- The essence of buckwheat diet
- Sparing diet buckwheat porridge on
- Diet buckwheat porridge for 7 days
- Diet buckwheat porridge on 5 days
- Strict version of the diet on buckwheat porridge
- Out of buckwheat diet
Buckwheat. Most of our compatriots this product familiar from childhood. This is no accident. Buckwheat not only has excellent taste, but also very useful. It contains such necessary man and trace elements such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, iodine, bromine and zinc. Also, this cereal is rich in vitamins B1, B2 and PP. Dishes made from buckwheat is recommended for hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver disease and some other diseases. A diet on buckwheat porridge has long been popular with those who are actively struggling with being overweight.
Despite the fact that for us, buckwheat has become something familiar and commonplace, in other countries it is not so popular. Although there dietitians recommend it as a dietary product. However, we, as practice shows, are aware of the buckwheat is not all. For example, did you know the origin of the word - "buckwheat"? That's interesting. It turns out, initially in Russia, this culture cultivated Greek monks. That's why it came to be called, and this strange word. And a few little-known facts:
- Buckwheat - one of the few crops that are not afraid of weeds. She replaces them with success.
- Buckwheat, strictly speaking, no grain. This is - the seed of the rhubarb family.
- Porridge - not all that can be made from buckwheat. In some countries, the cereals used in another way. For example, Japanese buckwheat noodles are very popular in China, it is used for making chocolate, and in Spain - nibble as seeds.
- In most languages the word "Buckwheat" does not have a counterpart. As a rule, for its designation used very Russian - kasha.
The essence of buckwheat diet
This is a low-carbohydrate diet and, at the same time the protein. The duration of a strict diet - no more than seven days. The "soft" version is designed for 14 days. And even if you're satisfied with the results and want to continue the experiment, it is not necessary to do so. Krupa removes from the body not only water and waste, but also nutrients. Long-term adherence to such a diet can be bad for your health.
During the diet you can drop your blood pressure and cause headaches. This is due to the fact that the body will no longer arrive salt and glucose. Replenish glucose is quite simple - dissolve a small spoon of honey in a glass of water and take small portions throughout the day. Do not worry about what this diet will be less effective - glucose turns into fat, and serve as "fuel" your brain. It is also recommended to take vitamin and mineral complexes.
Compliance with buckwheat diet will allow you to get rid of a few - usually 3-10 - kilograms overweight. To obtain the desired result should be cooked cereal in a certain way. How to prepare a "correct" buckwheat? Very simple. In the evening, take one cup of buckwheat, and rinse thoroughly to loop it. Pour two cups of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning porridge is ready. Of course, it should be consumed without sugar or salt. An exception can only make soy sauce. There are several variants of buckwheat diet. Let's look at some of them.
Sparing diet buckwheat porridge on
This option refers to the most restrictive. The duration of this diet - two weeks. It is simply tolerated. In order to not mess "become boring", it is recommended to cook a variety of dishes made from buckwheat.
For their preparation cook buckwheat so as to obtain a viscous paste. Add soy and mix thoroughly. Form patties and place them in the oven for 25 minutes. If desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Boil until half buckwheat. Cook carrots. Little cabbage stew. Take a pan and lightly grease it with olive oil. Put the bottom of the mess. Further, the layers - boiled carrots, fresh tomatoes and cabbage. Top - sesame seeds. Put in the oven and bake until done. There are recommended with a green salad.
Boil and strain buckwheat. Add a little flour, meal, yogurt and an egg. Stir. You must obtain a homogeneous viscous mass. Fry the pancakes should be olive oil. The diameter of the fritters should not exceed six centimeters.
Menu first three days does not change. At breakfast - a plate of buckwheat porridge and a glass of low-fat yogurt. If you feel hungry, you can eat a few buckwheat breads. At lunch - 50 grams of buckwheat, a cup of yogurt and two buckwheat cakes. At dinner - a cup of yogurt and buckwheat casserole.
In the next three days the diet is slightly different. In the morning - two glasses of yogurt and buckwheat bread. Eat until filled. Day - three pancakes and two cups of yogurt. Before going to bed - just yogurt. One glass.
The last day of the week - discharge. There can only buckwheat - small portions, no more than one glass per day. Drink - yogurt or water without gas.
