Every woman tends to remain young and beautiful regardless of age, of the passport data. Staying blossoms and young at heart, unfortunately, remain eternally young and seemingly no woman has ever managed. But cosmetic industry is not standing still, and steps forward in leaps and bounds. Towards the preservation, or rather extension, youth have invented a lot of cosmetic procedures and all kinds of tools. One of these procedures, which is struggling with sagging skin, cellulite and other troubles, is electromyostimulation.
Electromyostimulation: what is it?
Electromyostimulation - is a process of influence on the human body weakly electric pulses. The procedure improves blood circulation, strengthens muscles, accelerate metabolic processes in the tissues, and weight loss.
Under the influence of electromyostimulation enhanced lymphatic drainage, improving the structure of blood vessels, the skin is smoothed, and the excess liquid is removed. As a result of this exposure is enhanced cosmetic skin blood flow (upper) and improves the process of cleansing the blood. It is this and returns a healthy gloss and color of the body, which are inherent in a young age.
Electromyostimulation, exercising effect on muscle leads to an accelerated reduction of about 700r for 1 minute, which is far greater energy and calories. The effect of the procedure is comparable to the highly demanding workloads in the gym. This feature causes weight loss.
What is the process electromyostimulation?
During the procedure, a change in the biological activity of the muscles under the influence of pulse current. It is the formation of spike responses and intense muscle contraction.
Types of current that activates electromyostimulation:
Pulsed current;
Low, medium, high-frequency currents.
Electromyostimulation body
The cathode (at constant current) or hydrophilic spacer, ranging in size from 1 to 4sm2, applied to the motor point of the muscle you want to stimulate (as an option - in the innervated by the nerve). The second electrode, which sizes of 100 to 150 cm2 mounted on a segment of the spinal cord, which corresponds to the stimulated muscle. Initially, the muscle is stretched. Exposure time intervals between waves and current depend on the desired effect and on the condition of the muscles. The procedure should not cause muscle fatigue.
The timing of the procedure with the strengthening of the muscles is increased from 2 to 15-20 minutes with breaks in 2-3 minutes.
Stimulation at home
If the first method was more for medical purposes, this method is suitable for beauty salon and home treatments. It's all a bit easier.
The device, in a constructive composed of two electrodes (better to choose 6-8) looks like a flexible and wide belt. The weak current is supplied to the nerve endings located in the skin, which allows you to control muscle contraction. In order to achieve more significant results, the device should not be removed during the day and wear it between workouts.
If electromyostimulation carried out by means of the device, which has a view of the elastic lining of greenish rubber, these "suckers" are superimposed on the buttocks, abdomen, thighs. This should be clear by the scheme to the millimeter (at the base of each muscle), otherwise the result will not wait.
It is recommended to lubricate the problem areas, which will carry out the procedure, anti-cellulite cream.
The impact on the muscle tissue makes it stronger. Developed muscles consume more energy, which helps to burn excess fat. Volume decreases faster than the weight, because fat is lighter than muscle.
Electromyostimulation persons
Electromyostimulation person - a procedure that allows to improve the shape of the face, refresh the color, reduce swelling of the eyelids and smooth fine lines.
When used electromyostimulation face gel, electrically conductive, nourishing mask. In the pre-cleaned and greased cream, moisturizing or nourishing, skin, face and neck warm molten gel is applied to the mask. On top of the mask is applied 8 pairs of electrodes (curly). Impose them clearly over the motor points for a given method, depending on the original condition of the face and neck. Impact in the procedure is performed on the facial muscles of the neck and face.
Already after 3-5 procedures will be marked first results: improve skin color, decrease swelling, etc. After 15 treatments oval face will take more aesthetic form due to increased muscle tone, cheeks tightened, chin becomes more beautiful eyebrows pripodnimut. Deep wrinkles become mene expressive and fine smoothed. Regarding the circumference of the face, it is reduced.
All of the results, of course, depend on the initial condition and on the characteristics of the patient's skin.
The advantages of this procedure is the possibility of training that are difficult to influence, individual muscles. But, as with any cosmetic procedure, to electromyostimulation contra too.
Electromyostimulation - contraindications:
The presence of cardiac pacemakers.
The presence of heart disease.
The presence of viral and colds.
Pregnancy (until the end of the effect of electrical stimulation on a pregnant woman is still not known).
The presence of gastrointestinal disease, gallstones and kidney stone disease (especially periods of exacerbation contraindicated).
The presence of pronounced mental disorders.
Oncological diseases.
Chronic diseases require an indispensable consulting your doctor.
The presence of broken bones.
It is forbidden to place the electrodes on the neck and sides of the neck.
