professional burnout


  • The syndrome of burnout
  • Who is at risk?
  • Symptoms of professional burnout
  • How to repair wiring

All you have probably heard the expression "burn at work." You wake up in the morning in a bad mood, and thoughts on the work bring it to the state of disgusting. Specificity of burnout is that every morning begins with lethargy and fatigue comes after a couple of hours after the start of the day.

All annoys any working order requires a huge voltage, and the whole day is held in anticipation of the evening. But he does not bring relief, and you go to sleep broken with the idea that there is still a week working at hard labor. So, most likely, you are faced with the notorious problem of burnout.

Large companies spend a lot of money on the prevention of this phenomenon - organized corporate track in pools, trips abroad and a variety of other entertainment for their employees - as long as they do not get tired and kept his tone, and hence the efficiency at work. And it is - a sign of the wisdom of the company's management.

Psychologists say that burnout has become commonplace. Working from nine to nine, overtime and training to improve the skills at the weekend - this lifestyle has long been no surprise. Very often in such a rhythm, there are residents of large cities. In pursuit of a career, we started to forget about all the other spheres of life and lose its raison d'être. And yet, as "no burn" at work?

The syndrome of burnout

Ask any man: "Do you want to achieve professional success? "And 99% of people will tell you:" Yes, of course! ". However, many trying to catch the tail bird career, forget about the limited human resources and earn their professional burnout syndrome. And in the end, instead of the bright future of a person earns a lot of problems.

Professional burnout - is not just fatigue and lack of strength, and a whole range of negative experiences associated with work: the emotional and physical exhaustion, indifference, and poor attitude towards work colleagues and clients, as well as a sense of their own incompetence.

It is a shining example of "burnt" employee may be tired doctor with "black" medical humor. In response to the phrase patient: "Doctor, I visited several doctors, and neither confirms your diagnosis," he says, "Well, wait for the autopsy." In general, the black professional humor, sarcasm and cynicism are often the companions of burnout .

In essence, it is chronic stress, but if not accurately - his third stage, the stage of exhaustion. This stress is caused by prolonged exposure to stress factors moderate, related to the professional field. Man saves long in negative emotions, without giving them any release or discharge. Interesting metaphor concerning the internal experiences "burned-out" the employee was offered a psychologist Morrow - "the smell of burning psychological wiring."

But do not be afraid of the fact that one is not beautiful day you wake up with a "burned-wired psychological." Fortunately, like syndrome prof. burnout does not develop simultaneously, and attentive to his people to easily be able to recognize and prevent in their development of this type of chronic stress, because the symptoms of burnout is quite specific and knowledgeable people necessarily notice them.

Professional burnout develops gradually and goes through three stages in its formation - three flights of stairs into the depths of professional failure:

  • First stage

Its beginning is marked by smoothing feelings and emotions - they become smaller, and they seemed blunted. Experiences lose their freshness, positive emotions disappear into nowhere. We can not say that life is not going well, but it becomes boring and empty the soul. Relations with other members of the family are excluded, there is a desire to be left alone. You are increasingly experiencing dissatisfaction with their activities, and the alarm gradually becomes your companion. And the anxiety related to all areas of life, not only professional activities.

  • The second stage

At work, there are a variety of friction with colleagues, and you disparagingly periodically express their address, especially regarding their professional activities. After this growing aversion to the people and is manifested in dealing with customers, first in the form of a simple dislike, and then to outright tantrum. Thus, in the body of a professional instinct of self-preservation, seeking to keep him from communicating exceeding a safe level.

  • Third stage

At this stage, blunted idea of ​​basic life values, there is a dangerous indifference to everything - to professional activities, including to his own life. You can maintain their habit of respectability, but in the depths of your soul completely lacking interest in everything and the desire to work. In fact, there is complete indifference and apathy - professional burnout syndrome in all its glory!

It is interesting, but the fact: professional burnout are subject not only to individuals, but the whole organization. This is similar to the epidemic: the majority of employees working in the company, found the same patterns of behavior and signs of problems. This pessimism, lack of faith in their own capabilities and positive change at work, lack of interest in its activities. The staff if all "to one person."

