- Omelette "Dandelion"
- Omelette "Carrot"
- Omelette "Nourishing"
- Omelette with apples
- Omelet quail eggs
- Omelette with zucchini
Any mom knows how difficult it is sometimes to feed the baby. In the course are grandmothers with jokes, rhymes with his grandfather, father and toys, persuasion, pressure, and at times shamanistic dances with tambourines. But all this, in most cases you can avoid it - just to make a tasty dish and original design. Of course, almost all women are aware of this, but sooner or later, fantasy, alas, exhausted.
For these mothers, and we have collected a few original recipes for omelets for a child. Omelet - the dish is very nutritious and healthy, so it is put into the child's diet. But only if the baby no allergic reaction to chicken eggs or other contraindications. Typically, eggs are introduced into the diet of the child until one year of age. But in any case, the pre-talk to your pediatrician.
And if you give a kid an egg for the first time overnight closely watch the reaction of his body. If there are warning signs as redness, rash, cough, shortness of breath - immediately, without delay, seek medical attention. It is very likely that your pipsqueak faced with an allergic reaction to eggs.
If you cook an omelet for crumbs quite yet, you should pay attention to the first several very successful recipes. Pay attention to a very important nuance cooking omelets for the youngest children - he must be prepared only for a couple! Fried variations are permissible only if the child is three years old - that is such a feature of children's omelet. So, choose a favorite recipe and go to culinary heights!
Omelette "Dandelion"
This omelet kids just love its delicate taste and very original cooking. Preparing it a little longer than usual, but the mess is - your pipsqueak guaranteed will be satisfied. In order to prepare it, require the following ingredients:
- 1 egg.
- 50 grams pasteurized milk.
- 1 teaspoon butter.
- Salt to taste.
Hopefully, you do not need to be reminded that all products must be extremely fresh and of the highest quality? Otherwise, prepare and begin not worth it! Hope for heat treatment - recklessly.
Egg sure to rinse thoroughly under running water, break into a bowl and using a mixer whisk for about 30 seconds. If you do not have a mixer - it does not matter, it is possible and old-fashioned - with a fork. However, whisking have more - not less than three minutes. Then add the milk and salt and then thoroughly whisk - in the end you should have a homogeneous mass of luxuriant.
If you have a pressure cooker - great. Take a glass bowl, brush her bottom and edges of the butter, pour the egg mass and put the container in a steamer for about 15 minutes. If steamer is not available, we will prepare an omelet on a simple water bath. For this you need a deep pot of small diameter. At the bottom of the bowl put the future of omelets, pour the water so that it covers two thirds of the bowls. Cooking omelet must be on a very low heat for about 10 minutes. Note - in this case the bowl must be made of refractory glass.
First omelet raise itself very strongly - sometimes he even looks out from the edges of the bowls. But after a few minutes, he, of course, settle. Put the omelet on a beautiful bowl, let cool. From sprigs of parsley make stem and leaves our dandelion. All omelette ready, we can offer it to your young gourmets! He'll appreciate this recipe!
Omelette "Carrot"
Plain Omelet your beloved fussy not inspired? It does not matter, surprise him with something creative - for example, carrot omelette. To prepare two servings, you will need the following ingredients:
- 2 eggs, it is desirable to home - they are much brighter yolks.
- 2 tablespoons pasteurized milk.
- half a small carrot.
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
All is ready? We leave to cook. Eggs, of course, must be washed under running water, because their shell may be disease-causing microbes. Eggs break into a glass bowl, carrots, wash, peel and grate on a fine grater - you need about two tablespoons. Please carefully whisk the eggs with the milk, add a little salt. The form for making an omelette grease with vegetable oil, put on the bottom and on top of carrot pour the egg mass.
Bake omelet best in a double boiler - not less than 20 minutes. If you do not have a double boiler, you can do an oven - in this case, cooking temperatures of 200 degrees will be approximately 20 minutes. In a pinch, you can resort to the microwave - it is preparing an omelet fastest - about 7 minutes.
Ready omelette has a very cheerful bright yellow-orange color that is sure to please any child. And in order to further decorate the eggs, you can use corn or peas - a few grains that act as eye and nose, will not harm the baby.
