Waiting for the baby - an important and welcome event in the life of every woman. During pregnancy, maintaining their own health should be the main goal of the future mother, because at this time laid the makings of a major health of the baby. Even 20 years ago, asthma and pregnancy are incompatible. But today, leading experts are unanimous: the disease is not a contraindication to pregnancy.
Bronchial asthma - a common lung disease in pregnant women, which may occur before or during the pregnancy I trimester. The main thing is not to give up drugs or stop treatment for all nine months. If you follow all recommendations of your doctor probably will not be any complications.
Treatment of asthma
When planning pregnancy, women who know about the disease, should consult with your doctor what medicines you can take during pregnancy and what you can not, buy a tonometer to always monitor your blood pressure. Doctors say that women with asthma more often increases the pressure, even if they are pre-pregnancy against this phenomenon never encountered.
In cases of acute disease should consult a doctor immediately. Many women ignore the advice of experts, because it does not rely on modern methods of treatment. And a very good reason - in a similar situation self can cause irreparable harm. And not only the expectant mother, but her baby.
There are many myths about asthma, it's not so long ago, there were no drugs, controlling this disease. Many still believe that asthma - a debilitating disease in which it is impossible to have children.
At the end of the last millennium treatment is reduced to numerous dropper hormones and Teofedrin and inept use of inhalers are often the first ended unsuccessfully. Now the situation has changed dramatically, even though the disease is still not curable. Thanks to new ideas about the nature of the disease of asthma, a number of effective drugs and develop methods of controlling the disease. To achieve positive results, the joint efforts of the specialists and their patients.
During pregnancy, the severity of the disease often varies. About 35% of women with asthma have been improvements in the first trimester, the third - getting worse in others - remains unchanged. However, a scientific analysis of evidence of other data - improvement of the disease occurs in only 14% of pregnant women. So do not rely on chance when it comes to your health and the health of the unborn child.
Every pregnant woman is trying to minimize medication and it is quite reasonable. But you must treat asthma: the harm that can bring this disease, as well as hypoxia caused them a lot more than the possible side effects of drugs. And if there is an exacerbation of asthma, there may be a threat to risk the life of the expectant mother. Before each woman is a hard choice, which it must do in favor of the planned treatment, according to all the doctor's recommendations.
Work closely with your doctor - one of the most important conditions for the successful treatment of asthma. The skilled artisan will select the treatment that will help to achieve maximum results with minimum risk. Treatment during pregnancy is appointed by the principle - "the expected benefits exceed the potential risk to the fetus and the mother." The most stringent requirements are guided during I trimester of pregnancy, as it is the most vulnerable period.
If you use topical treatment of asthma (acting locally), inhalants, as the concentration of drug in the blood will be minimal, and the local effect of the treatment of the bronchial tubes - maximum. The best solution is to use inhalers that do not contain freon. To reduce the risk of side effects should be used with a spacer aerosol inhalers.
It is established that during pregnancy and asthma pathologic changes occur in the immune system - it will be weakened. And it is quite natural, because otherwise she could not bear a child. But this stick - both ways, unfortunately.
This decrease immunity has a negative impact on the course of the disease. The constant presence of inflammation in the bronchi causes symptoms occur. It is necessary to treat not only the symptoms of the disease (eliminates spasms
), But the very asthma treatment which is based on the basic therapy (preparations for the control of the disease).
Treatment should be directed at the control of inflammation, as well as on the selection of essential drugs to relieve symptoms and exacerbations of elimination. Depending on the severity of asthma doctor determines the amount of the basic treatment of a doctor. Rational basic therapy can help reduce the risk of exacerbations and reduce prescriptions to alleviate the symptoms.
Types of asthma
In some cases, asthma can have non-allergic - endocrine changes due to severe head injuries. However, in most cases the disease is allergic when allergen exposure accompanies bronchospasm, which is manifested by suffocation.
There are two main forms of asthma:
The disease develops on the background of infectious respiratory diseases like pneumonia, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis. In this case the allergen protrude microorganisms. This form of the disease is the most common.
Allergens can serve a number of substances organic and inorganic origin: dust, pollen, feathers, dandruff human, animal hair, food allergens (strawberries, citrus fruits, strawberries), drugs and industrial chemicals. The emergence of this form of asthma correlated with hereditary predisposition.
Whatever form did not have asthma, it peculiar 3 stages of development:
Stage of asthma attacks
Status asthmaticus.
In the case of pregnancy and asthma meet all of these forms. The first stage is marked with bronchospasm chronic pneumonia and chronic bronchitis, wheeze. Asthma is still missing. In the initial stages they evolve periodically. As a rule, infectious form of allergic asthma asthma attacks are caused by chronic diseases of the lungs or bronchial tubes.
Recognize asthma is quite simple: they start at night and last for several hours. The patients before the attacks feel tingling in the throat, tightness in chest, sneezing and runny nose begins. No sputum, cough, paroxysmal. Woman to breathe, you need to sit down, stretch all the muscles of the neck and chest. Breathing becomes hoarse, whistling, loud, audible in the distance. The skin is covered with sweat, his face becomes bluish color. By the end of the attack highlighted the liquid and copious sputum.
