Korean cuisine is the best liking Russian man. Amazingly, the Koreans have come up with a delicious appetizer Russian vodka - vegetables in Korean. However, to be frank, the amount of peppers and spices, which are used in their indigenous Asian dishes, is very different from the amount that is used to maintain our, Slavic body. Who was in Korea, he will understand what I mean. "Mild" dishes at them - are those in which more than a sufficient amount of seasonings and spices, but the "island" literally "burn" inside. However, hope for a healthy old age.
The most favorite dish - pickled eggplant in Korean - captured the hearts of our people even immediately after the restructuring. However, to this day pickled eggplant in Korean considered exotic, because not every woman can in his kitchen to cook something like that. As a general rule, instead of crispy and "ringing" eggplant obtained simply sate or pasta eggplant. This, of course, also delicious, but because the goal was something completely different!
The different vegetables in Korean from conventional canned products "from the country"? Typically, a large variety of spices. And the way of cooking, which has so far kept by the Koreans in the strictest confidence. Himself marinade gives the sweet and sour taste, for which our people and loved all these Korean delights!
Recipes cooking eggplant a lot: they can marinate whole or stuffed carrots and other vegetables.
It can be cut into strips and cubes - as you wish. We look at some recipes for eggplant.
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Marinated eggplant in Korean straws
Eggplant cut into thin strips. Do not clean the skins! Strong salt and leave for several hours. Then merge "tears" and wash the eggplant, obsushivayut them on a paper towel. It removes unnecessary bitterness.
Strongly fry, putting the pan in portions. Season with salt to taste. Again lay on a paper towel.
We press the garlic, mix it with the eggplant. Top spread chopped onion rings and grated carrots on a grater.
Boil the brine. To do this, take the water, vinegar and salt, mix and cook with the spices. Spices may be different - from the traditional to lavrushki ginger. After experimenting, you realize that is closer to you. However, be sure to add the pepper. Add the oil well.
Sterilize the jars and place layers of eggplant, onions, carrots. Pour brine and roll up.
If you do not want to mess with seamer, can be put under the yoke of eggplant in a cool place and wait a few days.
To do this you will need:
6 medium eggplants,
4 onions,
3 carrots,
1 tbsp. water
Article 0.5. sunflower oil
Article 0.5. vinegar
1 h. L. salt
1-2 pieces. bay leaf,
3-4 pieces. allspice,
Article 0.5. garlic.
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Marinated eggplant in Korean "tongues"
To prepare this recipe eggplant tongues cut along a thickness of 0 5 mm. You can clean the skin, but you can leave. On the one hand, under the skin most useful vitamins, and on the other - very bitter and hard skin. So you decide. In any case, eggplant and salt should give "cry" for several hours. This will remove the bitterness.
Then you need to prepare the marinade. Oil mixed with vinegar and water, add Lavrushka, cloves, cardamom, pepper and whatever else you want them. Boil the mixture, turn and add crushed garlic after.
Heat a frying pan and pour her 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Fry each language, pre-washed and dry. Roasting should not be too strong, on the contrary, it is better to leave them a little raw.
After that, lay out the layers, shifting herbs and garlic. Each layer pour the marinade. Cover the eggplant with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a long time. After 1-2 weeks eggplant will be ready for use.
10 eggplant,
2 onions onions,
vegetable oil - 0, 5 st.,
water - 1 tbsp.,
Salt - 1 hour. L.,
sugar - 1 hour. L.,
Bay leaf,
bell pepper,
Carnation - 1-2 pcs.
garlic - 1 head,
Vinegar - 1/3 cup,
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Pickled "little blue" entirely "dragon's mouth"
Small eggplants washed, cut off the stalk and boil in salted water for 5 minutes. Cool, cut in half, but not until the end, leaving about 2 \ 3 of the length.
In the middle of a can put a variety of toppings. For example, ordinary or pickled cabbage, carrot ... Korean classic version involves a lot of garlic, cilantro, chili. All ingredients should be mixed and filled into the middle of a eggplant. Then all you need to lay down in a plastic bucket or a barrel, put the top yoke and a small store in the cold for 2 weeks.
On 10 eggplants 1 head of garlic, a bunch of cilantro 1 chili pepper pod.
Pickled eggplant recipes invented many.
After eggplant - tasty and healthy product.