Omelette "Nourishing"
For a child over two years old, you can cook a delicious omelet with cheese. Preparing it is very fast, and its taste is beyond praise. In short, this recipe - a real godsend for busy moms / A total of 15 minutes and the problem lunch or dinner will be solved. Although, by the way, scrambled eggs for dinner - not the best dish, as the eggs are sufficiently severe food.
So, to prepare a cheese omelet, you will need the following ingredients:
- 100 grams of sweet peppers.
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
- 2 tablespoons pasteurized milk.
- 2 chicken eggs.
- 10 grams of cheese every durum.
- Dill.
Wash and clean the peppers, remove seeds and finely chop and boil for some time on the water. Cheese grate on a fine grater, egg wash and break into a bowl. Thoroughly whisk the eggs with the milk as long as they do not become monotonous dense foam. Add the grated cheese and mix thoroughly again a lot. Forms for omelet grease with vegetable oil, lay on the bottom evenly stewed pepper, pour on top of the egg mass and prepare to submit an omelet. In a double boiler cooking time - 15 minutes in the oven - 20 and in microwave ovens - 7.
Omelette with apples
Omelette with apples - very unusual dish, which will certainly please your toddler. In addition, it is also useful - still in apples contain large amounts of vitamins. So the recipe is in any case should take note!
To prepare the omelette with apples, you will need the following ingredients:
- 2 chicken eggs.
- half of a medium-sized apple.
- 2 tablespoons pasteurized milk.
- 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
Apple Wash, peel and cut into thin slices, brush with vegetable oil form, and place an even layer on the bottom. Egg wash under running water, break into a bowl, add the milk and whisk thoroughly for a few minutes until you have a homogeneous dense foam. Pour the egg mass in the form of pre-cooked with apples, put bake. In the steam cooker would prepare omelets about 20 minutes in the oven - 15, and a microwave oven - about 7 minutes.
Omelet quail eggs
Omelet quail eggs has an extremely delicate unique flavor, which like almost all children. And adults, by the way, too! Quail eggs are extremely helpful - they contain a great number of necessary human vitamins, minerals, micro and macro. In short, they are much more useful because popular chicken eggs.
In addition, the quail eggs have a unique feature - they almost never causes allergic reactions. And even for those people who absolutely can not tolerate eggs. So if no one recipe for an omelette from eggs not suit you, pay attention to this. Although, of course, and before the use of quail eggs a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous. Basically, you can choose any recipe omelets described just above - just replace the quail eggs.
But let our omelet. To make it, you need the following ingredients:
- 7 quail eggs.
- 3 tablespoons pasteurized milk.
- salt to taste.
- butter.
Preparing the omelet is very simple, as well as chicken eggs - the only difference is that two eggs here is not enough. Eggs always rinse under running water in a bowl and beat. A very important point - at the shell of quail eggs is quite specific, so you'll need a sharp knife and a sharp blow.
Add the milk to the eggs and salt, using a halo or a mixer, whisk thoroughly, so that you obtain a homogeneous mass. Tins omelet grease with butter, pour the egg mass there and put bake. Preparing an omelette of quail eggs very quickly - in a double boiler for about 6 minutes in the oven for no more than 5, and in the microwave and 3 minutes is sufficient.
Omelette with zucchini
Omelet for an older child can be prepared, for example, with zucchini. This omelet has a very pleasant taste, rich enough - it is perfect for breakfast. The recipe is quite simple - to make this dish is not difficult, you need just a couple of minutes to spare, and the following ingredients:
- 50 grams of fresh zucchini.
- 2 chicken eggs.
- 2 teaspoons of pasteurized milk.
- vegetable oil.
- salt to taste.
Zucchini peel, cut into strips and cover with cold boiled water, leave for 10 minutes - to do this it is necessary that they are not bitter. Otherwise, the recipe will be ruined. Then drain the water, cut into small strips zucchini, add the bottom of the pre-greased molds for omelets. Mix eggs with milk, salt and whisk thoroughly, pour into the mold with zucchini and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Omelette ready!
Do not get hung up on one thing, even if the kid like a recipe - Be creative and experiment! Bon Appetit!