healing properties of honey

The healing properties of honey are known to mankind for centuries. But everyone knows why honey has such useful properties, and when it is necessary to pay special attention to? After the honey is able to help a person get rid of not only cold, but also from the large number of other, very different, diseases. Besides, honey is able to become a great ally of the women in the eternal struggle for beauty.

Honey has long received deserved recognition both among doctors and among cosmetologists. It is used by pharmacists for the preparation of various medicines prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of certain diseases, cosmetologists - for beauty treatments, nutritionists - dietary nutrition. It is about the beneficial properties of honey and will be discussed in this article.

The nutritional properties of honey

Regular use of honey in the most positive influence on the condition of the body, gives health and longevity. This is not surprising - after all in the honey has more than 180 beneficial nutrients, vitamins and macro and micronutrients, proteins, organic acids. Honey composition may vary considerably, depending on the plant with no small toiler collected pollen.

Typically, honey contains about 80% fructose and glucose. These sugars are very well absorbed by the body and consumed as needed. Also, natural honey can be considered a kind of dietary supplement that makes up most of the body's needs for vitamins and other elements. By the way, not to mention the fact that all the nutrients are preserved in honey a very long time - 5 - 6 years.

So what substances are contained in honey? Let's look at this issue in more detail. So: iron, aluminum, zinc, silver, molybdenum, chromium, tin, titanium, copper, silicon, phosphorus, osmium, salts of iodine, sulfur, chlorine, lithium, and cobalt. With all these elements fully functioning body, normalize all metabolic processes, improves process of hematopoiesis.

Well, thanks to the content in honey proteins and amino acids improves the function of internal organs, including the immune system and strengthens. Furthermore, honey very beneficial effect on the state of the central nervous system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels of the circulatory system, clears them. And another amazing feature of honey - its powerful antimicrobial properties. This property people have noticed many centuries ago and successfully used honey to treat a variety of wounds. To date, no one in the world, the product does not have similar qualities.

And the little fly in the ointment in the ointment

As the saying goes - a blessing in disguise. But good is not always without a blessing. This is true of the honey. Despite all the beneficial properties of honey, doctors abuse them is not recommended. This is justified for several reasons:

  • High-calorie

Honey is very high in calories - 100 grams contains more than 400 calories. By its nutritional value can be compared with the honey lamb or condensed milk. Med about 30% percent sweeter than sugar. You understand that such large quantities of calorie to anything good will not.

  • Allergic reactions

Furthermore, honey is very powerful allergen. He is able to trigger a variety of allergic reactions - from ordinary urticaria to angioedema. Therefore, before you apply the honey, be sure to check whether you have an allergy to it. It becomes very simple - eat one teaspoon of honey and carefully observe the reaction of the organism. If you have any skin rashes or breathing difficulties, drink any antihistamine pill as soon as possible and seek medical advice.

 Honey with royal jelly medicinal properties

How to choose the right honey?

Before the story of how you can apply honey to extract the maximum benefit for your body, let's try to understand what are varieties of honey, as it is to choose, and how not to run into the rigging. Unfortunately, this happens very often.

As mentioned above, honey can be different, depending on what operating plants collected pollen. It is characterized by the smell, color and taste. Variations may be a striking color - white to dark brown. Incidentally, it is this and use unscrupulous vendors seeking to sell under the guise of a fake honey. But counterfeiting can be different:

  • Sugar syrup diluted with natural honey or decoction of herbs to give the corresponding "grassy" smell.
  • Honey bees that feed exclusively sugar syrup.
  • Early withdrawn from the hive honey diluted with either flour or starch.

It is obvious that from such a forgery is not any good. Well, maybe you can add tea to impart sweetness. Therefore, when buying honey need to be vigilant. In order to reduce the possibility of buying a fake, going for honey, supply of essential information:

  • The consistency of honey

This natural honey in its consistency is very similar to the liquid resin. Dip the spoon in honey and scroll slowly on its axis - in the case in front of you a real honey, it is wound onto a spoonful of thick layers, is somewhat reminiscent of the folds. Honey dripping from a spoon will be tight, very thick and viscous mass. If before you fake honey with a spoon drain very fast, thin streams.

  • The presence of starch

Going for honey, taking with him a small container and honey. Dissolve in water teaspoon honey and add to it a couple of drops of iodine. In that case, if the honey is added starch, water very quickly acquire a blue tint. Of course, this method is suitable only to verify if you go to the market. Because the store to spend a similar procedure, by itself, will not succeed.

