quantum hair removal


  • Before and after treatment
  • Pros and cons

Recently, beauty salons, a new, highly publicized procedure - quantum hair removal. It should be noted that the cost of it is high enough. And the result? Let's deal. Quantum method of hair removal for its impact on unwanted vegetation is just a "sister" of the old and well familiar to all hair removal. And in fact, in this embodiment, the "main character" - the light waves.

Getting into the top layer of skin, they destroy the hair follicle. However, killed and destroyed only those hairs that at the time of the procedure are in the stage of active growth. But to those who are in a state of rest, this type of hair removal is not valid. That is why we have to repeat the procedure several times. To completely get rid of the vegetation necessary to conduct four to ten sessions.

What awaits you in the office beautician? Do not worry, nothing terrible. You will be prompted to sit down in a comfortable armchair and give sunglasses that will protect your eyes from glare. Of course, the person you no one is going to shine. These glasses are needed for the "safety net" - just to completely eliminate all of the possible negative consequences. Then epilation zone will cause a special gel with a cooling effect. It will help to reduce discomfort to a minimum.

Then the place of hair removal will be led by a special manipulator, emitting powerful flashes of light. As a result, you will feel only a slight tingling sensation. By the way, if the procedure seems too painful, it may indicate poor quality of equipment or "krivorukost" wizard. In this case, it is better to interrupt and look for another salon - Health something expensive!

All of this can be attributed to the success of hair removal, right? So is there a difference? Well, except for the price, of course. At this point there are two opinions. Beauticians assure that there is a difference. Quantum hair removal done on the new equipment, specially developed by British scientists. The device is equipped with a built-in computer, and special sensors that allow you to analyze the condition of the hair and skin, and depending on the intensity of the impact of this change.

That is, the procedure is carried out according to your individual circumstances. This means that sharply reduced the likelihood of burns. As an additional insurance stands specially designed cooling system of the skin. There are two differences. Firstly, the new device can process a large surface, which means that the session itself take much less time. Second, in contrast to hair removal, this method allows you to get rid of even the blond hair. True, the beauticians are warning that they will have to work much longer.

But what the skeptics? They are, as always, is in doubt. According to their assurances, quantum hair removal - nothing more than a publicity stunt to help attract new customers and increase the price of all the familiar procedure. The effect of this method is no better and no worse than that of hair removal. But then, they are skeptics ...

 Quantum Hair Removal Cost

Before and after

For the procedure was successful, and the result has pleased you, it is necessary to prepare in advance. And this training is not always a pleasure.

  • Say goodbye to the tan. Already two weeks before the planned procedure would have to abandon trips to the beach. We decided to cheat and use tanning? Will not work. Unfortunately, it is also forbidden. In general, do quantum epilation on tanned body is not recommended. Under the influence of the light beam some parts of the skin can lose pigment. In this case, the body formed unsightly bright spots. Incidentally, even after the procedure for two weeks sunbathing impossible. Moreover, it is imperative to use a protective means with a factor of 30 or higher SPF.
  • A month prior to the session, you need to give up using hair removal plucking, epilator, bioepilyatsii or shugaring. This is necessary in order to enable them to grow above the skin surface. This point is very important and of how responsibly you approach it, the effect depends on the procedure. Are you concerned about the vegetation above the upper lip and chin? Nothing can be done, I will have some time to flaunt this "decoration." Facial need to grow as much as possible. If any hairs too visible, they can be neatly cut nail scissors.

But for two or three days before the session vegetation in the armpits, bikini and legs should be gently removed with a razor. Then, at the time of the procedure, they just grow back to the desired length of 1-2 mm. But the face, abdomen and arms can not handle! Master himself must do this manipulation.

  • Three days before the quantum hair removal is necessary to give up alcohol lotions and other means. And for two days after the procedure, you can not use perfume, toilet water and creams.
  • If you are taking tranquilizers, antibiotics or tablets Sun, then on them should be abandoned, at least two weeks before the session.
  • On the day of hair removal can not be used in cosmetics.

Not less restrictions and after the procedure.

