Toothache - perhaps the most painful kind of pain, which occurs in humans. Certainly, each of us at least once in his life faced with it. There are many popular ways to cope with a toothache, but the only truly effective remedy - a visit to the dentist.
Unfortunately, not always possible to save the tooth. For example, removal of wisdom teeth has become the most common operation
. Yes, it is the operation - because when you remove the tooth comes the moment surgery. Of course, doctors will try to save until the last aching tooth, after tooth extraction complications is considerable.
For example, even in the absence of one tooth greatly degrades the quality of the mechanical processing of food in the mouth. This phenomenon gives rise to a wide variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal - tract - from gastritis to ulcers and colitis. In the same case, if there is a removal of the front teeth, greatly affects the appearance of the person is violated proper articulation, which almost always leads to a stronger complex. Yes, and often complications after tooth extraction is largely difficult life as a human patient and the doctor.
However, despite all this, sometimes it is impossible to save the tooth, and it must be removed. To remove the teeth there are a number of indications, such as:
- The presence of the sick person granulomatous, granulating periodontitis, often expressed in the chronic form. However, the decision about the removal of the tooth is taken only if the sick person is strongly curved root canals and impenetrable.
- The presence of the sick person purulent periodontitis. However, in this disease the decision on removal of the tooth is taken only if the doctor can not be of periodontal outflow of pus, as the tooth has either impassable or extremely crooked root canals.
- The presence of the sick person of such diseases as odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw. If you are faced with a serious illness, get ready for what will be the immediate removal of a tooth, without the slightest delay. Eliminate the presence of foci of disease-causing bacteria and toxic products of their vital functions and tissue decay is possible only by removing the patient's tooth. Such a measure allows for a strictly limited inflammatory infection, and causes it to decay.
- Also extraction simply necessary if there is a pathological process in the molars in the lower jaw.
- The presence of the sick person teeth that provoke chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and trigeminal neuralgia.
- The presence of a person is significantly extended from dental tooth holes, with significant exposure of roots. These teeth are often extremely interfere with the normal process of chewing, traumatized soft tissues of the oral mucosa, and, moreover, make it impossible for prosthetics without prior removal.
- The presence of the sick person and atypical supernumerary teeth are located, which degrade the bite humans and can also injure his oral mucosa.
- The presence of the sick person teeth with thorough destruction of tooth crowns, to put it simply - the roots. However, the roots do not always need to be removed, but only if the tooth is a chronic focus of infection and can not be used as a support in the prosthesis.
- The presence of the teeth in a human patient, which are in the vicinity of a fracture of the jaw and not subject to reposition the fragments, only the conductor is a potential infection.
- The presence of multi tooth, a dentist who tried repeatedly but unsuccessfully to cure, but treatment is constantly complicated by the emergence of an acute periodontal inflammation.
- The presence of a single ill person teeth that interfere with the correct fixing denture.
Effects of tooth extraction
In some cases, after the examination of your mouth and teeth, the doctor may offer you a number of alternative treatment options. Most often, of course, tooth extraction is one of the cheapest ways of treatment. But in any case we must not forget that the prosthesis, which you will need in the future will be much more expensive than treatment of a tooth today.
Often only one tooth removal leads to disruption of the entire dentition - remote neighboring teeth are largely displaced. As a result, a person begins to appear significant difficulties with the process of chewing, the jaw joints. Also, very quickly the shifting adjacent teeth will be subjected to deformation and destruction that will be your next headache.
No wonder even if save the tooth is not no way, be sure the doctor recommends a sick person as soon as possible to replace the extracted teeth. Again, taking a decision on the removal of the tooth, which can still be cured, remember that the replacement tooth is much more expensive treatment thereof.
Dental examination
In order to make a decision about the removal of a tooth, the doctor need to make a thorough examination of your mouth. Part of this is an X-ray examination of the problematic tooth. With this picture your doctor will be able to assess the condition and the inner part of the tooth and its root, and is located around the root bone. Depending on the complexity of the upcoming removal, he or offer to do the surgery in person or recommend that you contact your surgeon.
