

  • Proper skin care
  • Traditional recipes for face masks

You want as many women have a smooth and clear skin? To become the owner of a perfect complexion, you must learn how to properly care for the skin. After all, the right facial allow always look perfect. Unfortunately, very often the skin care is reduced to the banal washing, and that is not always correct. Well, in the best case, some cream once a week. However, this is not enough, is not it?

Let's you and I try to understand what is needed for healthy skin. After care it consists of several very different stages. Moreover - in order that the skin is really healthy, you need to follow a few simple but very important rules. So:

  • Water

You know that water plays an important role in the human body? This is not surprising, because the body is more than 90% of water. Water is essential for all bodies without exception. Including skin - with a shortage of water in the body full skin moisturizing creams only one just does not happen. So be sure to watch your drinking regime - an adult should drink at least half liters of fluid per day. And this is without soup, vegetables and fruits. You can drink any liquids, except carbonated drinks and coffee. They contribute to the removal of fluid from the body and thus further dewatering.

  • Clean the skin at night

Unfortunately, very often women neglect regular cleansing of the skin, are thousands of excuses. But such negligence on the skin effect is very negative. Whatever you are tired, take it a rule before bedtime to wash off makeup and be sure to apply cosmetics. Of course, only a well cleansed.

  • Hair - a source of dust and dirt

Since dirt and dust quickly settles on the hair before applying them styling, remove them from the face. Otherwise, dust may fall on your face and cause skin irritation. Too many women notice that the skin on his forehead - if you have bangs - are always a little more problematic than in the rest of the face. Just because of the hair. By the way - do not forget that dirty hair - not only decoration is very poor women, but also a very dubious one for her skin. In the hot season, try to completely remove the hair from her face - it will help avoid contamination of the skin and the appearance of acne.

  • Deep cleansing

Excessive cosmetic procedures include the cleaning of the face and the like, may adversely affect the health of your skin. Therefore, in no case do not do it more than twice a month. By the way, this also applies to a variety of chemical peels and other procedures. Total should be in moderation - excessive zeal can lead to injury of the skin. A scarred skin is very prone to the emergence of various kinds of inflammation. The most sensible decision - consult with a beautician. He objectively assess the condition of the skin and make recommendations that will help to maintain perfect skin.

  • Moisturize skin overnight

At night, the body is resting - is a well known fact. Did you know that some of the processes, on the contrary, the most actively occur at night. It occurs during sleep renovation and restoration of the skin. Therefore, going to bed, you should carefully take care of her. Use a nourishing and moisturizing cream at night, it is suitable for your skin type.

  • Grandma's beauty recipes

Do you think that bring benefits to the skin only expensive cosmetic means of industrial production? You are very wrong! Do not forget that the nature offers us. It is useful from time to time to make fruit and vegetable masks. Here we will tell you about the most effective ones - try. Certainly you will like it.

  • Sleep helps restore the skin

Perhaps it is no secret that the simplest and, at the same time, an effective way to look rested a 7-8 hour night's sleep. Without normal sleep impossible the normal processes in the skin. Surely this notice, any woman - at least once in life. Yesterday was a fun party, which ended this morning? Or maybe you had to be the documentation and prepare for the session for just one night?

In the morning it will certainly affect the state of not only your charming the eye, but also the appearance of the skin. And if the effects of a sleepless night will be fast enough without external interference, the chronic lack of sleep is able to hurt seriously enough. Get enough sleep to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and keeps the skin elasticity.

 facial skin care

Proper skin care

So simple, but so important rules maintain healthy skin we understand. Let us now turn directly to the question of facial skin care. In order to properly care for the skin, it is very important to know its type. This can be determined by a beautician. Or yourself:

  • Dry skin

Dry skin of the face is very small pores, it seems velvety to the touch and very tender. However, only with proper care - otherwise dry skin instantly loses its attractive appearance. She starts to peel off, it looks "wrinkled" and unhealthy. All the cream of this skin type should fulfill one main task - to moisturize.

  • Oily skin

This type of skin is one of the most problematic. Enlarged pores, sebaceous gland function is particularly intense. On the face a lot of black dots - is clogged pores. In addition, this type of skin is very prone to the development of various inflammatory processes. However, even such a skin with the right care is able to look almost perfectly. All cosmetic means should thoroughly clean oily skin, to normalize the sebaceous glands, and relieves inflammation. These funds are best selected after consultation with the beautician or doctor - dermatologist.

  • Combination skin face

This type of skin is the most common. In this case, there are problems such as dry and oily skin. Accordingly, cosmetic funds should take this into account. There is a large variety of means to care for combination skin.

  • Normal facial skin

This miracle occurs, unfortunately, rare. As the name implies, normal skin - is the skin that does not have any disadvantages. However, it requires some care.

By the way, for leaving. What would you have had any type of skin care principles will still be the same. Let's take a closer look at this issue:

  • Cleansing the skin

The day is coming to an end and it's time to get ready for bed. So, we need to thoroughly clean the skin. To use the washing detergent that is right for your skin type. Moisten face ode, apply cleanser, massage your face for a minute, then rinse with water. For washing is best to use cold water - it is more beneficial effect on any type of person.

