Signs of approaching childbirth

For centuries, the birth of a child is a great mystery. Midwives in Russia enjoyed a special honor, and not every woman can become a midwife: she had to have perfect health and that had to be with her children, her thoughts had to be clean.

Even during pregnancy, expectant mother taught midwives old slander that reading to children in the womb: "From you, my light, my modicum, I myself will take all the trouble. Will you love my dome, crib - all the patience, so prayer - consolation. Waiting for you, my light, as the land of the morning as the grass dew, as the flowers of rain. "
The sound of gentle words have a beneficial effect on the baby and the mother, creating the right mood before the forthcoming birth.

Delivery is the culmination of pregnancy and in the majority of cases occur as a normal physiological process.

Expectant mother wants to know about all sorts: to know the signs of labor, early childbirth, symptoms of labor and delivery, when they start, at which point you need to hurry to the maternity hospital, as childbirth painful and how long they last.

Each woman in labor - the individual and childbirth occur in different ways, but the main features of fast delivery experience almost all mothers: the uterus contracts during labor; smoothed thinned cervix, then disclosed; the child turns and moves through the birth canal; You have a child, then the placenta, umbilical cord and fetal membranes. The whole process takes a few hours to days (and occasionally more), and is the beginning of motherhood, and for children - the transition to autonomous existence.

In this process it is important to all: the delivery mechanism of the physiological characteristics, feelings and experiences of the mother, her psychological state.

Home delivery is not always clear, especially signs of labor in nulliparous mothers. Experts believe that the initiator of the onset of labor is a child. By the 40th week, and sometimes earlier, due to the rapid growth of the child decreased amount of amniotic fluid, the baby harder to move. The placenta has grown old, and the baby is not getting enough nutrients and oxygen.

The child feels very uncomfortable, it activates the adrenal cortex, and a large amount of cortisol - a stress hormone. In response, changes the hormonal balance in the body of the mother. As a result, the uterus becomes very sensitive to biologically active substances produced by the placenta and pituitary women. She begins to decline - there are regular contractions followed by delivery.

In the body of the expectant mother as changes occur: increases the amount of estrogen that prepare the uterus for childbirth, and, as a consequence, the cervix is ​​shortened and softened, the uterus begins to contract regularly.

Signs of the onset of labor

Pain in the lower back, feeling the growing pressure in the groin area is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue and heaviness. You long to find any comfortable position. This pain is different from the usual pain and may resemble premenstrual pain. This feature may occur a few days before delivery, often in combination with other elements.

Frequent bowel movements can be mistaken for common disorders, but in this case it is called prostaglandins, causing evacuation of the intestinal tract, to release additional space for movement of the child down.

Mucus streaked with blood

Throughout the pregnancy, the cervix contains a thick mucus that can stand out at the end of pregnancy when the cervix begins to thin and open. In rare cases, it may look like slimy "plug", more mucus more liquid and may contain streaks of blood. The appearance of blood may occur a few days before giving birth, but it can also happen after the start of labor.

In late pregnancy, bleeding often appear after the inspection of the vagina, as this procedure often causes some bleeding from the cervix. It is easy to make a mistake and take these emissions as a sign of labor. If this blood pink or bright red and mixed with mucus - this is certainly a harbinger of sorts, after examination - blood brownish.

Progressive uterine contractions

The contractions that become longer, stronger and more frequent, are harbingers of sorts. At the beginning of birth pains are usually felt as a nagging pain radiating to the lower back. As the birth contractions become painful. Uterine muscle fibers shorten the body of the uterus, the cervix is ​​stretched and expel the fetus from the uterus.

Autopsy of membranes

Autopsy of membranes, also called a discharge of amniotic fluid, can occur before labor in 10-12% of cases. Then intensifying battle begin soon after a discharge of water or during the day. In most cases, the fetal bubble is not revealed until the process of childbirth. When the bubble bursts, there can be a sudden "boom", accompanied by the flow of amniotic fluid, or it may be a gradual, uncontrolled leakage of fluid. Autopsy of membranes may feel like urinating.

If you have water broke before contractions, mark time, color, smell and describe the amount of liquid (or trickle flow). Normally, the fluid is clean and virtually odorless. Green amniotic fluid indicates the presence of meconium in them (original feces) that can cause stress in the child's condition and require urgent action. Should not, in this case to use tampons to keep stream. Urgent known to doctors. Depending on your condition and position of the baby doctor decides - wait for regular contractions, or urgently to stimulate labor. In some cases, if the child is at the time of the outpouring of the water did not have time to block the exit from the cervix may prolapsed cord.

At an early showdown membranes because of the risk of infection should not use the bathroom, it is best to take a shower. When strong contractions increased risk of infection in the uterus is detected, so a bath, if it is necessary during labor, should be postponed until the strong contractions.

We remind If you feel regular contractions (15-20 minutes lasting 20-30 seconds), and in the case of leakage or outpouring of amniotic fluid, you should immediately go to bed and call the "emergency" or go to the hospital on their own.

