

  • The variety Spathiphyllum
  • Features of Care
  • Reproduction and transplant
  • What difficulties can arise when growing Spathiphyllum?

Spathiphyllum in nature grows in South America, Polynesia and Asia. This evergreen perennial plant living in the wetlands along lakes, rivers and streams. The people called Spathiphyllum female happiness. It is believed that this flower room brings its owner good luck and family rest. Giving someone your personal Spathiphyllum is not recommended because as you give the wrong hands, and their well-being.

But the flower Spathiphyllum specifically purchased as a gift, will help any woman to achieve what it most wants at this point. For example, even an unmarried lady to help find love, childless - to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby safely. It is also noteworthy that at constant family scandals and lack of understanding, Spathiphyllum can not develop normally - he was dying, and not having to please his mistress spectacular flowering.

Of course, only a calm atmosphere in the house is not sufficient for normal plant growth. Spathiphyllum, like any home flower, requires some attention. In this article we describe what care is needed to the plant, how to transplant it and that is a reproduction of the flower room. But first, let's consider the types of Spathiphyllum, so you can choose your flower.

The variety Spathiphyllum

Types of plants varied. They vary in size, coloring covers (so called flower Spathiphyllum) and cob. All indoor varieties are hardy, long and bloom profusely.

  • Spathiphyllum Wallis

Flower with short rhizome. At the height of 30-40 centimeters. The leaves of this species are dark green, oblong, has a graceful shape. Bedspread white at the beginning of flowering and green - at the end. Plant shade tolerant and does not need any special care;

  • Abundantly flowering Spathiphyllum

The medium-sized (50-60 cm), is oval-shaped leaves. Peduncles large buds are formed directly in the leaves, which provides abundant blooms almost all year round;

  • Spathiphyllum pretty

Large plants, flowering is not as abundant as the above two species. The veil of the species Spathiphyllum has a greenish-white color and resembles a box. Flowering lasts from April to June;

  • Spathiphyllum tends to spoon

Large room flower that grows up to one meter in height. The leaves of this species have an elongated shape, texture, gloss, on the edges - wavy. White veil has the shape of a spoon;

  • Spathiphyllum kannolisty

Too large a plant whose leaves resemble the leaves of Cannes. Cob yellow bedspread - white and green with a sharp flavor.

Room Spathiphyllum has another name - the white sail. It emerged due to the shape of its inflorescence. Cut flowers of any variety Spathiphyllum able to maintain its freshness for about a month, so they are often used to create a festive florist flowers.

 Spathiphyllum flower

Features of Care

All kinds of plants are not too picky, so caring for them will not make you any problems. Spathiphyllum likes shaded places - bright sunlight, it is contraindicated. However, this does not mean that you need to keep the flower in the dark.

If you notice that the leaves of the plant were extended and acquired a dark color - it is not enough lighting. Pamper your Spathiphyllum sunbathing or arrange artificial light using fluorescent lamps. By the way, if artificial light flower grows faster and often throws out buds.

The cold air and drafts fatal to this tropical handsome. Therefore, in the winter, pay attention to the organization in the desired room temperature. 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius - that's the optimal conditions for the cultivation of Spathiphyllum. Feeding entered into a period of growth and flowering once a week. Before using fertilizer carefully read the instructions and follow strictly on her.

If the leaves of plants drooped and wilted - it lacks moisture. Remember, the root system of the flower should always be moist. Therefore, you need to be watered Spathiphyllum abundantly - as drying topsoil. Once a week to arrange a flower water treatments in the form of the soul.

Leaflets wipe with a clean cloth to prevent accumulation of dust. If the water treatments in the pan there is water, do not rush it drained, leave for a few hours. A moist environment necessary for plants in winter and summer. Therefore, with the onset of cold weather is not necessary to radically change its content.

Reproduction and transplant

Reproduction Spathiphyllum is either dividing the bush (the time of transplant) or apical cuttings. Before starting reproduction (split adult plant), gently untangle the roots, being careful not to damage them. Then place Spathiphyllum on New smaller pots. To root the cuttings, it is necessary to create for them the greenhouse effect.

By planting process in the ground, cover it with a glass container. When Spathiphyllum let young leaves, you can safely remove teplichku. Watering during the rooting to produce only the pallet. Caring for the young plant is no different from the adult content of the flower.

In order to transplant Spathiphyllum, is necessary to prepare the soil. Mix in equal parts humus, leaf and turf ground, peat and sand. In order to exhibit the desired substrate breathability, add the small brick chips and pieces of charcoal. Before transplanting Spathiphyllum, put on the bottom of the pot drainage, for which you can use expanded clay.

