Reproductive age - a concept familiar to everybody. However, we know what it is? More often than not - someone has heard something, but really no one knows. Perhaps the time has come to eliminate this gap, is not it? Today we try to understand what is and what features it has the most reproductive age.
And we will not stop on the generally accepted definition, which states that the reproductive age - is the age at which a woman can have a baby. This is clear without explanation. But much more interesting to look into the matter in more detail. For sure you will learn a lot for myself.
Start of reproductive age
Most people believe that the reproductive age begins with the arrival of the first menstruation. Strictly speaking, this is true. However, the preparation for this moment begins much earlier - around 10-11 years, while the so-called puberty or, more simply, puberty.
The first sign of the onset of puberty is almost always a breast enlargement. As soon as parents notice this, they must understand that their daughter began to transform from a girl into a girl. This period - the most favorable in order to talk with the girl, tell her about the upcoming changes in her body, if you have not done this before.
Then, after a while, there is first the vegetation - first under the arms, and then the pubic. As the finale - the beginning of menstruation. Official puberty is considered ended. However, this does not mean that she can have a baby. That is, it is physically capable of becoming pregnant, and in most cases bear a child. But the price is too high - the health of women.
What, in fact, and not surprising, because a teenager girl who is still a child herself and her body is not ready for childbearing and childbirth. Doctors are advised not to give birth to a very girl who is under at least 18-19 years. Otherwise there is a risk of complications, and sometimes quite serious.
Gynecologists say that the younger the girl became pregnant, the greater the risk of miscarriage, bleeding, and a different, of course, a strong toxicity. And the kids at such a young mother often have health problems; they are born with a too low body weight, weight gain worse, and adaptation to environmental conditions occurs much heavier.
Although we can not write off the individual characteristics of each particular girls - and some who at age 14 is able to give birth to a beautiful healthy baby, while maintaining their health. But also about the psychological aspect in any case we must not forget - is rarely a teenage girl is psychologically ready to become a mother.
It is fair to say that in some cases, very young girls are excellent mothers. But still need to talk with her teenage daughter about the methods of contraception. In the end, the child must be a child - all the time. She still had time to appreciate the charm of sleepless nights, diapers, GAZ cars and other attributes.
Healthy women of reproductive age
Women's Health - the substance is very delicate and depends on many factors. First and foremost, the general state of health of the woman. Any chronic disease - whether it is a problem with the cardiovascular system, or other systemic diseases - a very strong influence on the state of the reproductive system. That is why it is so important to monitor your health and undergo regular medical examinations, and in any case not to self-medicate. There is no trifling diseases - even the common cold is able to affect the female reproductive system.
In addition, you need to know, and that women's health depends largely on the development of intrauterine girls of her health in the neonatal period and childhood, let alone a teenager. Tragically, medical statistics says that only 15-20 per cent of children are born perfectly healthy.
And not surprisingly, most of the girls to the top of childbearing age already has those or other diseases of the reproductive system. To avoid this, parents should carefully monitor the health of girls and do not ignore the existence of the children's gynecologist.
Yes, and an adult woman should keep in mind that it should go to a gynecologist at least two times a year - even if it did not bother. Too many diseases occur in a latent form for a very long time. And it was like check-ups can help to recognize the disease and start appropriate treatment.
The end of reproductive age
In medicine, it is assumed that the end of the reproductive age - this is the beginning of menopause. In fact, the body begins to prepare for it in advance - after about 40 years, begins a smooth fading reproductive function. This whole process is caused by hormonal changes in the body.
The ability of the female body to the natural fertility starts to decline - the menstrual cycle starts failing, the process of ovulation is also violated. You know that the number of eggs in the female body are strictly defined by the girl at birth? And the egg during the reproductive age and mature. New egg is not matured.
Of course, the ability to conceive does not disappear in one day - even in the waning women's reproductive function may still become pregnant. However, we must not forget that the older the woman, the greater her likelihood to have a baby with certain genetic abnormalities.
That is why doctors do not recommend to postpone childbearing until later too long. Of course, no one says that in 40-45 years there is no chance of having a child - they are also quite high. But the pressures on a woman's body in any case we must not forget - the older a woman is, the harder it is given pregnancy.
We would like to mention about menopause, which occurs in about 45-50 years when the egg finally cease to ripen. So, the probability of conceiving a child is excluded. Of course, this does not occur on the same day - the whole process from the start of menstrual irregularities before its extinction can last several years.