Why is this happening in large organizations? There could be several reasons. One of the main - the contradiction between the strategic and tactical objectives. For example: Of course, we strive to become a company with a worldwide reputation and crystal-clear reputation, but now the main mechanism of doing business - a "kickback." It would seem that the big deal? Widespread practice .... And people understand that not all of their activities properly - hence the psychological discomfort.

The absence of objective criteria for evaluating the work - it's all a nightmare. When your boss will prove to you that you do nothing, you will not be anything to argue, but the sediment remains. Impossible demands on workers, too, can be a cause of burnout organizations, as well as a terrible system of motivating employees. The bends in the side of the "stick" and to the "carrot" does not bode well.

All of this leads to the fact that the organization is a huge "turnover" of personnel - sometimes it happens that for the year the staff of the completely updated. People are so tired in such companies, they prefer to run faster, in spite of everything, sometimes radically changing activity.

They absolutely do not want to work - even long before the layoffs, they prefer to be lazy and take frequent breaks for tea or a cigarette, often to the detriment of openly of their professional activities. Many employees or hate your boss, or, conversely, generally can not work without it. In such companies reigns terrible situation and a heavy psychological climate. Every trip to work - though hard labor. These symptoms should alert.

At the same time employees working in the organization, it is difficult to sober assessment of the situation and come to the conclusion that something is wrong. Eye "zamylivaetsya", tensions are rising, and this prevents finding a constructive way out of the situation. Therefore, in the case of an organization it is sometimes useful to show the company inside some fresh man, so that he could objectively evaluate her condition.

 professional burnout syndrome

Who is at risk?

But not all experts are equally at risk of burnout. Chances are you've heard about the burnout of doctors, but there is no reliable evidence that he was subject to the cleaners. Psychologists have analyzed the various occupations and conditions of work and concluded that there are several factors that increase the likelihood of burnout in certain activities.

  • Intensive communication with others

This is the main risk factor. Those people whose activity is impossible to imagine without communication, "burn" the fastest. This is due to the fact that every person is necessary and sufficient dose of its communication and when it becomes too much, it is bad. And if it is too much for a long time, it depletes the body. An example of these professions can be leaders, teachers, social workers, doctors, business people, sales managers, journalists, etc. ... And, unfortunately, the first signs often are ignored and the problem is compounded continuously.

The harmfulness of such work is especially great for introverts - those whose need for communication is less than that of others. It's like with a tan - it is good and useful, but if sunbathing days, the first burn, then all nanesesh significant damage to their health. Tanning is particularly harmful red, they it should be quite a bit.

Likewise, in introverts to communication: they are closed, they are modest and do not have opportunities for intensive communication. They do not express their dissatisfaction to anyone, hoarding his work from the past forces, and then break. Why introverts should try to reduce the amount of communication in their lives and to choose the appropriate activity.

  • Mismatch moral precepts, values ​​and ideals

For example, you have a crystal honest man, but as a sales manager, you have to sell to people that do not feel a necessity or effectiveness. Case scenario, here are two: either you're a bad sales manager, or will be constantly in conflict with each other. This issue may also apply to cases where the woman works very hard and has to be torn between family and career - laid out in two directions, it simply does not have time. That is why it is so important to choose the right for you activity.

  • Female

The scientists found that women are more prone to "burnout" than men. This is due to our emotional, gentleness, compassion, and a tendency to focus on people (ie, with the same qualities, which sometimes prevents women to break into the big bosses). And it does not matter in what sphere of activity is occupied by a woman.

But one can not go too far in the opposite direction - cold and hard-hearted people are also well-authoritarian "burn out." Therefore, as often happens in psychology, it is necessary to adhere to the "golden mean" and to be flexible - to change their behavior depending on the situation.

  • Life in the city

Large cities themselves generate stress in many people - the noise, noise, frantic pace and lack of sleep. In a metropolis faced with a lot of people and a substantial portion of these collisions is very unpleasant. And to avoid such communication is not possible. That is why the prevention of occupational vygaraniya in large cities need special attention.