In some cases the signs of so-called "imaginary childbirth":

- Spasms are irregular, their frequency and voltage is not increased;

- There is a pain in the underbelly rather than in the sacrum;

- Cramps disappear while walking or after a change in the position;

- Fetal movement intensified during the spasm. These fights usually accompany when a child enters the area of ​​the pelvis.

Remember : Do not fear that you are worried needlessly doctor or your loved ones. If you have any signs of impending birth at any time of the day or night should go to the hospital. In this case, better to be safe.

 Signs of approaching childbirth

We strongly recommend to read: the signs of leakage of amniotic fluid

 Births in water

Since the beginning of the 80s around the world began to spread the unusual method of delivery - in the water. In the West, this method is called "Russian", as it was developed by our compatriot and contemporary of IB Charkovsky. The method consists in the fact that the fruit falls from the uterus through the birth canal is not in the air, and in the aquatic environment. And it significantly mitigates the impact of external factors on the newborn.

It is also important that the mother in an aqueous medium is in a relaxed, comfortable condition and it is easier to control the voltage of the uterus. Almost all who have given birth in water say that such births give a sense of "incomparable bliss." Sounds agree, somewhat strange, but I have to believe every word. Children born in the water and began to swim from the first days of life, demonstrate the wonders of health, physical and mental development. They go to 6-8 months, are not afraid of the cold, early start to speak and well in school.

French obstetrician Michel Odent studied the advantages of giving birth in water, using a "pool" that is, small bath. After receiving the results of several hundred births, he described them in his book "The New Birth childbirth." And when even France has refined a water birth, the world reacted to the new method with respect.

Advantages of sorts in the water

Advantages birth water sound enough convincing, but is usually preferred to traditional delivery. Nonetheless, interest in water genera unabated.

Water - the most efficient, affordable, cheap and convenient way to relieve labor pain. We all remember the Archimedes' principle, according to which a body immersed in a fluid, the urging force proportional to the total body fluid it repressed. Simply put, the water picks up a woman. When a woman in labor is immersed in the pool, it almost does not feel his body as the water supports its bones and muscles. This releases the energy to the uterus. The muscles of the hips, back, abdomen and relax the birth canal. The more a woman in labor is immersed in water, the greater the amount she pushes, the more relaxed and its fabric. Those who tolerate painful birth on the back, especially pleased to receive a nearly instantaneous, relief. When your back muscles are relaxed, there is a relaxation of internal tissues, which allows the child to move freely.

Stress and anxiety during childbirth provoke increased release of hormones, which can cause adverse effects on the mother and the fetus. In order to protect the vital organs in the body perceives stress as a non-life uterus important organ. If the blood flow to the uterus is reduced, a child may suffer from lack of oxygen. Avoid this nice warm bath will help.

Contractions in the water are perceived as waves rolling. In the water, the woman on her own and can improvise without any restrictions. Water allows her body to take any posture, so you can choose the one in which the contractions cause the least discomfort. In the water, the woman relaxes your mind and can give instinct, free from external stresses. Once again you find yourself in the swimming pool, check it out for yourself. Dive acts as a permanent body massage that stimulates the receptors in the skin, causing the nervous system boots pleasant sensations and blocks the way pain signals. In the water, a woman in labor feels quite free and can choose the most comfortable position for birth.

Below are some observations and recommendations for those who want to try to give birth in the water. Of course, a desire to give birth in the water is not enough. This can be done only under medical supervision, fluent in the necessary procedure.

  • Choose the optimal water temperature for you (usually this is the body temperature or slightly below). The depth of the bath should be not less than 60 cm, so that the water covered the abdomen, where the woman is on all fours or squatting. To the bath could move freely, it should have a width of not less than 2 m 2.
  • The best time to dive - the beginning of the active phase of labor (cervical dilatation 5-8 cm). Too early immersion can slow labor (this can be useful in the event that the latent period of delivery is delayed, the mother is tired but can not sleep). Many women have found water is especially convenient during the expulsion of the fetus. Free movement mother help the child to work their way out, meeting the least resistance. Most women found that when the fight rolled almost without a break, the water brought them the desired relief. If you feel that fight so strong that you can lose consciousness, the water will help you recover.
  • Strong contractions are certainly a signal to what time to go to the bath. The supporting force of the water would remove the pressure of contractions. Rather than suffer the pain, take a bath.
  • If the active labor begin to slow down when immersed in water, you better get out of the bath, walk, sit on all fours to continue the rest after childbirth. If the fight resumed with renewed vigor, we can once again return to its water haven.
  • Water not only relieves pain during labor, but could break the deadlock staying birth. Water can resume the fight, for example, you can immerse yourself in the bath, splashing water on her nipples, causing an increase in the concentration of stimulating contractions of hormones in the body.
  • If there are no contraindications, delivery can be continued in the water and after the bag of waters was discovered. Although in this case there is a theoretical risk of infection during the study of births in the water increase in the number of infected women is not observed.
  • The bath is not necessary to leave the elektromonitoringa fetus. It can be done directly in the water or ask a nurse to listen to your stomach fetoscopy.
  • Do not think that in the water you do not feel anything. Water reduces the pain, but can not remove it completely. More importantly, how can you go in the water. Feel like a mermaid and start to improvise.
  • Directed jets of warm water can also help in childbirth. If you give birth at home, shower or bath will become your friends. Sometimes it helps not only to dive, but the sound of falling water. Use these sounds to imagine the ocean waves or a waterfall.
  • Dive into a bath when you want, just do not do it directly during the fight. Most women leave the water when it comes time to push.