Pregnant women who have not exhibited asthma before pregnancy, often do not understand what is happening to them and scared. The panic in this case is unacceptable because it can enhance the attack. Try to calm down and call a doctor immediately.
Incidentally, the first seizures may develop at any time during pregnancy. But most of the recorded cases of asthma in the first trimester. But do not get too upset - which arose at the beginning of pregnancy asthma may disappear during the II trimester, and the prognosis for the mother and child is very favorable.
Status asthmaticus is accompanied by severe bouts of breathlessness that does not stop for several hours or even days.
Features of bronchial asthma during pregnancy
Pregnant women with asthma are often observed early toxicosis - in 36% of cases, the threat of termination of pregnancy occurs in 27%, a generic function disorders - in 19% of cases, prompt delivery and as a result the risk of birth trauma - in 23% of patients. In pregnant women with asthma asthmatic status is likely a high percentage of preterm delivery, spontaneous abortion and cesarean section. If there are cases of inadequate treatment of fetal death.
When a full-term pregnancy, women with asthma give birth in a natural way, as attacks of breathlessness during childbirth it is easy to prevent. And in general - during childbirth probability of asthma attacks is quite low, especially if during this period women take glucocorticoid medications (prednisone or hydrocortisone), bronchodilators (ephedrine or) eufillin. If you are experiencing asthmatic condition and severe asthma attacks, it is recommended that early delivery on 37nedele pregnancy.
Postpartum course of the disease
After birth, there is improvement of bronchial asthma in 25% of women with a mild form of the disease. Other 25% of maternal condition worsens, the dose of prednisone significantly increased. Most women will not change.
Often, asthma may cause diseases in the upper respiratory tract of newborns. Often, the disease manifests itself in the following years of baby's life, in rare cases asthma develops in the first months of life. Therefore, those kids of moms who are faced with asthma, the first year of life should be under close supervision of the doctor-allergist and pulmonologist. The earlier identified pathology, the easier it will be to cope with it.
Pregnant women with asthma should consult a specialist in the use of drugs during breastfeeding. If medication is required, it should be applied at least than 3, 5 - 4 hours before feeding, then their concentration in milk is the least.
Most drugs get into the milk, so we can not ignore this fact. There are a number of drugs that can be taken a nursing mother, but along with them there are drugs that should be at the reception to give up breast-feeding during treatment. In any case, the final word should be left behind by your doctor.
Recommendations to reduce asthma attacks
To minimize the triggering factors that trigger acute asthma, we bring to your attention the main potential sources that excite them.
Triggers asthma attacks in bronchial asthma:
Household inhaled allergens nastiest - avoid contact with them is virtually impossible. Still, you should try to at least reduce it to a minimum. Such allergens include:
The waste products of animals (traces of saliva, urine and hair);
Waste products of cockroaches and dust mites colonies (books, fur and carpets);
The spores of bacteria and fungi;
Tobacco smoke;
Household chemicals.
Food allergens are also common, but easier to deal with them - enough to eliminate from their menu forbidden foods. But, of course, you will be able to do it only if you know the products to which you are allergic. And do it can only be a doctor.
Animal fats;
Honey and chocolate;
Stabilizers and preservatives (nitrates, sulfites, nitrites).
Drugs that result in the initiation of an allergic reaction:
Beta-blockers, which have a pharmacological effect;
Formulations designated for treatment of ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure.
Non-specific factors:
Excessive exercise;
High humidity;
Variations in temperature;
Stress and prolonged depression.
In the presence of these factors or situations need to limit their exposure during pregnancy.
Prevention of complications of bronchial asthma
It is necessary to refuse food and medicines that cause an allergic reaction (redness, rash of hives, swelling, occurrence of nasal congestion, mucus, watery eyes).
Before planning pregnancy should be abandoned pets, as if you did not like them. Their metabolic products may be in the room for a further six months, so it is necessary to conduct a thorough cleaning and get rid of all harmful bacteria.
Exclude from home furnishing potential sources of dust: carpets, upholstered furniture, old books. If you can not give them up, cover them with polyethylene covers to protect their own health.
Choose a model air conditioner, which has the function of controlling humidity. This will save you from ticks and fungi that can reproduce at a humidity of over 60%.
Regular wet cleaning. It is desirable that a pregnant woman was not present at the same time, and spend their free time outdoors.
Bed linen should be washed at least once a week at a temperature of not lower than 60C.
The stove must be equipped with hood.
Forbidden contact with cigarette smoke, paint products, fuel vapors and exhaust gases, which can easily penetrate into the body through the respiratory tract.
In the workplace, pregnant women should not be allergens that can cause asthma attacks.
Regularly wash your hands, do not become too cold, not to be in crowded places and drafts.
If during pregnancy planning you have an allergy, it should not be a reason to abandon it. If there are allergic during pregnancy, childbirth rational to wait, and after doing research on the presence of specific allergens.
And remember that asthma is not a contraindication to pregnancy, and the more reason for the refusal to have children. Home comply with all requirements of your doctor and eliminate the influence of allergens.
Qualitative and regular monitoring of asthma during the entire period of pregnancy - is the key to a healthy baby and a lack of maternal complications. As you can see, pregnancy and asthma are not mutually exclusive. Merry mother!
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