Everyone knows that sexuality and attractiveness of women plays an important part of her gentle, alluring and fatal look. It is the eye first of all pay attention to men during dating. And that representatives of the stronger sex could not pass without drowning while in the fathomless gaze, girls go into small tricks: color eyelashes, eyeliner pencil and shadows.
In the course are different means: mascara to lengthen, add volume, which are applied several times, and sometimes taken lumps. They help only to those ladies who have and so healthy, beautiful and long cilia. What do you do when those whom nature has not bestowed such wealth? It's simple - seek the help of modern and folk cosmetology.
How to make eyelashes longer visually
In the first place all the modern representatives of the fair sex who want to look perfect, use ink. Today, there are so many different options that even the eyes diverge. And, depending on the needs of such cosmetics helps to solve many problems: to make eyelashes even longer (by dyeing bleached tips), lush (fat layer covering the thin filaments).
Also, if the results of the carcasses after use is not entirely satisfactory, then this problem can be solved by means of artificial elements. Women who want to have long and thick eyelashes, go to the beautician and builds them. The length of the hairs can be anyone here already all depends on your desires and experience the master. It would seem, what is the point of cosmetics, if possible once a month to go to a specialist who will make you what you want.
In fact, this procedure is not so safe as it is, many are. In particular, it will be hard after the removal of artificial eyelashes as your become weak and thinning. And while they do not grow back, to re-build will have to forget. Plus, cosmetics lovers know firsthand how this affects the eyelashes. But what do you do? Do not go with the stumps sticking out in all directions? That's right, you need to make masks, buy special tools to prepare the mixture and take care of the eyes.
Care for lashes: Shop Products
Liquid for growth
The tool is sold in a pharmacy or store, make your eyelashes longer, thicker and darker. It can also be used for the growth of eyebrows. The result, as assured producers will already be evident after 2-4 weeks of regular use. One bottle is enough money for 2-6 months, depending on whether you use a liquid-only eyelash, or also become used for eyebrows.
Not so long ago (some 10-15 years ago) in sale special transparent ink, which contain vitamins and minerals that nourish the cilia. They have been applied directly to the brush hairs. The usual makeup at the same time should be avoided.
Strengthens lashes traditional methods
Apart from the special funds for the growth of eyelashes, you can try traditional recipes used by even our mothers and grandmothers. Agree, in those days the girls looked pretty nice, not taking advantage of the cosmetics. And not without reason that Russian women have composed even a legend.
Plus, if you choose to deal with eyelashes and eyebrows at home, without using expensive cosmetics, you will save good. For example, very good for the growth of eyelashes help mask based on plant extracts and vitamins. You can use castor, olive, almond or burdock. They improve the structure of lashes, preventing their loss.
Do not be afraid to use folk remedies. They are applied in the same way as the store. The prepared liquid should be applied to the eyelash cosmetic brush and carefully comb through the lashes. Follow that to oil (or any other means) did not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. To carry out such a procedure should be daily, preferably in the evening. If you follow all the above rules, the lashes will always be in excellent condition and look your best.
Mask for eyelashes
To grow and strengthen lashes you have to once every two days to do a hydrating mask made from burdock and castor oil (1, 5 tablespoons each), Vaseline (1 tbsp) and brandy (a few drops). All thoroughly mixed to form a homogeneous mass. The resulting slurry was gently put on the lashes. Even if the droplet gets into the eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of water (only cold, it is desirable - running).
After 20-30 minutes, wash off the vehicle, without using special cosmetics or ordinary soap. Lightly soak a dry cloth or towel to remove the remains. The resulting mixture can be refrigerated in a dark glass container. To quickly achieve positive results, before applying the ointment can be slightly warmed (to room temperature).
Balm of oils
To prepare the balm you need burdock oil (you can dilute the olive). In a glass container to mix it with aloe juice to make a thick paste slippery. To make money at one time, as to keep it for a long time, unfortunately, can not.
This oil lubricates the roots of the cilia and eyelids using a cotton ball or a stick. Do not forget to pre-check whether you have an allergy to one of the components. Apply a small amount of money on an elbow bend and wait a few minutes. If treated area will not change its color, it will not stain or hives, so you can safely use burdock oil with aloe.
Packs of herbs
The fair sex is also recommended to do at home packs of herbs. For example, you can prepare infusion of chamomile or cornflowers, soak a cotton swab it and then attach to the eyes. Always make sure that the liquid temperature was not too hot, otherwise earn burns.
After 10-15 minutes, shooting lotion, gently wipe the skin with a cloth and apply to the eyelashes castor oil. This procedure is done in a day, it is desirable - in the evening, when you will not need to go. Note: after a compression in the hottest time of the year ever and not rubbed with oil.
Lotions of tea
Often ladies throw the used tea bags, believing that they are no longer useful. Inventive women found their application in cosmetology. So, do the infusion of herbs (chamomile, mother and stepmother, cornflowers), then put the bag of warm broth. As he absorbs plenty of fluids, applying it to the eyelids. Through this means not only being strengthened, and the growth of eyelashes, and blood flow is restored, removed the bruises are swelling.
Oil massage: take care of eyelashes and skin
Do not forget to at least a couple times a week to do massage, using oil. It can be how to prepare yourself and buy at the store. In the first case, you can make at home mix that will help to cope with several problems.
If your goal is not only to strengthen the lashes, but also to bring the skin around the eyes in order, be sure to use an ordinary rose oil. It will help smooth out fine facial wrinkles and age, as well as prevent the emergence of new ones. In general, returns a second youth.
If you have the desire and opportunity to prepare a massage oil Aloe, parsley, castor oil. So, first grind in a meat grinder or blender aloe, squeeze the juice and add the chopped parsley. The resulting mixture was poured castor oil (refined can be replaced). Gently massage movements to rub the pulp into the lids, avoiding eye contact.
The lush and long eyelashes
Would you like to have been fluffy and thick lashes that would look great even without mascara? The first step is to prepare a tool to help you from falling out of hairs. You can certainly buy and so on, but cooking at home, you will know that it is not dangerous and harmful substances.
So, rosehips fine mode (you can grind to a blender), and then add it to the oil (sea buckthorn or burdock). In preparing the mixture, keep in mind that for once is enough to 2 tablespoons. But the fact that it is real, it usually takes about 10 days. After a week and a half the liquid is filtered through cheesecloth, folded in two layers, and placed in a glass dish. It is recommended to use daily. It applies only on lashes (with an ordinary brush). Store and you can insist in a cool dry place where there is no access to direct sunlight.
After a break and stop the lashes fall out, should proceed to the next step. Take sea buckthorn oil and simply wipe them hairs. It soothes, nourishes, moisturizes and nourishes with vitamins. You will see that after two or three weeks your lashes will become as magnificent as that of the young girls who have not yet managed to spoil their ink build-up, etc.
As you have noticed, the strengthening of eyelashes - it is not so troublesome and expensive. It is not necessary to leave hundreds of thousands of rubles in beauty salons and splurge on expensive cosmetics to bring his face in order. You can cook at home masks, balms, tonics, that nothing will give way to shop.
The only thing you have to remember in this case - quick results can not be achieved if you strongly launched lashes. It does not matter, castor oil you use, or incredibly expensive innovative means. It will take at least a month before the first improvements will be noticeable. Initially hairs cease to fall and break, then they will start to grow faster, become more long and fluffy.