Spathiphyllum must be transplanted every year in spring. Pot size is chosen based on the size of the plant. Too large capacity is not worth taking - it will slow down the growth of the flower in the future. After the transplant performed, Spathiphyllum put in a warm place and spray it on a daily basis.

As long as the plant does not take root, do not water it too heavily. Rooting last for about a week, so at this time reduce watering twice. Feeding at this time, too, is not necessary. When Spathiphyllum accustomed care returns to the previous mode.

 Flower Spathiphyllum

What difficulties can arise when growing Spathiphyllum?

Spathiphyllum is considered to be low-maintenance plant. However, it is not immune to some of the problems. Let's see what kind of trouble can expect the owners of the plant when grown, and what care he needs to recover.

  • Turn yellow and dry leaf tips

This problem occurs because of the lack of humidity. In terms of city apartments is inevitable, even with frequent spraying. Increase humidity simple: pour into a shallow pan gravel (or other stones), moisten it, from top to put Spathiphyllum. This method is good for the winter maintenance of the flower. After all, in the winter the indoor air is too dry due to heating appliances;

  • Brown spots on leaves

Here blame excessive soil moisture or stagnation of water in the sump. Well Spathiphyllum dry (do not water it for 3-4 days). Spraying the leaves do not stop. Then underfur land in the pot, and the next day abundant water the plant;

  • The edges of the leaves turn black

This suggests a lack of minerals in the ground - you need to feed Spathiphyllum. Use nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. Fertilizing should start as soon as possible, otherwise the leaves turn black and fall off completely.

  • Pests

Spathiphyllum exposed to attack thrips, mealybugs and spider mites. If the insects have not yet fully hit the plant, will help ordinary soap solution, which is necessary to wash the leaves. In severe cases, use special chemicals that are sold in flower shops. Sometimes you need to change the unplanned plant.

Here we learned all about the Spathiphyllum, flowering is not indifferent to any person. Love the plant and possibly gives him the necessary care. Other flower DIY - bring in your house true happiness!

 Spathiphyllum - a woman's happiness in your home!

 Chinese Rose bedroom


  • Botanical portrait
  • Care and maintenance
  • Reproduction
  • Errors in care

Houseplants have now become not just a subject of passion, but also a tool for interior design. However, to decorate their homes with green shrubs, trees and vines was not invented by us. Just before we did it intuitively, on the principle of "like - not like it." Today, even the professionals of interior design using flowers in the home as an additional decoration, and taking into account the shape and size of flowers. But many still rely on your instincts and your own taste.

Someone prefers miniature flowering bushes, fit on a windowsill, one gets pleasure from the contemplation of prickly cacti and someone decorates his house almost a real tree. And if the tree still blooms ... That's such a green pets, grow to the size of a miniature tree and raduyuschem hosts lush foliage and elegant colors, we'll talk. This hibiscus, known to many as the Chinese rose. What is this plant? Is it difficult to grow it at home? What he needs care? How to achieve continuous flowering? Let's face it.

Botanical portrait

In fact, the roses such as the hibiscus is irrelevant. It is an evergreen shrub of the mallow family, which can be up to three meters high. However, in indoor horticulture common dwarf varieties of this species. In the wild hibiscus grows in South-East Asia, the Pacific Islands, in the South Caucasus, in the Crimea, in Kazakhstan, in Western Europe, in the south of Ukraine and the Russian Far East. A common form of indoor horticulture, known as the Chinese rose. As the name implies, this type of hibiscus comes from China and Indochina. And in Malaysia, he generally recognized as a national symbol, and even depicted on coins. By the way, the Malaysian hibiscus is called Bungarayya .

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is an erect perennial evergreen shrub with woody stems and elegant dark green foliage. Even without flowers it retains decorative appearance, and in the flowering period becomes simply irresistible. The flowers have a large, if not huge, and can reach sixteen centimeters in diameter.

Initially, Chinese Rose was represented by few species with red flowers, differing only in size and colors. Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are about three hundred varieties of this species with flowers of various shapes and colors. Among them are plants with simple, semi-double flowers and plush. There are varieties with flowers of different shades of red - from pink to purple. But there are plants with yellow, white and even purple. There are varieties with flowers of hibiscus unusual color - a dark spot at the base of the petals. And some varieties of China rose even unusual decorative leaves with white, red or cream spots or streaks on dark-green background.