Inflammation of the skin, different cuts, skin rashes, burns involves pasting electrodes on the damaged areas.
The presence of thrombophlebitis.
Circulatory problems, kidney and liver failure.
The presence of active TB of the kidneys and lungs.
The presence of hypersensitivity.
Side effects
Electromyostimulation - side effects of which are minimal, but still exist - helps to restore the skin's elasticity. Electromyostimulation side effects may cause slight. Often this is expressed as the low swelling in areas where the electrodes were fixed, and lung temporary redness.
Electrostimulation, among other things, requires the fulfillment of certain conditions, which will help to achieve maximum effect.
The first 10-15 days after the procedure should be to protect the skin with sunscreens.
Avoid heating of the skin (baths, saunas, infrared radiation).
Protect skin from mechanical and chemical stimuli for five days before the procedure and for 5-10 days thereafter.
Reviews of electrostimulation
If we talk about such a procedure as electromyostimulation - reviews here will be of a completely different nature. Many argue that the procedure is completely painless and very effective. About electromyostimulation reviews say that, if the procedure refers to the muscles of the abdomen, waist, thighs and buttocks, it does not replace the active training, which used the body. But an additional factor contributing to the acquisition of muscle elasticity may well be.
Speaking of such cosmetic procedures as electromyostimulation, be sure to note that for each person will depend on the effectiveness of electrical stimulation on the personal sensitivity of the body, skin and muscle at the time of the procedure and objective factors such as the presence of certain diseases. Before the procedure, you should consult your doctor.
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In the twentieth and twenty-first century, many scholars make invisible to this breakthrough in medicine and cosmetology. At this time, new techniques to extend the youth and beauty of return based on the effects of cold, heat, electrical, magnetic and radio waves. The newest technique which has already gained fans worldwide - lymphatic drainage.
For our country, lymphatic drainage is a relatively new procedure. Its essence lies in the fact that from the intercellular space of all organs and systems of the body in different ways to withdraw excess, stagnant liquid. In this liquid, usually products accumulate production organism, fatty acids and toxins. Gradually they accumulate, the process of decomposition and recycling. They poison the body, leading to premature aging. Lymphatic drainage helps to get rid of them and make your body work in new ways.
Lymphatic drainage helps to restore the water-salt balance, eliminate sagging skin, eliminate skin mounds in areas where there is the greatest concentration of cholesterol deposits, improve venous and capillary blood circulation, get rid of varicose veins and excess weight
. When using lymphatic drainage results will not keep you waiting
. First, you will feel the difference in your emotional state, and then - in the physical
. The technique is quite simple lymphatic drainage, so its successful use today is practiced not only in advanced cosmetology offices, but also in numerous clinics and health and beauty center
. Many women are choosing is lymphatic drainage: a procedure that is not only safe, but also beneficial to the body
. Such a procedure not only gives strength to the body in the first days after the lymphatic drainage of hardware, but also gradually increases the effect of rejuvenation for months
. If you doubt the efficacy and safety of the technique, it is logical and appropriate treatment can be considered to numerous women and Medical Forum, under which "Lymph: reviews" You can find answers to all the questions you care about
Action lymphatic drainage
Lymphatic drainage, which previously was only available to politicians and celebrities, can now be used successfully every woman who wants to ensure prolong their youth and beauty
. It is aimed at normalizing weight and getting rid of cellulite
. In addition, lymphatic drainage will help you reduce the total percentage of fat in the blood and fatty components, to restore metabolic processes in the body, to remove tissue swelling and system-wide
. Lymph save you from stagnant body fluids
. Commonly used methods of getting rid of excess fluid (eg, use of different composition and origin of diuretics) can negatively affect your overall, in contrast to the lymphatic drainage, which is absolutely safe
. Lymphatic drainage activates the body's defenses, aimed at increasing the level of immunity, greatly enhances the viral disease resistance
. The human body (turns it to different sites) is pressurized, thereby improving blood circulation and oxygen enrichment of body parts, reinforced almost all metabolic processes, creates a certain level of stress on the body and its internal systems
Types of lymphatic drainage
Today there are different types of lymphatic drainage, with different levels of effectiveness and impact on the body. Most often used hardware lymphatic drainage, which is what you will be offered in most beauty salons. But there are also manual lymphatic drainage (or manual lymph drainage), which in turn are divided into subtypes. Thus, in the hardware is isolated lymph drainage Microcurrent lymphatic drainage, which is based on the effects of currents on the human body. Vacuum lymphatic drainage is carried out using a vacuum that is created using special devices. Ultrasound lymph drainage, as the name implies, is done using ultrasound.
