Top sexuality Japanese geisha

Probably will not be mistaken if I say that every woman dreams of being a great lover for your partner, but not each of them is able to deliver his handpicked unearthly sexual pleasure. In contrast to the geisha, in the arms of which any man can feel like a real macho.
Today we reveal intimate secrets and basic sexual techniques of Japanese geishas.

Modern geisha are usually able not only to have excellent knowledge of sexual "science", but also sing, dance and play many musical instruments. Many Japanese beauty with "porcelain" make-up associated with a doll, but in fact it is a very sensitive and considerate woman with a positive attitude, which can not only delight in bed, but also is an excellent conversationalist.
The main merit of a Geisha - is that she knows the secret of enjoying life! In addition, it has a very special mentality and psychology, the foundations of which are laid in early childhood.

The Japanese are taught from an early age girls to think positively and enjoy every single day. Therefore, even minor details that many do not even pay attention, can cause joy and a smile on the faces of the future geisha.

Adult women who know a lot about happiness differ composure and confidence. Such a positive attitude allows future geishas maintain for many years the beauty and health.

Geisha - a fine psychologist, otherwise it just could not be unique in the conversation, and sex.

Japanese geisha does everything with a smile, quiet, calm and beautiful.
It can not only listen to the interlocutor, but also to understand, to catch his mood and desires at a glance, a gesture from the floor.

Sex with a geisha can be described as a sensual fusion of bodies and souls of lovers. Flexible, malleable, affectionate and playful - just such a geisha in bed with a man.

Flood of emotions she expresses with the help of moans and cries. In erotic games, it gives the basic meaning of gentle touch.

However, to become a real geisha, alone, is not enough knowledge of the psychology of men. To do this, still have certain sexual skills.

Train your body (muscles of love)

Every modern geisha skillfully holds the muscles of the vagina (VUMami). Although primarily sexual "science" owned only elected - concubines and geisha. However, times have changed, now this knowledge is available to everyone, we need only to want.
Train vaginal muscles can save women's health genitals. In addition, strengthening exercises beneficial to the vaginal mucosa, normalizes the process of lubrication and help to restore the microflora, increase blood circulation in the tissues.

Moreover, such a class affect the character of the woman: the confidence in themselves and their attractiveness, self-esteem rises. It should also be noted that trained vaginal muscles deliver enormous sexual pleasure as a partner, and the most geisha.

During sex with a partner who has a well-developed vaginal muscles, a man feels incomparable pleasure, because he has to overcome a strong enough resistance all contribute to a powerful ejaculation.

The exercises are Hegel's most famous and effective exercises to train the vaginal muscles .

These exercises have a huge advantage, because they can be performed at any time and in any place. It is best to practice using special vaginal balls, but at first, you can manage perfectly well without them.

How to determine what kind of intimate muscles need to train?

It is very easy to do: while urinating deliberately try to stop the process, that these muscles and should be developed.

We offer you several options for performing Kegel exercises:

The first option - reduction

Try as soon as possible and relax your vaginal muscles tense. Initially, enough to make 10 relaxations and the same rate. Gradually increasing them to 30.

The second option - the slow compression

Decompress and compress the muscles, alternating with 5 seconds interval. Stretch the muscles and keep them in this state for at least 20-30 seconds, then relax.

The third option - a gradual stress-relaxation

Lightly tighten the muscles and secure position, then after 5 seconds the tension and strengthen the position of the lock again. And so to the limit of their capabilities.

The fourth option - expulsion

Potuzhtes as in a chair or delivery, but not very much. On the day you need to perform this exercise for 3-5 sets of 120-150 times, combining them with various options.

 Top sexuality Japanese geisha

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 How to excite a man in bed


  • Basic rules of how to excite a man in bed
  • What can cause stiffness partners in bed

Each of us, in one degree or another, knows the art of flirting. But sex is inherent looseness not everyone. I am pleased to indulge him in the traditional, horizontal, many are beginning to strain and shy when changing this situation. How to get rid of stress, thereby delivering maximum pleasure and your partner, and yourself? How to excite a man touches and get the most out of it? After all, most of the men, even very willing woman at heart, afraid to make the first move. This fear can be expressed outwardly as aggression, which it is desirable to repay. And it needs to take the initiative.