In this period a woman can expect a surprise. A more precise - Kinder Surprise, in the truest sense of the word. The woman believes that menstruation is not due to menopause, but in reality she is pregnant! So be sure to protect yourself until the end. And - stop protection can be used only if you visit the doctor, and you pass the necessary tests.
As you can see, the characteristics of reproductive-age women are not so little. But if you know about them, you will probably be able to avoid a huge number of problems. Be healthy and beautiful at any age!
We recommend that read: Menopause in women
Pregnancy by month
What happens in the first trimester
Features in development during the second trimester
What happens to the baby in the third trimester
Pregnancy - one of the most important and, undoubtedly, important periods in the life of any woman. At this time, the expectant mother blooms and is particularly beautiful. But in the same period, its terms in danger. What used to be familiar and loved, during pregnancy becomes very desirable. To know that you can and should do in each month of pregnancy, you must learn that in one point or another is happening to you and your baby. In fact, prenatal development of the child - process is quite interesting and complex.
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Pregnancy by month
If pregnancy is good, no deviations from the norm, then its duration is nine months, or 280 days, and is divided into three trimesters. On account of the women's clinic to become a ladies recommended somewhere at the end of the first month. It is believed that up to this time have the fair sex can still happen miscarriage. After that, pregnancy and fetal development have nothing to be threatened.
As indicated above, all divided into nine months periods. Each term of the fair sex is sent to the US. This is necessary in order to control the development of the child. In some cases, women are sent weekly to check if there is any suspicion of complications.
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What happens in the first trimester
Let's look at the development of the fetus by weeks in the first trimester, when a new life is just beginning to emerge. First trimester includes 12 weeks of pregnancy (three months). In the first days after fertilization, the zygote is formed from the embryo, which is then attached to the uterine wall. Now it's not just a bunch of cells, this is the kid! The earliest he formed brain and nervous system. The child appears primitive heart. His heart is still difficult to see.
This period is one of the most dangerous during fetal development, as it is in this trimester is a bookmark all the organs and tissues. In the first month it is forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke (passive smoking is also very dangerous for the baby, so try to avoid the smoke at all). With extreme caution should be taken medication. Many people simply have not been tested on pregnant women, and the majority has a negative impact. It is best to consult with your doctor.
On the fourth week of the child's legs and arms are formed, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Its dimensions are very tiny - 1, 5 mm 2. In the second month of pregnancy begins hormonal changes a woman's body. It was at this time there is toxemia, begins to want something unusual (herring with ice cream, for example). But at such times better restrain themselves so as not to gain weight, which will put pressure on the kid, limiting the development of the fetus.
A primitive heart is replaced with a normal kid. The heartbeat is almost twice as strong parent - about 145-155 beats per minute. The child appears respiratory system, continue to form organs, the heart is divided into chambers. On the arms and legs can already discern and count the fingers. Baby face becomes well visible, neck appears. But the fetal development does not stop.
By the end of the second month, it is already possible to fix the baby's first movements. His height is 13-15 mm, and weighs only 2-3 In the beginning of the third month in the mother's hormonal surge occurs. Some emotions are replaced by others, and in a relatively short period of time.
The child is formed by the vestibular apparatus (organ of balance), directly related to the movement of matter. The greater of the fair sex will move, the better to develop the vestibular apparatus of the child. Also, the baby finally formed the kidneys and liver, and released them to the urine enters the amniotic fluid.
At week 10 formed sexual characteristics of boys and girls. But the sex of the child can not yet be seen on ultrasound as prenatal development of the child has not reached the point where clearly visible genitals. Actively formed parts of the brain, especially the cerebellum. At the end of the third month ends and organogenesis. Now all organs kid will only grow and develop. At this time, the baby weighs 10-15 grams, and its length is 60-80 mm. From that moment of the day a child grows about 1, 5 mm, and adds 1, 4 g in weight.
As you can see, fetal development by week happens pretty quickly. Today, only fertilize the egg, and a couple of weeks already lives inside a small and helpless man. It was at that time the fair sex can already talk to tummy, read baby books and set to music. It is believed that in subsequent periods the kids will all hear and understand.
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Features in development during the second trimester
The next three months we will also consider a weekly basis and find out more about fetal development. The second trimester lasts from 13 to 28 weeks (a little more than three months). At 13 weeks the baby milk teeth are formed, develop muscles responsible for sucking reflex, and the baby can already move his lips. There are first the hair above the lip and above the eyes. Form a unique pattern on the fingertips.
It ends with the formation of secondary sexual characteristics. The boys begin to actively produce the male hormone - testosterone and prostate laid. The girls also laid an egg. There is not just the development of the fetus, and shape the future conqueror of female hearts or a representative of the fairer sex.