Before you remove the tooth, the doctor will conduct a thorough examination and will ask you a series of questions that will help get it necessary for the success of the operation information. Usually, the doctor will ask you about:
- All your previous visits to the dentist, treatment and removal of teeth, if any, characteristics of the process of healing the gums.
- The general state of health.
- On the individual intolerance of certain drugs.
- On what medicines you take. This information is very important for the doctor, because the most common medicines, such as aspirin, can significantly reduce blood clotting, other medicines - increase the pressure. All this may cause bleeding after tooth extraction.
- If you are taking birth control, be sure to tell your doctor about it - in women taking hormonal contraceptive drugs, more often a so-called "dry holes."
Preparations for the removal of a tooth
Among the people, there are two opposing views on the question of whether it was necessary to take antibiotics tooth extraction. Some argue that the use of antibiotics is a must, otherwise possible inflammation after tooth extraction. The other side argues that the use of antibiotics brings nothing, except for excessive load on the liver and kidneys.
In fact, the issue of antibiotics should be decided by the physician individually in each case. Typically, a preliminary antibiotics before tooth extraction is assigned if the doctor has found out a large amount of an infection. In that case, if the doctor has prescribed antibiotics, strictly adhere to the reception circuit. Otherwise, antibiotics not only be useless, but even harmful for your body. In the event that at the time of taking antibiotics, you will notice a strange reaction in your body, such as shortness of breath, or the appearance of a rash on the body, immediately stop taking the medication and tell your doctor.
Thus, the decision about the removal of the tooth is taken. It is natural that you will feel anxiety and fear of the procedure. The most common reason for the fear is, first of all, ignorance. The following details how to remove the tooth.
Before the doctor will proceed directly to the removal of a tooth, he is sure to produce local anesthesia - anesthesia the gums and tooth nerves by injection of anesthetic. Before you make an injection, most doctors prefer to reduce the pain, the injection process ledokoinovym spray, which greatly reduces the sensitivity of the gums, reducing pain from injections to the possible minimum.
After that the doctor will ask you for some time, wait until you start acting anesthetic drug. After a while you feel like reduced sensitivity in the injection site. Needless tooth extraction doctor usually starts after about 10 minutes after the injection.
In recent years, increasingly large clinic practicing extractions under general anesthesia. Pharmacological agents used for general anesthesia, does not bring the human body is absolutely no harm. The most common tooth extraction using general anesthesia doctors offer the following cases:
- Panic, fear of uncontrolled patient to dentist. Such people when handling the dentist may uncontrollably clench your teeth, etc., which greatly complicates the efficient operation of a full-fledged dentist. Tooth extraction with the use of general anesthesia, not only facilitates the work of the doctor, but also helps the sick person to avoid additional stress.
- The presence of the patient at a higher gag reflex. The fact that the mouth is trying to climb a doctor who is armed with a variety of tools, not like almost anyone. However, quite often there are people who have largely developed gag reflex, and such manipulation causing them severe vomiting. In this case, the most appropriate, if there is such a possibility, it is to carry out extractions under general anesthesia.
- In that case, if the sick person is suffering from allergic reactions to the standard local anesthetic. These people are forced to endure all the pain occurring during tooth extraction, as local anesthesia they are strictly contraindicated. Such a situation could even lead to the emergence of this painful shock. A general anesthesia is never cause allergic reactions, so successfully applied from allergies.
The main thing you need to remember if you were offered extractions under general anesthesia, is that for such a procedure at the hospital should have its own a license, as well as a doctor - anesthesiologist. It is unacceptable that the expected dose and the patient's condition monitored person during anesthesia doctor - dentist.
The process of tooth extraction
You must be prepared for the fact that during the removal of the tooth you will feel very well quite a strong feeling of pressure as the doctor will apply a force. The root of the tooth is very tight hole in the bone. In order to extract a tooth, the doctor is necessary to expand the hole of the tooth. Because the jaw bone has the ability to significantly shrink the doctor extends well by loosening the tooth back and forth.