  • Maturity honey

In that case, if you get honey, located in the cells is required to make sure that the honey has been mature. To do this, make sure that the cells were tightly sealed. Of course, there is nothing wrong if some cells will be scratched. But in the case of the cell-existent, honey uniquely immature. And it is not worth buying, because the immature honey does not contain any nutrients, other than glucose.

So, you bought honey. But it is unlikely you will eat it for a week and then have to store honey. And it is very important to do it right. To Honey has lost none of his taste, nor its beneficial properties, it is recommended to store it in a tightly sealed glass container in a cool, dark place.

If all the rules, honey can maintain their properties very long time. However, remember that all natural honey to crystallize over time. This is - a completely natural process, because honey contains a very small amount of water. Incidentally, such a crystallization indicates very high quality honey.

 healing properties of honey

Honey Health

It is time to talk about what you can use honey for medical purposes. But before that I would like to reiterate that it is necessary to reliably make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to honey.

  • Stomatology

In that case, if you have a toothache, you can try to relieve the pain with the help of the honey. This is done as follows: - dissolve in a glass of warm strong brewed tea one tablespoon of honey. Rinse your mouth with this mixture, then put cotton wool on the tooth, which is necessary to first apply a small amount of honey. Typically, the pain recedes after 20 minutes.

A honey comb is very effective to protect you from possible development of caries. Just once a day thoroughly chew a few hundred. This measure not only cleans the teeth, but also disinfects the whole oral cavity. But do not forget to rinse thoroughly afterwards the teeth - forget about the sugar found in honey, as it is not necessary.

  • central nervous system

Honey is an excellent sedative. Your medicine cabinet is always present valerian or motherwort? Try to replace them with a glass of warm water with dissolved in it two tablespoons of honey. As a rule, the effect is stronger than that of pharmaceutical sedatives.

No less useful and honey for those who suffer from insomnia. You are accustomed to drinking the night sleeping pill? But have you thought about what it entails very negative consequences for the whole organism? Try replacing the pills with a glass of milk two tablespoons of honey.

  • Cardiovascular system

Med very effectively normalizes blood pressure, regardless of whether it is lowered or raised. To do this, prepare the following means. Melt in a water bath 100 grams of honey. While honey is heated, crush a sprig of aloe. Mix aloe vera, honey, and simple one hundred grams of butter, place in a glass bowl.

Take this mixture should be one teaspoon before each meal, but at least three times a day. The course of treatment should last at least 14 days. After that you need to do a five-day break. If necessary, you can repeat. Typically, the pressure is normalized after the first treatment.

However, please note - in case you are taking any drugs that are assigned to you by your doctor, to discontinue their use is by no means impossible. This can lead to a significant deterioration of health of the sick person. Therefore, be sure to consult with your doctor.

And if the doctor has told you that the problem of high cholesterol and touched you, it will help to cope with the following mixture. Press five tablespoons of beet juice and mix well with two tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture should be drinking on an empty stomach, right after waking up. The course of treatment should last for 50 days, after which you must do one month break.

  • Colds

In case you are overtaken colds or influenza, you can normalize the body heat using honey. Just add hot tea a few teaspoons of honey. Honey leads to a very strong effect sweatshops, so cook dry underwear.

In the event that in addition to the heat you get a full set of cough, sore throat, chills, muscle aches, you will help the following agent proven over the years. Boil a glass of milk, dilute it two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of oil and a third of a teaspoon of baking soda. Get the funds you need to drink in small sips and immediately get under the blanket.

  • Gynecological diseases

We have already mentioned that honey is a great disinfecting agent. In addition, honey perfectly removes inflammation. Therefore, honey was so widespread in the treatment of various gynecological diseases. If women are concerned any inflammatory disease, it is recommended douching solution of honey. Preparing it is very simple - dissolve in a glass of warm water two tablespoons of honey. You must douche twice a day - morning and before bedtime. The course of treatment should last for up to a full recovery. By the way, this recipe is perfect for the treatment of thrush, which is plagued by a huge number of women.

And if a woman has cervical erosion, it helps honey with royal jelly, the healing properties which help to get rid of the problem quickly. To do this, prepare a mixture of royal jelly and honey, mix them in equal proportions. Saturate a tampon with this mixture and put it deep into the vagina. The tampon should be left in the day. The course of treatment - 10 days. As a rule, erosion disappeared without a trace after the first course of treatment. But if necessary, treatment can be repeated.

However, remember that honey, the healing properties of which are undeniable, can serve as a supplement to the basic treatment, but in no case can not substitute for a visit to the doctor and of treatment that will be assigned to man.

 The healing properties of honey guard your health

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