Basic rules of how to excite a man in bed

The bed itself has to have sex, so men in the excitation techniques are simple enough. Women active in bed is extremely turned on by men, and they not only willingly give affection, but also they are very affectionate. Especially this activity is effective in the case before this woman was quite passive and gave the man the right leadership. The habit of relaxing in the pursuit of their own pleasure - not a good habit. Even if the partner states that reaches the top of the world when "you love, good." According to sexologists, by their actions a person is excited much more than what his partner. Therefore, a passive lie down and wait for you to give pleasure, is deprived of that pleasure at least half.

Perfect sexual contact is only when a woman seeks to arouse a man all his inner being. Many girls know very well how to excite a man caresses - it's easy, because a lot of men of external stimuli. But when you wish to have sex with him the whole being, even eliminating the question of how to excite a man with a kiss - a kiss so hot penetration and that the desire erupts instantly, and it is virtually impossible to control.

 how to excite a man with a kiss

What can cause stiffness partners in bed

Many young women knows how to excite a guy kiss and how to bring a guy touch. However, they are somewhat bed stiffness, not allowing yourself to fully relax. Men is a wonderful feeling, and believing that they can not satisfy a woman, start complexes. The result - the lack of an erection, which will result in bad sex. To avoid this, a woman should behave in bed most liberated. The bed should be no understatement - if the partner does not know what the woman caresses especially pleased he must give them to understand. Expression special pleasure sighs and groans - a guarantee that a man will believe in themselves and fully surrenders to love, showering an entire avalanche of caresses and his beloved.

In other words, not enough to thoroughly examine the science of how to bring a guy kiss. The girl wants to receive maximum pleasure from intimacy with your loved one needs to think about what level of enjoyment from this proximity will receive partner. Happy sexual relationships make life as a full-fledged.

Laski in bed do not have any time restrictions and can not relate to something forbidden or shameful - they have to be limitless! Sex - is a world in which imagination is the ideal. The inventiveness and limitless - an integral part thereof. This science can not be taught - it simply surrender. For women, the main thing - the most liberated, to discover their favorite this multi-faceted, full of happy moments extraordinary world.

And then the girl, you know, how to excite a Man during a kiss, can be a real goddess of love for him.

 How to excite a man in bed

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 Appliances erotic massage


  • General rules relaxation
  • Basic techniques of erotic massage
  • Cross stroking
  • A few more tips

After living together for a while, we begin to notice that passion in a relationship takes a back seat. Its place is taken by affection and respect for your partner, and the problems of everyday life do not allow us to relax completely. But sometimes I want to bring back the old feelings!

There are several ways to re-fall in love with a man. And one of them - an erotic massage. Yes, do not be surprised. It is this seemingly simple and primitive approach will allow your partner to see you in a new way. In this article, we'll show you what the technique of erotic massage and will reveal some of the most efficient of its secrets.

General rules relaxation

Erotic massage, made all the rules, give the man unforgettable pleasure and set up the rapid continuation of the night. As strange as it may sound, it is best to begin with a massage of the head, touching the skin with light circular movements, first clockwise and then - against. This method is good for the fact that your partner will relieve a headache - if there is one.

Then you can move the body: the back, chest, hips. Here you are given complete freedom of action. Several methods described below to help you navigate. And do not worry about the lack of relevant skills. To master the technique can touch everything. In erotic massage it with her begins and ends the work on each part of the body.

Basic techniques of erotic massage

Erotic massage technique involves the use of various techniques that something was formed with the usual relaxing movements. But here there are some nuances. What kind? You learn after reading the article until the end.

Stroking tandem

Place a hand on the body of the partner's hand and point your fingers upward as if pushing her away. Rotate the hand, do not make any effort, with the base of the palm facing up. Work hand to be coordinated and simultaneous, and note that the first phase is best done toward the heart.

If you are a foot massage, abdomen or lower back - it up. And during a massage the neck or upper chest - down. Typically, such stroking massage starts or ends. Believe me, your partner will love the alternate stroke - when one hand is a continuation of the other, and it seems that the touch will never stop.

 erotic massage technique

Cross stroking

Excellent reception used for massaging the feet and hands. Hands are arranged one behind the other, and the fingers are directed in opposite directions. For the strokes necessary to make some effort, the movement should be rhythmic, with a small amplitude.

Slowly walk across the limb, using different force of pressing. So you'll get very different results: the deep stroking the muscles relax. Light and short movements, on the contrary, a little more cheerful. As you can see ways to get a lot of fun and gives you a chance to experience them all!


