Hives - extremely unpleasant and actively disturbing external manifestation of an allergic reaction. What is the essence of this phenomenon, how to recognize it? What is taken to ensure that the symptoms quickly disappeared, and it was possible to return to a full-fledged, full of joy of living close to nature?
Urticaria - is a skin manifestation of allergies. Most worryingly, it is not easy diagnosis because it can signal as a contact allergy, and accompany food. The name of this phenomenon is due to the similarity with blistering burns stinging nettles. Feelings are also close, acute rashes itch and do not allow focus. To diagnose allergic urticaria should be a doctor, because the external manifestations are similar to other skin diseases.
After consulting with the doctor it is necessary to plan treatment. It is not only receiving appropriate antihistamine and auxiliary products.
Be sure to review the food as the right diet hives at times increases the effectiveness of treatment.
Particular attention should be paid to diet, if the allergen was not detected and the cause of the rash remains unclear.
The requirements will depend on the age of the person who discovered the allergy.
If the allergy accompanied by hives, found an infant, the actions shall be as follows. It is necessary to remember all the new products that were carried out in solid foods during the last 2-3 days, they should be excluded unconditionally. The best option is to move to an earlier stage of power, in which there were no negative manifestations.
Be sure to exclude this period of entering any new products, even the notoriously non-allergenic. If the baby is still in the partial breastfeeding, it is necessary to increase its stake in the diet. And mother must refrain from eating "hazardous" products, it is quite suitable diet is recommended for adults with allergies.
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What can and can not
If the rash is found in a child older children or adults, they can be powered by the following scheme. Carefully planned hypoallergenic diet will help reduce the production of histamine. Resist the temptation and allow yourself a small slice of chocolate, one such mistake can disturb the course of treatment. It should be fully and unconditionally exclude the following products.
Any dishes and foods which contain preservatives, flavorings and artificial sweeteners.
All citrus fruits as well as vegetables, fruits and berries red.
Seafood and fish.
Chocolate, honey and its products, all kinds of nuts.
Eggs, milk.
Your diet at the time of acute need to make the following products. If any component in any doubt, it is better to be avoided. Diet for hives may not be just an experiment, and the disease will respond extension of the lesion.
Boiled lean meat: it may be beef, rabbit or bird, but you need to be sure before cooking to remove the skin. You need to use the product without the broth.
Boiled potatoes, mashed or sliced. At the same time we must remember that you need to cook vegetables in water, adding milk, butter, spices are not allowed.
Kashi cereals from anywhere except the manna. Allowed buckwheat, oats, wheat, rice. Pasta made of durum flour. Of course, boiled on the water without the addition of oil.
Meatless vegetarian soup without spices, zazharivanie not allowed.
Fresh low-fat dairy products. Of course, natural, without dyes and preservatives.
Vegetables, except beets and tomatoes, fresh or boiled. Particularly welcome cucumbers and lettuce. Also permitted greens.
From fruit is better to restrict green apples, and then baked form.
From hot drinks to prefer black or herbal tea without flavorings. Sugar substitute fructose and better to abandon the sweetening.
Bread is allowed only bran or whole wheat cookies - savory galetnoe.
Because of fats and oils of vegetable only, high-quality sunflower and olive better.
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How to be and what to do
First of all, one should understand that allergy - this is not a minor deviation from the norm. When careless attitude to his banal rash may be a harbinger of angioedema, and then go through for a minute. Well-written and carefully observe hypoallergenic diet will help quite quickly forget about the unpleasant symptoms.
Its power can be built as follows, changing only the side dishes and the types of products of the above list of authorized products.
Breakfast: oatmeal with baked apple, tea with a slice of corn bread.
Lunch: mashed potatoes, boiled beef, a cucumber or a portion of vegetarian soup and a piece of chicken.
Dinner: salad from fresh cabbage with olive oil, pasta, durum, yogurt.
Late dinner: tea with wafer cookies or baked apple.
Depending on the wishes, needs and lifestyle diet may vary, but the products and components of the dishes have to be from the allowed list. It is important to remember that a cup of coffee or a small mandarin can significantly lengthen the treatment, and therefore to abandon the joys of life have longer, otherwise the game is not worth the candle.
Why do I need a special diet?
On what should be discarded
Approximate diet
Recommendations on diet
Pyelonephritis and cystitis are urological diseases, widespread in our time. The first disease affects the kidneys, the second provokes inflammation of the walls of the bladder. The peculiar features of the structure of sexual organs leads to the fact that according to statistics, every fifth woman at least once in his life faced with cystitis.
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Why do I need a special diet?
Treatment is required to be carried out under the supervision of a physician, but limited solely to the appointment of medication is not enough. Be sure to perform and advice on nutrition, as some products can be irritating to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Their exclusion would contribute to a speedy recovery.
Diet with pyelonephritis or cystitis should be treating urologist. Its main goal - to increase the flow of urine. It is achieved by reducing the consumption of salt in the diet of the introduction of alkalizing foods, reduced consumption of protein and fat.
It is recommended to eat at least 4 times a day, but in small portions.
