morning sickness in pregnant women

Pregnancy is probably the most important and crucial stage in the life of every woman. Over the nine months of waiting the birth of crumbs of the physical and psychological condition of the woman is changing dramatically. However, it is often overshadowed by the light timeout that pesky "little things" as toxemia. Some women have morning sickness during pregnancy is seen as inevitable, while others are trying to deal with his new, sometimes very unpleasant state.

And what about this the doctors say? In order to understand how to get rid of toxicity, and whether it is possible at all, you must know exactly what symptoms are characteristic of toxicity, and what are the reasons causing it.

Toxemia - is not only nausea as commonly believed. Signs of toxicity are also phenomena such as:

  • Decreased appetite. A woman may observe a slight decrease in appetite, and may experience uncontrollable aversion to food in general, or as to what - that certain types of food.
  • Increased salivation. Most often, it is paroxysmal, in rarer cases - continuous.
  • Inadequate response to familiar smells.
  • Vomiting. Some women complain of isolated cases of vomiting in the morning, the other tormented by uncontrollable vomiting all day.
  • "Perversion" of appetite. Mom-can strongly want something from the food, which before pregnancy could not eat at all. I would like to draw readers' attention: If a woman wants chalk, whitewash, chew gum or a sponge, if it is attracted to the smell of household chemicals, do not write it off on the quirks pregnant. In 96% of cases the desire indicate the presence of iron deficiency in women.
  • Low blood pressure. There is a - a certain strap, which can be guided. A woman should be guided by the normal pressure for her, which was before pregnancy.

There are two types of toxicity in pregnant women:

  1. Toxicosis first half of pregnancy. It appears in the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy. In varying degrees, occurs in 80% of all pregnant women.
  2. Toxicosis second half of pregnancy toxemia of pregnancy or later. It has much more dire consequences and can be a threat to the health and even life as the mother and baby.

At the first sign of toxicity during pregnancy a woman should put notify your doctor - a gynecologist, whom she is on the account of pregnancy. In the same case, if a woman has not become on the account, it should do so as quickly as possible.

Early toxicosis pregnant women - causes of

 late toxicosis pregnant

Even doctors still have not concluded what are the real causes of toxicity and lasts much morning sickness in pregnant women is normal. One group of doctors believe that the cause of toxicity are available in women chronic gastro - intestinal tract, while others argue that morning sickness is a surplus of certain hormones, others are inclined to believe that the reason the immune system of a woman reacts in such a way on the development of the child and in part perceiving the fetus as a foreign body. The following box describes in detail all the existing in this respect scientific hypotheses.

The theory of the hormonal nature of toxicity. It is known that during pregnancy a woman's body is going through a real hormonal storm. First of all, immediately after conception, a woman's body is rapidly increasing levels of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is produced by the so-called yellow body, which together form the ruptured follicle during ovulation. This hormone is designed to prepare the uterus for implantation of the ovum. In addition to preparation of the uterus, this hormone is also responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, taking into account the new "pregnant" state of women, progesterone is also responsible for the preparation of a full breast in subsequent lactation. Also hormone, prolactin can cause depressed mood, headaches or other signs of toxicity in pregnant women.

Another hormone whose level also increases in times of a pregnant woman - a human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The effect of this hormone aimed at enhancing the production of thyroid hormones, the level of which is extremely important for the normal development of the pregnancy.
Another, less well-known but no less important hormone - human chorionic somatomammotrophin. It is the hormone responsible for the growth of the breast, whereby it acquires a rounded shape.

Estrogen levels during pregnancy are also growing rapidly, as they generate and the placenta, and adrenal cortex baby. Estrogens promote the normal growth of the body of the uterus and prevent the occurrence of edema and high blood pressure.
Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid - a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Are responsible for the suppression of the maternal immune system, thus avoiding rejection of the fetus female body.

It is also produced by the placenta so-called growth factors. They are necessary to the skin of the abdomen and chest stretched during growth. That lack of growth factors and gives rise to stretching.

Increased levels of these hormones takes place rapidly on the female body literally falls hormonal real attack. And not every woman's body is able to regroup immediately and without side effects. It is this fact, some doctors and referred to the main cause of toxemia of pregnancy.

