treatment and prevention of bedsores

Tragically, sometimes it happens that the people close to us seriously ill and deprived of the opportunity to travel, spend all their time in the supine position. Whatever impact this event was not for you, you have to live with it and learn the basics of caring for bedridden patients. At first glance, this science is very difficult, but very soon you perfectly mastered all the skills of care.
The first aspect you should pay close attention to this question, "bedsores treatment and prevention."

In order to get full information on how to prevent pressure sores or heal existing ones, you need a good understanding of what is bedsores and what factors cause their appearance in a human patient.

Bedsores are nothing else than the necrosis of soft tissues of the human body. Necrosis occurs as a result of prolonged disruption of blood supply, and as a result of malnutrition. There are conditions such that when a person on the patient's tissue for a long time under pressure. Most often sores are formed:

  • In the area of ​​the ischial bone.
  • In the area of ​​the sacrum and coccyx.
  • A little bit less, but still often enough pressure ulcers occur on the hips, ribs and head.

The occurrence of pressure ulcers is fraught with different consequences A person's health. For example, pressure sores is very dangerous because even at the minimum superficial damage skin damage internal tissues, including muscle and bone. Often, the lesion formed sufficiently large pockets and cavities, especially if sores are formed in the area of ​​the ischial bone and hip joints. In severe cases, pressure sores may even lead to amputation of the lower limbs of the sick person.

No less often bedsores give rise to inflammatory processes occurring in the periosteum and bone, osteomyelitis and periostitis. As a rule, if the edges of the wound adjacent to the bone, it should be possible to suggest the presence of a sick person contact osteomyelitis. At the beginning of the disease discharge from the wound surface of the skin is transparent, without any - any odors or impurities, the progression of the disease become infected, and there is pus putrid odor.

All the principles of treatment of pressure ulcers are directed only to one goal - as quickly as possible to relieve the sick person from an existing inflammatory process, and then to achieve complete regeneration of the skin. After curing the sick person your top priority should be the prevention of pressure ulcers.

Local treatment of bedsores

The first thing you need to start - is a topical treatment of bedsores. The affected surface of the skin must be three times a day is necessary to process the hydrogen peroxide and rinsed with antiseptics, e.g., sodium furatsilina. After that you need to treat wounds hypertonic solution and apply a bactericidal ointment.

During all manipulations with pressure ulcers must be observed sterility. Your hands should be washed clean, and nails - close-cropped. All the accessories that you will use for care of bedsores should be sterile. The pharmacy you can buy a sterile cotton wool, gauze and bandages. During treatment, you need to give the patient a position to pressure sores on there was absolutely no stress and pressure.

In that case, if you can not for one month to deal with the treatment of pressure ulcers on their own, you must seek assistance from the surgery. Further delay can be quite dangerous to the health of the sick person. However, when referring to the surgeon to be sure to ask your doctor if he has experience in the plastic treatment of bedsores. Typically, surgeons district clinics do not have the necessary experience in the treatment of bedsores by plastic surgery.

How does the surgical treatment of pressure ulcers occur? The edges of the wounds excised with a scalpel until yet not seem healthy tissue. After that, the wound is closed skin - muscle or skin flap after which begins the process of healing. As mentioned above, in any case can not proceed with the appeal for medical help, otherwise serious bedsores to heal, doctors will be forced to resort to amputation.

Prevention of bedsores

 Prevention of bedsores

Prevention and treatment of pressure sores is necessary to preserve the health of a sick person. And the prevention of pressure ulcers often gives much better results than the painful and long treatment already formed bedsores. To be successful, prevention must be regular and comprehensive.

The first thing you should do is to make a sick person to a special diet. You need to choose those foods that contain enough nutrients, such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins, micro and macro minerals. Be sure to follow the drinking regimen sick person and his urine output. Try in any case to avoid the appearance of edema, as they greatly increase the risk of developing pressure sores in bedridden patients.
The store medical supplies you can easily purchase items care immobile patients. Very well it helps prevent bedsores so-called anti-bedsore mattresses.

