Professional oral hygiene - preventive action, which should be carried out regularly and regardless of a person's age and the state of his teeth. The main purpose of oral hygiene is to remove plaque. However, this is not always possible to achieve only their own.
An important part of dental treatment each person is a professional oral hygiene, which holds the doctor hygienist.
For good health should see a doctor hygienist at least twice a year.
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Professional oral hygiene
Professional hygiene - a service that is available in almost all hospitals, but not all companies include it in the comprehensive treatment. The patient should keep in mind that the implementation of this procedure - is an integral part of the complex procedures for the care of your health, which helps prevent the risk of dental diseases. Clinical experiments have shown that the accumulation of plaque leads to gum disease and its deletion leads to complete recovery.
The procedure for professional dental care includes the following components:
Cleaning the enamel with ultrasound;
The treatment of the tooth with a dental sandblasting products;
Polishing dentition using polishing pastes.
After the procedure, your teeth will have an attractive white color. Following a professional cleaning can be carried out with the help of remineralization therapy applications of fluoride to strengthen enamel.
No less important point - educational work, which may include learning proper dental care, assistance in selecting the means to care for the gums and personal advice of a doctor on nutrition. Hygienist can also help you paste, brush or rinse that will be most beneficial for the patient.
When to purge the dentition?
It is advisable to visit a hygienist before dental treatment. Why is that?
Preventive procedures have a positive impact on the health of the gums, which is very important in setting the seal.
Lack of dental plaque helps the dentist to detect caries at an earlier stage.
After professional oral hygiene doctor can more accurately select the tone for the seal and thus provide a better setting.
How often should I visit the doctor hygienist?
Hygienists should be visited at least once every six months 1. Thus, the beauty and attractiveness of the dentition to continue much longer. To reduce the risk of disease, the patient must maintain the state of the oral cavity completely clean. Therefore, in the course of orthodontic treatment is best to visit a hygienist 1 time in 3 months. It is equally important to maintain good dental health during pregnancy.
Patients with heart disease and smoking is better to pass this procedure more often as sensitive gums and plaque is formed more rapidly. For patients with non-removable dentures a professional cleaning is no less important, as the prosthesis is also formed plaque, which can be completely removed only during treatment.
Much better to watch their teeth, turning to the hygienist, you spend a lot of time and money for treatment.
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Personal oral hygiene
One only occupational health is not enough. The most necessary condition for the good health of your teeth and gums - to maintain proper oral hygiene. Healthy teeth - not just a desirable component of a good appearance. This is a guarantee of good health and well-being in general.
Proper daily prevention, namely the proper use of toothbrush and floss will help to reduce the risk of disease. These daily treatments are less expensive than treatment of diseases that could be detected and treated at an early stage.
In addition to regular visits to the dentist to maintain good oral-everyone should stick to simple recommendations that significantly reduce the risk of disease.
Here are some of them:
Twice a day, brush your teeth with a toothbrush and clean the interdental space every day FLOSY (dental floss);
Stick to a balanced diet;
Use the fluorine-containing products for oral care;
Use the fluorine-containing rinses;
Make sure that your child is under 12 years of fluoride-rich drinking water or consuming food additive fluorine.
When the normal microflora
Violation of the normal vaginal flora
Symptoms and types of vaginal dysbiosis
Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis vagina
Feeling full life is possible only in good health. We should agree that even the most non-serious illness can spoil if not the life, health and mood - definitely. And women's health is so capricious that a slight indisposition, for instance, the violation of the microflora of the vagina for a long time can knock us out of the normal rhythm of life. Especially intimate life.
If the vaginal microflora is normal, then the woman is protected from a variety of inflammatory and even sexually transmitted diseases. When the microflora is broken, then the defense is weakened.
You need to determine what is the normal microflora of the vagina, however it may be violations that prompt for the symptoms of such disorders.
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When the normal microflora
Our body lives a lot of "good" bacteria. This kind of symbiosis: we give them shelter, they are also a "home" protected. Newborn girls vagina sterile. But already in the first minutes after the birth of a child is attacked by bacteria. They "inhabit" the mucous membrane of the vagina (and other organs, too) and eventually form the very microflora. Note that the flora is not constant and changes throughout life. For the changeable state of microflora "responsible" polysaccharides present in bacteria. But on themselves polysaccharides affect female hormones.
Therefore, the normal microflora caused by hormonal changes jumps: juvenile period, puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, sexual life, menopause. For example, in the flora of newborn girl bifidobacteria and lactobacilli predominate. Then they become less and become coccal flora - populated saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci.
The normal vaginal flora creates a special acidic environment that performs two main functions: protection and evolutionary.
The protective function is to destroy this environment all (or almost all) of microorganisms causing various diseases and inflammatory processes.
Evolutionary function provides a healthy conception, as destroys sperm. Such a powerful protective barrier can be overcome only the healthiest sperm.