During the breaks should be to saturate the body with plenty of water. When pyelonephritis and cystitis will be useful:
porridge, soups,
boiled meat, fish,
fruits (except for highly exotic, for the best natural areas)
boiled beets,
occasionally eggs and butter,
very rare honey, caramel, marshmallow, jam, marmalade, biscuits, if suppress the urge to sweet fails.
Good to include in the diet cranberry juice, or out of it. Berry increases the acidity of urine and its protective bactericidal properties. Frequent consumption of cranberry relieves symptoms of acute inflammation, reduces the temperature normalizes urination, pain stops.
Diet with pyelonephritis or cystitis usually complementary tea from rose hips, black currant, mountain ash. They saturate the body with vitamins C and P, improve immunity. Drink drink 2-3 times a day before meals. However overzealous liquid patients is not recommended, it is better to keep the amount of fluid entering the body throughout the day, in the range 2-2, 5 l. In the first days of treatment longer lean on vegetables and fruits. Will be useful and fruit drinks, cranberry, plum, grape and apple juices. It allows a little tea or coffee unnatural.
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On what should be discarded
In the treatment of cystitis or pyelonephritis should be excluded from the diet:
Citrus fruits such as tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, can cause allergies, so better to abandon them. The caffeine in chocolate and coffee causes painful muscle spasms of the bladder. Excess sweets adversely affect the reaction, and urine can contribute to inflammation of the bladder.
Early recovery from pyelonephritis or cystitis provide a diet of high-calorie and well-digestible foods that are rich in vitamins, which are easily digested.
During an exacerbation of symptoms is allowed only vegetarian food, as they are introduced into the diet subsided cereals, dairy products. If treatment is successful, it may be cooked lean meat. If you count calories, keep their daily amount does not exceed 3,200 Vegetables and fruits are best eaten raw, of heat treatment may be steaming in the oven or provarivaniya.
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Approximate diet
When pyelonephritis or cystitis can use the following variants of the diet.
A simple menu:
Breakfast: salt-free bread with butter, protein omelet of one egg, boiled vegetables in white sauce.
Lunch: salt-free bread, salad, vegetarian soup, lean boiled chicken with mushroom sauce and roasted vegetables, yogurt.
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, fruit sauce, infusion of rose hips.
Easy menu:
Breakfast: fruit salad or vegetables, mashed potatoes or porridge, butter, bread, tea.
Second breakfast: a cup of yogurt or juice.
Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish or meat, porridge or mashed potatoes, jelly or compote.
Dinner: cottage cheese casserole, grated carrots with sour cream and baked apple or plum tea.
Tasty menu:
Breakfast: vegetable soup and milk porridge, scrambled or boiled eggs, unsalted cheese or cottage cheese.
Lunch: vegetable soup or cereal soups, meatballs steamed or boiled fish, steamed vegetables, pasta or cereal, mousse, jelly, juice or juice.
Afternoon snack: yogurt, baked potato with butter, fruit.
Dinner: casserole with cheese, macaroni and cheese and vinaigrette.
Remember that the best thing a professional urologist menu is made based on analysis of the patient. Diet with pyelonephritis or cystitis depends on the stage of the disease, the patient's health, age and other factors, therefore, in the preparation of the diet should be sure to take into account the opinion of the expert.
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Recommendations on diet
When pyelonephritis or cystitis effective will be the diet that uses the following recommendations. Firstly, if the season allows, there should be plenty of melons, squash and watermelons. They have a strong diuretic effect. If pyelonephritis accompanied by anemic syndrome, increase the consumption of the rich in the iron and cobalt products (pomegranates, strawberries, apples, strawberries). Do not get hung up on yogurt and cottage cheese, add to your diet acidophilus, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, soft cheese.
Meat is better to give preference to low-fat beef, chicken and rabbit. In these varieties contain complete proteins, absolutely all essential amino acids in the right ratio for the assimilation, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and other elements. Remember, better to cook the meat in small pieces over low heat to remove extractives. Fish cystitis and pyelonephritis suitable sea and river, the main thing to choose lean or medium fat content. The fish contains digestible proteins and mineral salts.
Cereals, wheat bread, macaroni, confections can be included in the diet, but they should be of high quality durum and in a minimum amount. Good effect in cystitis and pyelonephritis give herbal, typically the result is noticeable after 2 weeks. Recommended teas from:
blueberry leaf,
white willow bark,
licorice root,
birch leaves,
kidney St. John's wort.
If there uremic syndrome should be emphasized in the diet on the sorbents and excrete residues products: fiber in fruits and vegetables, limit protein intake to 25 grams per day. If the patient once manifested allergy allergen should be carefully excluded from the diet since it may enhance the inflammatory process in the kidneys.
If pyelonephritis is accompanied by glomerulonephritis, the limited fluid intake to 600 ml per day in the period of exacerbation. After the dose is gradually increased. Impose restrictions on the consumption of salt to 2-3 grams per day, and protein. Follow the recommendations of your doctor, consume healthy foods and be healthy!