After each procedure on the nail comes a time when they need to be removed. Typically, this procedure is done in a beauty salon at the master nail. However, in some cases, do not have time and money to visit the beauty parlor. So you should be aware of how to remove Naroscheny nails at home.
Getting this rather tedious and time consuming procedure, you should have enough free time, all the necessary materials and special tools. Removal Procedure of extension of nails depends on the type of your artificial nails. Decide exactly what you have to remove the nails: acrylic or gel.
Start removing these nails in both cases is the same. With the help of tweezers manicure sets neatly bite off the edge of the nail, which is free. This should be done very carefully, otherwise with graft fingernail can damage your own. Sharp edges of artificial nails can injure your fingers. After the free edge of the nail removed naroshchennyh on all fingers, you can start the procedure of removing them from the natural nail plate.
It is at this stage it is important, from which to make your artificial nails.
Removal of extension of acrylic nails
If you nail acrylic, you will need liquid to remove the nails acrylic, AcrilikRemover. In the absence of such, and you can use nail polish remover. Just look closely at the label, as the only suitable liquid in which there is acetone. If the nail polish remover does not contain acetone, the desired result you get. Get a solution for removing acrylic nails in special stores, so you will avoid fakes. It is desirable that the liquid was released on the manufacturer who produced and material for your artificial nails, which are supposed to withdraw.
Next, you need to prepare pieces of aluminum foil of a rectangular shape and the size of 12x7 mm. Such pieces should be ten. Also needed are small pieces of fabric, fit and cotton pads. Disc was cut into two or four parts, so that they fully cover the nails.
If you have not removed the free edge of the nail, it can be removed with a cutter - a tool, like a small guillotine. This tool is used to shorten the length of the masters TIPS. You can try to do it with scissors or pliers designed for nails. Do not use wire cutters to remove the skin - you spoil them.
Before Removal of extension nails at home, protect the eyes as well as the sharp edge acrylic could hurt them. Saw off the free edge of the nail of the acrylic is not necessary, because sawing effort you can injure your own nail. Some people try to tear from natural acrylic nail by applying force. Doing this is impossible in any case. After all, before the master nail extensions specially processed it to enhance adhesion to the acrylic.
When you are using the boat removed the free edge of the nail, the nail file to remove the rough-coated finish gel - the outer coating of acrylic nails, which gives it a shine.
Before Removal of extension nails, finishing layer is necessary to cut very carefully. The task is not easy, as the first nail file simply slips over it, without clinging. This cover can be removed only abrasive, it does not dissolve in the fluids. And in the areas of finishing with acrylic gel just softens.
So, you have removed the final layer. Now, the pieces of moistened cotton disks in a liquid applying them to the acrylic nails. To the liquid has evaporated, cover the nail pieces of aluminum foil. The edge should be left to then wrap them like a candy wrapper. The foil should fit tightly to the finger, so that the air does not get inside.
Once you have covered so that all the nails, note the time. For a complete softening material nail required 35-40 minutes. During this time the acrylic becomes like jelly and well removed by any sharp instrument, made of plastic or metal, without damaging the nail alive. We must try to do it as quickly as possible, otherwise the softened acrylic will begin to re-solidify. Remains removed acrylic cotton swab or swab moistened in which liquid to soften the acrylic. Once you have removed the remains of the acrylic layer, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, then lubricate cream.
In the process of withdrawal of extension of nails, you will spend one and a half to two hours, unless you consider the purchase of in-store special liquid.
Removing Naroscheny nails if they are made of gel?
Such an easy procedure as when removing acrylic nails, should not wait. Nails Naroscheny with gel, are unable to soften or melt. They can be removed only by means of sawing. Master using nail file removes the nail gel with one finger for 5-10 minutes. Using a special machine, you can remove gel nails and faster, but you have to take breaks, as the nail becomes very hot. After processing machine used nail file to remove residual gel.
The wizard can do the procedure very quickly, as he had both hands free. You do not work as fast as you can. Lacking professional tools, you can spend on the procedure for removal of extension of gel nails is almost the whole day.
For removal of the gel is not suitable sawing, made of glass. Not suitable for this purpose and the sawing of metal with notches, which are sold in manicure set. Before you remove the gel, nail file, you are just a mess. For optimum performance, it takes a very wide saw blade on which said reducing the numbers 80/100.
- The process of removing the nails of gel
Shorten the free edge of the nail gel, just as you did with acrylic fingernail. Then the area of sawing will be much less. Getting sawing, be aware that this process gives a lot of dust. During sawing, be extremely careful not to damage your own nails.
Periodically clean the nail dust with a brush, to see how things were going. You can hold the nail on the cotton swab dipped in acetone, so you'll see the border of the natural nail and the gel. Define the border and easily by conventional pressing (gel stiffer than a fingernail).
When the gel is nearly all removed, to change the blade on the other, with abrasive grit 150/180. Pressure on it to be reduced. The gel will start to go nail scales. No need to try to cut down the entire nail with the gel. Let it remain thin layer. Stir this layer you will not, it will only strengthen your nails. With the help of polish and buff polish the nails, then cover them with lacquer. Dust from sawing gel is very dry skin around the nail, so completing the work, grease the area around them nourishing cream.
Removal of bio-gel polish
The process of removing the bio-gel is similar to that at removal of acrylic nails. Only the removal of the material you need to buy a special liquid. The range of such fluids is great, and the price of the names are different, too, but, as it turned out, their structure is practically identical.
Thus, following the above recommendations, you will be able to correctly remove Naroscheny nails at home.