flatulence treatment

What is flatulence, know firsthand virtually all people. And despite such a beautiful name, flatulence - a disease that brings a lot of unpleasant moments and discomfort to man. Unfortunately, flatulence only means that a person under the influence of certain causes in the intestine accumulates excessive amounts of gases.

Of course, this phenomenon is quite harmless and poses no threat to human health. However, this phenomenon is very unpleasant, sometimes leads to very embarrassing situations. In addition, in rare cases, but still flatulence may be a concomitant symptom of some of the more serious diseases. In any case, people want to be quick to get rid of tormenting his discomfort. And rightly so - if a person flatulence, treatment can significantly relieve his condition.

Causes of flatulence

The theme of today's discussion will be flatulence: causes, treatment. After all, this information is very useful to combat this malaise. Let us first deal with the causes that can cause accumulation of an excessive amount of gas in a healthy person. As a rule, the most important and almost sole cause are certain food groups. These include:

  1. Dairy. Almost all dairy products have a feature to provoke strong flatulence, to use a very large number. Particularly relevant is this truth for milk. In addition, there are people who have even a small amount of dairy products can provoke the strongest attack of flatulence.
  2. Drinks containing yeast. Very often, bloating occurs in people who are abusing drink containing in its composition yeast cultures. As a rule, such drinks are beer and kvass, the so-called "living."
  3. Some vegetables. Often leads to increased gassing use of certain vegetables, especially in large quantities. The most common cause flatulence following vegetables: all kinds of beans, potatoes and cabbage. Especially sauerkraut.

As a rule, such cases are characterized by bloating the main symptoms, as the appearance of cramping pain in the bowel rumbling, unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach and "bursting" in the lower abdomen.

There is no danger of such feelings are not, and are relatively quickly - usually after using the toilet. By the way - not to mention the fact that in the intestines of healthy adult is necessarily about 1000 ml of gas, without which normal functioning quite simply impossible.

As a rule, such attacks of flatulence require no special measures - do not sharpen focus. The only thing to remember - this is the need to limit the use of those products for which you have previously noticed a similar reaction on the eve of an important meeting or a romantic date. Otherwise, you risk to get into a very uncomfortable position, or, at best, to suffer all night.

If such should happen, you can take emergency measures, which, if not completely eliminate another bout of flatulence, then at least to a large extent reduce the discomfort.

Such measures are simple enough - take activated carbon, the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, they chewed thoroughly before swallowing. Alternatively, you can replace the activated carbon "Enteros gel," which is a very efficient absorber. It can be bought in almost any drugstore. Dosage - half a teaspoon for every ten kilograms of weight.

However, sometimes flatulent episodes occur not only after receiving the triggering products. Of course, not always flatulence indicates the presence of any person - or comorbidities. However, risk their health in such a situation still not worth it - otherwise the person risks to disregard any - any really serious disease.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that people are embarrassed to see a doctor with such a sensitive issue. However, it is still necessary to overcome shyness and go for medical help. Although, of course, there are some good ways proven goals that have helped many people get rid of flatulence. This is what will be discussed further.

 treatment of flatulence

How to deal with flatulence?

Before we talk about the treatment of flatulence, you need to know a few things to do in any case is invalid because of their state of the sick person can significantly deteriorate. But many people by these means, and try to get rid of excess gases.

The first - an enema. Often one can hear the many tips to help gases out of the body, using an enema or a heating pad, or even laxatives. However, in reality, such actions only aggravate the situation, leading to further distension of the intestine.

It is much wiser to reconsider your diet. If you are typical frequent bouts of flatulence, completely eliminate from the diet of all soft drinks, vegetables, foods containing sugar, black bread. Much more useful to include in the daily menu more than usual, foods high in protein - meat, fish.

As mentioned above, with frequent attacks of flatulence is advisable to seek medical advice. The doctor, assess the condition of the sick person can assign the following medications: activated charcoal, smectite, white clay. These substances have the ability to absorb gases, thus improving the condition of the sick person.