The features of micro-lymphatic drainage is considered a wide range of its activities and deep penetration into the tissue and systems. Among other things, this type of lymphatic drainage can be applied successfully to influence the deeper layers of skin. When using vacuum limfodranazha action can have a dot (especially convenient to use during the procedure on the face, neck and upper chest). The ultrasound lymph drainage as an advantage it is usually considered the possibility of "setting up" on an ultrasound of your body.
Lymphatic drainage technique is not difficult to master, so the acquisition of certain skills can be carried out lymphatic drainage in the home. Especially popular now considered lymphatic drainage hardware: reviews of it show the effectiveness and success of the procedure (to get rid of excess weight, figure correction, smoothing the top layer of the skin, etc.). About lymph drainage hardware reviews posted today on almost all sites cosmetic clinics and centers preserve the beauty and health of the woman.
Quite convenient to carry lymph home, which is enough to pass training courses lymphatic drainage. As a rule, it is made for home use, many simplified devices. They are now available to anyone who wants to look attractive and youthful. Whichever you chose the type of lymphatic drainage in the home, feeling its effectiveness will not keep you waiting. Thus, in the first few hours (sometimes - days), you will feel a surge of strength and feel the courage, sense of warmth can last about a day. After that, you will notice that the body begins to vigorously output liquid food wastes and wastes. Noticing that the edemas that there is a significant change in the level of blood flow, and more.
Contraindications to the procedure
It's worth noting that the lymphatic drainage has contraindications as any other cosmetic procedure
Contraindications include: skin and subcutaneous diseases, edema of different origin (heart, kidney, swelling of liver diseases), acute inflammation of the skin and internal organs, cardiovascular failure, a serious disease of the lymphatic system, pregnancy and lactation, diabetes. It should be borne in mind that the lymphatic drainage of the body - these are names that procedure, which does not alter the rhythm of the action of each organ or system in your body, and only returns them to the rhythm of work in which they were a few years or decades ago. When lymph drainage contraindications significantly less than during any other procedure.
Lymphatic drainage: the procedure for the whole body
The course of lymphatic drainage may be conducted for each area of the body. It's quite effective and correct, as both can be performed lymphatic drainage facial and legs lymph drainage, in the case of some parts of the body, which are primarily in need of carrying out such a procedure.
The advantage to the lymphatic drainage massage is considered the possibility of self-lymphatic drainage of the house. In addition, you will be able to easily determine which part of your body should be subject to such a procedure as an internal lymph massage: lymphatic drainage for the purpose of removal from the intercellular space of any organ or tissue fluids. Results of lymphatic drainage of the body will not keep you waiting in those cases where it is really needed. Today, many women (especially after childbirth) worried about a problem, as the mesh of the small blood vessels under the skin and bruising. In the application of lymphatic drainage of legs you can get rid of this problem. If you just want to carry out prevention, you should think about how long you can forget about cellulite, varicose veins, fatigue and heavy legs.
For every woman it is important to her face as long as possible to remain attractive and young
. Often, it is on the face can be seen traces of many days of fatigue, bad working conditions, etc.
. d
. In such a case, it would be logical to carry out such procedures as mechanical lymphatic drainage facial or manual lymph drainage facial
. Both the first and second types of procedures can be performed both in the beauty parlor, and at home
. It should be borne in mind that the person holding a mechanical lymphatic drainage (as opposed to the manual lymph drainage face) should be used no more than once every few months, despite the fact that you need to consider everything - even the skin condition and the level of muscle relaxation of the face muscles,
. As is well known, so the machine can not feel the body, like hands
. For this reason, it is recommended to lymph century
. Also it can have a remarkable effect lymphatic drainage under the eyes (especially the first time) when using the manual method
. When used in the practice of your beauty lymphatic drainage century, as well as lymphatic drainage under the eyes, you can greatly improve skin tone, restore long time its elasticity, strengthen the renewal of the upper layers, to regenerate the lower layers of the skin, strengthen the tone of the muscles of the face, align the color to get rid of bags puffiness and swelling under the eyes, etc.
. d
. If you decide, for example, do lymph drainage face at home, you do not have to be disappointed because it is fairly easy
With lymphatic drainage facial, you can forget about post-traumatic and postoperative edema, an edema and puffiness, cellulite and localized fat deposits in the neck and chin. It can be performed lymphatic drainage facial at home, because you do not have to walk from office to office, and the result will surprise you. The unique method of rejuvenation - face lymph drainage: reviews of it can be found on many women's forums. It's about lymph drainage facial responses are most numerous, since every sixth woman had experienced the same procedure.
After the lymphatic drainage reviews about it are more reasoned, as you will notice results within a few days. Lymphatic drainage will become your favorite method of getting rid of the many uncomfortable conditions of the body.