breathing during labor

The appearance of a baby into the world - the most joyful event in the life of any woman. Future Mommy is waiting for him, ready, counting the days. But at the same time desperately afraid, even if you are no longer waiting for the first baby. And no wonder, because the childbirth are accompanied by quite painful. However, there are many very different ways to ease this pain. Including the important role played by proper breathing during labor and contractions. Numerous women experience significantly reinforces the fact that breathing can aggravate the condition as a woman, and greatly facilitate and reduce the intensity of his pain.

The correct breathing during labor have heard many. But unfortunately, not all women find it necessary to get acquainted with the existing equipment. And a very good reason - they are really very useful to you during childbirth. First, let's find out what is the right thing is breathing. The official definition is as follows - controlled breathing, is determined properly selected depth and frequency of breaths.

The frequency and depth of breathing are directly dependent on the individual characteristics of the flow delivery, the period of the generic process and the needs of oxygen in both women and baby. It is difficult to say in advance what kind of breathing techniques you might need in the process of giving birth, so wise to master all the basic. This will give confidence and peace of mind, and, moreover, helps to relax as much as possible, which is also important for the successful course of labor.

Types of breathing techniques

Today, there are three main types of breathing techniques that doctors recommend to use during childbirth. These types include the smooth slow breathing, shallow and rapid transition. In some cases it is enough of a single type, and in some cases it is necessary to put into practice all three.

In the early phase it is best to try to breathe smoothly and measured, as long as you get it. When the contractions become more pronounced and painful, you can switch a light type of breathing. Although it is often the women in this period of transition type of breathing helps. All depends entirely on the individual - you must try all options, picking the best for you.

Smooth breathing should be used even at extremely intense battles where neither talk nor walk almost impossible. Some people ask how to breathe - abdomen or chest? Doctors say it does not matter - the main thing that brought a breath of relief to the woman. And the main goal - maximum relaxation.

Slow breathing technique

To begin with talk about the technique of slow breathing. It is necessary to "rehearse" before birth. Take the most comfortable position and breathe deeply. After a slow start to breathe, trying to relax as much as possible - all the muscles of the face to the fingertips. Try to concentrate fully on their feelings. And then - is abstracted from them. This ability is very useful to you at birth.

Pay special attention to the breath - his mouth slightly open and relax and gather in the air with a force, with a characteristic sound. Exhale through your mouth, too, it is desirable, but if it's hard for you - exhale through the mouth, the main thing - completely. After that, try to hold your breath for a few seconds - a minute should be no more than 8 - 10 breaths breathing.

Pay attention to the condition of the muscles. The shoulders at the time this type of breathing should be left completely relaxed. Then relax the muscles of the shoulders and abdomen. To make this easier to do, imagine that you are standing under a warm shower. Presented? So you need to relax the muscles in the same way as water would have washed the body - from the top down. As a rule, after three - four minutes you can start yawning. This is absolutely normal, which is not necessary to be frightened.

This exercise should be repeated as long as you do not learn to fully relax - during childbirth have a skill that should be brought to automaticity. Try this technique of breathing in all positions - sitting, lying down, standing up, in the car, because you can not say for certain what position you will be during labor. Practiced relaxation of muscles which are not involved in maintaining the body in various poses. Of course, this will take time, but during birth you repeatedly praise themselves for this foresight.

 Proper breathing during labor

Superficial rapid breathing

After that slow breathing technique to help stop, and contractions become more intense, you can move to the next technology - accelerated breathing surface. His master is quite simple - breathe in and out through the nose should be carried out quickly enough - about once per second. Breathing should be extremely superficial - many doctors have jokingly referred to his "doggie breath". The breath should be shallow, but exhale - noisy fights on - even with a slight groan.

Once the battle begins, immediately start to breathe correctly. And do not forget that when this method of breathing is necessary to exhale try to relax as much as possible - voltage multiplies the pain. And as the physical stress and morale.

Work should begin in advance - first learn to control breathing rhythm. First, learn how to breathe evenly, and then - learn breathing accelerate to the maximum limit. In addition, control and depth of breathing - you need to be able to do it as superficial. Start with a medium rate of breathing, speeding it up with the growth of the intensity of the contractions. The maximum rate should fall on the peak contraction. To reduce its rate must be gradually, as the retreating fight. And do not forget the accompanying relaxation of the muscles, without exception - is at times increase the effectiveness of the methodology of surface rapid breathing.

This technique also requires advance preparation, but be careful. With the habit you can begin to feel dizzy - so start to engage in a sitting position or lying down. And it is desirable that someone was there. Do not worry - after two or three sessions your body will get used and will cease to react in this way.

Breathing technique combined

The transition to the study of the technique of breathing only after you have mastered ideally both types of the above-described respiration. It is a confidence and he and the other type - and superficial and deep. This technique begins with the deep breaths that with the growth of the fight should be replaced by superficial breathing.

Take a comfortable position for you and try to "exist a" whole cycle. Take three deep breaths, relaxing as much as possible all the muscles of the body. Then gradually accelerate breathing, making it the most superficial. Breathe in this way 30 - 40 seconds and then go back to a deep and slow breathing.

Learn to focus on any subject. It is also possible to learn fast enough - lock look at any subject: the clock, on the plate, on the face of the partner. Then try to imagine what a pleasant picture - the forest, the sea or the favorite cafe. Most likely, very soon you will begin to relax quickly and effortlessly.

 Proper breathing during labor and labor

general information

Be sure to start training for about 3 months before the expected date of delivery, because they can begin prematurely. Select to these exercises at least 20 minutes a day. Engage in at any time convenient for you, because generations will also not scheduled. And in case you do exercises for pregnant women breathing exercises is best done at the end of lessons.

Pay attention to the length of these sessions. More precisely - the final result. In some cases, the fight can last a very long time - up to 4-5 minutes. What does it mean? That's right, you should be able to hold your breath and concentrate breathing less than 5 minutes. If you will turn it over for a long time - it's just your advantage.

Breathing during attempts

We should talk about breathing during attempts. It is not less important than breathing during labor. Moreover - proper breathing reduces bearing-down period by 50% and protects the perineum from tearing. So let's see these breathing techniques in phases:

The first method

  1. Once you feel attempts, take a deep breath, "smashing" breathe into two stages. Hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale.
  2. Again, hold your breath for 2-3 seconds again, take a deep breath.
  3. Start to push, believing himself to 7. Once again breathe deeply.
  4. Hold your breath for a few seconds, again inhale and hold your breath.
  5. Again strongly potuzhtes and count to seven.

The more carefully you adhere to this technology, the faster the crumb will move through the birth canal. Do not forget about the need to relax as much as possible in between pushing.

Second method

This method is not less effective than the first. Especially it is ideally suited for those women who have a high risk of rupture of the perineum. As a rule, it is difficult to predict in advance, so you should master both ways.

  1. Take a deep breath, took a deep air max.
  2. Start and push gently exhale. Exhale, even if you feel that the air is almost gone.
  3. Once the baby's head begins to erupt - the doctors you will be sure to tell about it - stop push and go to the shallow breathing, "a dog." Such a measure will help you to protect the baby's head, and his crotch.

We sincerely wish pulmonary delivery to the birthday of her baby, you only remembered with joy, and not with a slight shudder. And respiration during childbirth can help you!

 Proper breathing during labor and labor

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