 Births in water

Is it possible to stay in water during labor, not only during labor, and after disclosure of the cervix?

If enough skilled attendants and proper organization of labor in the water is perfectly safe. Modern medicine is reluctant to accept non-traditional methods and only begins to consider a water birth as a way to get back to nature. The doctors of the hospital are not accustomed to thinking about the possibility of using water to facilitate delivery. Perhaps one day a water birth receive universal acceptance. But while this idea belongs more to the field of fantasy than reality.

Note that the schools that practice water birth without immediate removal of a child, can be dangerous. According to their theory, the child some time left to swim under water to ease the transition from the womb to the world. Proponents of this method believe that, if the umbilical cord is still pulsating, the child is getting enough oxygen. But the placenta begins to separate from the uterus after a few seconds after birth, so oxygen can not flow to the child in sufficient quantity. Opponents believe that the pulsation of the umbilical cord can not be considered a sign of an adequate supply of oxygen. Perhaps we should learn from the experience of marine animals. Whales and dolphins push their newborn to the surface immediately after birth. Undoubtedly, these mammals have much more experience giving birth in the water than we humans.

Birth in water - it is not a temporary fad. Over time, they will take their place in obstetrics.

But do not think that you'll spend hours enjoying a warm bath, get a painless contractions, and then quickly leave the bathroom and give birth. The greatest success can be achieved by combining the effect of warm water and vertical movements (walking, squatting, and others.).

In our country, supporters of the method IB Markovski joined the club. There the complex of preparations for childbirth in the water provided by the medical control of childbirth. After delivery, a system of physical perfection children: hardening, swimming (especially in the winter and in the hole), walking barefoot in the snow. Sure, the idea of ​​IB Markovski should be studied, but the initiative in relation to the water birth is unacceptable, as is fraught with the most serious consequences.


Third period - post-partum (sequence), most short and easy step. The birth of the placenta can last from 5 minutes to an hour. A few minutes after birth the uterus begins to decline again to expel the placenta. In some women, these contractions are similar to severe cramping, others do not even notice this stage of labor.

During the first contact with the child is released oxytocin. This hormone helps the uterus shrink naturally and finish the job. Isolation of oxytocin also occurs when applying baby to the breast (for this reason, you can feel the spasmodic contraction of the uterus through breastfeeding in the first days after birth).

When administered physiological childbirth birth attendant allowing nature to do everything yourself. The child is placed on the mother's abdomen to the place where the placenta. The umbilical cord is clamped and cut after it stops pulsating. Then, in the mother's body produces hormones contribute to the reduction of the uterus, and she rejects the placenta. If the placenta is delayed, you can speed up the process if some times much tighter.

When active management of labor doctor may decide that nature is working properly, but too slowly. Then the umbilical cord is clamped immediately after birth, mothers were injected with oxytocin and uterine contractions caused by artificial. Some women will prefer to active management of the third stage, as in this case will terminate clans. In most cases, a normal delivery without complications organism itself to cope with the task. The doctor can only help him by giving the baby to suckle as much as he wants. Woman in labor may be hard to do massage the upper part of the uterus (postpartum top or bottom of the uterus is located in the navel), to help her and give birth to the last cut.

Possible complications

  1. Postpartum haemorrhage - the most common complication of the third period. If a woman in labor is losing more than 500 ml of blood for days after delivery, need medical care (eg blood transfusion). The cause of postpartum hemorrhage may include: uterine atony (decreased muscle tone of the uterus), breaks the cervix or vagina and retained placenta or its fragments. Of these three reasons atonic uterus is the most common.
  2. Uterine atony. To make the uterus to cut you or the doctor can spend uterine massage. Breastfeeding also helps to reduce the uterus, stimulating the release of oxytocin in the body. If these measures do not impede the bleeding, the doctor or midwife can introduce you to drugs, such as oxytocin, which stimulates contractions of the uterus.
  3. Gaps. Gaps of the cervix, vagina or perineum occasionally occur and episiotomy, and without it. Gaps should be sewn to reduce bleeding. Sometimes it is also required, sterile gauze pads to stop bleeding from the vagina.
  4. Retained placenta. If the placenta or its fragments are retained in the uterus, they prevent postpartum uterine contractions, allowing the blood vessels to the site of attachment of the placenta to bleed freely. The doctor will remove the placenta manually or fragments thereof and perform uterine massage. You can help yourself by massaging the uterus and giving her baby. In very rare instances, the placenta can not be separated from the uterine wall (placenta accreta), and if you can not stop the bleeding by tying the open blood vessels, the only safe treatment of this rare but serious complications can be tisterotomiya (removal of the uterus).
 Births in water

We recommend to check out how to remove the postpartum belly
