Iron is essential for the normal functioning of the cell. Iron deficiency can lead to very serious health complications. A disease in which the human body is much reduced level of iron is known as "iron deficiency anemia". It occurs when the products containing iron, not in favor in humans. Most often suffer from iron-deficiency anemia is a woman. This contributes to a huge amount of a variety of factors, including:
During pregnancy, the body burden of pregnant women doubled. And the iron needs not only the body of the future mother, but the body of the baby. If iron intake is insufficient to avoid iron deficiency probably will not succeed. Products containing iron are particularly important for pregnant women.
- Abundant and monthly uterine bleeding
In that case, if a woman has heavy menstruation, or else there are uterine bleeding, resulting in iron deficiency anemia develops. Therefore, in such cases, medical consultation is a must.
Slim figure - the dream of almost every woman. That is why different diets have such a wide popularity. And if a woman chooses a diet in foods that contain insufficient iron, likely to develop iron deficiency anemia. To avoid this, follow a diet a woman should necessarily take multivitamin complexes with iron.
Iron Nutrition
Strictly speaking, it was an iron the human organism gets so it needs iron. However, in order to ensure that such products have benefited the person must be aware of the features of assimilation of iron. The human body simply - simply not able to assimilate iron in the event that it will experience a shortage of vitamin C. In order that the body can absorb iron in the quantities in which it needs, it must be ensured that food was rich not only in iron, and vitamin C.
Composing diet, pay special attention to products such as meat, poultry, fish and liver. These products are rich in not only a large amount of iron and protein. Protein improves the absorption of iron and increases the efficiency of its use by the human body. But do not give preference too fatty meats, poultry and fish - excess fat to be profitable, but the burden on the liver will be inevitable. Yes, and if the woman cares about her figure, fatty foods are not the best of its ally in the fight against excess weight.
Also, a very large amount of iron contained in legumes - beans, peas, beans. These crops are also very rich in protein, however, a vegetable that did not detract from its beneficial properties. Note, however, that not all people can be used in a large number of pulses. They have a very significant burden on the digestive system, and lead to a sense of heaviness in the stomach and flatulence.
It is effective in iron-deficiency anemia helps ordinary wheat. To increase the level of iron in the body it must be prepared as follows. Dampen a cotton cloth with clean water at room temperature, and then fold it in half, putting into ordinary untreated wheat. The fabric should be regularly, as it is dry, moisten.
The fabric should be in a warm place, otherwise the desired result can not be achieved. After about three days of wheat sprout. Exactly these germs and sick person should eat - five sprouts twice a day, morning and evening, before meals. The level of iron rise in a week - 30 grams of wheat germ sprouts contain 4 grams of iron. And, besides, wheat germ most favorable contribute to the normalization of the gastro - intestinal tract.
Another product - the champion on the content of iron - is buckwheat. Often, buckwheat helps to increase the level of iron in the blood is much faster and more efficient than the best pharmacological preparations of iron. However, there is one thing - to entrenched therapeutic effect, buckwheat should be consumed at least one month in a row. Otherwise, immediately, as soon as the sick man stop eating buckwheat, iron levels in the body fall to previous levels.
We can not tell more about such foods as liver. And pay attention to the following - a hundred grams of beef liver contains only 7 mg. Iron, while the bovine liver - not less than 12 mg. As you can imagine, calf's liver for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia fit much more than beef. And if as a side dish to cook buckwheat, very healthy dish is guaranteed.
It is also very effective for improving iron ordinary rock salt as it contains a very high amount of iron. Per kilogram have rock salt 450 mg. Iron. Pay attention to this fact when you choose to store salt.
Also, a lot of iron include fresh plums and plum juice, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, raisins, dried apricots, nuts. In addition, a lot of iron contained in the black bread and bran. However, remember that their flour products of the human body can absorb only about 5%, while from animal products is absorbed up to 20% of the iron contained in them.
Another excellent way to increase iron levels in the body is the most common fresh onions. Bow generally has a very high nutritional value, because it contains a great quantity not only iron, but also a wide variety of vitamins. Incidentally, the above mentioned that for the absorption of iron is a must, and vitamin C. However, the B vitamins also play a significant role. And onions contain all the necessary vitamins.
As a rule, doctors - nutritionists recommend be the menu so that the plant components were about three times more than the animals. Thus, you will be able to approach the ideal power scheme, which is beneficial for the whole body.
Well, in that case, if for some - any reason you have to use products that do not contain iron, consult your doctor, who will adjust the diet and, if necessary, appoint a special preparations.