In short, the Chinese rose is deservedly enjoyed success in the indoor and greenhouse horticulture. Therefore, fans of this spectacular houseplant is becoming more and more. And, of course, the new owners there are legitimate questions about the content of the Chinese rose in the home. What should be the care of this plant?

 Chinese bedroom Rose

Care and maintenance

Caring for potted flower that does not cause too much trouble. Chinese rose refers to heat and light-loving plants. Therefore, it should be grown in a room with bright but diffused light as direct sunlight can cause burns tender leaves. During warmer months, the plant can be kept in the open air, moving with a flower pot on the patio, balcony or garden. In fact, the Chinese rose is quite unpretentious house plants that require minimal care. However, for its successful cultivation and periodic flowering is necessary to observe a number of rules.

  • Watering

A special regime of watering this plant is not required. The only thing you need to follow - is timely and intensity of irrigation. In the active period (spring and summer) is a houseplant watered abundantly, achieving all wet earthen coma. It is unacceptable drying out of the soil in the pot, which can lead to the dropping of buds and flowers wilt. The frequency of watering depends on the size of the plant and the amount of the flowerpot. Young plants need to be watered more frequently, as the soil in relatively small pots dry out faster. In winter, the plant goes into a stage of rest and care is to maintain the temperature and moderate watering.

Watering Hibiscus supernatant or filtered water at room temperature. At the beginning of flowering water for irrigation should be warm, but during the flowering of the Chinese rose also require additional spraying. It is advisable to spray the plant and in the case where the indoor air is dry - hot season and heating season.

  • Fertilizing

Proper care of house plants involves their periodic dressing. Chinese feed rose water solutions of complex fertilizers. During the growing season, and budding appropriate dressing fertilizer for flowering plants. The dosage and frequency of feedings is calculated in accordance with the instructions to specific drugs. But it is also useful to fertilize hibiscus and home remedies.

Experienced growers as dressing recommend the use of weak blood sugar solutions and garbage. For the preparation of sugar dissolved dressing half a teaspoon in a glass of water and fertilize the plant about once every two weeks. For the dressing use organic blood remaining after thawing meat or liquid water that washed fresh meat.

  • Grafting and pruning

Chinese rose needs periodic transplantation, which is carried out in the spring. For transplants take a larger pot and cook augmentation of yield a new, four-part sod land, three-part leaf land, one part humus and one part sand. Admissibility and transplantation method of transshipment, in which the plant is moved to a new pot, along with a clod of earth. The empty space in a pot filled with Peat mixture prepared and sealed it. The older the flower, the less likely it is transplanted, but it is updated annually soil in the pot, removing the top layer and it podsypaya fresh ground.

After the transplant, hibiscus necessarily cut. At the same time all the branches shortened a bit, and the stretched-out shoots much pruned by one third. This crop contributes to the emergence of young shoots, which then buds appear. If the Chinese do not trim the rose, then it will not bloom as flower buds are laid it on the young shoots.


Home hibiscus can be propagated by cuttings or seeds. However, in the indoor horticulture is most often used method of vegetative propagation as seed propagation is more appropriate when breeding. For propagation by cuttings rose using green neodrevesnevshie shoots, which are cut in the middle and at the end of the summer.

Apical cuttings take only shoots of new growth. Each take cuttings should be two or three internodes (Tochi leaf growth). The leaves are cut from the shoots removed and the cuttings are rooted in the mini-teplichke. For this sapling planted in a light loose substrate and covered with a small transparent container - glass jars, plastic container or plastic bag. Since the planting until the roots usually takes about a month.

Rooted cuttings are transplanted into small flower pots with a diameter of seven to nine centimeters. Earth around the seedling compacted, and the plants watered with warm water. In the process of growth and development of young plants pinch verhushechki his side shoots, which contributes to a lush crown and early flowering hibiscus. A year later, the young plant is transplanted into a new pot.

 Chinese Rose bedroom

Errors in care

Chinese rose is undemanding plant that rarely gets sick and pest infestation. However, it is improper care often becomes the cause of certain diseases and the emergence of pests such as spider mites, aphids, whitefly and voylochnik. Get rid of parasites traditional care houseplants way.

Leaves and stems are washed with soap and water or infusion of tobacco and treated with specific insecticides. In severe cases also recommended to transplant the Chinese rose in the latest pochvosmes. Burned by the sun leaves rubbed with a weak solution of sugar syrup. By the way, this procedure is not only conducive to the restoration of the plant, but also can be used as a way to foliar feeding.

In general, if the Chinese rose care will help, it will live for at least twenty years, and all this time will delight you with its wonderful flowering. Good luck!

 China Rose - variation bedroom garden hibiscus