  • Fear of losing their jobs, working conditions of instability, uncertainty

Most often in such a state are freelancers and people who have no permanent employment - for example, hired for a specific project freelancers. Despite the fact that for most people the instability is harmful, there are people who are tolerant to it or even enjoy. As a rule, they become good crisis manager and a valuable human resources.

  • Unclear roles and functions in a team

Agree, the work seems hell if the same obligation to perform a few employees, and some other - no one at all. And all meet together in front of several chiefs, each of whom has an opinion about the tasks assigned to the department. This leads to a lack of coordination and competition, resulting in suffering and effectiveness of joint activities, and team members.

  • The unusual situation with high demands

When a person gets in such conditions, it is sharper and faster than going through the stress "burns". An example of such a situation could be improving women approaching retirement age. She has worked in the company as an accountant and was promoted to chief accountant. She transferred to the head office, where top managers sit mostly young people and high technologies - the Internet-conference, skype, etc. ... At the same time it bears a huge responsibility, performing the duties of the chief accountant. All this may lead to the fact that in six months the woman feels an aversion to its activities and wants to retire as soon as possible.

Symptoms of professional burnout

It is possible that after reading the article, you said to yourself: "Yes, I do not want to ever work! At the beginning of the working week, and at the end. And colleagues at me all evil, let alone the customers, I generally keep quiet! What is my syndrome professional burnout? ". In fact, things are not so simple. That is why we have prepared for you a rapid test to help assess the risk of burnout. Of course, the full diagnosis of burnout is not a substitute for, but it will help to understand whether to start seriously worrying. So you:

  • From time to time you feel guilty or offended simply for nothing
  • You have a strengthened or any bad habit (smoking, overeating, etc. ...)
  • You feel tired, not only at night but in the morning, after a dream
  • You are physically and emotionally exhausted
  • In recent years, you are often ill
  • From time to time due to lack of time you take work home, but do not do it at home
  • You do not care what will happen next
  • Recently, you sharply thinner or fatter
  • You Insomnia
  • You often have a headache and / or stomach
  • You are constantly afraid that you have something not work, and you can not cope with the tasks at work
  • You always want to sleep
  • Recently, you regularly feel indifference, boredom, inactivity and depression
  • You swear a lot with colleagues and clients
  • You feel weakness and lethargy
  • You think your job is getting harder and harder, and carry it - harder and harder
  • Do you often worried and anxious for no apparent reason
  • Would you like to drastically change its regime
  • You are easily offended, even minor events
  • Rather than focus on the main problem, you long time "stuck" on the little things
  • You think that you are for all and for all answer
  • You are not interested in anything new

If you find at more than 6 symptoms, it is an occasion to reflect and start some preventive measures, because you are at risk of burnout. And more detailed psychological diagnosis of burnout does not hurt to spend - refer to a psychologist.

If 11 to 17 attributes - you need rest and respite; we can talk about what you have started professional burnout. If more than 17 - your condition requires immediate action. You are at the peak of professional burnout in some cases you may need a psychologist to exit from this state.

 burnout in professional activity

How to repair wiring

Having established that you are at risk of burnout or even finding it at the first signs, do not despair. By and large, the loss of interest in once-beloved work no one is immune. Still, how to protect yourself from professional burnout and keep the love for their work? What if the problem is already evident and simple prevention of burnout will not help?

  • The most obvious and important - do not ever forget about the rest!

It sounds corny, but it's a fact. And it is to this fact, we are often treated with disdain. Any lot and work well a person familiar with the thought: "another couple of hours to work, and lay down to sleep later," "as a break, I better make out the desktop", "a holiday when I have so much to do! ". Believe me, this approach will affect your business negatively.

And accumulate stress, tension and fatigue. That is why all restorative procedures is best to start with a vacation. And you need to spend it in full: it should last at least two weeks and include a change of location, delicious food, a variety of attractions, sea and sun.
