- Anatomical characteristics of man
- Violation of skin pigmentation
- Diseases of internal organs
- Age-related changes and weight loss
- Lifestyle Human
- Mechanical damage
As you know, the beauty does not spoil. But the bruises under his eyes, the causes of which can be very different, this beauty can skillfully disguise. It is about these very reasons we have today and we'll talk. After all, you certainly want to get rid of bruises under his eyes? And for this you need to know exactly why they are there.
Immediately I would like to make a reservation - in any case, for the accurate diagnosis of the causes of bruises under his eyes the woman should consult a doctor. Independently establish why you will like this "decoration", is unlikely. But the general information you did not hurt - it will help the doctor narrow down the search.
Anatomical characteristics of man
One of the most common causes of bruises under his eyes - this is such a feature of the anatomical body as too thin skin under the eyes. And the bruises under the eyes can be caused by the location of the blood vessels - very close to the surface of the skin, and sometimes even in its upper layers.
A striking hallmark of this causes bruising under the eyes is the constancy. For the first time the bruises manifest themselves in childhood, frightening parents. In the end, all agree that my child is weak and painful. Begin walking on doctors trying to figure out why. As a rule, the success of this venture brings. And express the hope that all will pass with age. But the child grows up and bruised and left.
In the event that a person faced with this cause bruising, do improvised means you are unlikely to succeed. Although, of course, to try to soothe the soul still stands. However, the maximum that you can achieve - a little clarification. In order to get rid of bruises, in this case, will have to resort to more drastic measures. As a rule, beauticians offer a lymphatic drainage massage or laser correction. In most cases, these steps are very effective.
Violation of skin pigmentation
In some cases, bruising under the eyes are a direct consequence of increased pigmentation of the skin in this area. Reasons for pigmentation disorders can be very different - more specifically set it can only be a doctor. In this case, home remedies can have a very positive effect.
All measures should be aimed at whitening the skin around the eyes. Do not look for quick relief from bruising floor eyes - as a rule, it takes at least three months. If you want to get a quick effect, you have to seek help from a doctor - the beautician.
You can try a famous folk recipe. Peel and grate on a fine grater cucumber medium size. The resulting slurry, add a few drops - no more - lemon juice. Massa mix thoroughly and apply on the area around the eyes. After about 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply your usual cream. The duration of the course of such procedures - no more than 10 days. If necessary, after a week break course of treatments can be repeated.
Diseases of internal organs
In the worst case, cause bruising under the eyes can be a variety of diseases of internal organs. And often, these diseases can be quite serious and pose a real threat not only to health but also human life.
More often black eyes are the result of diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and bladder. In more rare cases, there may be diseases of the endocrine system.
Any remedies black eyes, even the most modern and expensive, in this case will be absolutely useless. The only way to get rid of bruises - this is to eliminate the underlying disease. And for that, respectively, should consult a doctor who will diagnose the disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Age-related changes and weight loss
Unfortunately, time is not an ally of feminine beauty - the older a woman gets, the harder and harder to maintain the skin in perfect condition. With the aging of the skin around the eyes of women starts to sag a little, blood vessels show through very clearly, and the skin becomes bluish.
A similar phenomenon can be avoided in advance to attend to this problem. Careful skin care around the eyes should begin in about 35 years. Well, if you avoid this phenomenon nevertheless failed to get rid of bruises is possible only with the help of plastic surgery.
A similar phenomenon can be observed in the case, if the woman is rapidly losing weight. Typically, this problem faced by women who are constantly pace yourself different diets. This pursuit of harmony can result in the skin with a sharp weight loss no time to shrink.
As a result - the same notorious bluish bags under the eyes. And the woman begins to panic - why is this happening? This can be avoided only one way - to abandon the radical diets leading to rapid weight loss. Physicians believe that the safest weight loss - less than two kilograms per week. More rapid weight loss can lead to various complications, sometimes more serious than the bruising under the eyes.
Lifestyle Human
Sometimes the cause of the bruising under the eyes becomes a way of life. More precisely - the wrong way of life. You have bruises under his eyes? Do you remember when you last full enough sleep? Do not you remember? That's the same ... Sitting at a computer monitor into the night, waking up early - usually the modern man sleeps an average of about 6 hours.
And this is totally inadequate for the body - sleep should last at least 8 hours. Otherwise, bruises under his eyes, decreased performance, increased fatigue. And if such a mode of life continues for more than a few months, it can not be excluded, and various nervous disorders. Is it any way to mock them and to experiment on their health? After all, most likely, if you try to understand why you do not get enough sleep, you come to the conclusion that most of the time allotted for sleep is wasted.
Nor should too much to overload the eye. Prolonged sitting in front of a computer and / or television, e-books - all this contributes not only to the health of the eye, but also the good condition of the skin around the eyes. In all the above cases, if the bruises are the result of poor lifestyle choices, it is necessary to radically reconsider. If you remove only the very consequence of this way of life - bruises - no effect, you can not achieve.
Mechanical damage
Sometimes bruises are caused by soft tissue injuries. Due to the mechanical effect is bleeding into the soft tissues - the so-called hematoma. In this case, there is often a bruise under one eye. But if the shot hit the bridge, it is possible bruising under both eyes at once.
In this case, measures should be taken as quickly as possible. Driving following actions:
The first thing to do after the injury - applied to the affected area something cold. Ideally, it should be ice, but you can use what is at hand - cold foods, wet cloth, or even a cold object. Cold be left for about 30 minutes. Next, it is necessary to apply to the affected area once every two hours.
Such a measure would help to narrow the blood vessels, relieve swelling, reduce the area of hemorrhage. A, respectively, and the area of the bruise. In no case can not warm a bruise - it is only at times aggravate the situation. Warming can only start on the second day.
And be sure to consult a trauma surgeon, who, if necessary, refer you to an ophthalmologist. Very often, even small impacts can result in serious eye injury. So it's worth to exclude such a possibility. In addition, the doctor will tell you how to deal with a bruise. After all, if a bruise does not heal, it will "show off" about 10 days.
Of course, black eyes - a significant reason for the disorder. However, instead of lamenting about this, find out the cause of the problem.