  • Within two weeks, it is impossible to remove the remaining hair. It is believed that during this time they have to fall on their own.
  • In the first two days after the hair removal is recommended to reduce physical activities - hiking in the gym should be postponed.
  • Try not to wear narrow and tight clothes - it can cause severe irritation.
  • In two or three weeks is better to abandon a visit to the swimming pool - there is usually chlorinated water. We should not go to the bath or sauna. Yes, and the temperature of the water in the bath or shower is also necessary to watch - it should not be too hot.
  • During the first week do not peel - do not irritate the skin injured.
  • Drink plenty of pure non-carbonated water.

 new quantum hair removal

Pros and cons

So, summing up, we can say that quantum hair removal - however, like any other cosmetic procedure - has its pros and cons. First, about the advantages. Perhaps the main thing - is that the procedure is virtually painless. This allows you to use this method, even in the most sensitive areas. You do not have to have a snack lips, teeth grinding and wipe the tears poured down a stream. You will not shudder to wait for the new session. What else is necessary for happiness? The second advantage - is that on conviction cosmetologists, this technique helps not only to brunettes, but blondes.

Well, now about the shortcomings. The main - the high cost of this service. The second - the need for an entire course of treatment. This means that all preparations for the sessions will have to carry out more than once, which is not too pleasant. The third - the effect of the procedure is directly related to the quality of equipment and professional beautician. Identify and then, and another is difficult. Strictly speaking, there are two ways.

First - it experienced. And on it you can watch for danger. If you go to the mountain master, there is a chance not only to keep all vegetation intact, but also get scars and burns. So - be harmful to health. The second way is less extreme - before you go to the salon, get reviews on the Internet or consult with friends who were at the wizard. This will save you both money and health.

Well, perhaps the last. This method has a number of contraindications. So before you go for the procedure, be sure to consult your doctor. General contraindications are:

  • any damage to the skin;
  • chronic and acute diseases of the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • keloid disease;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • infectious diseases;
  • acute form of herpes;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • any stage of pregnancy.

Here, in general, and all that can be said about this wonderful method. How effective it will be for you - hard to say. It all depends on the type of hair and individual sensitivity of your skin. To evaluate the effectiveness can be within one or two treatments. If after two or three weeks the hair partially disappear from the treated surface, and those that germinate, become thinner and lighter - I think that you have found your way to hair removal!

 Quantum hair removal. The new - is well forgotten old?

We recommend to check out: The difference between hair removal by waxing

 We present ourselves in order for the holidays

That's the long-awaited summer, you will soon go on a vacation to the sea. This time you decide to go to Thailand. This is a wonderful resort country in which you feel like a queen.

Only here, for starters, you need to freshen up .  In the woman all should be fine - face and figure, well, character - what happens .  Throughout the spring, you were not lazy and go to the gym - raising dumbbells rock press, spinning exercise bike for an hour, pace yourself diets, and here it is the result of .  Now you're almost ready to go conquer the Thai men .  Why almost? Because some of what needs more care - namely, the face, and in this you ready to help hardware cosmetology .  In beauty salons use it to significantly improve the effect of the procedures, as well as for the introduction of a variety of cosmetic products into the skin .  Among women, this procedure is common, like peeling - skin cleansing or light therapy .  During this procedure stimulates light-sensitive cell structures that apply to the entire human body .  Also very popular vacuum massage the face, it is used by ladies who have dark circles under the eyes, it is perfectly removes puffiness .

When you care for your face, you can proceed to the legs. In Thailand, you're going to wear a minimum of clothing, and so his legs are always in sight. Therefore it is necessary beforehand to acquire the means for hair removal. Some women prefer to use a depilatory. He works quietly, gently and efficiently, your feet will be in the order of about a month. But if you want to achieve a consistent effect, our advice - waxing. Firstly, using wax hair removal procedure goes much easier, and secondly, the result will please you very soon, in a month when not needed again to remove hair.

Therefore, we offer you Voskoplav cassette you can buy it in the store spetsilizirovannom cosmetics and body care products, as well as have the chance to order the device online store. It uniformly heats the wax, which makes it possible to easily and quickly carry out epilation. What is important is that after several treatments, the hair on the legs grow more slowly. With its even Tools for depilation, you can apply the wax, heat it to the perfect temperature. All this allows to carry out the procedure more quickly and reduces the likelihood of burns.

 We present ourselves in order for the holidays