Another reason, which, according to doctors, causing toxemia, is the work of the immune system of the female body. According to this theory, nausea occurs is due to the fact that a woman's immune system perceives the developing fetus as something alien, as in the DNA of the baby, and there is information about his father. After some time, the body adapts and maternal rejection of the fetus stops. And at that time, until that happens, a woman has morning sickness.

Also, very often "merit" of occurrence of toxicity attributed to the existing maternal diseases gastro - intestinal tract. This information neither confirm nor deny it is impossible, since about 80% of all adults have to its credit various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is another, very interesting theory about the origin of toxicity. Its supporters believe that all of the above reasons for toxemia of pregnancy is not as common, but the main reason is psychological. In their view, the appearance of toxicity is nothing else than the fact that the rejection of pregnancy by the woman. And this aversion may be on a subconscious level, a woman may not even realize it. However, you should still try to figure out whether a woman has any - any hidden fears and concerns.

  • You may disturb the relationship with the father of the child. Most often these fears haunt those women who have pregnancy was not planned. The best solution is to talk, in most cases, doubts are groundless.
  • The financial side. Very often, a woman worried about issues of family budget and upcoming expenses.
  • A radical change of lifestyle. Very many women hard enough to get used to the radical changes in the way their lives are inevitable.
  • A break in the career. Many women are afraid of the fact that they will soon have to leave the job. Future Mommy should understand that this is a temporary phenomenon.
  • Outward appearance. Some women are afraid of the changes that occur with pregnancy and nursing mother. In fact, most of the women after the birth of the child look much better than before pregnancy. This metamorphosis is a credit to the hormones present in large quantities during pregnancy in a woman's body.
  • The experience of failed pregnancies. The woman is very afraid of a repetition of the tragedy, her emotional state is always in tension.
  • Stereotype. Our body is quite easy to be subjected to psychological suggestion. If a woman believes that the nausea - this is the inevitable companion of pregnancy - so be it. This often explains why morning sickness in pregnant women.

However, whatever the reasons why a pregnant woman toxicosis, there are a number of recommendations, which can significantly alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman, and in some cases completely eliminate it.

Prevention of toxicity should be started early in the morning. You should not jump out of bed at the first sound of the alarm, even if you were capable of such a courageous act before pregnancy. Be sure to lie down for a while. In the evening, prepare a light "snack" consisting of your favorite products. This may be crackers or nuts or cookies.

Remember that the power at a toxicosis of pregnant women is very important. It can improve the situation, and can significantly aggravate it. Avoid eating: Eat small portions, but often enough. Eliminate from your diet all fatty, smoked and a heavy products. Give your preference to products with a high content of protein and calcium. They not only help to keep in good condition your hair and nails, but also vital for the proper development of your baby.

In no case do not eat cold food, it enhances the signs of toxicity in pregnant women. The most reasonable to use the same liquid or semi-liquid food. After eating, do not allow physical activity, better try to lie down, or even sit for 20 minutes.

There are a few secrets means "first aid":

  • Take a multivitamin for pregnant women with a high content of selenium. This simple tool has helped get rid of sickness many women.
  • In the event of sickness in any case not eat at the same time with the drinks.
  • It is also a wonderful remedy for nausea is alkaline mineral water. Always carry a small bottle, and at the first sign of an impending attack of nausea do a few sips.
  • Great, time-tested remedy for the nausea - Common mint. You can come to the aid of mints or mint tea. But the use of mint gum gives completely the opposite effect - nausea can significantly increase.
  • Another great tool when starting toxicosis in pregnant women is a glass of water. The secret is that you must first dissolve a spoonful of honey and half a spoon of apple cider vinegar. Glass, drunk on an empty stomach, relieve you of nausea throughout the day. However, unfortunately this tool can not be applied to those women who have an increased acidity of gastric juice, which can be suspected by frequent bouts of heartburn.
  • If you have fits of excessive salivation, will help mouthwash periodic infusions of herbs such as chamomile, sage or mint is still the same. To prepare, you will need dry grass at the rate of 100 grams per liter of water. Boil water, then pour the grass, previously placed in an enamel container. Leave for two hours, then strain, using a gauze cloth.
  • I would like to reiterate the important role of nutrition during pregnancy toxemia. Be sure to listen to your body, as a rule, it is almost always tells us that it is necessary for it at the moment. Today it may be a pair of triple lemons, tomorrow kilogram halva. It is not necessary to argue with him.