What are the varieties of tomatoes are suitable for stuffing
Preparation of stuffing
Preparing tomato for stuffing
The final stage
Two express recipe
In late autumn, when the sun is more and more sparingly sends its heat to the ground in the garden in the set are green, and brown blanzhevye tomatoes. Keep up to frost, they have not time. You can, of course, collect tomatoes and lay on aging in a warm place. However, these benefits are significantly inferior to taste his fellow, flushed in the bush. But they are perfectly suited for canning and pickling.
If you want to salt the tomatoes were ready to eat quickly, try them before brining them to stuff.
These noodles stuffed tomatoes - a real delicacy.
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What are the varieties of tomatoes are suitable for stuffing
Especially suitable for filling hollow special varieties - "Novogogoshary", "Bulgaria," "YELLOW Staffer," or "Don Quixote." Last hybrid even the shape of a bell pepper with thick fleshy walls and very few seeds. But even if you brought up the usual pomidory- "cream", they too can stuff the vegetables. It should be noted that the preparatory work in this case will be more time consuming, because before salting have to remove part of the tomato pulp.
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Preparation of stuffing
To prepare the filling, finely shred the cabbage, pepper and your favorite herbs (parsley, dill). Juicy autumn carrots can grate using a food processor, but it is best to grind it on a special grater for cooking carrots "in Korean." Also in the stuffing add finely chopped garlic and hot peppers. The bulk of the stuffing will be cabbage, and the proportion of other vegetables - arbitrary and depend on your taste preferences. After the filling is ready, adding a small amount of salt, mix well and set aside briefly. Now turn the tomatoes.
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Preparing tomato for stuffing
Tomatoes will wash thoroughly and dry. If they have small spots or damage - it does not matter, ruffled place can be cut.
We cut the tomatoes prepared by "cap" nadsekaya fruit from one side not until the very end. If tomatoes are not hollow, a teaspoon of sharp-edged pull out of the pulp to get the necessary cavities which tightly fill the prepared stuffing. The pulp is extracted from the fruit, do not throw away, and we put between the rows of stuffed tomatoes, because these pieces when added prokvashivanii only give extra intensity throughout the bouquet of flavors. The result is a savory tomato taste that will win you over forever.
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The final stage
Stuff the tomatoes we put in a container for salting. This can be a large enamel pot or a special plastic tub, but, of course, the best option - a wooden barrel. Quick stuffed with salted tomatoes cooked in this packaging, different nuances of special spicy taste, which can not be achieved by applying for salting glass jars or plastic bucket.
Prepared fruits stacked layers, sprinkling generously with a special mixture. From its composition it depends largely on what your tastes are salty tomato noodles. Required to use the leaves and roots of horseradish, dill stalks of dry seeds, cherry and black currant leaves. Put in future salted tomatoes few laurel leaves, which will give a specific flavor. If you like spicy tomatoes, can be placed between the layers of a few rings of red pepper bitter, but its use must be careful not to overdo it, otherwise savory tomato noodles may get too bitter. Coriander seeds and stalks of coriander, cloves and allspice - the more kinds of spices, the fragrant stuffed tomatoes faster.
When all the tomatoes tightly packed, prepare a fill, which is 4, 5 liters of water Stir 1 cup of sugar and the same salt. In order to increase the amount of lactic acid fermentation in brine can add 50 grams. vinegar or ½ st. whey.
Top cover with tomatoes and horseradish leaves a clean cloth, which should be placed a wooden club or a plate of suitable diameter and the oppression of moderate severity. Thus tomatoes should be completely covered with brine.
These noodles tomatoes will be ready in three days, after which they can be expanded in a glass cylinder and put into the refrigerator.
More best option: to put all at once the keg in a cool place (cellar or glacier), where it will be stored.
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Two express recipe
If you do not want to waste precious time on cooking gourmet meals so you can use simpler and recipes. For example, salt tomatoes in a plastic bag. For this recipe handy small tomatoes. Rinse thoroughly with running water, a sharp wooden stick (a souvenir from the sushi bar), pierce each fruit in the stem by placing a piece of garlic into the hole. Prepared tomatoes put in a tight plastic bag, into which pour per kg of tomatoes 1 tbsp. l. salt, 1 h. l. sugar and a handful of chopped dill. Shake bag to all the ingredients evenly distributed. Tie a package store in heat for two days, not forgetting periodically shaken, and after 48 hours of taking the sample.
Even faster you can eat "quartered" tomatoes. For the preparation of this express strong fruit snacks each tomato crosswise cut from the stem to the bottom of not dorezaya to the end that he held together. In place of the cuts put a mixture of salt, chopped dill and garlic, passed through the press. Thus prepared tomatoes stacked in an enamel pan and pressed down a little oppression. And they are ready the next day, so enjoy!