Technique of the lymphatic drainage of legs, thighs and abdomen
Lymphatic drainage facial features
Visiting a beauty salon and read a list of services you may be interested in the procedure of lymphatic drainage. For what it is, who need this procedure and whether it is possible to carry out lymphatic drainage in the home? To answer these questions, we conduct a brief digression into the anatomy of the human body.
The body (depending on age) 60-70% of water. "Without water - we do not amplitude, and not syudy"! Water is everywhere, both in cells and in the extracellular space. While the blood cells deliver food, waste products (toxins, toxins) are excreted through the "sewer" network of the body - lymph. Sometimes lymph "river" stagnate, and this leads to very unpleasant consequences, starting with edema and cellulite and ending illnesses such as varicose veins and high blood pressure.
Eating a day at least two liters of water, you provide your body the timely removal of harmful toxins. Traces failure "cleaning system" can be found primarily on the face - this bags under the eyes, tissue edema, and the like. Moreover, stagnant lymph drainage immediately reflected in the lower extremities. The legs get tired quickly, grow heavy, there are defects in the skin as cellulite, edema and swelling of the veins.
To stimulate the outflow of fluid through the lymph and carried out this kind of fashionable and effective massage - lymphatic drainage. Further, lymphatic drainage massage stimulates blood flow, which has a favorable effect on the operation of the whole organism. Cosmetic results seen in the fact that this procedure is combined with other activities helps get rid of cellulite, prevent the formation of edema and make the body more fit, and, therefore, beautiful.
Lymphatic drainage procedure
Like most kinds of massage, lymphatic drainage has contraindications. It should refrain from lymphatic drainage during pregnancy, skin diseases, dermatosis, chronic diseases of the kidneys and liver, thrombophlebitis, infections of various kinds, malignancies. Lymphatic drainage procedure can be carried out in two ways: by using a special machine and manually, ie by hand.
Mechanical lymph drainage, of course, carried out by experts in cosmetic or medical stores and, in turn, is divided into several types: vacuum, Microcurrent, pressure and Endermologie. The degree of influence also depends on the type of massage.
Manual lymphatic drainage can be done at home. The effectiveness of the massage will depend on the diligence and desires of the individual. A convenient method may become a partner massage between couples or friends: you - I, I - you.
Terms of lymphatic drainage Home
In order to achieve the best results, you must fulfill several conditions:
Lymphatic drainage massage should not be painful. Technique of massage involves tapping and stroking in the direction of lymph, that is from the bottom up.
For maximum effect, it is desirable to use essential or special anti-cellulite massage oils. These include oil of geranium, ginger, orange or lemon and oil of cedar. An excellent tool for weight loss are the honey and coffee. Honey itself is a good adsorbent, and in combination with aromatic oils also helps toning. For the facial massage is recommended to use coffee grounds, tea bags, or steamed filters fees medicinal herbs.
It is strongly recommended prior to the procedure of lymphatic drainage to take a warm bath with the addition of any essential oil.
During the course of massage is necessary to drink at least two liters of water a day. And immediately after the session, you can not drink water for two hours. And the last fluid intake should be at least four hours before bedtime.
Active physical activity during the course of lymphatic drainage will not only enhance the drainage effect, but also help to reduce weight and give your body firmness.
Since you decided to lymph home, be consistent and try to complete a full course of twelve to fifteen procedures. Massage should be performed in a day.
Technique of the lymphatic drainage of legs, thighs and abdomen
Foot massage - is a simple and effktivnaya prevention of varicose veins. Early symptoms of the disease are swelling, heaviness in the legs and the emergence of the so-called stars of the skin. Restore the outflow of fluid and activate blood circulation will help lymphatic drainage massage legs.
For carrying out massage of the lower limbs need to sit on a chair and put his foot on the extended ottoman is not above the pelvis. This situation will provide better circulation of blood through the vessels. The movement of blood through the vessels up extremely difficult, and only thanks to the valves, the blood circulation has a cyclical nature.
Massage is necessary to start with the upper leg (from the knee to the thigh), gradually moving to the lower part (from the ankle to the knee), - it will facilitate the outflow of blood from the lower part. Sit back, relax your leg and soft circular motions, apply oil or cream. An important stage of the massage movements are warming up, in which you "wake" lymph channels. Slowly swipe edge of his hand against his thigh, gradually increasing the force of pressure. After warming make pat variable degree of force, it stimulates the blood circulation. This is followed by intense stroking the legs from the bottom up, and finally, his hands clasping calves with light pressure produce upward movement. A session for each leg must be between five and seven minutes.
If you often get cold feet and hands, you need a massage of the feet and hands, which is grinding with an increase in pressing force in the direction of the toes to the ankle, and in the case of hand massage - to the wrist. Also used technique of pressing with fingertips, which is slow, small "little steps" moving upwards.
Lymphatic drainage massage hands is different from massage feet and made the following directions: from the elbow to the forearm and wrist to elbow on. Before the procedure, apply the necessary means to heat the skin and massaging it. Then follow the pat with different force and at the final stage, holding his wrist brushing the other hand, slowly moving up to produce a gradual increase in pressing force. All movements should be done away from the hands to the elbows and forearms from the elbows to.
Similarly produced abdominal massage. Before the procedure, apply anti-cellulite cream on the necessary and rubbing movement in a circle make a preliminary massage. Followed by patting and light pressure in a circle.
Lymphatic drainage facial features
Lymphatic drainage is required when a person signs such as puffiness, swelling, bags under the eyes and bruises, the heterogeneity of the surface of the skin, its laxity, as well as other age-related and cosmetic changes.
This type of massage not only stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, but also contributes to the saturation of the skin with oxygen and improve metabolism. As a result, due to lymphatic massage, your face will look much younger and fresher.
Just ten minutes a day, and soon you will see the result "on the face and on the face!" So, before you start you need to clean the face of makeup and remove the hair under the bandage (headscarf). You may want to pre-lubricate the face cream or a special oil. And even better - a little steam out face to open the blood vessels and capillaries.
Technique of massage to different parts of the face consists of the following methods:
Use your fingertips to slowly flowing movements swipe from the center of the forehead to the temples. Then perform the same movements that resemble drum tapping, and repeat the first method.
Paw ring finger light pressure go to the bottom edge of the eye socket from the nose to the temples, and then go spiraling strokes on the upper edge directly under the eyebrows from the nose to the temple.
The massage is performed in three stages. First, perform a massage stroking movements from the middle of the chin to the ear lobes, from the corners of the mouth to the middle ear from the wings of the nose to the top of the ears. Then, along the same lines, do the "drum" tapping and repeat strokes. Nasolabial folds massaged by pressing forefingers.
Thumbs put at the center of the chin and pressing movements to perform ear lobes.
Lymph at home is a simple but effective way to prevent diseases associated with the violation of blood circulation and lymph flow. In addition, competent massage supports your figure taut and toned, and you'll never have to resort to liposuction or any other surgical procedure. And most importantly, performing this procedure at home, you save both time and money.