The next three days also did not differ in diversity. In the morning - two muffins and a cup of yogurt. At lunch - 50 grams of porridge and two glasses of yogurt. If you wish, you can eat 5-8 buckwheat breads. Evening - 70 grams of cereal, diet salad and again - yogurt.
The next three days. Breakfast - egg, cooked boiled, yogurt, 50 grams of buckwheat cereal. During the day - porridge again. You can eat 50 grams. To it - cabbage salad and a cup of herbal tea. At dinner - 50 grams buckwheat, kefir, dietary salad. The last day of the diet - again discharge. Again, only yogurt and cereal.
Diet buckwheat porridge for 7 days
It is designed for seven days. For six days, when a feeling of hunger, you can eat a few fruits. This should be done for one hour before meals or one hour after. Preference - green apples. Banned melons, watermelons, grapes.
In the morning you can eat 50 grams of buckwheat porridge and drink two glasses of non-carbonated mineral water. Day - 50 grams of buckwheat and glass of water. In the evening - mineral water without gas and over 50 grams of cereal.
At breakfast - a cup of green tea and 50 grams of buckwheat cereal. At lunch - 90 grams of porridge and two glasses of water without gas. At dinner - a glass of water and 50 grams of cereal.
In the day - 200 grams of buckwheat and 1, 5 liters of water.
Diet buckwheat porridge on 5 days
This diet is designed for five days.
In the morning - 50 grams buckwheat, chamomile herbal tea, prunes - three. This - the fruit salad. To make it take two apples, kiwi fruit, and a few slices of orange, tangerine and grapefruit. Snack - 50 grams of buckwheat, a pear or an apple, a glass of water without gas. Lunch - fruit salad and green tea. The tea can add lemon. At dinner - 50 grams buckwheat, grapefruit or orange, herbal tea. Tea should be taken will need one teaspoon of Hypericum and Calendula and half tablespoons of sage.
At breakfast - a glass of juice and multifruit 50 grams buckwheat porridge. Snack - a glass of water and three buckwheat bread. Day 50 grams buckwheat and vegetable salad, celery, spinach, cooked carrots and broccoli. In the evening - a handful of pine nuts or walnuts, fruit, 50 grams of buckwheat and green tea.
It is worth repeating the menu of one of the previous days.
In the morning - 50 grams of buckwheat and a glass of fresh orange juice. Add the 6-9 drops of lemon juice. Snack - a glass of water and two apples. Day - a fruit salad, glass of juice and 50 grams of buckwheat. At dinner - nine dates, 50 grams buckwheat mineral water.
Breakfast - Two grapefruit and 50 grams of buckwheat cereal. Snack - a cup of herbal tea and six buckwheat breads. At lunch - again, buckwheat and vegetable salad. To boil it for a couple of beets and broccoli, add celery and spinach. In the evening - nuts, fruits. 50 grams of buckwheat and green tea.
Strict version of the diet on buckwheat porridge
A diet designed for five days. This version - the most strict. On the other hand, it is perfectly suitable for those who do not like to cook - for buckwheat, even cooking is not necessary. And besides buckwheat can only yogurt or mineral water.
If you choose yogurt - do not drink more than one liter per day. Water - no more than two. Number of buckwheat must not exceed 300 grams per day. Daily allowance should be split into five or six meals.
Out of buckwheat diet
In order to fix the result, the yield of buckwheat diet should be very carefully and gradually. Unfortunately, rapidly returning to the usual diet, you run the risk as soon as possible to regain the kilos gone. And it will be very disappointing - a diet is not easy! So how to eat right after the diet? First, try not to go for sweet and flour. Do it will not be easy - the body will try to make up for all the "lost".
Secondly, within two weeks after the end of the course, be sure to include in your diet buckwheat or other dishes made from buckwheat. It is understandable that this is not like - it you are already tired. But the body is necessary to "settle" in the new title. Help him. For example, cook buckwheat pancakes on Monday, Tuesday - burgers, Wednesday - eat bread, etc. By the end of the second week, you can reduce the use of buckwheat to a minimum and to return to its regular menu.
Which variants of buckwheat diet is the most effective - is hard to say. All this is very individual. Someone more suitable one, someone - else. However, any one of them gives very good results. The choice is yours. But before you start to struggle with excess weight, you should consult with your doctor. Despite the use of the product, buckwheat diet has some contraindications. For example, certain gastrointestinal disease. In this case, you can cause considerable harm to the body. And what could be more important than health? After all, only healthy people are really beautiful.