Its composition vaginal flora is divided into several degrees of purity:
Wednesday acid reaction with a high level of lactic acid bacteria - lactobacillus (healthy environment);
Wednesday slightly acidic with a small amount of lactobacilli and the presence of staphylococci, streptococci and leukocytes (healthy environment);
Wednesday neutral or slightly alkaline reaction with a high level of cocci, leukocytes and the presence of lactic acid bacteria unit (presence of inflammation);
Wednesday alkaline with more Bacteroides, cocci and leukocytes and absence of lactobacillus (inflammations).
Recent purity of the vagina are caused by disturbances of the microflora.
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Violation of the normal vaginal flora
Violation of the microflora of the vagina is called vaginal dysbiosis or disbaktriozom. Such a violation in itself is a disease. Another of his name - bacterial vaginosis. However, this term referred to a partial violation of the microflora. Often you can hear another name for this disease - thrush or candidiasis. And this term is not quite correct to refer to a violation of the microflora, as the disease is just the kind of violations of flora. And these kinds of not so little.
Violations microflora occur almost every woman in different periods of her life. Such violations may result in any impact on the female body. Usually symptoms of dysbiosis are insignificant and sometimes even invisible. But serious violation may lead to dangerous inflammations, infections and relapses. What factors cause a violation of the vaginal flora?
Hypothermia. Prolonged exposure to cold, as a single severe hypothermia reduces immunity and influences change vaginal flora.
Violation of hormonal or a change also leads to changes in the microflora and its violations. They can be caused by irregular sexual life, failures of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and childbirth, abortion, puberty or menopause.
Climate Change. Dysbiosis may occur when moving to live in another state, or even during a tourist trip to the country with a warm climate.
Stressful situations or depression.
Disordered sex life and frequent change of partners, not using contraceptives.
Improper use of tampons and pads during menstruation.
The treatment course with antibiotics.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the pelvic organs.
Genital infections.
It is necessary to mention that these factors do not always lead to violations, and the more disease. However, when the first symptoms should see a doctor.
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Symptoms and types of vaginal dysbiosis
When vaginal dysbiosis is a violation of the normal ratio of bacteria that live on the mucous membrane of the vagina. In a balanced state of the normal microflora is made up of 90% (approximately) of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria constitute 9% and 1% are the key cells (bacteria mobiluncus, gardnerella, leptotriks, fungi of the genus Candida and other microorganisms).
Normal microflora supports the immune system. When it fails, then the balance between the percentage of bacteria is disturbed, their quantitative imbalance occurs that leads to the development of dysbiosis. The most obvious symptoms of dysbiosis:
discomfort in the vulva;
the appearance of secretions;
the occurrence of unpleasant odor.
But firstly, these symptoms may not indicate about dysbacteriosis and other diseases. Secondly, vaginal bacteria overgrowth can occur even without symptoms.
Depending on what kind of pathogenic bacteria predominate in the composition of the vaginal microflora, dysbiosis may occur in different forms. Here are the most frequent violations of the microflora (dysbiosis types).
candidiasis (or thrush) (the "light" form of dysbiosis, the disease caused by the fungus Candida);
bacterial vaginosis (the name given to the disease-causing bacteria gardnerelly him; he is dangerous because it can cause inflammation of the vagina and cervix);
leptotrichosis (considered one of asymptomatic vaginal dysbiosis, causing it leptotriks bacteria).
Any kind of vaginal dysbiosis dangerous complications that occur as inflammation of the vagina, bladder, cervix and uterus itself, as well as infections, sexually transmitted infections.
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Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis vagina
Violation of the microflora of the vagina entails the development of many diseases. Therefore, at the first symptoms of such disorders need to see a doctor, who will deliver an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Restoration of normal flora takes place in three basic stages:
elimination of bacteria (pathogens and opportunistic and) caused by dysbiosis and inflammation;
restoring the balance of "good" bacteria, forming microflora;
restoration of immunity.
When the infectious nature of the violations is assigned a course of antibiotic treatment, during which completely eliminated the pathogen. In the absence of genital infection treatment can be carried out without the appointment of antibacterial drugs. Therefore, therapeutic agents can not be selected independently. In addition to antibiotics in recovery of the normal microflora used antiseptics. Such drugs are used externally - through the introduction and adoption of vaginal swabs baths. Before starting treatment with antibiotics or simultaneously with a course immune.
Restoration of normal vaginal microflora takes approximately 3-4 weeks. Typically, the treatment used tablet formulations and suppositories. In addition to this is the local antibacterial treatments (baths, tampons). Upon completion of the course of treatment is necessary to control laboratory testing, and then to engage in the prevention of dysbiosis.
Prevention dysbiosis vagina - is, above all, hygiene and strengthening the immune system. After the course, you must restore the vaginal flora throughout the year, at least 3 times a month to visit the gynecologist in order to prevent relapse. If successful, the treatment and the absence of relapses remain only to support your immune system, observe the rules of hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.
Do not forget that the normal flora of the vagina - this is your protection against many illnesses. Therefore it is necessary to treat this issue with great care.
After all, women's health is very fragile. Take care of yourself, be healthy and happy!