All mattresses are on the principle of anti-bedsore systems. The basis of the scheme laid mattress constant change those points of reference, which is a sick man. A similar effect is achieved by what is happening regularly change the volume of the compartments that are divided mattress. The mattress has its own packs, which compartments inflated mattress in a strict sequence, according to the established pattern.

As a result, the surface of the mattress is in constant motion, continually providing a massaging effect on the soft tissue lying all patients who come in contact with the surface of the mattress. A massage is a constant redistribution of the pressure that has, from one part of the body to another, allowing you to maintain full blood circulation in the tissues. This eliminates the main reason that causes the formation of bedsores.

In addition, the doctors has been set an interesting fact - antiprolezhnevy mattress not only helps to prevent bedsores, but also effectively eliminates problems with sleep, has beneficial effects on overall health, especially the nervous system, blood circulation and reducing muscle tension.
Very many ordinary people believe that such mattresses are designed for use only in a hospital. However, this is not so - all kinds of mattresses are very simple to use to cope with their use will not be difficult even an elderly person. The compressor runs completely silently, allowing you to use the mattress around the clock.

In addition, anti-decubitus mattresses is very easy to operate and can be used effectively as in hospitals and at home. Current models of these devices are equipped with silent compressors that can work round the clock. All mattresses are made of durable material, which also possesses moisture resistance. On top of the mattress, as a rule, put on special case, to improve the level of hygiene.

Plain round for the prevention of pressure ulcers, of course, is not as effective as antiprolezhnevy mattress, but also can provide invaluable assistance in the care of bedridden patients. Skid circle necessary to enclose under the coccyx and buttocks, changing its location every few hours. Skid circle often made of medical rubber or latex, so it is easy to keep clean.
At about the same effect has a cushion for wheelchairs. It is intended to even pressure distribution that causes the weight of the sick person. This considerably reduces the risk of bedsores. Air discharged from various materials, but the most frequently encountered gel or latex.

Particular attention should be paid to the state of the bed of the sick person. If you do not use anti-bedsore mattresses, make sure that the surface of the bed was perfectly smooth, without any bumps and depressions. The same applies to the bed linen. Man caring for bedridden patients should be monitored closely to ensure that on the sheets there were no wrinkles and crumbs from food - they also often trigger the onset of bedsores. Bedding should be clean and dry.
All of the above-care bed patients must be purchased prior consultation with a doctor who knows the characteristics of the disease and advise on the best option. By the way, often in modern hospitals have all the necessary items for the care of bedridden patients. Therefore, if your loved one is hospitalized, do not rush to buy everything yourself. Please ask your doctor whether there is a branch in the presence of hygiene for the bedridden patients

Other measures to prevent bedsores

In addition to the use of special tools, there are general rules of prevention, compliance with which can significantly reduce the risk of bedsores. However, before the application of each of them and you should consult with your doctor. Perhaps there is a sick person - a specific disease, which can serve as a contraindication to one of the measures of prevention of pressure sores. However, the rules of care for immobile patients need to comply. The following describes a simple algorithm for the prevention of pressure sores:

  • Turns sick person. Try to turn the mandatory sick man with his back to the side at least three - four times a day, for about 30 minutes. Such a measure will allow time to redistribute the load on the tissue to restore normal blood flow.
  • Massage of the skin. Daily massage the skin areas that are subjected to pressure will help ensure a good blood supply and nutrition of tissues. This measure also helps reduce the risk of bedsores.
  • Airing skin. Many ignore the following procedure, and very vain. A sick person must be turned on its side, freed from clothes and leave for about 15 minutes, then repeat the same with the second side.
  • Compliance with the temperature regime. For the prevention of pressure sores it is imperative to observe the optimum temperature. Clothing, bedding, and the temperature of the air should be such that the skin of the sick person does not sweat. Diaper rash in a patient lying person very quickly turn into sores.
  • Wiping the entire surface of the skin. In addition to hygienic bathing the sick person must be every day, wipe the skin with disinfectant. This can be vodka or camphor alcohol, or even an ordinary cologne. Rub the skin of the sick person, and then rub it until redness dry clean towel. However, be careful when grinding, be careful to the skin of the sick person has not been any damage, otherwise you may experience the opposite effect.
  • Caring for the most vulnerable places of the skin. Twice a day - morning and night, you need to cool boiled water to wipe those parts of the skin, the pressure to which the strongest. Then drain with a towel and wipe with camphor spirit. Remember that the care and prevention of pressure ulcers are the most important, if you want to avoid possible complications.