  • Moisturize skin

Thus, the skin cleaned. And you must apply a night cream. Pick one that is designed for your type of person. The cream should be applied regularly. But do not forget that doctors beauticians recommend every two months to change the cream to avoid any addiction.

In principle - all daily evening skin care finished. However, as you know, that's not all - during the day the skin also needs attention. A more precise - in the morning. You do not forget to brush your teeth every day? So, and do not forget about the skin - simply rinsing with water is not enough.

  • Toning skin

During the night the skin does not have time to particularly dirty. Therefore, our main task - is to tone it. For this purpose various tonics - depending on your type of person. Apply on a cotton pad and wipe the face tonic, circular motions. After that, let the face dry and apply a day cream for your face type. Makeup can be applied not earlier than after 15 minutes. Of course, such a withdrawal requires some effort, and have put on the alarm clock 10 minutes earlier than the usual time. However, just a week - you'll notice another stunning result.

 proper skin care

Traditional recipes for face masks

As we mentioned above, occasionally very useful to do a variety of masks for the face. Of course, it can be purchased ready-made masks. And you can take advantage of natural resources. We offer you a versatile recipes, which are suitable for all skin types.

  • Berry Mask

Summer, sun - who does not like it? So why not treat yourself and your skin too? Berry Mask very positive effect on any skin type. And efforts at their preparation hardly required. For the mask, you can use almost any fruit. Perhaps, in addition to red currants, cherries. Grind 100 grams of any berry puree to the state, apply to clean skin and leave for 15 minutes. After this time, rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Fruit acids contained in the berries, playing the role of a chemical peeling - removes dead skin particles, eliminates spots, evens complexion. Vitamins contained in the berries, nourish the skin. Beauticians recommend to conduct such a mask about once a week.

  • Kefir Mask

Kefir - the ideal tool for both dry and oily, combination and normal skin. To prepare the mask, you will need one teaspoon of honey and two tablespoons of yogurt. Mix honey with yogurt - you should get a homogeneous mass. Put it on the skin and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and allow the skin to dry naturally. This mask is great moisturizes the skin, relieve inflammation, improve the complexion.

  • Cucumber mask

Cucumbers have a great toning and bleaching action. Prepared this mask is very simple - wash one cucumber is medium in size, clean peel and grate. The resulting mush apply to the skin with a thick layer and leave on for 30 minutes. You can feel the feeling of tightness of the skin - do not worry, it's nothing to worry about. After you wash away the mask, pat face with a towel and apply your usual moisturizer.

Remember that this mask has a strong bleaching effect, so do not do them while you sunbathe in the solarium or on the beach. Yes, and in all other cases on the first day after a similar mask is necessary to protect your skin from the sun - or tan will fall unevenly, and there will be spots on the face.

  • Mask with banana and honey

This mask is very effectively cleans and nourishes the skin of any type, without doing it any harm. To prepare this mask you will need half a medium-sized banana, apple quarter, half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Halves of apple peel and grate on a fine grater. Purified half a banana using fork mash into a puree and mix well with an apple. Add honey and whisk again to the mask is full of oxygen.

Place the mask in a glass bowl and leave for three hours for three hours in the refrigerator. Before applying the mask thoroughly wash with gel. After the skin is dry, apply a thick layer on her mask and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. A person do not wipe, let it dry naturally. In that case, if you have oily skin is not hurt by any person to wipe tonic - it narrows the pores and reinforce the positive effects of the mask.

  • The mask of fresh cabbage

To prepare this mask you will need 10 grams of cabbage, one egg and a teaspoon of sour cream. Cabbage mince, white and carefully whisk - should get a dense foam. In a glass container, combine cabbage puree, whipped egg white and cream - should get a homogeneous mass.

Before applying the mask the skin should be thoroughly cleaned - just wash with soap and water. After the mask is dry, apply the mask on it and leave for ten minutes. Then rinse with cool water, pat face with a towel. This mask should not be abused - a maximum of twice a month.

This mask is suitable for all skin types. But if too much skin is dry, the mask can be slightly modified. Cabbage slurry must not be mixed with the protein and with yolk. Instead of sour cream is to add a teaspoon of olive oil or any other vegetable oil. This mask must be left for about 30 minutes. Rinse it with cool water as you need.

  • Apple Mask

A very nice and popular mask of fresh apples. And you can do it almost every day - no harm to the skin, it will not bring. Peel the apple peel, grate it on a small grater and put on clean skin. Mask Length - 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water and blot with a towel. After the skin is dry, apply it your usual face cream.

As you can see, skin care is not so complicated. But remember that the main thing - it is a regular and systematic. The result will be visible only if the skin care is not performed occasionally, and the time. Remember that your beauty - is in your hands. But do not forget to periodically visit a beautician, who, if necessary, adjust your skin care program. As they say, one head is good, but two - better.

 Proper skin care

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