Also, if you have an early toxemia of pregnancy, treatment should be not only to adjust the diet. It is important to review your lifestyle. Be sure to leave bad habits, try as much as possible to be outdoors. Sleep at least 8 hours per day, in addition, try to find a day and time for at least an hour's rest. Try to avoid crowded public transport, stuffy rooms, especially those in which smoky. Remember that second-hand smoke is even more harmful than active. First, it will strengthen the toxemia at times, and secondly, it can lead to fetal hypoxia.

In severe cases, treatment of gestational toxicosis can be medicated. The following are the most effective ways of combating toxicosis in early pregnancy, but must be treated only as intended and under strict medical supervision.

  • Intravenous infusion (drip) of drugs such as saline or glucose, with the addition of vitamin C. As a rule, appointed at the uncontrollable vomiting to clean the woman's body from toxins and prevent dehydration.
  • Also, a woman can be assigned to the injection of drugs Cerucalum, splenin. In no case the application of the abovementioned inadmissible independent agents.
  • One of the newest methods of getting rid of early toxicity pregnant is the treatment, called the immunnotsitoterapiya. The essence of this treatment is to introduce into the body of a pregnant woman to the baby's father blood cells. Prior to this man should treat blood tests for laboratory investigation. As a rule, a woman suffers from toxicity, notes significant improvement after only a day.

How dangerous late toxicosis pregnant?

 toxemia during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the lack of toxicity during pregnancy in the first half of it can not give a 100% guarantee that a woman will face later toxicosis.
In the second half of pregnancy, a woman may face such unpleasant and threatening complication, as the second half of pregnancy toxemia, medicine, bears the name of preeclampsia.
The disease does not occur very often - about 25% of all pregnant women, but to know the signs of late toxicosis pregnant women still need to every expectant mother. It is much easier to cure the disease at the beginning, rather than in the "running" form.

The most annoying thing is that the initial stage of preeclampsia occurs virtually asymptomatic, so it is important to regularly and promptly see a doctor, watching a woman during pregnancy. The following are the main "companions" of late toxicosis of pregnancy:

  • Hidden or obvious swelling of soft tissues of women. When edema in any case do not try to correct the situation by correcting drinking regime and immediately consult your gynecologist.
  • High blood pressure is also often a sign of preeclampsia, and in any case should not remain without adequate attention from the pregnant woman.
  • Another, very reliable, a sign of preeclampsia - is the presence of protein in the urine. This once again confirms the need for a systematic visit.

During preeclampsia woman's body is severely affected: marked imbalance of water and salt metabolism, due to increased vascular permeability excess fluid enters the soft tissue and internal organs of the pregnant woman. This results in the poor circulation, which in turn causes a decrease in oxygen saturation of tissues and organs.

The most severely affected in such a situation the fetus. The deterioration of blood flow in the placenta the mother's body gets much smaller number, not only nutrients but also oxygen, which threatens to turn into fetal hypoxia. Hypoxia fetus negatively affects the development of the fetus, especially strong - on the formation of the nervous system.

It should be a very responsible approach to the issue of treatment of gestational toxicosis, because, otherwise, a very big chance of developing severe complications, which is called eclampsia. Eclampsia can cause loss of consciousness, severe convulsions, retinal detachment and placenta. In this case, doctors are forced to do an emergency Caesarean section, despite the period of pregnancy, as there is a real threat to the life of the mother.

Doctors have identified a number of risk groups in which the chances of a late toxicosis is slightly higher than that of other women. Those expectant mothers who are at risk, must redouble their attention the state and at the slightest sign of trouble immediately seek medical care.

  • A history of the life of abortion at any stage of pregnancy.
  • Small interval between births. Typically, at least two years.
  • Age of the pregnant woman. Much higher chance of developing preeclampsia in young girls, not who reached 18 years of age.