Alternately each hand, try to move the skin of a partner from the scene. To do this, put a hand on any area of ​​the body with a slight pull her to him. Work both hands alternately.

Every time the hand slightly shifted so that the body portions overlap slightly. This reception is very similar to kneading and executed after strokes. You can play with the rhythm of implementation and find the best treatment for your partner.

Cross Sliding and smoothing

One form of prior receipt. It lies in the fact that the shifting of performed simultaneously with both hands. Only now his hands are moving towards each other. As a result, they have to miss near the spine. To maximize the effect of the exciting, to perform a shifting of possible only with your fingertips.

Then go to the light smoothing. Perform alternate hands stroking movements in the direction of yourself. One hand starts to move, the other - as it picks up and it continues. In the process you need to move your hands, trying to capture the largest possible area. Try not to stay too long in the same place.

It is worth noting that the massage does not bring complete satisfaction, if you do not use nails, biting and kisses. For example, spending on movement itself can be a little touch nails, gently bite or leave barely perceptible kiss. Such an approach seemed to hint what to expect continuation of the most important prelude is very long.


During the reception need to firmly grasp the muscles as if trying to squeeze out of them all the tiredness and stress. Perform reception anywhere on the body, avoiding the bones and joints. Before you begin kneading, be sure to warm up the body with strokes. There are several varieties of this method:

  • Clenching

To warm up the muscle shrinks hand and then released. This technique is very effective to work with the forearm and calf muscles.

  • Kneading phalanges

Squeeze his hand into a fist and knead the muscles in a circular motion exclusively phalanges middle fingers. Make sure that the method does not cause pain at the partner. Effective means to cheer up a person and relieve fatigue with very tight muscles.

  • Tingle

It can be performed using one or two hands. Muscle tissue is captured by the thumb and forefinger and pulled out a little bit. It is used to relieve tension in the hips, arms, buttocks or lower back. This technique is rather playful nature and is intended to cheer partner, if it is too much relaxed.

  • Picking up down

Variety tingling, performed a little softer and faster than in previous versions. The palms should slip, indicating the capture of a skin with the characteristic sound will be heard slamming against each other fingers.

Shaking and rubbing

The first - the non-contact effect on the muscles of the arms and legs. It should raise the limb above the floor, but to make sure that did not arise in the joints painful symptoms. Do not try to lift too high. Now carefully start to shake hands or feet. It has a great reception relaxing effect. You need to turn to shake up all the limbs as a partner and gently put them back.

Squeeze the pad of his thumb to the area of ​​the body that are going to massage, and do circular rubbing movement. This technique is perfect for work on the muscles of the back and legs. Often women performing erotic massage for the first time, use the techniques, relaxing the body surface of the partner, such as strokes.

But you can not even imagine how much can be pleasant welcome to relax deep muscles! Importantly, do not forget during the procedure to rest and own muscles. For the purpose of erotic massage pleasure rather than throwing out the voltage from one partner to another.

All of these techniques will make your partner in a new way to feel your own body. On the performance of the whole massage takes about an hour. But sometimes it is possible to reduce the program and to give preference only to the most favorite and exciting movements.

 Equipment relaxing erotic massage

A few more tips

Traditionally it is assumed that erotic massage involves regular contact with the body of the partner. That is, your hands should always be on the back of a partner, at a time when you'll have to frequently change the position of your own body (to take oil or a towel, for example). In practice, to carry out such manipulations, you must be at least a well-trained acrobat.

And do not forget that you will be a prelude to a passionate night. Pleasure should receive both partners, otherwise the whole process loses its meaning. Therefore, if you need to do something hands on the side of the partner, just touch it hip or put his head in her lap. Avoid sudden movements and always maintain physical contact.

During the session, it is not necessary to discuss the problems of everyday life. Better not to talk. Any threads inappropriate setting in this case is not relevant. They can ruin the atmosphere of relaxation and confidence. Focus on the performance of techniques.

As you can see, the technique of erotic massage is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Anyway, you can not use it! Do what you like, give the partner touching those who would like to receive yourself. The fascinating process of learning the body of a loved one is in itself a powerful stimulant, and the other techniques simply increase the power of the test with pleasure.

 Technique of erotic massage: Give your favorite unforgettable night!

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