarriage or recurrent miscarriage, called gynecologists second and subsequent abortions, provided that they come one by one, not alternating successful pregnancy and childbirth.

Causes of miscarriage - who is to blame?

Despite the fact that all women know that certain risk of spontaneous abortion is for every pregnant woman, without exception, when confronted with this disaster personally, again and again ask the question - who is to blame for what happened?

In fact, most often in spontaneous abortion is not to blame absolutely no one. As is known, when the fertilized egg genetic information is transmitted to the child equally - half from the father and the other half - the mother. At the very moment when the sperm penetrates the egg, it produced an absolutely unique cell that has its own set of chromosomes.

The formation of these new cells is very complicated and it can occur during a variety of genetic failures, such as the loss of some portions of genes. As a result, the fertilized egg loses its vitality and fertility. On which genes will be lost depends on the fact on which the term of the pregnancy is interrupted. In the event that changes are subject to those genes that are required to the fetus in the early stage of its development, the pregnancy is terminated at the beginning. If these genes are needed later, then pregnancy may occur some time completely safely before interrupt.

As a rule, genetic defects are the main perpetrators of most cases of spontaneous abortion. To prevent such interruption of pregnancy is almost impossible - such random genetic failures to predict simply impossible. In this case, parents can only accept and try to get pregnant again - as a rule, subsequent pregnancies have a favorable outcome.

However, there are also other causes of spontaneous abortion, that modern medicine could prevent. The following are the most common causes of miscarriage:

  • Hormonal disorders.

As you know, in order to develop properly pregnancy, female hormones should change, thus creating favorable conditions for the fetus. However, if for some hormones - reasons not changed or not changed as needed during normal pregnancy and proper development of the fetus are compromised. In that case, if there are problems to be detected by physicians at the very beginning, the situation can be brought under control quickly and normalize the situation. But if the problem is not seen or worse, just ignore - as a doctor and the woman, very high probability of spontaneous abortion.

  • The development of women cervical incompetence.

Such a violation is characterized by premature disclosure cervix. Weakened cervix gradually opens up and is no longer able to hold in the uterus growing fetus. As a result of the pregnancy is aborted spontaneously. However, if the problem is seen a doctor in a timely manner, it will take the necessary measures to help maintain the pregnancy. Usually, the doctor places on the cervix special pessary or joints that do not allow the cervix to open. These devices are removed on the eve of the expected date of birth.

  • Infection with women of different infectious diseases.

Almost any infection on the small stage of pregnancy may result in spontaneous abortion. For example, even a common cold can cause miscarriage. That's why pregnant or you are going to conceive a woman must carefully to their health - to strengthen the immune system, avoid crowded places.

  • Possible defects of the uterus or ovarian tumors.

In some cases, such as small or bicornuate womb, successful pregnancy is possible only if a special supportive therapy and strict medical supervision. The same applies not only to the uterus, but also the capabilities of ovarian tumors. By the way, if the miscarriage occurred for this reason, a woman must then planning another pregnancy, see your doctor regularly - as a result of treatment, the doctor will tell the woman how many months you can get pregnant.

  • Functional diseases of the vital systems of the body.

Spontaneous abortion is also possible that if the expectant mother suffers from any - or chronic diseases - especially cardio - vascular system. In this case, the woman must also be under the supervision of doctors.

  • Effect of toxic substances.

In that case, if the body of the pregnant woman, and therefore, respectively, on the body of the fetus, impact toxic substances such as nicotine, alcohol, drugs, paints, acetone, may impair the development of the fetus and spontaneous abortion.

  • Nerve shocks

Severe stress can also be deadly for a favorable course of pregnancy.

  • Available in the last case of abortion.

Information that pre-pregnancy abortion greatly increases the risk of miscarriage, known to all. Especially dangerous abortion in the event that interrupted the first pregnancy in a woman's life.

For successful conception and successful pregnancy outcome after a previous miscarriage parents are aware of the fact that miscarriage is not a sign that they are not able to have a baby. Single miscarriages indicate only that the body occurred some parents - and the failure should consult a doctor to find out the problem and fix it. As a rule, doctors - gynecologists in each case certainly know whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Of course, the spontaneous abortion is a great tragedy for any family. Each family reacts to grief on the - somebody is trying to get pregnant as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, for a long time does not risk getting pregnant again, in panic fearing repeated spontaneous abortion. One can not say who is right and who is wrong. In that case, if the parents do not show any diseases that pose a threat to the favorable outcome of pregnancy, the period for re-pregnancy should be determined only by their moral readiness. If a woman has become pregnant soon after a miscarriage, she should be closely monitored by a gynecologist from the beginning of pregnancy and up to the birth.

However, doctors - gynecologists still recommend to comply with some - what rules. Listed below are the main ones:

  • If you are able to mentally survive for a while, you should not become pregnant sooner than six months after a miscarriage. Unfortunately, the pregnancy, which came at an earlier date, is more likely to spontaneously abort. When can I get pregnant after a miscarriage - you also tell the doctor - a gynecologist.
  • Be sure to go through the most complete examination by the necessary experts.
  • In that case, if you will identify health problems before they became pregnant eliminate them to be repeated miscarriage.
  • Be sure to follow all recommendations of your doctor - a gynecologist, who will help you to choose the optimal time for conception. Also, remember that getting pregnant after taking contraceptives can be used only if they are chosen correctly.

Thus, from the above reader we have understood that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage, is positive. But in order that your baby was born, you have to exert maximum effort.

Perhaps you feel that the mental situation you experienced a miscarriage, or it can not recover. You notice at depressive thoughts about what has happened, try not to close within ourselves. Perhaps you will just talk with someone who understands you and supports not only words but also deeds, if you and it does not help, consult a professional, it can be either a psychologist or a psychotherapist who experienced and know how to to overcome such problems. Experiences present now, necessarily affect the baby in subsequent pregnancies, fear can prevent you enjoy the happy months. Try to overcome it.

It may happen that you have to give birth to a healthy baby, need to change the entire abutment life. Perhaps the need to change or cancel, if you have enough intensive or heavy. Your doctor may prescribe a multivitamin. Often in such cases, to do special exercises. In that case, if your weight exceeds the norm, do its normalization. And, of course, forget about bad habits. More information can be found here. And remember the main thing - if you really want something, it's sure to be fulfilled!

 Pregnancy after miscarriage

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