The initial stage of the development of pressure ulcers

In the event that on the skin redness began to appear, you need to guard. After all, it is the beginning of the formation of redness bedsores. Such places must be treated with special care. In the morning grease these places with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and in the evening - alcohol tincture of calendula. If you have blue quartz lamp, it also effectively helps to prevent the further development of diaper rash.

If the redness was not noticed in time and prevention of further development of diaper rash have been conducted, on the skin blisters appear. Bubbles contained inside a transparent liquid. They should be treated as follows: bubbles must be generously greased 1% solution of brilliant green, and on top dry apply a bandage. Make sure that her blood pressure was not a chur strong.

If formed purulent wound to cleanse it very well suitable ointment "Iruksol." It is used as follows: Form a gauze, apply it liberally and apply ointment on the wound, fixing his bandage. Change the bandage must be twice a day. Similarly, but less rapid effect has Vishnevsky ointment and levomekol.

The treatment of bedsores folk ways

 bedsores treatment of folk remedies

If a sick person bedsores, treatment of folk remedies can help improve the condition of the sick person is not less effective than pharmacological agents used in traditional medicine. However, before the application of a prescription consult your doctor and make sure that no sick person allergic to one or another component of traditional medicine.

  1. Broth inflorescences pharmacy daisy and clover drug can significantly speed up the healing process of pressure ulcers. To prepare the broth you will need to take the dried chamomile blossoms pharmacy and medical clover in the ratio of one to one. Fill in the grass one liter of water, bring to a boil in a water bath, then turn off and strain using a gauze cloth. The resulting broth rinse the wound, and that herbal blend, which has remained in a gauze cloth, will come in handy for kompressov.Pomestite gauze cloth in boiling water, hold it there for about a minute and then let the water drain out, but do not press it. After the herbal mixture into cheesecloth to cool slightly, attach it to the wound, covering it with plastic wrap and fixing bandage. This poultice should be left on the wound for about two hours. Continue treatment until needed, until there is epithelialization tissues.
  2. The following recipe makes it very effective in the beginning of the disease, when only bedsores - are just beginning to emerge. You will need: horsetail herb - 50 grams; Dry inflorescences of chamomile pharmacy - 30 grams; Hypericum perforatum herb - 40 gramm.Travyanuyu mixture mix, pour 300 ml. of boiling water and boil in water bath for an hour. Then pour the broth into a thermos and insist within days. After a day you need to strain the broth through a cheesecloth and squeeze. Take the broth must be twice a day, after meals, in half a glass. The treatment should not exceed one week.
  3. As has long been known, oak bark has an excellent astringent and disinfectant action .  These properties allow the use of oak bark to treat various wounds including decubitus .  To prepare the broth oak bark you need to chop 200 grams of dried raw materials, the resulting powder is placed in two liters of water and simmer for at least an hour .  Give broth to cool, then carefully strain through cheesecloth .  Use broth for lotions is necessary to place bedsores .  To do this, gauze bandage of sterile, moisten them, and apply to bedsores, changing as the drying .  On the day should be carried out for about three treatments, each of which must last at least one hour .  As a rule, significant improvements are observed on the third day after the start of treatment, and complete scarring of wounds comes to 10 - 14 days, depending on the size and depth of the lesion of the skin .
  4. No less effective for severe bedsores can help a sick person tincture of birch buds. Of course, you can buy dry birch buds in a drugstore, but if the street early spring, try to collect some materials themselves. You will need about 100 grams of dried birch buds, or 50 grams of the same fresh.
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