It is because of these actions, and the sick person feels a sense of great pressure. But do not strain and expect that after this will be a sense of feeling pain. This happens because in the human body there is a huge number of different types of nerve fibers and endings that are responsible for different sensations. That anesthesia, which is used for pain relief in dentistry, blocking those nerves that are responsible for it is pain, but almost no effect on the nerve endings responsible for the sensation of pressure.
It is therefore necessary to repeat once again - at the time of tooth extraction under anesthesia, you will not feel pain, but only a feeling of pressure. If suddenly, it is very unlikely you still feel the pain, let me know immediately inform your doctor. The doctor will remove a tooth to an additional amount of anesthetic agent which completely blocks the nerve endings.
You also need to remember that taking analgesic drugs, such as "ketones" or "baralgin" sick man who often drank for pain in the tooth, can reduce the effect of anesthesia. Try for at least 12 hours before removing the tooth to avoid taking these drugs. If you take them all the same, be sure to inform the board about your doctor.
Complicated tooth extraction
In some cases, the normal way to extract a tooth from the socket. This usually occurs in the event that the tooth roots are too complex - bent or curved. In such cases, the doctors make the decision about the removal of tooth fragments. The method is as follows: the tooth special tools excised into fragments, which then retrieves the doctor, using special pliers to remove teeth. So many sick people, hearing about what they show is like removing a tooth is extremely scared. However, this should not be afraid - the procedure is completely painless and allows you to remove the tooth is much easier and faster, as well as to avoid complications after tooth extraction.
The first day after tooth
After extraction is complete, the doctor will examine necessarily well, to make sure that there are no more fragments of teeth and dental plaque. The well will be laid a cotton swab that you have to hold tight and keep for about an hour.
Also, the doctor will tell you that after tooth extraction can not be done, but on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the risk of postoperative complications to the possible minimum. The following are general guidelines, but be sure to print them out and show your doctor - he might add something else, depending on your particular situation.
- Bleeding from the wells immediately after tooth extraction. Normally the bleeding stops after about half an hour after removal. As mentioned above, the doctor will put on a cotton ball well, which you will need to hold tightly and leave for about an hour. However, sometimes the bleeding can continue for several hours. In this case, you will need a sterile bandage - washed clean hands cut off a small piece, form a tampon of the required size and repeat the procedure. If the bleeding can not be stopped through two - three hours, you should seek immediate medical attention.
- The formation of a blood clot in the socket of the extracted tooth. Clot just after tooth extraction is essential for successful wound healing. That's why on the first day it is necessary to observe a number of rules to prevent the destruction and removal of a blood clot:
- In no case can not be in the first days after the removal of rinse your mouth and even a spit saliva.
- Drinking hot liquid - tea, coffee or soup - also often leads to the dissolution of a blood clot. Try to avoid eating them.
- Smoking is also often leads to a shift in blood sgustka.Podobny same effect is observed when drinking beverages through a straw. The reason is that when smoking and drinking in the mouth creates a vacuum, which causes it is the displacement of a blood clot.
- Rinse after removing zuba.Ochen often from relatives and friends a man who removed the tooth tips of the need to hear the mouthwash. Be sure to discuss this with your doctor, but in the first days after tooth extraction rinse is strictly prohibited to avoid damaging the blood clot.
- Swelling after removal zuba.U you swollen cheek after tooth extraction? This sometimes happens. Typically, the more complex is the distance, the higher the probability of occurrence of edema surrounding soft tissues. In order to remove the tumor, doctors recommend applying to the cheek from tooth extraction. The ice must be applied every hour for about 10 minutes. The procedure continues as long as the swelling disappears completely. However, in no case does not apply ice to the gum - which may result in injury to the ingress of pathogens and, consequently, the development of an infectious inflammation.
- Kurenie.Kuryaschie people are much more likely than non-smokers, face a variety of complications, such as temperature after tooth extraction, inflammation and other wells. If you can, try to refrain from smoking for at least a day, or even two.
- Painkillers lekarstva.Kak usually after tooth extraction ill person does not feel especially strong pain.