If necessary, the sick person will be assigned a comprehensive treatment based on those reasons, which led to the occurrence of flatulent episodes. For example, if the reason was dysbacteriosis, the doctor will prescribe pharmacological agents to help restore the normal balance of microorganisms in the gut.

If a person is experiencing severe pain in the abdomen, it will select the optimum pharmacological drug that removes spasms of smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines. In addition, if necessary, will be assigned to a course of treatment that will help eliminate diarrhea and constipation.

In very rare cases, the bloating is caused by a mechanical obstruction of the bowel. This condition is extremely serious threat not only to human health, but also for his life. In this case, the only way to help a person is immediate surgical intervention which is intended to eliminate mechanical disturbances. The main symptom of such a violation is a strong acute pain and a lot of gas.

Traditional methods of treatment of flatulence

In that case, if the person was already a doctor and knows exactly what the cause of the disease is a violation of the diet, the treatment of flatulence is permissible and some folk ways. However, remember that some ingredients may cause allergic reactions, so before use, always consult your doctor.

  • Dandelion root. It is an effective way to eliminate excess gas is dandelion root. To prepare pour ten grams of chopped dandelion root of the drug one glass of cold drinking water. Infuse it requires three hours, after which by means of a gauze filter cloth. Drink infusion of dandelion root is necessary for two teaspoons of at least four times a day.
  • A decoction of seeds of parsley. Not having less effect decoction of parsley. To cook it you need to pour a tablespoon of dried parsley seeds in two cups of water, boil and turn off the heat. Tightly cover the bowl with a lid and leave to infuse for a few hours. Take the broth must be small meals throughout the day.
  • Pharmacy daisy. Very good effect on the human body has an ordinary pharmacy daisy. To do this, prepare a decoction of the following - in an enamel bowl, place three tablespoons of chopped chamomile blossoms, fill with water and boil for about ten minutes. After that, leave the broth for several hours and filter using gauze cloth. Drink the broth must be two hundred grams, three times a day.
  • Peppermint Field. Pour three tablespoons Field mint cup of boiling water, leave for two hours. Take the infusion must be three tablespoons every two hours. Please note that this decoction can be taken no more than three consecutive days.

If you will carefully monitor your health, you are fast enough to forget what is flatulence!

 Treatment flatulence

We advise to check: Traditional methods of treatment gastritis

 Oxygen Concentrator

Talk about oxygen starvation, concentrating attention on this, today, is not accepted. However, the lack of oxygen experienced by all the inhabitants of modern cities. And in the atmosphere of oxygen concentration in recent years uncontrollably decreases.

Oxygen concentrator - the energy of pure oxygen

Scientists agree that a person needs much more oxygen than what he could get from the surrounding air .  The amount of oxygen in the body is proportional to the energy that the body produces .  Without food a person is able to live a few days, but without oxygen - only a few minutes .  This is not surprising - because thanks to the oxygen produced 90% of the vital energy .  As long as humanity continues to take steps in a vain attempt to cope with the deteriorating environment, modern man has invented a device that can help overcome the oxygen starvation - a portable oxygen concentrator .  The main advantage of this device - it is quite possible to use not only in medical institutions, but also at home, as well as in beauty salons, fitness clubs, and in fact most of the time we have to spend in areas where the oxygen concentration is much lower than in street .

The use of oxygen concentrators

Today oxygen concentrator - accessible device that can buy anyone. A variety of models and modifications allows you to choose for themselves exactly the device that can oxygenate any room of the apartment or office to the gym or a large recreation complex. Its operation is based on the separation of gases. It is capable of producing oxygen-enriched air mixture directly from the ambient air, without requiring refills. Modern hubs offer high performance - even the simplest of them is able to deliver up to 3 liters per minute, which is enough to hold even the most intensive oxygen therapy.

Oxygen is particularly effective in the treatment of diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The doctor assigns the optimal treatment regimen. A domestic hubs allow for a full course of treatment immediately at home. Suitable oxygen therapy and post-operative respiratory failure, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, tuberculosis and asthma. In patients with increased blood oxygen saturation, thereby improving health and decreasing shortness of breath. And as a result - the ability to lead an active life, to feel the rush of energy and effort.

 The oxygen concentrator guard human health