Also completed the formation of intestinal villi with. Pancreas start producing the hormone insulin. The liver and spleen begin to form blood cells. At week 14, the baby tries to breathe for the first time (draws in the amniotic fluid and with the help of light pushes her back).
He formed the scalp. At week 15, the baby starts functioning gallbladder. With the advent of 16 weeks with ultrasound at last it will be possible to know the sex of the child! On his hands and his feet appearing nails, hair begin to grow rapidly. The child changing proportions: the head became a little less stretched and elongated legs. Child's weight at the end of the fourth month of about 130-160 g, and its length - 12-16 centimeters.
Since the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy markedly accelerated growth of your baby. Begins to develop swallowing reflex, and the baby is already tasting the amniotic fluid. If the child starts to move, then the mother can already feel its movement.
At week 17, completed the formation of the placenta. The child begins to hear and distinguish the surrounding noise. From that moment with him it is not only possible but also necessary to talk. Also, the baby is formed subcutaneous fat required in the future to heat the body. At week 18, there is no significant change. The kid starts to know himself and his environment.
Finally formed child's immune system, and it may already be on their own to cope with a number of diseases. At the 19th week, the baby movements become more aware since formed the link between the nervous and muscular system. The body of the baby all covered with soft hairs that disappear at birth.
Formed and indigenous teeth, which grow after the loss of milk. At week 20 formed a special lubricant that protects the baby's skin from exposure to amniotic fluid. Often this grease persists after birth, and it is necessary to wash yourself. By the end of the fifth month, the baby has grown considerably: it weighs about 350 grams and height - 20-25 cm. In the sixth month the child begins to move more actively, and the day may change some of the provisions.
Swallowing amniotic fluid, it gets the necessary nutrients - water and sugar. In the stomach, small amounts appear in hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes. From 21 weeks the baby begins to actively accumulate body fat, so that my mother sharply increases appetite. At week 22, the baby learns to recognize itself and everything around with the help of touch. He starts to suck his thumb and turning his little head.
From 23 weeks the baby's hair begin to darken, indicating that the emergence of a special pigment. The child appears periods of wakefulness and sleep. On US can distinguish twitching eyelids, indicating that the proper functioning of the brain. At week 24, the baby appear cilia and eyebrows. His face looks like, how it will look after the birth. The growth in length slows down a little, but significantly accelerated weight baby.
By the end of 6 months it weighs 650-700 g, and height - about 30 cm. At the beginning of the month 7 all organ systems are working, but still continue to evolve and improve. Heart baby starts beating so loudly that it could hear the sound of anyone (of course, if the mother is not strong against), leaning his ear to her stomach. At week 25, the baby strengthens the skeleton.
At 26 weeks your child first begins to open his eyes. He can already discern whether his mother in the dark or in the light. The tummy can see everything, yes. The child lost hairline, and by the end of 7 months baby can already see the light and become a full member of society.
Now that you know all about fetal development by week during the second trimester. Remember that the main task of the future mother - bear a healthy child. So you have to behave properly, to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables for a walk in the fresh air and reading a book about motherhood. By the way, women's forums can tell you how to go through some periods when it is very difficult to cope with health. But, before you suffer the next council, yet pre-consult with a specialist.
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What happens to the baby in the third trimester
It's time to learn how the intrauterine development of the child by week in the last stages. The third trimester lasts from week 28 to 42 (the last two months - and the baby will have our best of all worlds). By the beginning of 8 months old baby weighs 1100-1300 g and a length of 35-40 cm. At week 29, the baby learned to regulate body temperature.
In the womb the baby is already becoming a bit crowded, and it begins to actively kicking and shoving elbows mom. At week 30, the baby teeth are covered with enamel. At week 31, the baby skin turns pink (since it was deposited under the white fat). By the end of eight months of the baby's weight was 1500 g, and its height - 40 cm.
In the first 9 months of slowing growth in the baby brain, but actively continues to develop the cerebellum, responsible for the coordination and movement. By the end of 9 months of the baby turns upside down and stays in that position before birth. At the beginning of 10 months of the baby is ready for birth, he lays his head down, his knees pressed to his body. Fetal development is completed.
According to the fair sex, pregnancy flies very fast. It seems that only now do you know about it, but now is nearing the end of the ninth month, and you find it difficult to walk. All these efforts are worth it - the birth of a little joy, terrible on you like. And then you will learn about all the joys of motherhood of the first words and steps crumbs of laughter, etc. The main thing - it's hard to love, cherish and protect their child.